Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Apr 1917, p. 3

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if f v I 1 Watch frMc uncertainty ifeffiui fleeting Worship iWopfnlnff of People iirilr POP would who are Putter before the summer is overdo or- TV The which was owing to thrHoccpUon to he King George at oclock in the sport invited to attend f Hitherto or a invitation a- All free Man of Drown ava laid lay Mrs My inown at tho of Mrs Watson Mil- years over ivi beside ilii she has made hoi J for some Reg Ad and Keti My Sft ic Monday conducted ftftUoctorolStPaul am Cemetery Regular of Court pros pect No this Friday oven- lug Willi important Election of delegate to High Court also initiation be proKcni Com tn- of will he nprne of the on April V A good program Conic and bring your t yf In of tlm Topic Day Null to be a inccUhg as everyone should puy on topic Dont forget the at Coin was on fcun- of tm of of Town on coining In a buzz while working V the Of fice Bureau on Mondai WlMam lost right hand Si POWSMtaK Mi Liberal Club l Salur- greatly of Toronto on f mupM i Mi was geerelory pro lorn VmumIon it was form North York I and Away About three oclock on Monday on street about from away in IiIh year Deceased had been reeling poorly ever Ills wife dJed about two the family only two sons survive ro jibrno on the in jolillrs was a and religion he waaa of the church In look place on Wednesday and atend In Newmarket was the or late Of libit I i nominate immlttce was i frosty nights warm ihli week have been favorable for a wd run of sop Monday was an row rf for Mils line of year was White Farmers ll mealing nisi Saturday Somebody In Keswick will look In vtla for a receipt In a printed en velope at we recclv- a dollar bill and In stamps but no was enclosed Motorcycles have begun their noisy of Mrs Eves After being confined to her bed for about days Mrs benjamin mother of Mayor of Newmarket passed away at an early hour on Good Friday morning at the advanced age of years She had been troubled with her heart for lie past eighteen months For over years Mr and Mrs enjoyed each others in matrimony and has liv id In York practically all She is survived by her husband iwo suns and four daughters All children are married Walter Mayor f William on the 3rd Whllchurch Mrs Sctll Smith widow Mrs Break- a Mrs on of and Art on widow at home Gardening In order to Hip campaign for grout or Board of Trade a to consider the matter andtlic result of Public Meeting In ho Town Hall Wednesday when Mr A Ingram OH behalf of ho Ontario of AgricuUuro will a lecture mi Home Gardening Mr Ingram will tell what to plant and how and when to plant illustrated by a of pictures Hoard of Trade will give certain induce ments to people who plant ground not cultivated Inst year meeting of the Methodist Society at on Wednesday afternoon was fairly well over two dozen ladies being present The Presi dent Mrs A P Addison charge of the program principal item being splendid address on In China by MiS Dp returned Missionary who also exhibited a number of models of utensils used women in their everyday work Mrs Whyle contributed a beautiful solo accompanied by Mrs The to over were served and a social hour very much enjoyed Mrs came up from Aurora attend the meeting Mr Fred Toronto pulpit of Method dlst Church on Sunday last in absence who wad holding Ser vices at appointment Mr also flddresaod the Sunday which much appreciated Mrand Mrs son Walter of West Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Geo Mti- Kuon over tho Easter holiday Mr Murray of- Toronto spent with his parents Mr of Toron to visited under the parental rooi on Sunday Mr and Mrs and fam ily of Toronto are upending the holidays at her fathers Mr John qtiitb ill ijiivSpniKn AiivtnQ EVERY DAY Vie parry and In Trade In Pair of will be into J0 la ft buy Just ll 8 Wd now you aa I PINK of Montreal is visit ing liar parents Mr and Mrs J Keater Mrs Gordon of spent KaHter Sunday with Mrs Journal Is here out and hear all about it Lec ture will commence at oclock Friends Church raging numbers were A Morning Service on Sunday when the Pastor resumed iiis ministry after ins recent illness subject matter of the address was Lessons of Resurrection The joints