Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Apr 1917, p. 5

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K5- V S5 a TV SStStfB- I ii r I a 1 Thoo J B Toronto Off loo corner and Offlco of Toronto over Mr Hoi rill- ijT I I HA will In flitfyflaiuntoy in Newmarket a in to also by a Frank AND COLLEOTpUi Corner Dr W DENTIST Main Newmarket Dr Evan Chiropractor Violet Church Galvanic Sinusoidal Currents Phono 221 Dr J Boyd Medicine of Hi id of also It iinii of Physicians Wrt Hip lloyal of Surgeons or assistant la Hospital and Sis Wwmirkid Telephone House Main and 110 lfi IVIcKowon AM JEWELLER Park New Post Office AND PAPER ANGER Anion Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket Phono PO 401 Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Corner Niagara and Sis Newmar ket A Teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Mu sical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia Grafonolae and Slock I Prompt Service Jackson Issuer of Marriage At the Licenses Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private re sidence if desired W A T LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere FOR I Kept in Slock and Made to Order GEO W OXIDIZED On Short Machinery for Sale dAVIS Kast of Dank of Toronto Newmarket NORTH AND mm All All in fcod He ad slope 8 Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY TO and us before buying elsewhere kinds of Stones Cut to Order importer of Domestic AND and Pljohe rr Holt Next Monday is a Bank Holiday A I closed have three car good for a start First was sold oh IhoMiirkot last at a gallon iiie During the last Saturday MrK flu of ton Fold oars Among the fol lowing Win Roger villo Miss May and Walter Collins A Iloyd Newmarket and are on the point of signing up llio months of January and average deposits lie pupils of Public Schools in all Canada was per pupil For the same two months the average per pupil in New market was so Ihul our hoys and girls are heller average hut not as well as Other schools in York County Ihe average of which is Toronto averaged 30o Junior School Grad uation- for will he held from dune til to and the School Examination will he hold Juno and Candidates who purpose writing either of these Exams must he Public School In spector either directly or through the School loth of this month No candidate will he admitted to eith er examination who does not pre sent the Certificate provided by the Inspector Are You In Lino call for the men to produce this year still rings in our ears Every man should do something along lli8 line man is ex pected to cultivate his own garden and make it produce- more this year than The gardens worked properly can supply more than requirements of fam ily do only this you will relieve the pressure at other points No limn should he con tent to buy vegetables this year when he can raise them Buy the seeds now lay your plans and strive to have a I hat will yield something this year High School The annual Upper School En trance into Faculties of Education will continue from June lo and the Middle School Entrance into Normal will continue from until the The Senior High School En trance commences on June 12th and continues to June Model Entrance and Senior Public School commences the same date and ends the day before The power School Exam for Entrance into Normal School and Faculties of Education com mences June and closes the of Juno The Exam for English French Model Entrance commences June and closes June Good Friday In Aurora three years ago the peo ple of Newmarket were privileged and delighted to hear Sir John Crucifixion by the Choir of the Church On the inst Friday the Choir of the Methodisl Church at Aurora are giving this most impressive Easter Cantata In their own Church The Choir of voices has been most faith fully preparing for this event weeks two rehearsals a week and the work In fine shape No admission is to be charged but a freewill offering taken and Choir will be very pleased to see any of the Newmarket people who can make jl convenient to at tend Dont On Friday evening April the National Players of Toronto will produce in the Town Hall at Newmarket the latest New York comedy success entitled A Tangled Romance under the di rection of Mrs M Harris an ardent patriotic worker member of the I P and other socie ties of Toronto She is ably assisted by Mr Mason late stage director at he Boston Theatre Mass Company has met with great success wherever they have played and includes such known people as Miss Mabel Could of the Talk Talk Talk Co Miss Leone Har ris the wellknown lyric soprano Miss Ethel Douglas formerly of Companies of New York and Miss Lucy Shad- dick a recent Medalist in Elocution and Dramatic Art also Messrs Adrian Harry Fletcher and Jack Ansbll who were prominently associated with the Pinafore Co at the Alexandra Theatre in Toronto One of the host nights enter tainments of the year is assured those hp attend Heats at 00 700 54 Safely Through mother of fourteen and my Ufa to Vegetable Com pound When I and had Change of Life o friend lijended It and it Save me relief com my bad feel ings that 1 took several bottles I am now well and healthy and recom mend Compound to other ladles Win A My troubles from my ago and I felt awfully Dick for three years I bad hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains took VcgctabloComrKtundandnorf Hro Pierre Courhoyer Box warning en of Impending timidity Intho earn palpitation of heart before irrcgu- varlnble appetite voakneBfl and should by middleaged women Vegetable Compound has carried many women through thin crlaln Town Council Regular meeting last Monday evening Members all present except Mr Following bills passed charily Northern Electric Co Jos Huntley snow clean ing to Com II Marshall charity Can Con Jo Hell Tel Co calls Hell Tel Co Services Inland Municipal World supplies Hoard of Health Hamilton Bros charily Universal Lamp Co Can Express Co ExpressHerald Duly on Meier Paris Buffalo Meier Co Duly on parts Jas