Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Apr 1917, p. 4

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sac Off VERYONE respond to fcrto How it to meet cordial genial over the telephone how one appreciate courteous friendly voice I promptness in answer- the pleasant cordial tone have been making of many a modem business and Una is being appreciated more and more every day Get the into your voice Practice cordiality fricndlintM over the wire and that all those who your telephone do the came The Bell Telephone Co of Canada J L -V- t I U The Electric cater I Wool Efficient Heater on the Market CONSUMES I COOT OF CURRENT PER HOUR ONLY MAJESTIC HO The Guaranteed I A8K FOR A Vacuum Gleaner to Rent per day A LP RED Mazda Lamps Guaranteed for 1C0O STARR Etootrloal Contractor lJtllIYimiKLii re In tho Designs for Spring Wear you will find our stock complete Worsteds are getting scarce but are still a favorite color We have secured a splendid range for this AW EARLY CALL WILL OIVE YOU YOUR CHOICE WILLIS Phono MB New Issue of the fe Telephone Book Copy for the next Telephone Directory oh the above date Order your telephone HOW so that your name will be in the new Report changes required to our Local Manager Rail Telephone Co of Canada I Mm up 4J High Cash I Prices fclfc Special to Era I rack gambling having the Will hi of publicity turned on It in full iiMiii one of the Introduced by the Liberals grew Into front rank importance llil Not only did tin conduct an in tho Public this relation of tho Solicitor to the Treasury with Dr Grant Hugh Browne of New York In attempts to get license In Windsor but milter directly before tho House In n resolution regretting that Dumber of licenses for race tracks even since the war deprecating cor porate race track gambling for a share of the profits and urging the govern ment to reverse Its policy and take stops against this evil driven out from the states and now seeking refuge In Ontario The government declared that It would do It property and justly could to prevent Illegal race track gambling within the province Sam Curler said the people of the province of Ontario would never listen lo any excuses If there was race track gambling after this they would fasten the responsibility on Ihe gov ernment Ho felt optimistic for he believed that with the addition of the women to the voters of the province this evil as well as others would he cleaned up Mr who mov ed the Liberals resolution demanded hat the should lake prompt action for things were being carried on In the province which were not hi the Interests of people NICKEL The nickel far from ping out of the prominence as the Government seemed to anticipate has grown in public Interest and attention recently The has in creased taxes on nickel companies demanded by the- Opposition and lias made n alight step toward the refining of nickel In he Province but on both these vital matters has to go nearly its far as the Opposition con sidered necessary First in regard to taxes The Lib erals approved the Governments bill Increasing the lax from per cent to per cent with a sliding scale of per cent additional for every the rate should be per cent Al so the Government Is making their increase only to the one year the opposition says the new rates should apply to the earnings of International Company during the whole of the five years of what they term the illegal agreement be tween the Government and the Inter national Company if the contention had been followed the Provincial Treasury would be en riched by Instead of Icbs than as under the Gov ernment Mill and tho discrimination against the ordinary tax payer would be that much ess In regard to refining the Govern ments bill provides that In the case of all nickel lands hereafter to be granted the nickel must be refined In Ontario The Opposition claims that lliis Is entirely Inadequate and that It should apply also to the companies already established Including he In ternational Nickel Company and that all lie nickel of Ontario should be re- flncd cither in Ontario or at any rate In some part of the During the last night of the ses sion the government bye- elections doling the war should be dis pensed with the Opposition agreed The law therefore which necessitates a byeelection three months after a vacancy has been suspended The Prime Minister said would apply only In the case of deaths for he did not mean to have it apply in eases where men wanted lo be appointed to offices or for any purpose Mr Howell said that personally he would much prefer being engaged in patriotic work at this time than In taking part in byeelections and he agreed to the proposal The two seats open at present and affected under the proposal are Lennox and ManJtouUn Several amendments were made In the Ontario Temperance Act agreed to by Government and Opposition and designed to strengthen its operations Among the new arrangements is one giving the of License Commis sioners wider power particularly in regard to dealing with liquor adver tising McDonald M P P for North Bruce lias been whacking Govern ment House again He particularly complained of the action of the Gov ernment In expensively furnishing the ballroom since the beginning of the war paying over for the floor over for the decorations i50 for curtains for the alcove besides a number of other details In