gleaned from address were J We must He partakers of suffering- in bear His resurrection We must- go down with Him Into death and to sin to share Ills resurrection We must enter into Hi- Ills sufferings tie buried by the baptism of death to hereby rise to newness of lift and through Him If we would His glory The resurrection in to newness of life must be in lime if we would share in the resur rected lib glory of God in the Eternal was a strong address appealed in all hearts present weak the taker was evidently much helped Ike spiril to ilMIver his Ah Mr Trevor was about to leave having enlisted with the Plying Corps he was presented with a Wrist Watch by the Draught ing Department of the Office Specialty following Is a copy of the address Diir As you are about to leave our midst and sever your connection with the of specially Mfg Company we your Immediate fellowworkers feel that we cannot let go without showing In some slight manner a lit tle expression of our You have been as the boys say one of You 1nvc taken yur share with gladness Any of our tasks in In all our under takings you have shown us that you wen Welcome partner It Is a pleasure indeed though In know Unit you are about to answer the of true Patriotism to King and Country The branch of service you have chosen is one of great op portunities for yon and your ability and we hope that all may go well so that wo can have you back with us In future Anil so Trevor we ask you ac cept this small token a Wrist Watch in remembrance of us and our pleas ant days together Our best wishes for a successful career go with you Signed J Wilson A Doyle It Hnrnet It Collins- and Appropriate sermons and music Inst Sunday The choir two difficult anthems The solo parts were taken by Mr It Manning and Mr Darken The duett by Miss ami M and a mix ed sextette were well rendered Williams Inking the solo pari Much credit Is due the organist and choir leader for the elevating music rendered We were glad to bear Mrs Western of Toronto sing again a former popu lar soloist Mr delighted the con gregation with selections on both services and at the Sac red Concert at the close of the even ing service at which Sergeant Davidsons solo Interspersed selections and also members of the choir The last of the I an torn Views were shown In evening by Mr I Atkin son The large congregation showed or these annual the peoples appreciation variations in the services Next Sunday morning the Womens Missionary service will he observed Tlie pastor will preach his text being They unto out of their substance In ev ening will be He thou faith ful -CUOO- HOPE Miss Nellie was visiting under parental roof for the weekend Olad to see Mrs W J out to The women are busy housecleaning and Mrs Jessie Dundy Is nearly through Misses and Florence Gor don spent Raster with their parents Misses Florence and Marsh all also spent at home We hear hat Mr Hope Is building a new house ibis summer What does that mean lira MISS Mavis Hopper and Mrs Will Dundy look the first car south Sun day morning to spent at Mr Woodcocks Mr and Mrs Morris spent Raster at- Mr Henry Sorry to hear that Mr Moss doesnt gel any from those bass wood elm beech and cedar trees Norm says thai the Is Ihe best road Newmarket We hear that Miss Pee Is getting a flyer Miss Clara Is spending a week at Ml Albert Mrs spent al Mr tieorge Hoppers The funeral of the late Frank was largely attended Its loo bad Collin cant get Newmarket every night Hie roads are Improving though Sorry to hear Jessie Dundy lost R cow week Sorry to hear that Mr Mike are leaving Ihe Valley As raffles are gelling common well begin I wonder what lady lack Skinner was driving around last Sunday J The Crow COO f a a in IlJORA Charles Crittenden Is home for month He has been engaged in Toronto shell factor Harvey has been engaged school al Montreal River in North ern Ontario Pearl of Virginia spent weekend wllhDdora friends and assisted In the choir on Sunday Mrs Ceo A Id ridge mother of our pastor has been spending a few days with him and assisting In the church services on the different appointments during her slay A mild type of measles Is going the rounds among the children Another real estate deal went through the other day when Smith bought house