Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Apr 1917, p. 2

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i 1 to let On Niagara Do- Water Apply at thin office Songs i T 1 Barred Hock for dilate Halo good laying strain for Huntley ttutton I I i I WANTED AT A girl for Work In Toronto convenient to Cor Write to KcllH Ave North Toronto i Ehc family of the Into Mre to vVjoro to I Ho neighbors and friend for their kindness and sympathy during her long and In connection with llio fu- itik fc- A l Wa2S TO r i i Pursuant Trustee Act Chapter Section Creditors and all other persons having ehdnia against estate of Lewis Toole late of the Township of East In the County of York Farmer deceased who died on or About the day of January Intestate are on or before tho day of May ion to send In to the under signed Solicitor for Agnes Toole the Administratrix of the Intestates Es tate a notice of their the amount and nature thereof and a of the Securities If any licld Jy them and their addresses and take notice further that after the said date the Raid may proceed to distribute said folate among parlies en titled thereto without any attention to juiy claims of which they shall not have nollCC or Dated at Newmarket April J Solicitor for the Administratrix Main St day Newmarket i I I 3 We arc now of the On tario Government Employment the purpose of helping the fanner to seoure adequate help in of either for long or short periods during the sum mer should apply staling Size and kind of farm the period help Is needed also the kind of help needed Apply to A RIDDEL J Superintendent Representative A Queen Park Newmarket Toronto Capacity audience at the Town Halt last Tuesday night ami hundreds turn ed from the doors it a public Farewell to tho officers of Battalion and the Newmar ket Company In particular Hall appropriately decorated with some Dp flags of the Allies and while crowd was gathering Newmarket Orchestra of their moat- stirring selections Keith presided throughout program was enlivened by several Splendid selections the Hand of the llattallon patriotic songs by Mr Win Toronto by Mr Duncan Cowan of Toronto latter always brought down house On behalf the of the Town ills Worship Mayor ex tended their best wishes for the safety and success of the men from Newmarket They were homo that they might he given a good time before going overseas hut this will he nothing compared to welcome they Will receive when they come hack A P Addison referred to the conduct of the during their stay In Newmarket last Fall and the pleasure gave the churches to have thorn in their services lie was promt of the men of hulh the and ami was sure they would give a good account of themselves in the testing lime The democracy In Whloh we live la producing the best type of manhood ami in action the Canadians have proven themselves- to ho the best disciplined and most soldiers In the whole world Ho admonished in men to he truth ful observe chastity and ho cour ageous and they would undoubtedly bring glory to their country and hon or to themselves Mr A- on behalf of Club had the pleasure of reading the following address to a returned Hero Sgt Major George accompanied by a token of To George On behalf of TDK I welcome to the OLD HOME TOWN In the early days the GREAT WAR you heard the call of DUTY and as a of the 2ist BAT TALION you left us You return af ter FAITHFUL SBIYV1CK FOR KING AND COUNTRY A You bear upon your body honorable wounds You have suffered that FREEDOM and JUSTICE MIGHT TRIUMPH You and such as you delight to hon or Accept CLUB of KKT this In your an nounce that famed Vimy ridge had been cleared of all Germans been on battlo this war The country on either fildo la dotted with graveyards In lie tens of thousands French and German soldiers who gave up In the fight cither to take or to hold this position Tho British too tasted the bitterness of tho position on western slope all winter only by display of most courage- In connection with new It determined that muni fall The ridge positions had been flayed by on incessant bombardment days and nights when Tuesday at dawn Canadians climbed out of their lowly trenches and began moving toward he top of it They fought their way from tho foot to the crest before Wednesday they swept down the farther slope and now dominate the enemy remaining In was one of the vaunted Ger man fields fortresses- Mora Germans hi the Vlmy garrison Includ ing officers fell into Canadian before sunset Miss was for Easter holidays Vcrna Howard Is spending a week with IheClly Mr and Mrs Allan Howard In Toronto- over Easier Sunday Mrs got- homo from the Hospital In Toronto on Wednesday Mr Or of vlelt- cd In Town during Easter holidays Mr and Mrs and Mrs spent Easter vacation at Weston town merchant who keeps muttering over his little formula Mr Wm and family Taking this