Robertson Co York Radial ticket to indi gent Can Express Co Northern Co Express on Transformers Win Giles cartage Walter Newton cartage to It Com York power Pay Sheet No J Proctor wood Applications for electric cur rent from J Harvey Mis- Chester Fred Nottingham granted from Office Specially Co regarding the of ice referred lo Hoard of Health Communication from Public Library Hoard asking for grant of for referred lo Fin ance Com Application of Mrs John for water on Lome Ave granted Communication from Temper ance Alliance re Dominion Pro hibition referred to Finance Com Communication from Town Solicitor re percentage of tax on Office Specialty Co going to Sep arate School referred lo Finance Com Communication from National Roumanian Relief Fund asking for grant referred to Finance Com Mr spoke of com plaints quality of light on upper pari of Prospect Ave which the Chairman of the Light Com promised to have remedied also removal of un used wires on telephone poles on Huron St Mr Tench called attention to needed repairs to old Fire Pump Electric Valve at Reservoir and Hydrant on Queen St which will be attended to at once Complaints of several citizens regarding water in cellars were discussed and the need of sewer age was further emphasized Permission was asked lo cut down a decayed tree on Prospect Ave which was given provided the owner of the properly in front of which it is located does not object Attention was called to the ne cessity of turning a hydrant on Millard Ave for convenience of attaching hose Mr Fred introduced the question of Market improvements which caused a lengthy discus sion but In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee who J to ptOposo no -defi- action A nyyaw was passed the council lor Mo Oil tlio vacancy caufced by Win JAvood Nomination on April Tlio action of he Road Committee in obtaining a Mrs who by a all ok the sidewalk confirmed and Treasurer Instructed 16 pay lifer claim Council adjourned about The Week in the A C J a wreck end hi a rundown con- ditltii a A try Vino I did to aa a I have gained in health vino Is the bent i0rld for madown and for people Mrs a Ky Vluol beef and eod peptones iron and and Is guaranteed to ell allied J Patterson Druggist so at the best Druggist all Ontario towns Special the Era- AN IMPORTANT VOTB All the English inemhers from Mr Howell down voted with the governments the hilt to ap point a Comiilsilbnto take the place of the Ottawa Separate Softool Board If It neglects or re fuse to obey the school laws Five mdmhers were only ones to vote against Ilia Mr Howell said that the Privy Council bad rendered Its decision on Hip Ottawa School Cases declaring to be valid and the other declaring former Act the control of the Ottawa was transferred to a liominlKSlon he In valid The Privy Councils decision be accepted by all concerned He hoped tin Ottawa School Hoard would obey Ihe Maw and he thought was their duty lo do so Howell did not think thai CovenimnTH proposed method of dealing with the matter now was safest or surest way of scouring the enforcement of law since they had taken the responsibility of duclng it lie would not put anything in On the government giving full of policy as he fully agreed that Ihe law should be obeyed Mr Howell the Prime Minister hoped harmony would bo maintained between races INCREASE TAXES Increase In the revenue of the province which should tend to re lieve somewhat the pressure of other taxation comes as a direct result of the campaign carried on by Liberals In legislature since for heav ier taxation of the International Nickel Company Mr Howell Mr Carter and Mr with other members have been fighting for this change and now il is coming It is roughly estimated that under the new system of taxation If the Act follows tho basis of the com missions report the International Nickel Company will have to pay the province this year nearly a million dol lars in taxation instead of the paltry a year which they have been paying and which the government was allowing them to pay until the Opposi tion forced the Issue The new Government bill affects not only nickel mines but all mining concerns whose annual profits exceed S10Q00 The tax raised from to per cent with a sliding scale of I per every five million dollars extra annual profits EDUCATIONAL PADS- Fads In the educational system Inter- feting with the children of the pro vince seeming an adequate training in fundamental subjects were discussed by Win MaeDonald Liberal Member for North Bruce He turned his at tention particularly to regulations and examination papers In art One of questions which had been required of the pupils was Draw and paint Hie wild carrot In flower Why not have the children asked Mr Donald taught to pull them out A more practical question he would be to draw a picture of the with his ear to the ground Another example of a question asked was Draw the noisy geese that gabbled oer the pool What goose demanded Mr Mac- Donald put that on the paper And then he turned to the of Education and said Why not clip the wings of these Jackasses who put such questions on the papers On evening Mr scored another hit with reference lo Government House The Government Is cutting off a grant of which it has given for several years lo a coun try road In North Fourteen hundred dollars be said for a Done gal rug for Government House and not a cent for the farmers of for curtains for the ballroom of Government House and not a cent for the farmers of And so he went on contrasting Hem after Item of Ihe accorded to Government House and to the farmers of NEW SCHEME- A complete change in the method of gelling voters on the lists for provin cial elections Is embodied In the gov ernments bill to Include women vot ers and soldiers who arc away from their homes In the counties of the province a board consisting of two Judges a sheriff a clerk of the County Court and the Crown Attorney will be responsible for the appointment of enumerators for each to put on the names of all voters Every wo