and lot owned formerly by Mrs Oxbridge Journal 0 0 EXPLOSION IN THE fc NEWMARKET dr tefl AH forceful message Com HOW A Christian Church Sunday morning 1ll for bis subject Why I inusl Up My Will or in other words a complete surrender of self and to the biddings of Cod W his subject will be The Stumbling Stones in the Church over whom others Mumble Into hell Al night to will be a short business niire abject of he business meeting is iurch a nomination a lalaister successor to Hie The General Hoard of w Church composed of married men a fw minutes after wrtw The Church has getting one of ihe frli in tuodav the quickly lo catch in his month the and of Ibis will worship a body at mis would be glad to have we must the fiftii OddFellows Its that finds useful all the while Of course you own that kind which Is sure to do Its work disappointment and You put your Into a hotter Fountain than a man Micros a pen that clogs never re fuses to write when you want it to IP YOU MEED A FOUN TAIN THE Foil YOU I TO Church on Sunday after being shut in so long Mr and Airs Longford legg visited at Mr Will Andrews on Sunday Mr and Mrs Will have moved their new home Miss visited at Mr for the weekend Wonder our organist liked the measles She reports being Hie second German attack Thought she was more patriotic Mr Stanley and Miss were married lasl Wednes day Congratulations Mr ami Mrs John Wright man are moving lo All indole when Mr Manning has taken a position as Fireman the Grand Trunk Mr Wilfred children are re covering from the measles Mr Bee was very success ful They cut a lol of wood Mr Wilfred Meteor Is having a very successful season In bis Sugar Bush When you get an invitation to lunch on Maple Syrup be sure and He Ihe team Mr Tansleys grandson little died in the Hospital on Mon day evening of Tubercular was a very bright fellow not quite four years We extend our deepest sympathy At time of writing Alice very low Toronto is Atkinson Marriage Licenses I Co PINK OUCHAHD Church We to but as have charge of the slog s report to me quickly hat may be turned time over to meeting ri for rids midweek prayer meet- OtiOEH Easter Lilies Primula Prim rose Tulips Daf fodils Carnations fop Eattoraa early poelble for and A WEmHO FLOWERS A Mrs Hopper and Mr Norman Hopper attended the wedding her niece in the city on Monday The Y Club packed eight boxes this week for our boys at the front Sorry to report the illness of Mrs but at time of writing she was improving nicely Sorry to report the death of Mr Stevens little boy Funeral on Thursday Pine Orchard The Womens Institute will meet at the homo of Mrs J dy on April at pm A paper The Sunny Side of Life will be given by Mrs A Skinner also one on Care of the Collar by Mrs Hall All the ladies of the neighborhood arc cordially invited to attend friend from Brighton Is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Sidney Leonard Miss M Kitchen of Camp Borden spent Sunday at her parental home here Mrs James Kitchen and daughter Gertrude spent Saturday In Toronto Mr who purchased Mrs finished taking stock and opened up for business on Monday morning Mrs Albert of Barrie has been spending a week with her sister Mrs Stephen Leopard Miss- Sadie Roger of Toronto is spending a few days with friends in I own Miss Ruby Dean has been spending a holiday in the Queen City The Misses Walker of have been holidaying at their Grand fathers Mr Win Leonards Mr and Mrs Geo of A are spending a week renewing their many friends and relations around Town Mrs Walt and Daughter Miss of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs It Miss Thompson of Toronto spent over the weekend with Mrs Charles Mr Stanley of Toronto and Master Karl of Palmers- ton spent the their parental home here Dr Harvey arrived from New Ontario on Sunday look after his brothers practice here while the Or is In the Hospital undergoing a serious operation on his stomach but we all hope to soon see Ihe Dr back feeling much Improved Killed Chester Pa April One hundred and twelve persons mosl of them wo men and girls arc known to have lost their lives and were Injured by a series of terrific explosions today In the shrapnel building of the Ammunition Corporation one mile from Many of the were mortally hurt