his town Mr McDonald said the young bud agreed not lo dance during the war and here was the Government spending the peoples money and en couraging daneing at this time He also objected to the atrium or In plain English the front hall on which 000 had been spent in marble alone And yet said Mr McDonald the Government is urging the women of the Province to boil potatoes with the skins on end to save every scrap of paper while they themselves are away the peoples money on of dffop8lvo Completely Into Territory a Staff Correspondent of the ted Press YORK FEELS to look for faippifici no CI order tint coct WW can bur Hew fcov helped one lo tod ptUlM of ICO St York Itoutltd my I recommended rc- lo Iry your a box- at a druj I on liuUifully IdlI and I am now If you any of for a of or buy Iron Sour a box or or National Drug of Canada Chomicol Co Limited Toronto Address Inc HI Buffalo Editorial Notes invalids from overseas now over it is that there are over Canadian soldiers in Hospitals in the United Kingdom Ion Is moving to Inlrodiiee Ihe Hydro At a meeting lant week the riald Up to a few monthH ago they had been getting coal at a of per ton at mine now it Is 550 Freight rates have also advanced per ton Last year was a deficit of 91300 on electric light an1 If the present price coal continues during year and of and Charles Toronto a National Reputation for thor ough progressive and advance The keen demand for our graduates Is proof pays to at tend our school any Catalogue free -CCyii-i- ttjIOTILt v- Limited amount of and PotatOBfi for An- Our business people have mutually agreed to take afternoon for a half holiday for the coining summer It will commence the first Friday in May and continue until the last Fri day In Among the ruins of the school af ter Ihe fire were found fourteen flags soiled and wet hut scarcely touched by Ore Two of these the old and the new large flags were found burnt material a wrilli the other were rolled in paper Hie only by the You down the old as much coal used his year as was used last year it would make a deficit of This is what would have up against had it not installed Metropolitan power when It did tOOOi Our Toronto Letter While playing near his own on Tuesday 13yearold Hoy Crocket was struck by a passing motor car and received a broken leg He was taken to the Childrens Hospital for treat ment The death Austrian employed In Toronto Munition Works lias led to the conviction that there are alien enemies also employed there Enquiry will be made VicePresident Kelley of the was In the City last week In confer ence with local officers and members of the operating staff from London and Chicago regarding maintenance of right of way In Juvenile Court three boys of the agesof to were charged with the theft of two bicycles from a garage One was given a year at the Industrial School the second was fined SO and costs and the third held for a week on suspended sentence The Council of the Speakers Pat riotic League has passed a resolution urging the to enforce compulsory National Service with a view to prosecuting the war to the utmost limit of our resources In men money and munitions The recent fire at Queens Hotel re sulted in the death of four women em ployed there Mr John Adam for 43 years con nected with the Bank of Toronto passed away on Good Friday The Ontario Legislature was pro rogued yesterday afternoon A man smoking his pipe in bed on Duchess Street on Sunday night start ed a fire and caused considerable dam age In consequence of the reckless pol icy of past years by deferring pay ments the taxrate this year will be the ever levied In Toronto The Manitoba Patriotic Fund does not require this year any more sub scriptions from individuals having re ceived sufficient for all expected From Associated With the Armies In France April via London Under a blue sky only here and there with bits of filmy white cloud British aviators by the hundred con tinued today their work of reestab lishing beyond all question of doubt their supremaoy In air They carried the fighting wholly Into the enemy territory sought out their aero dromes military headquarters am munition dumps and concentration camps and challenged the Germans In every possible manner lo come up and fight In One Instance the British flyers penetrated fifty miles behind the German lines They fairly flew circles around an enemy squadron which sought IflJntcrccpt them Speed and manoeuvring- powers are the great qualities of modern aeroplane scants and to have a place with the elite of III upper air the machines must develop In the neighborhood of miles an hour and be able to do tricks In living that no bird ever accomplish ed The British turned on the full force or their vast striking power against Arras salient on Monday ami they smashed Into the labyrinthine defensive system of the Germans on a front of twelve miles for a depth of two or three miles The operation involved the greatest concentration of guns for a given section of front yet ween in the war For the first lime this year the Canadians became heavily engaged and they had the lienor of carrying the celebrated Viiny overlook ing northern France and the taking of prisoners The positions car ried Included a dozen villages and all ihe German defences between and Up till oclock In the afternoon the British had taken prisoners and endless streams