Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Apr 1917, p. 1

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Mm i F Too Let us Valuable Thorn to To If You Wood CWatson Optician J I i The aswell ay the Oldest No unless paid in advance JACKSON Editor and Proprietor J JACKSON AssistantEditor 1 in A for is railing Our in itiin is lo give focal values courlcoiiA inpl service Paints Paints Varnishes and Stains AND Plat Wall AND HARDWARE IRON PIPE VALVES AND FITTINGS roofing material ah ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES- Bulbs Etc PIPE In In- and In modern vooblna In 37 and uOlb for Gravity Washing Machine RANQE8 Oil Gasoline and AUTO SUPPLIES Tires Jacks Patchos Oils and Grcaco STORE up 3GS2I5B41 Dominion Government War Savings Certificates can and should purchased by everyone who can accu- from upward in a Savings Account in the Bank of Montreal Kirch attended a Con with the Ontario Minister of Labour respecting the employ ment of aliens at munition works- is likely all aliens will be die- charged Word comes from the lion Department that School Hooks are bo increased in price who pleaded fo misappropriating funds he being a Church official was sen tenced the Reformatory for six months Afr Justice Sutherland in the NonJury Court last week awarded Miss Joy the of- damages against Transport Company Hue had collar hone broken in accident about a year ago The Government sold a lot of grassfed cattle at New last week by auction Good prices were obtained for most of the animals Shipping cattle to ming District ban been a great help to settlers An old resident- in the person of Mrs passed away last week at the advanced ago of pi years Her husband her many years ago Hop death followed an accident that happened seven months ago She had been a resident of the for AX years PA Howard IUAO r i G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD lJ Building Time has OT i W PEARSON Order Coal from Carters E Murphy and John Draper Office Phono city A of women were ar rested last week on charges of at a store Some of the people who make loud Complaints about City Street cars being crowded would yell louder if they were not permitted to step on boards On Wednesday of last week was sent to prison for a year on a charge of deser tion Between BOO and boys at tending City Schools have offer ed their services for farm work during the busy harvest season Ibis it is now reported from over seas that Canadian Cross Hospitals now attend the sick and wounded Toronto will have a better trail service on and after the 1st of May- Mitchell has been in ducted as the new Pastor of St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Street The Coroners Jury declares no one is lo blame for the Queen Hotel lire City Hospitals are pretty full this Spring It is reported there is no room for soldiers already home A motor truck collided with a cab on Queen Street Two men were injuredone had to be tak en to the Hospital A central organization is being formed by the various ratepayers associations of Toronto for the purpose of cooperating with the Bureau of Municipal Research A downtown restaurant on St was the scene of a big disturbance on Thursday night of last week when two or three hun dred soldiers made a rush to seize an Austrian employee who was said to have insulted a returned soldier There was a general smash and dishes were scattered in all directions The street car service was interrupted for some time WONDERFUL LIFT OUT YOUR COKING Letters France I- The following loiter was re ceived by Mrs Hugo of St Newmarket from her eldest son Sapper Hugo who enlisted with Die Bat Somewhere in France March Dear Mother Received your letter of Feb and was glad lo hear from home We do not get our mail very regularly and we never know when to write Wo have moved into dugouts and wo are quite comfortable but we never know how long we will be left alone We arc all coming along fine with lots of work I bad a Id ler from Herbert anil will answer it as soon as possible I receiv ed a letter from the Hereans at least that is who I think it was from as the names of Mr Ad dison and Mr Atkin son were signed to and have Still to answer There are eight of us in the dugout and four bunks so two sleep in each bunk We have a stove and lots of wood- so wo arc not so bad Received two parcels of papors yesterday so I guess they arc all finding their way here I heard that Hospital in England and has been since Christmas Have been having some snow here but it has been a fine day today Well dear Mother will close for now Your loving Howard Copies VMM on Mrs years faefl Toronto of writing lo pupils of ho Din much ilrS 5S major Jr and Family l week lo our readers a picture of a returned hero from the Battlefields- of France and his interesting family Sergt Major who left Newmarket about ten ye Im is the son of ho years ago After working 9 W- on the knocking him over and on his arm side leg and canning deafness in ear exposed to the sound He was sent years ago he married a Newmarket girl Miss May Smith who with Ihrco children is still residing in Lindsay The was only one week old when he enlisted The Major has been promised a job in the Office Specialty and he will move his family back to Newmarket very shortly They will all be warmly welcomed back to Town SUING