and It Is feared that final death list will reach while others probably will be maimed for life How any of the or more- em In the building In which was stored approximately shells escaped Is almost beyond conception there was scarcely a fragment Of the structure left Intact Fire added to the honor ami most of the bodies were so badly charred that Identifica tion was impossible- Humors of plots and arrests of persons both inside and outside of Hie plant numerous but nil lack- confirmation 10 OP- GUMAIM FANCY OHIHTZ Fine Quality In Cream and White Omall Casement Pattern Reg for yd Madras In wide Good Patterns 3Bo yd Fancy In White Cream and Ecru In wide Special Price This yd Plain Heavy White Ecru In wide yd Colored Marquisette for Over Curtains All Shades In wide for yd IP i ESTABLISHED P OF CANADA capital paid upvobooooresew7e tohonto SAVE your SECURE your future and SERVE tlie country current on Sivie3 DcporlU at oil NEWMARKET BRANCH SMYTH Manage REAL TimVtil is here and Patrons of the Canadian Northern Hallway will find renewed pleasure in the Observation Cars on all its transcontinental trains which not on ly allow the Passenger to gain the full benefit of lie wonderful scenery along the route but also to lake ad vantage of the many new comfort features which have created so much favorable comment among cross Country Travellers A magazine and Library bureau which contains Ihe latest and most popular literature writing desks with attractive stationary a Travellers Shop with a stock of traveller Is likely to forget or overlook in packing up for Ihe trip such as col lar buttons shoe laces etc are a feyv Instances while- tasty teas and lfghl refreshments may be obtained at very small cost IK PITieiA BLOCK On Monday Evening TrJE PURPLE April MAS SI LENT and FRANCIS FORD On Wednesday lie April 17t learns in lie who learns in the school of experience will have some big bills to pay Mower Toronto Skinner Is spending a weeks with son in Miss nidge spent a week with Mis A I Mrs Mrs will receive for the first Mine on Thursday after noon April III at her resi dence on Church Street t0 Mr and Mrs A7culverwell of To ronto spent Friday and Saturday with friends here Messrs Cook Toronto S Cook Montreal and Austin Cook of the spent holidays with their mother and brother Mr and Mis Spent On Thursday April III it Many for A his Mrs Mr Gray of Toronto was homo over Sunday Miss Barnes of is spending the vacation at home Mr and MoKendry of To ronto wore at her fathers- Mr If Jones over Sunday Mr of Toronto few days with relatives Mr engaged with for the Mr of Toronto Normal is holidaying at home Heath Miss Mabel- Pickering Is visiting frieuds Mr Wallers- has moved to Mr Win J Taylor has moved in the house lately vacated by Walter Mr and Mrs Pickering spent a few days In Toronto last week visiting their son Marshal who lias been hi the hospital Mis Kveljp is spending holidays at home Win Horner received word of the arrival of frank with bis car stock at the home in Albert of has been by Geo I- to look home overrun YORK HARNESS SHOP The Rest is None Too Good the Farmers these and here is the place to gel THE IVo do all kind a of Repairing vlth you Arc you going away for a visit If so you will want a mi Wo the AMiUAnt In Town and Light I If you arc to stay home you will want Music o Laughable Jokes lo liven you up are Agents for the The only flrstclass instrument that plays nil disc and fells at only 65 in Cabinet form Give us a call and bo convinced of its superior qualities Wo are also Agents for arid Records b of Atkinsons Special Program Saturday April 14th Red Feather ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid in Toronto this week are as follows Choice Steers Choice Butcher Heifers Good Steers and Heifers Heavy Stockers Milkers Sheep Lambs Hogs off cars Hogs at country points Toronto Markets April mil Wheat per bush Oats per bush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens dressed ooii 0 a 30 It I Newmarket Markets ten Wheal per bush Oats per 10 Peas per bush 2 per ton Iqu Timothy per ton 10 per dot 0 BuUer A per lb per lb ijeesa per per I 25- IitN Steady Employment tickets and information apply to I AY TORONTO

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