i ill r 4 iu fir Toronto- For two lira A of and Gas In The fitomwh It afterwards dlfacAett ijorolliy and I pains all over toy body id Mirror- that I could hardly I tried all of but none of them did mo any good At last decided to try I bought ho box Juno and I am well after using only three boxes I recommend Frultativcs to from Indigos FRED J for trial At all dealers sent postpaid by Fruity fcUvoa Limited Ottawa- r TO Apply to Huron Hi HOUSE AND LOT TO Situate III the ill Con of Kin Good house and- of fruit Ap ply to 1 j and promises the Munition House Por particulars apply to Mrs George How put Sharon or to nor fooivf in Todd doinngo jhb works not ho my Ill ffMtfl Mr ami Mi I town rtryCJjKi ftntV A the of on Sunday service For huts on Park and Lome Aveuuos Apply to HOUSE POI1 In Went end Hard wood finlah Light Bath Fur nace etc Terms arranged If preferr ed Apply Uox Aurora Out FOR Frame Prospect School House nearly new on Ave opposite High All conveniences also good Furnace Kleotrlo Light Fix- tores and Blinds Apply on promises IOUIKO FARM TO RENT About Of Con of the of Lot No in Hi- Kast file re Is a good frame house ami hank barn with wall ami anil Implement shed and wind mill jhtri is an orchard of apple trees acre of a strawberries patch mid acre of and fruits There is one full rye Or chard seeded down to ywff lor TREES ANDPLAlfrO We have established a lasting reputation for fair and square dealing and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high grade trees and plants direct to customers at PRICKS Dont delay planting fruit trees and plants as there Is nothing pays better Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties of which you can order dirVct get the benefit of agents com mission Our prices will be sure to interest you THE CO OF titabllGhcd 157 nurserymen Mr lemeH7JillieH who had escape by being run down team some four weeks ago lb Qufforlng- his Injuries which fteyere Mr Is mall for No King ami while on his was very badly injured and his smashed to atomswhile he little race horse- formerly by Thomas Blizzard Ills speed es caped Injury There lies been no service In the for liio last two weeks on account of the Illness of he pastor Mr John Mcpherson has cm on a carriage business hern for many Is giving up business and will move to a farm on the line of Mark hum Mr had good trade hero and he and family will he rnlssod lit com munity We wish him success In Ids hew departure He will be suc ceeded Mr Watson of Mr Percy Stiver our enterprising ZWt to rtl ay I MwalriM4l iCCAftfr Ola rm now lira la to QUI rtfOo a hex fcwrcs you to OF UMrTJBD lac toa St a blacksmith after being on account Is back on the egaln off duly for a few weeks of a broken leg Tribune Mr nigham went to on lrlday la attend the funeral of mother who died from pneu monia Horn unto Mr and MrsJaln son March Urged stops be tak en to insure that ho Inuds of ho Province to ounce or food possible More than of lh crop ping lands of is now in and lands of tlio have been Increasing at the rale of fully one hundred thousand acres annually during the four years During this has boon in mid in the whole of ado of live slock including dairy beef flhenp and the last four years there has been actual decrease in thoacreage in Ontario of 23 in beans in peas in I winter wheat in turnips and in potatoes of the of the peas per cent of the ffill wheat and of lie potatoes of Canada were produced in Ontario is estimated that an average acre of beans produces as much real food material as is usually obtained from live to fifteen acres of pasture land in the production of either meal or milk With slight exceptions the most sources of food materials in Ontario In the past Winter were ob tained from the following groups 1st form crops oats wheat corn peas beans potatoes 2nd diary product- milk butter cheese 3rd locals mutton pork 4 fish salmon eggs According to and prevailing prices much valuuhle food material for liu- man consumption could be obtained from the purchase of beans with Messrs Geo Pickering were in he last week on business Henderson and daughter are home from Toronto Neither pastor was able to reach Zephyr on account of lite condition of the roads last Sunday Mr and Mrs P of Sunder land were visiting friends here on the Inst Members of the Bible Class and of ficers of the Methodist enjoy- an oyster supper at the home of Mr L Profit Mr John Profit and daughter of Oxbridge are spending a couple of weeks with friends Mr flunk started ids saw mill on Monday