THE GERMAN LINES British Take Prisoners French and when only days old Steps are being taken towards organizing a Kami for the York be here It has been decided to locate a cheese factory on St near- the Quaker- Meeting- House At a Vestry Meeting of St Pauls Church this week Mr and Smith were elected Church Wardens A Gamble was chosen to the T I i mi The following letter was re ceived by Mrs J W Lewis of from her son Jack Sunday Dear Mother and all Just a line or two lo let you still kicking anjuml usual having a whale weather know I am and as per of a time Reserve Fund When You Travel money with you ILa form Toronto Travellers or Letters of a l Are or to from any of Ibe Hank in Ontario and the BRANCH A Apply a few then lift corns or callusos off vllb no pain J OF ALL KINDS LATH SHINGLES POSTS ETC ALSO BOORS SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM Trim Gup nd Will ttU tKfUp It PMt Up No humbug I Any corn wheth er hard soft or between the toes will loosen right up and lift out without a particle of pain or soreness This drug is called and is a compound of ether dis covered by a Cincinnati man Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freezono which will cost but a trifle but is suf ficient to rid ones of every corn or callus Put a few drops directly upon any tender aching corn or callus Instantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callus will loosen and can be lifted off with the fingers This drug freezono doesnt eat out the corns or calluses but shrivels them without oven ir ritating the surrounding skin Just think 1 No pain at all no soreness or smarting when applying it or afterwards If your druggist doespt have frees one have it for you -i- you may correct he was I at I see anything wrong i- You do not its correct sometimes anyway Will you- give me air instance in which it in used was I unlock TV- We arc having great over here clear and warm just like spring at home For the last week or so we have been stationed in a large town numbering about ten thousand people in all and we are billeted in private houses The people use us fine just as if we wero part the family It certainly is a treat to be able to sit down and eat like a civilized person once more It seems as if we have left the primitive stage be hind us but I suppose we will be going back to it pretty soon tough but it wont last long now about three months and the war will be finished I think Hope so anyway Just at present there are eight of the natives in the house and they with us and the family numbering pretty well fill up the room Talk about chatter it is just about the same as go ing into a henhouse at feeding- time I am learning to talk French like a native- Will soon be a fullfledged native myself You know the people of the house talk no English so with the aid of a dictionary and the 18-year- old daughter of the house I am learning fine I will admit the girl interests me more than the dictionary She is very pretty and consequently an excellent teacher Received bundle of Heralds and Eras yesterday Its the second I have had Thanks very much but have you forgotten the tobac co question Its a long time since had any from you Please send some of both as soon as possible Well these people are kicking up such a row that I cant write so- will close love to all Your affectionate son Jack London April Since the morning of April says Un official report from British headquarters in France we have taken over prisoners Tbe captured material includes guns Paris April The Trench began an attack this morning af- tor several days artillery preparation between and Several German lines were carried and more than Germans were taken prisoners London Apr British airmen aided by French aviators carried out for the first time the announced policy of reprisals is sued by the British Government against the sinking of hospital ships by German submarines The town of Freiburg Germany has been heavily bombed by airmen Canadian Headquarters in France April Exploration of field of Virny at the Canadian corps front continues lo yield re markable results The artillery captured now totals one naval gun 35 howitzers many of large calibre field guns ma chine guns trench mortars The ridge was won by he splendid fighting qualities of our men and by ceaseless toil throughout the week by men wilh pick and shovel who opened up trails where roads could not be built because of the conditions of the ground Tbe work of restor ation is still in progress hut the ridge already is jmpregnably held The people of Canada should know that our soldiers- have earn ed praise in this hurried construction of the means of communica tion almost as emphatic as that given lo them after Battle of Vimy Ridge- At first every pound of food and ammunition and every gallon of water used had to be carried on slippery trails by manpower Even pack mules could not negotiate the labyrinth of shell boles and craters Our men cheerfully worked long hours and sometimes they slept in the open in the rain without food be cause details sent out lo bring up got lost ft is lo do this even in daylight and after dark movement is practically impossible less than a week during which snow fell for three days the work of restoration was well on toward completion A Canadian sergeant who a real estate agent in