paragraph as a text Col Donley of Simcoe Reforrner makes the following pointed incnta The Eaton catalogues that came to Slmcoo a or again for dis tribution In lids community filled a couple of big drays We fancy Nor folk Countys share of the Eaton catalogue would com pretty close to meeting the advertising bills of all of The question Is whose is The better Judg ment the Companys or the spent Easter Mulre vacation at J Mr Fred Cumberland vfpIteU vacation In of Town during Easter Mr and Mrs L0 the Easier weekend with Toronto Mr J visited his brother Mr during Easter Jackson their spent son In of Hamilton 1 it Mr Frank Howard and family of Toronto visited old friends in Town during Easier It doesnt pay to arc year spending to good and ico to put on Our or Purity Flour for Jo tho Manitoba your meal of or la needed deal pastry to from vhloh lo for only SEEDS vhloh euro to produce good results Dutch Ceto at a lb abcul Field friend gundi A paster Christ I pope Red Cross Society ica last afternoon Proceeds Member was add ed to Society Mrs P Another lied Cross will bo held at OddFellows Hall on Monday night of next week is hoped Ihcro Will he a large attendance as the demands of Hospital work among the soldiers are greater than ever As there is lots of room and every conven ience for comfort there is no reason why this one should not be the best of the season Playing will commence at Every body invited whether you play cards or not Supplies from Newmarket Branch sent to Headquarters on Wednesday I Towel Handkerchiefs I Mr and Mrs John he funeral of his cousin in to yesterday k Miss weeks vacation near Longford Thompson with her a parents Mr Earnest Windermere Muskqko Easter vacation teacher at was home ftr more money on advertising every year there convincing signs that they ore cut ting more deeply Into the business of town merchants While a majority not all but p majority of the mer chant of every town In Ontario blind ly see why the drift Is away from them and refuse to apply the remedy The town merchant cannot fight the city department store by sitting In his office and wringing his But he only recognize his position if will find that he has more than one counter In Ids bands In his game with the city store He Is on lie spot he personally known to community he wishes to cater to some of his costs are lighter he can make good Instantly any error that occurs If will adopt as his own the two most trenchant weapons of department si ore live- advertising and dependable servlcb he will at least secure a draw In the fight OOOi Potato Onions lb for at and Oo Florida Fruit and 12 CO and a pock I PL J s vH from now on a flood of and Garden and Always on Hand CON ECTION Every day there Is arrowing demand for Pure Candy We mooting that demand by handling some of Confectionery to bo had making of and thay Pure and I I I I f 1 I lit i is J i A XC0UT0n8 NOTICE TO All persons having claims against estate of Sarah loan late of East York County Widow who died East on the day of February are here by requested to file the same with the undersigned solicitor for George Bond and w a Huntley executors of said estate on or before 30th day of April as immediately thereafter the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets amongst those en titled having regard only to those claims filed C Solicitor for Executors Newmarket Dated April NOT TO All persons having claims against the estate of Mary late of East York County Spinster who died at East on the day of March are hereby requested to file the same properly proven with the undersigned Solicitor for Levi Executor Of said Estate on or before the 30lh day of April as thereafter the Executor will proceed to dis tribute the assets of said estate amongst those having regard only to those claims then filed W I Solicitor for Executors r Newmarket Dated April Our Toronto tetter Mrs Ann Harden munition work er died Tuesday evening in raco Hospital and Wednesday her grief- husband- an Invalid soldier anil Booth African veteran with night children received his pension papers from Ottawa Too late may well be written over the portals of the Na tional Hoard at Ottawa Mrs to go to work to support and family following the of her pension home in early hours of Alonday j morning she fell from a street car and sustained fatal Injuries Both Dominion and Provincial are entering heartily in to a Hood movement for opening a bottle of whiskey on a train and treallog a friend man was sent to Prison for three months On Tuesday last two speeders on weie each and in Public One was Knocked down and rather severely In jured AH this week very great interest has manifested at the Household Exhibition held at Arena Articles by soldkis have widespread m a was fined and costs In about for to a vliera a jpMyViliB pfogrcis from the HUNDRED the TOWN OK token of