man of legal age who is a sub ject or who becomes such will be entitled to vote NOTES gambling Is stilt a very live Issue Lambert Liberal member for South Essex again appeal ed lo Hon Mr to take action against the evil The Windsor Record says should roslgn- vera I amendments lo the Temper ance Act designed to strengthen the law are being worked out between the government and the Opposition The government rejected the res- solution of J C M P P for West Middlesex calling for the Jon of combines sin 1 2i ft WW Fra ay Ford Drivers claim over miles par gallon i S3 par for It domonBjrales the gowning and driving a Ford You miles mor6 travel on in and raroira la proportionately largo FORD for lowest coat and JHE CAR v Tim ford I r FOB lord ROBERTSON Dealer t OVER CANADA FOE EVACUATING TEHniTOHV Paris April The Senate yester day showed Its wrath at devasta tions in Northern France by voting a denouncing to the civilized world the acts of the Germans and demanding that authors be punish ed and resolving to continue the war until German and militar ism are definitely crushed Senator said that Germany as a signa tory of The Hague Conventions gave a guarantee against the abuse of person or property This had treated as a simple scrap of paper he said and would be necessary to go back ages to find such acts of savagery and de vastation as the committee found in Northern France We visited a number of cities and about fifty villages said Senator Everywhere is pillage and systematic devastation At the Hermans destroyed everything by fire and explosion There remained nothing of this city except a suburb In this suburb the Germans concentrat ed the Inhabitants of a certain number of localities and then bombarded suburb making a number of Victims For these crimes there must be triple punishment that of internal law pen al law and the victory of civilization No one today wouldjhink of mak ing peace with such criminals any transaction would be treason The hatred against Germany today is most holy of duties Minister VlvlanJ In the name of the Government associated himself with the conclusions of Senator saying Thefts Incendiaries and assassin ations constitute not only attacks on International honor but are crimes common law which must be the object of enforcement They arc derives from the mediocre psychology of the Germans Mis Mary Boyle of Hamilton ninetyone years of ge was fatally burned while attempting to light a gas slove Children fax rartHtK Aurora April 2ud Herbert Lennox and life members of the 208th Battalion of York County were tendered a farewell banquet here tonight by the Town Council and the members organizations The Battalion is now on Its last leave and will shortly return lo barracks lo prepare for departure east Pie Percy Lloyd son of Lfoyd who lias resided in Aurora for many years was presented a sum of money and an address He returned from overseas on Sunday The speaker included Lieut Col Lennox Dr P Preston Hunter Chaplain of the Battalion and Mayor Baldwin glad 16 learn that polities and religion have been forgotten this even ing and those who have been my bit ter antagonists during my political campaigns have come here to bid the battalions member from the county farewell Bald Lieut Col Lennox Also I am glad pay tribute to Percy Lloyd I knew as a child and I can hardly realize that I am so old If I am spared I hope to spend the remaining days of my life in Aurora among my many friends Dr Preston had come to Aurora he said do honor to his friend Lennox His battalion Is a fine one You have a sample here of men that the County has sent overseas he said He concluded with a brief reference to the recent decision to give votes to women He had helped to bring about ho They were deserving of vote because of the great sacri fices they had made since the out break of the war and assistance they had given to recruiting efforts To prevent accidents paint the bottom cellar steps white Word comes from a mining dis trict up a rich pocket has been struck averaging per pound One car load of ore was worth March The defeat of a Turkish army of men and the capture of soldiers Including the general the enemy force and the entire divisional staff of the Turkish division hi Palestine officially reported today The bat tle ok place near the historic city of Heavy casualties inflicted on he enemy is of the boundary and about miles ic4luVwfli- of Jerusa lem pn sonny is curious how strong an aversion people to saying Cm sorry If they have guilty of an toward a friend they show their peni tence by trying to do some Utile favor or being particularly oblig ing A mother whose son had been rude to her in the presence of a guest smiled that evening as she held toward her visitor a cluster of fragrant violets Thats Lloyds apology she said Isnt it a sweet one But the guest though she made ho conventional could no I help that it would have been sweeter if the young man hud prefaced his gift by an outspoken expression of regret for his impatience of- the morn ing There is something un derhanded in the effort to apolo gize without the help of speech Learn to say Im sorry rjulivla ts In for Spring Wear you will find our clock complete Brown Worsteds jolting scarce but are still a color Wo have secured a splendid range this AW EARLY WILL GIVE YOU CHOICE TAILOR Phono WILLIS Main SOUTH END ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR for Made from Old Wheat PASTRY FLOURS A SPECIALTY all iunds of feed for fowl Special Feed For Dairy and Hogs CALL AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER Prompt Phono CO A HOWARD ALL KIN OF TEAM TO -J- 3R2 cant get tliroutfb another season with that greasy old hat Come in and IM a Bonnet Then you wont feel ashamed when you meet someone you mow By your are you first Our Hat and Goods Depart ments are a pride to us We get the Styles which are up to the last tick of hemlock tod tflva you plump when you pass us over Money fey ill 1 I 4 A I WW mm

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