tranquil days said Idont believe IhoGcrman organization can touch onrs If it could they would have smashed us two years ago They bad all the material then but they had not be brains and now we have both The whole of last weeks operation simply ran on wheels Without the fear of newspaper exposure popular government would be farnrar corrupt than it in War or no war the of living be materially ware people more willing content with llic simpler things anil fcive up the to outdo This Is reform in IHeije a real place for nil alike THE C08T Ol POTATOES For the Bra In potato growing provinces like New Brunswick there Is always more or less discussion as to what It should cost to grow a good crop potatoes and statements vary- from as low as per acre to s high as Naturally there will be much varia tion in cost according to local con ditions and especially to the ability of the land to produce wilh expensive fertilising It should he borne in mind thai It will usually cost po tato specialist more to grow his crop than it will the fanner who follows mixed farming and makes his crop merelyone of his many activities a view of getting actual uivs under average conditions in New Brunswick a careful record has been made the Dominion Experimental Station for the past two seasons with of land set apart for this particular purpose Neither of land nor depreciation of machinery was Included in the for those two are Items that arc largely In the bands of the individ ual giower As a general rule how ever It would be fair lo charge as rent per cent of the value of the land and potato machinery will de preciate from per cent to per per year If used steadily for ten days each season In de preciation of the potato digger alone used at the Station was per acre In the acre was lireon Mountain Dish Cobbler and Empire State culture opera tions and harvesting cost In all barrels of pounds each Of marketable obtained and sold at 175 per mating over cost of of haire barrels of culls were sold for go that the profit for the acre amounted to This land was rather wet during the very rainy weather of June and Inly was several times flood ed causing- mixed hills and inferior plants generally This land was or iginally cleared many years ago and after cutting hay for thirty years it was allowed to grow up to spruce birch and alder It was again cleared in and grew buckwheat in In an acre was planted with fire en Mountain seed The total cost amounted to the increase over being due to high priced speed higher fer tilizer ingredients and very dear cop per sulphate One hundred and twenty barrels of marketable potatoes were and have been sold at 225 per barrel making a profit per barrel over cost of production of plus six barrels of culls making a total profit of Market price when potatoes were dug was per barrel Later they could have been sold at but are held for seed land grew hay for many years and was broken up and grew potatoes With pounds fertilizer in corn with tons barnyard manure In oats without manure In This land is on a slope fairly well drained and except for washing out slightly between the rows fell no bad effects from the June deluge OK Ambition Brains Control Determination Efficiency Fearlessness Health interest judgment Keenness I wily Nerve optimism Perseverance Reliability lsefuhies Veracity From Era Married On Monday- Aprils by lev Manning Mr Jos Atkinson Miss Ella El liott sister of Mrs Joseph Oderr of Newmarket both members of the staff By on the lo Miss ftoso of By J Wilkinson on lhe Mr Horner 01 Wil- of Sutton Hied In on the insl Mrs Elizabeth years In North on Inst Mr Oldham in year A prominent Ontario Liberal in person of Hon Alex Mac died this week He ledI the Party for years cabinet shop has changed Mr Walter Da- vis is the ownr now Hunter of Newmarket was at this week and interested the children very much with views Mr of Sharon is building an addition to his barb and Walter started for Dakota week Mr Win was ire Newmarket on Good Friday P Esq of Sutton was in own on Monday last The Misses of Toronto are visiting relatives in Newmar- this week Mrs J Mader of Owen Sound was home for Easter Mr George Gain spent Friday in Newmarket Miss Flo is visiting Dr Webbs Waterloo Esq M P In Newmarket on Good Friday McGordiek of Beach was calling on friends town yesterday James McClnre Esq of Holland Landing- was in town this week Mr Ed and are spending the friends Mrs Widdifleld was in the on Tuesday attending the- wedding Miss Gundy Mr of Toronto was in Newmarket on Wednesday Mr Geo Hughes and daughter of Toronto were visiting withbis- brother Mr p Hughes the week Mr Eli leaves this week for French River to take charge- of a store owne by Lumber- Co there Mr and Mrs Far and Mr Gardner to the Easter holidays Mr Ave- 1 Mr and Mrs J Millard were- in the city a few week He assisted bis nether at the funeral of the late Hon A Mac- kenzie Mr Albert of the Arm of Rogers spent at the home of his brother Mr Cyrus Rogers A couple of cilyr friends were with them and Ihn entire party enjoyed the provided Mr in the Masonic fraternity paid a visit to Lodge a few days ago Washington April 15 With out a dissenting voire the House amid the plaudits aha galleries late last night pas revenue measure la Us I it- f war n 9 ttA

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