our pleasure safe return to HOME and Major was received with rousing cheers and replied briefly He conveyed the thanks of himself and associates from Newmarket in the trenches the Hold Comforts So ciety for their- many remembrances which were very encouraging Refer ence was made to the action on the Front especially the of Again expressing- thanks for the kindly remembrance he retir ed ExMayor Cane quoted articles from American papers to how the Canadians aro regarded across the border and how Americans are be ing urged to emulate out example If they do so it will mean the raising of and men This should ease the situation of the Allies lie was proud to say that Newmarket had done its full shore In both money and men and when war is over there will be no place In Canada more ready to welcome their return home A feature Of the program that resembled a Christmas entertainment was the calling of each man by name and being presented by Mrs Howard Cane Mrs Aubrey Davis and Miss Nellie Forsyth with two pairs of woolen on behalf of the Field Comforts Society and private citizens Those who did not receive money belts at the former distribution received them now Col Drown expressed the apprecia tion of the Natl and particularly the men of Newmarket for what the people of Newmarket had done for them Had other parts of the County done as they would go Overseas at full strength Cap Aubrey Davis expressed the regret of the men who had been in training and at the last medical had been turned down though Just as anxious to serve the Kipg- us any of them Also the of ficers who will be left out because the men are not up to full strength Tri bute was also paid to the ladles of Newmarket for their untiring energy on behalf of the field comforts and Cross supplies After singing God Save the King the officers and men were escorted to the King Hotel where they were at one of the best tables that tills renowned has ever provided The Dining Hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion Musio supplied by Mr Edison Covers were set for and others who desired participate were unable to do so for want of accommodation Mr If President of the Club profiled and proposed the health of the King after which De putySleeve P Pearson In an elo quent speech proposed health of Ihe fieoth which was re sponded to by Col Brown Mid Lieut Gordon It was midnight when Lang Syne was and by special Metropolitan en- for To ronto very to people of Newmarket for kindly and interest Wash Soap Tooth Paste Tooth Envelopes Writing Pad Pencil Chocolate I Gum Cigarettes Puzzle 3 Bocks I Suits Pyjamas Head Personal Property Housewives Quilts Mr Carl and family of Toronto visited his parents and others in Town during the Easter holidays 1 Miss May Johns of Cobourg Is spending a weeks vacation at her aunts Mrs Johns Mr Blue and his two sons of spent Good Friday with his daughter Mrs Edward Could Mr Miss of Toronto were guests at with Mr and Mrs Scott over the Easter holiday Master Harold Barker of spending Easter vacation with his grandmother Mrs Barker Prospect Ave Mr and Mrs- Jackson al so Mr and Mrs Jas Brothers of Au rora spent last Saturday villi Mrs John Graham at Mount- Albert John said his wife have lots of things I want to talk to you about Thats good anbwered Mr Spenders generally you want to talk to me about things you havent got GROCERY DEPT PHONE Fling Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY attended toot T Eaton and son FIELD COMFORTS Sewing this Friday afternoon Everyone welcome Come and do your bit Remember the Field Comforts Supper on Saturday April 21st Menu will be given in weeks paper Save all waste paper magazines and rags Collections will bo made as soon as roads are dry Letters received this week from Ptcs Andrews ad Penrose The ladies wish to thank the White Swan Flour Co of Toronto for the pancake flour used for the Pancake Supper last Saturday night The proceeds of supper were over also wish to thank the Womens Institute for their great assistance Many hands help much not to lessen but to add lo our number of Socks Shirts Etc At the farewell lo the 220th on Tuesday the ladies of the Field Comforts presented a pair of socks to each man who fenlisted from Newmarket and money bells to those who had not received them previously Friends Parsonage Newmarket Editor of The Era Sir Kindly grant me space to ex press my appreciation of the many tokens of sympathy exhibited on my behalf during my recent illness by my fellow Townspeople of Newmarket The solicitous enquiries and loving offers of service were marked and I am deeply grateful for all the kindly interest shown in my welfare Being now sufficiently recovered to take charge of my work once more I propose to preach both morn ing and evening on Sunday next For several weeks the Popular Evening Meetings have been closed but