The excellent sleigh ing enabled him got a good stock of logs enough to keep the mill run ning six weeks The first shoot for the Hogg Sliver cup was bold here on Saturday The number of shooters and specta tors was large when the condition of the roads was considered The first second and third prizes were won by Latimer J Mad ill in the order mentioned The others came in the following order Curl 1 J Simpson Geo Pick ering Pickering J Kester I w Curl next match will be held bore In about one months time Pickering of the lb Artillery was home a couple of days after recovering from measles- Journal POOD AND FOOD Representative Wanted at once for Newmarket and District for CANADAS QHtATE8T Spring Planting List now Splendid List of Hardy Grown stock including lilD And Many Other Leaders Illustrated Sent on At i fct Liberal repetition Stone Wellington The TORONTO id quickly the lx jWWWOfaadrigulatiDaihehbitavitJi Two a penny nuns One a penny two- a cross buns it j Universal has decreed thai should alt throughout world be day of the hot bun Scotland j Mho one arid spot in the world in Ihn land of del- used to be looked upon as a survival of and doubtless continues to bo oh of history disclosed by the researches the higher criticism origin of bun seems to date away back to very- ancient Minos in Egypt id and the worship of the Goddess larto as Queen of Heaven with of a custom which is also found in China Ancioul Mexico and many oljier lands Curiously enough the Modern custom is not observ ed on the Continent of In ancient the cakes were horns of the sacred heifer hence they were culled hous which in one of its eases is spelled obviously mo dern bun Another liitbrosU point ih that name of he Goddess is by with Hie word The custom to- have had its origin in the lies Cambridgeshire Hert fordshire at the meeting of the old roads called Street and the Street stood tin- altar of Diana of the Cross ways worshipped by Hid with offerings of sacred cakes The history of Ihe idea con nects it also with the Jewish Passover cukes later with 60 nd ivfmri mm j tnon March During the present very century has alien from arrIvnl four I on- every dale thonurse to ho professor between March and April i lo in except March I whch has been M vopy skipped entirely some abstruse calculation said nurse WELCOME LITTLE proudly its a boy The professor looked up half inleresling occurred ill the household of an eminent Well said he ask him what scientist not long ago The pro- feasor like professors is wcntA cents as from the purchase of iheesfc wilh fortythree cents of heel seventyfive cents and of one dollar for to The importance of increased production is being emphasized as never before We are told that the food supply of the world is low The producers of farm foods are becoming less and the nonproducing consumers are In creasing Wide sections of the country which were formerly pro ductive are being trampled by ar mies and large quantities of food materials are now lost in transit The food situation is lecoming increasingly serious This emphasized by the follow ing quotations from the public press of recent dates- Honor Law Chancellor of the Exchequer slated in the House of Commons Friday March I that The British Government re gards Hie production of food of greater importance at the pres ent than the sending of addi tional men into the army Lord Food Control ler for Great Britain stated in the House of Lords on Thursday March that It might be ne cessary lo resort lo compulsory rationing which would bo a calamity Duke of Devonshire Gov ernor General of Canada- slated in Brandon on Mar that The supply of food was not only im portant but perhaps the im portant problem which had to solve Bennett P head of the National Service Board of Canada recently declared that The crisis is not a military one but one of food supply Martin Minister of Agriculture stated in January last that A vital factor will be an ample and flow of food to England nd France i Mr tender in the laUuc sxeakfn leak Willi eggs witli cents lield beans approach animal foods in nutritive value They contain a high percentage of protein and in this respect surpass the cereals commonly used as food such wheel and oats There is a higher percentage of pro tein in beans than in the best cuts meal but It Is not quite so complete ly digested Protein is a nutrient which serves to build and repair body tissues as well os to furnish energy performs essentially the same pari in nutrition whether It is from beans wheal