of them were still flowing into the cages By noon the British had burst through the third and fourth German defensive lines and their advance was still proceeding at nightfall WITH AT OTTAWA lay until the end of the year Renew Joy of Living Dont let ill health any long er rob you of lifes pleasures Get back your appetite strengthen your digestion stimulate your liver regu late your bowels and im prove your blood by taking mm Their action is prompt and thorough and you booh feel their benefits You will eat more work better sleep sound er and feel new strength after a short coure of these depend able pills They restore healthy conditions and worth a box J- For the Era During the year a number of plots of flax were grown at the Central Experimental Farm Ot tawa the seed having been obtain from Holland The samples were pulled at various stages of ripeness relied under and afterwards scutched by the On tario Flax Co They were valued by an expert of the York St Flax Spinning Co Ireland but in no case could any of the samples be pronounced first class This was partly due lo their being insufficiently retted but might also have been caused partly by the lime of sowing by the character of the season and by the of ripeness when pulled Accordingly a number of experiments were planned for the ensuing year to clear up some of the doubtful points and lo determine in so far as this was possible in a single year whether the highest grade of fibreflax could be successfully grown in Canada The seed used in was bar- vested from some of the plots sown with Dutch seed in The rale of sowing per acre varied be tween bushels of seed ger minating per cent This means thai where it was decided lo sow bushels per acre of seed with a germination of cent and the sample of seed available gave when tested a ger mination of per cent it was necessary to sow a somewhat larger quantity than bushels of the latter as a matter of fact bushels As very early sowing is an im portant factor in achieving suc cess should the summer turn out to be unusually dry as actually happened in 1916 seven plots were sown on the of April one on the of April and seven on the of May The soil was a heavy clay and at the first date of sowing was rather wet conse quently it was decided to make several shallow trenches about six inches deep between some of the plots For several weeks af ter sowing wet weather contin ued with very little interruption and the system of surface trench es undoubtedly saved the situa tion The crop was pulled on various dates between the of July and the of July the cap sules being fully grown In some cases the seeds were pale in col or and unripe in others Ihe plot was pulled when the first seeds on each plant were ripe in those pulled last about half the seeds were ripe The average height of the sev en plots first sown was in and the average of the last seven was in The flax was put into water on the same day on which it was pulled and was allowed to remain immersed from 3 lo days It was then taken out and spread on the grass for a period of to days The was done by the same firm as in and the final report made by the same gentleman who examined the pre vious years crop was as follows The is a good length well retted strong is the best flax I have seen in Canada According to flax values here it should be a pound or more Get a package of the new Juicy Fruit See what a joyous lasting flavour has been crowded in to give you a great BIG 5 cent package of refreshment MADE IN CANADA Sealed VTJ PA I J to no to the Country on prions Lot us you Comfortable In a COVERED CARRIAGE OR Prompt Charges Reasonable A BO YD Prop Calls on Phono Promptly to mm To City Town and Vilfac Dudleys in Ontario EGG and poultry prices the like of which have seldom or never been experienced certainly make it worth anyones vhile to start keeping hens By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something towards helping Britain Canada achieve victory this year production of food helps not only to lower the high cost of but it helps to increase the needed surplus Canadas food for export It saves money otherwise spent for eggs and poultry at prices and saves the labor of others whose effort Is needed for more vital war woJc The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens address below A vegetable garden for every home Nothing be overlooked in this vital year of the war The Department earnestly invites everyone tobelp increase production by growing vegetables the smallest plot of ground when properly cultivated pro duces a surprising amount of vegetables Experience is not essential On the Department of Agriculture will valuable literature free of charge giving complete direc tions for preparing coil planting cultivation etc A plan of a vegetable garden Indicating Mutable crop to grow best varieties and their in the garden will tent free to any address letters to Vegetable Campaign Department of Parliament Toronto Ontario it of Tit Harris I imperial Que Fletcher and Bank of store Mr Bo every Sal pm and by Dr Violet Church I Dr Gradual University Royal Colli of ini of In Moore verrHy Col Hospital I Office Sis WATCH Ad job I Phone Practical and and Teacher Ho Dee Agent I At the J I A J j Call bef cut Kept in I GEO urn Dei All Kind and A kinds TORONTO Phone St

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