I hope to resume them on Sunday with an address on or A Kick Mans Soliloquy I shall be glad to wel come all old friends to that meeting and as many new ones as care to come All scats free and all arc alike welcome Once more expressing my deep gratitude to all who have been corned over my welfare I am Yours truly Alfred Pastor Friends Church Bread riots In are port ed from where two hundred of the rioters were killed or wounded Mr Frank of Co Toronto with his wife spent Easter Sunday wth brother Mr Walter Joseph Ave Mr and Mrs Charlie Cane went to London on Wednesday to attned the wedding of his brother Mr Bert Cane Also Mr Jack Cane and Master George Mrs Dr ami Mrs M Caviller of Toronto were guests of Mrs Rev Addison on Wednesday and attended the Missionary meeting Miss of Ottawa and Mr of Toronto spent Easter at their home hero Miss returned on Monday accompanied by her mother The following from Toronto were here for Easter holidays Messrs Harry Willis Fred Roy Smith Clarence Smith Art Douglass Scott As a token of remembrance and expression of good wishes the Era staff presented Pic Cyril of the 220th Bait who was here on his last leave on Sunday before going overseas with a signet ring Rev Thomas was in Toronto on Monday and Wednesday officiating at two marriages Ho also attended Knox College closing on Tuesday ev ening when the first Chinaman In Canada to receive the Degree of J was thus honored Mrs Dr Scott who has been sick for tlie past four months most of which time she has been confined to her bed is making very slow pro gress but it Is hoped that with the corning of the warm Spring days that improvement will be more rapid Mr Hoy son of the late Mr of Keys- town left for his home on Tues day of last week after spending the winter in Detroit and two weeks with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs A Haines of Street and other friends near Newmarket ill and Nowadays It Is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Host Instrument in World gi ft MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phono No 151 Store No 1 Cradle In East- on April 1st to Mr and Mrs Albert a son In on March 20th to Mr and Mrs A Winters a daughter At on March lo Mr and Mrs a son At Mount Pleasant East GwilUmbury on April ion to Mr and Mrs Styles a son HILL At on Mon day April to Mr and Mrs Hill a daughter Helen Mackenzie In Newmarket on April Oth to Corp and Mrs Earnest Culley a daughter ii LOW PRICES IN BOOTS WE THAT COOTS HAVE ADVANCED A AGO to of on April John Walsh wore not at tlmo for want of help Wo aw now forced to thoco Coots at old prices and will sell Present Cost Prices OUST TAKE A LOOK AY Liar AND Mrs Percy formerly of Stouffvllle is taking a six months through Pennsylvania New Jersey and New York States and expects to re turn to Toronto some lime in May She keeps in touch with her friends In North York through Era She says New York City Is well guarded from enemies both from within and without She is at present at Brook lyn The British have been Uboats at Vie average one a day since Iebruaiy 1st arid latterly at higher rate Ltd Yorige Jlir If In Newmarket to Mr and Mrs a daughter PERMiJ In Newmarket on April to Mr and Walter rin a son Altar At on Wednesday April by the Rev Dr Young daughter of Mr and Mrs James Schomherg lo David Albert of Tottenham On Mon day at St Annes Parish House Toronto by the Rev Lawrence Florence Hazel eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Capelle Sutton West to Pie Charles Slurries of Battalion youngest son of Mr and Mrs files of Newmarket The Tomb On Street near New market on April Silas Travlss In Ids year In King- on Saturday March 31 1017 John McGoldrick aged years In East on April 1017 Sarah wife of Mr Ben aged 78 years imoiVH In Newmarket on April Harriett widow of Henry aged years On of East on April Floyd son of Albert aged days Toronto Hospital Von April 1017 William son of Wellington Stevens of Whitchurch Ladles Cloth Top Lace or Button Ron to villi bo sold for Ladles White Pumps this years stylo Reg for 200 Working and Everyday at Reasonable Prices High Top Lace or Button for 8w Hoys Sizes 3 to for J1W Coots Waterproof Calf for J2X0 Pairs Patent Leather Coots for Heavy Coots Calf Tan or Reg for Coots for Chlldo Koots for 510 Pairs Lions Boots Rain Coats for Won and Women Reg f 3 Liens Working Shirts for Mc each I and Fawn on Ladles- v Reg for Ladies Hand Bags On Sale at for Women This Stylo Reg for and Children Reg for Big of Hats for Ladles Ladles Skirts or MISS THUS SALE a South of King Hotel Proprietor Whenever you lo your wire does find you cut lie she wb out I lie li I come in at Pino months J Main North AltanHon BRAN SHORTS GRAIN Just Arrived and AH Kinds AND MILL of FEED- lover and Timothy Seeds Sweet Clover i K3f a- j il OF

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