Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Apr 1917, p. 3

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if i if I re try D yv J it J 5 in a- J a tat mm 7- very highly ail ami secure a the Drue Store Easter Sunday pastor to resume April Hth the conduct the of Com mi Sunday April in connection Willi i Club anil all thoso J in MA ii las week has been at Mr V ry- Hi a i IK for the year ho has enlisted Box oh ami during Ins walked tie did- ilinrKfliiB duty It is a in in war aver age of about a trior- exhibition of Art that tftoiw are by of public to hold Art in Hi near future An of lie worlds works of will Me displayed at the King George School about end of A small will be made for these and the liivisKted pictures of he better for decoration of the Schools A Car A will mi Saturday morning at nine oclock for Toronto return ing Out of After the claim for of the accidental fall on the lust winter which her a the Committee affected a llement for which notion by Monday avcnliig The liability a of doubt but an this character nearly bo the corporations it was to ar range an amicable settlement Ave Mafjon t Newmarket Mot and vocal ami organ Park Ave tfrden Competition- I it to lio the- on a Homo York County boys and have oii Ilia farm TiesU6 of- the plot is indicated and seodproj I rap the will given for the boat applicants in each Hiding be the compete people the coilnlry if you have not heard the particulars get busy i This ear Is for the purpose or convoying milk anil cream producers down to the big Producers Meeting to bo licM in I lie Temple 1he object of Ibis is to net for the coming All in the pro duction of milk or cream llOUld attend for it cents to dollars and Friends Church A warm was given the Pastor last Sunday morning on Ilia reappearance Meeting Still too weak recent Elf- to have of ser vice Dr and Dr Wood very kindly Idled the breach- The gave a very address upon the words And the inhabitants of one city shall go another saying Let us pray before the and to seek the Lord of Hosts It was an address of pointed lessons for today and was enjoyed by all p Church congregations both morning and evening In the morning made a appeal on behalf of the Society for to assist in printing and circulating the- scriptures In thp evening the Lantern Service on The of Christ was continued The dwelt particularly on the Parable of the Prodigal Son and Mrs Mason also sang on the same The Lantern Series will lie concluded next Sunday even ing showing over de picting the scenes of Pass ion Week and the of Our Lord Special Raster Music ly the Choir next Sunday both and evening Hoard of Trade An important inerding was held in the Fire Hall on Thursday ov en when President re ported that over had Joined the Board and others were still to come In Twelve new mem bers were received The following recommenda tions for Standing were confirmed Howard Cane Andy Da vis and P Smith Mercantile Bob worth Johnson Willis and Clark Improvements Smilh A Price Dr Wilkinson and It Publicity Dr Wesley- Jackson and Watson Communication re Factory Site referred to Council A discussion took place on the advisability of securing tem porary room for holding Hirelings of he Hoard of Trade such a Committee composed of Messrs Harvey and was ap pointed to investigate and report Board approved of the being Easter will be a great day at our Church Church will ho suitably decorat ed The Pastor will preach ail Easter Subject Will we know each other there Will our bodies come out of the grave as did Body of the Saviour At night bis will bo Christ Ahouve Our will ho a prayermeeting Everybody in the invited to come to lliiH prayer meeting the prayer meollng a number of persons will be baptized a suit able day indeedlo be buried with Christ- Let everyone who wants to lie baptized phono the Pastor The PaStor has been called to a Church in the United States and offered his resignation night at a regular business meeting of the Church He hopes to leave Newmarket by the first of May if possible The Choir will furnish us good music at both services Miss Dorothy will sing at the morning Service and Mies Collins at the night service Besides there will he some splendid an thems Also at 1 oclock will bo Come everybody come and make Ibis a great day etwn generally Mlowing their MVifti Battalion foe Mr Harry or in his manner In the the to the MrloJllpesoffbisiniierV the official duties of town wore ably discharged by by a of in the Legislature Hon diarmidi his of the in glowing hope- that tbo Irish distinKuish lhdrhselv6s at the frontaiu bo a credit to They to leave colors a Cathedral in Belfast The program music the the Irish Fusiliers captivating solos by Miss Elliott and Mis Mihired flan ley of Toronto and patriotic selections from the Brazil Toronto At the conclusion of the enter- program the Officers and Band of the Irish Fusiliers were dined King George Hole It was after midnight- when Toronto visitors leflfor homo by special Metropolitan car The Farewell was an occasion long to be remembered fc v J j NEW OOM wry the complete All Tinned K6odvre very floarfe are pretty up ajh Concert Methodist Church on Monday evening The proceeds arc for Tied Cross Come and to help thR 1 Moore and Miss Katlilcen were In Toronto last veek for a few and their daughter Mrs Sydney Thompson We were sorry to hear Mr Thompson had had