meal milk cheese Skilled labour throughout the Pro vince Is very scarce The farmers of Ontario have an exceedingly difficult task ahead of them if they are lo In crease tin production of the most val uable kinds of food materials in 1 Tin following suggestions are offered In hope that they may prove help ful Carefully plan the crop produc tion for at an early date Thoroughly clean and grade the grain so us the large plump bound and well matured Test the germinating power and the vigor of the seed before time to sow Overhaul Implement and ma chines so lo be ready to start seed ing early and to sow each of crop at the best time re sults Arrange for least a small amount of such cultivated crops as beans potatoes turnips awl com Watch and destroy the weeds be fore they are make much head way- man labour by using three and four horse teams when pod- 8 Plan so as lo make best use Of the unskilled labour which Is avaJI- Copies of bulletins on Farm Crops Field arid Potatoes may be obtained from the Agricultural De partment aft Let us do our part as best we can for the good of humanity and for the prevention of a worlds famine in food materials from ffliilocTmirTii on his heel three weeks from poisoning of a of Philip Herbert Hyde Park Dye a bruise caused the Hie crossmarked mentioned in the liturgy of St A writer in the for mentions an an cient piece of sculpture in the at Home de picting the miracle of the five barley loaves which is remark able in that each of the loaves is marked a cross Cross- marked buns have also been ex humed from the ruins of the an cient buried city of which was overwhelmed in the same eruption of Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii in AD An old superstition is that bread baked on Good Friday and kepi by the family the year would grated in water prove a specific for any ailment espe cially diarrhoea Swiff mentions rare Chelsea bun in to Sheila in and in Ihe early part of Ihe last century many people used to walk miles to get hoi cross buns from Chelsea or rival The Heal Old Original It is estimated that at least persons wore won gather at Chelsea on Good Friday for this A varianl on Hip fa vorite street quoted above runs High Cash Prices GOLD WHOLESALE Building Toronto Ki 9UC PURE For sale at the Industrial Home Enquire of A E held or Silos Armitage Bread At R Fairs Free Courses Institute Free Poultry Raising Courses at Ontario College Free Cooks and Magazines Over 1600 prizes in all will be offered in breadmaking contests which will be held this fall at over rural school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the and will stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the ages of 17 years Here is a wonderfulopportunity for your lo win for herself a Course in Domestic Science at the famous Institute All she has to do is to bake one double loaf of bread enter it in the contest at fair according to the conditions explained below and more fully told in the folder we wilt send you on The loaf must be baked with nit I One a penny two a penny Hot cross buns If you have no daughters Give hem lo your sons But if you havent any of these merry little elves Then you may keep hem all for yourselves- EASTER DAY IS The Canadian Institute at their weekly meeting in Toron to on Saturday evening last en joyed splendid and most in teresting lecture by Or ft An derson who was the commander of the Vilhjaimar Canadian Arctic expedition dur ing the years 1913 to in Dr Anderson on Recent in Canadas North Land The completion of the survey of the vast area of copperbear ing rock which lies nearly due north of Winnipeg on the Arctic Ocean was the most important result of the expedition More than two billion tons pi copper ore are in sight the speaker staled It is mostly of unite low grade but in some places pure copper weighing for ty pounds and more are found When it is considered that this mineral lies north of the Arctic circle and is accessible from Hie sea for a few weeks each it will he along it develop It lias been over years since the rule was adopted which makes Easter First Sunday Die first full moon after the sun crosses the line By Ibis arrangement of things may come as early as March or as late as April but must forever oscillate between the dates mentioned The word Easter is said to be from the German Oster ris ing ft is Christian pass- over or festival of the resurrec tion- of Christ The English name for the day de rived from that of the Teutonic goddess Osier whose festival oc curred at