ar6- Funds cause SL I r W hi VV J A The unsatisfactory conditions prevailing Market camo in for a discussion at the Council Meeting Mon day evening the subject being in- troduccd by Mr Fred who to the Royal as instanced several a Convalescent Home for returned soldiers and is ready to cooper ate with the Hod Cross to secure permission the proper mil itary authorities Messrs Harvey and were appointed meet with the War Auxiliary ana Farmers Club re question of Farm Help A discussion took place on Va cant Cultivation and Messrs Jackson Marshall and were ap pointed to report on the mutter Mr Keith made a report On Road Construction in the County The necessity of Sewerage construction was emphasized and Mayor Eves said I Tint he expected the Council will have a ByLaw ready to he voted Jan- nary dealing with the matter A new Municipal Hall and also Carnegie Library were talked about and be meeting adjourned to the call of the Chair forget the Benefit En tertainment in Town Hall on Friday April 1 lb The gentle Spring rains are putting the vernal tints on tbo lawns and pasture fields Dr Clark has been appointed of Motor Licenses for North York Time to get the hot beds ready early seeds and plants Streetcleaning will soon de mand attention Its good to feelthe clean pave ment underfoot again was a big job during lie winter and in many placed was very indifferently attended to If- you cant go you can grow potatoes and other rood stuffs plan for it now Good Friday a public holiday to and from Toronto lilies wilt be in evidence Sunday and perhaps Easter Millinery Womens Meeting There will bo a big meeting in on Saturday April pm in the Strand The atre Main Street for he women North York object is to organize an Association of enfranchised Wo men to promote and ensure good government and to study social and political problems Mrs Hector Prentor of Toron- l one of the cleverest speakers Ontario will be present and address the gathering The will be one of great m and pleasure All women wishing of the County a as fi and advocate social and moral leg- invited to o meeting under be HOW Aoour A Its something that everyone finds all While Of course you own that kind Is to do Its work with disappointment and You cant put your money Into a hotter Fountain pen than a SelfFiller Water man Pen Heres a Pen that never never clogs never re fuses to write when you want It to IF YOU NEED A PEN YOU I 111 l a 1 TO Atkinson Co Marriage Licences plaints He was satisfied light weight was being given in butter and potatoes while the bluff put up by the buyers to pre vent farmers from sidling part of their supply to Town custom ers waft abominable- and should nbtbe allowed lie thought a Constable should he appointed to be on the Market every Saturday morning and if a huckster intim idated the sellers by such threats provision Should be made thai lie should not be allowed on the Market Town provides Market and makes it comfortable for buyers and sellers and the citizens should have an opportun ity purchase what I bey Want Others spoke of abuses on the Market and be need of more sys tem but the Chairman of the Mar ket Committee who has a scheme about ready to present being ab sent the Council did feel like taking I lie matter out of his bands Further action was there fore delayed until next meeting of Council the meantime the Mayor Is to instruct a Constable to be on the Market next Satur day and see whal assistance be ran and report the Coun cil bis suggestions welcome Aurora April Practically every citizen turned out tills afternoon to welcome Pie Lloyd who return ed today He in the son of Seneca Lloyd who has lost one Bon overseas and hast another In the trenches of Council and other organizations went to Toronto on a special ear and returned with Lloyd He was met by tlie band of the 220th Battalion and officially welcom ed by Mayor Mr Hose and his sweetheart from Toronto spent over Sunday with friends in town More town eh I Such is and what is to he will be Mr of Toronto moved up the last one more old neighbor back again The free Methodist service Sunday morningwas largely attended Luck A big collection was granted to him at the close A good labourer Is worthy of tills hire hut a is dear at any price of Toronto has been spending a few lays with relatives oh the Mr Walter moved this week They will be greatly missed Autos have started reading again but the road Is very had for them yet around Ask Paid the chauffeur l A I i- J J I Report of Ho bury for Month of March Jr Greta Smith Willie Mc Millan Clifford West Lepard Bruce Howard Jr III Mary West Dora Glover Herman Lepord Clarence Newton Cecil Smith Kathleen Kelly Fred Shields Ernie Andrews Willie Andrews George Money end Charlie MoneyY absent I Irving Willie Jr Beatrice Hoy Mar tin Fred Andrews Primary a Constance Lilly West Dorothy Smith May Martin Fred Newton Primary Robert McMillan Wllmer J Is on Cordon Howard Nellie Jean Clover Leslie Wright aba M Vanderburgh Teacher Interest at per cent payable semiannually Is to be paid by the Government on withheld pay of the of- fleers and men of the Canadian forces Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid in Toronto this week ore as follows Extra Choice Steers Choice- Butcher Heifers Good Steers and Heifers Heavy Blockers Milkers i NEWMARKET IB j r i a ft m i OF OURTAIN fcArjOY 80RIM8 CHINTZ I Fine Quality