about the same lime a our celebration of Easter The proper time for celebrating the festival was a theme which gave rise to much heated discussion among the early Christians The question was fully considered and finally settled at the Council of Nice by adopting the rule which mokes it fall upon the first Sunday after Hie first full i O the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread This is a splendid flour which makes the biggest bulging loaves whitest lightest and most wholesome bread you ever baked Is this not a splendid opportunity to interest your daughters in breadmaking Here ore Prizes jjy of be are offered at local lit to or 1 ytar u full frum to month with for people of ell It la Viluc per year to My Value a will Provincial Prizes- fintoriit at each Of opt paidup luhscTintion to My Maaxinc When ttc entries tiered twenty the at the lair 4tb tb and of to Paper Till a little month England Its pi ic packed with highly and relating to etc The at the fairs automatic- couipetiton for the The second of the dojble loaf is to Ontario Agri cultural College by the representative in provided The by A- of the Department of and Flour at local fair compete for f of losing Provincial or third and fourth be awarded ia one county lit Short Course 3 in Domestic Science at Institute Gudph Institute tot accept under the aeof if the wiener be than we her a certificate entitling hex to t the whts the the age Value of course pay for and winner at Hall hile taVin coerce- 2nd Prize Short Coarse months Scieoce at Gudph 3rd Course Poultry at Ontario Agricultural Ccee Guelph Girti taking do not live at the College but gwi w21 for then in Value of cowrie which board of la are charged for course Short Course la Poultry Railing at lie Ontario Agricultural to The Cook by Farmer edition are trapes and photoiraiic of the Contest Every girl may compete at the rural school fair in her whether or not the attend providing that her birth- occurs before November or her birthday not occur before Nov I One loaf o bread mutt be submitted baked to pan about incLea and 3 inches deep and divided into twin so that they be at the fair The loaf be baked with Cream of the West Flour ill be at the fair The other half first loaf be sent to Ontario Agricultural College to compete the Provincial The contest at the fair be conducted under the tame rules as all the other regular content at your fair The by bread be Judged will be as follows that the till actually baked the loaf entered la the The forms will be provided at the of the fair The judges final Not more one entry may be made by each and not more than one prixe will be auarded the of the at the fair will be made the nal way thecal of all regular The Provincial il be annoncci a Fairs tie of Leaf a Color trust of loil Texture Crumb a Color Flavor of a Odor 5 marks marks r IA marks marks 25 marks Vi marks 15 parka 40piarks Each loaf must be accompanied by the part fiour bag containing the of the Old Miller important and an entry form must signed by the girl and parents or guardian date of birth PO and name of dealer from whom Cream of the Wen Flour was purchased The form trill state alter the the Rural evince 9 Do Not Mica years should compete What apt end id way to stir up Gel a sjpply of Cream of the at your dealers and uilg it as often as possible to If dealer cannot It to to the Campbell Flour M3ls Co- Ltd Toronto and they promptly you the place to it No Competitions in Counties Named The petition is to of the School Fairs are held the districts of Rainy Rie and Thunder Bay- districts are the parts of the province where faira are by the Depart Agriculture In which this cot be a feature re districtret In the Counties the Department of Perth Wellington If rural fi are hell in the Coca- by the Department of Agriculture We regret therefore the cannot include Counties If you get of West Flour a you us for are Huron Perth WeiiintonIlahbufto3 or Lincoln and rural fairs are in Campbell Flout Mills Co Limited West Toronto us I Or I or the Flour Is by El Eves Newmarket Hamilton Bros A Howard Aurora J Aurora P Sutton J Kost Klolnbu A moon occurring after of fc K A Hamilton ton Aurora J Aurora J Sutton A J Sutton Q McDonald feJroa Jos and A Hamilton 1 i UNRIVALLED A3 A CLIMBER power by motor thfl driver of a Chevrolet to on gear other make of cut The Chevrolet deliver maximum power lo the rear axle which accounts for the end hill hUity Chevrolet ftndejoy of the other GHEVtt01fc1 SOLD I jaw ttwdomtter oil Indicator mi