Loco In and Whlte Pattern for yd rlusllne In vldo Good 35o yd Fancy In and Ecru In 3pQclal Price This Week yd Plain Heavy White Ecru In yd Colored for Over Curtains All In for yd- ESTABLISHED j Calves Sheep Lamhi oft cars Hogs at country points Or Easter Lilies Hyacinths Primula Prim- roue Cyclamen Tulips Daf fodils Carnations Etc for- Hester as early a lISULAtiLi Orders for and Over tUWlUIAt WEDDING Accepted Call to a City At a largely attended business meeting which wns hold in the basement of Christian Church on Wednesday evening an un pleasant surprise was sprung up on all present when the Clerk read a letter from Dr It Lee Kirkland in which he tendered his resigna tion as Pastor of Church Dr Kirkland has done a noble work since his arrival in New market He has made many friends been greeted by large congregations Many have con fessed Christ through his minis trations and a number have been baptized By his untiring zeal a has been removed from the Parsonage and the baptistry which was removed from the Church a few years ago to give place to a pipe organ has been reinstalled by the influence of the Pastor and the congregation has been increased to double its for mer size The Or has made many sacri fices for he welfare of the Church and opened his mind freely to facts essential lo Church work While he is not governed by sal ary ho is moved by principle feeling that he con accom plish more good now in another eld he has considered a call to third largest Church in the denomination with over six hun dred members and a Sunday School of over scholars a former pastorate of Dr Burnett Secretary of the American Chris tian Convent ion many friends at feel much grieved at his removal A Committee was appointed wait upon him and If possible lo persuade him to matter but his purpose PINK ORCHARD Those who do not COtneOutiUt Church on Sunday morning are miss ing something good Pros of delivers grand sermons We must congratulate on his good fortune lriwfnnlng Unit quilt fur a start It seems good to sic spruce Cot tage occupied again We welcome Percy hack Mr Shropshire of Sharon Is mov ing In the neighborhood having lean ed Bert Lloyds farm We are sorry to report death of Frank The family have the sympathy of Hie entire Robert Hope was home on bis last leave before going overseas wish a safe voyage Mrs Peary of Toronto was spend ing a few days with her sister Mr and Mrs Woodcock and son Kenneth of Vandorf were visiting un der the parental roof over Sunday Mrs Ah Lloyd Is spending a few- days In the city The Ladles Aid met at the of Mrs 1 It and was well attended considering the roads Newmarket Markets Wheat per bush Oats per bush per hush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay Timothy per ton per doz pi i Spring is here again It sounds quite like old times to hear the frogs croaking Some of the farmers are very busy gathering sap these clays We are very sorry to report the death of Mr Frank on Tues day morning after a severe Illness of pneumonia Mr Robert Hope spent the week In the Valley We understand he was home on his last leave We all wish him good luck The farmers had two very busy days last week unloading two cars of oats Mr John Davis has returned to work for Mr Jesse Percy VanLuvenhas moved to Mr Penroses uQUBe We believe he intends to work for Mr John Hope tor the summer Mrs Hopper is spending a week Toronto Collin Is all fimlles these days We hear Ids old friend Is back to teach at Pine Orchard School again The Institute bad a successful Raffle at the home of Mr last week- We hope the Cedar Valley boys havent led astray Dont forget lo come to Club Wednesday night at the to talk over Important business nutter per lb per Ducks per lb Geese per Turkeys per lb April fcto i 0 I 40 0000 Toronto Markets Wiieat per bush bate per bush Hay per ton Butter per Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens dressed Turkeys April 2 0 OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP FUND TOFIOMTO SAVE your SECURE your future and SERVE the allowed current at ell NEWMARKET BRANCH SMYTH Manager Mi -tii- On Monday Evening April 9th THE PURPLE MASK la 17 THE 8ILEHT FEUD GRACE and FORD On Wednesday April 17 ire ID 11 EPISODE J Ducks- dressed NORTH On Thursday April A P fAYUIlE I Had Production iSi jV On Special Program for Saturday April 7th ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE J QUKKNSVILLK- The Hand was to have bt on held Suiuluy has been iord Supper held in Hi The None Too Good the Farmers these days and place to get THE do all kinds of valt Are you going away for a visit If o you will want a IJtsW OR I In and I you are going to stay you will want some Music Jokes to liven you up We are Agents for the only that plays disc records and sells at only in Cabinet form us a call of Its superior Wo are also Agents for Victor Victrolas Records or AWijfitm Store School Reports It Evelyn Bruce Morton Flora Williams Daisy Ross Watson Smith Geo Hill Jr II Morton Mary Hill Flossy Wright Jr I Elsie Hunt Joy Dollar Roy Bain Marion gt Mabel Frank Bain Helen Flanagan Terry Ella Frank Watson Jr Morton Harry Martin Marjory Violet Horner Lambert foliar On Hit Of the l asked to de clare war gdnst and urged lb rising of hdf a uiittton required by direct the preparing tu Congress news arrived that one fu f liitur Canada OF a Steady Good Low In tTffeot I For tickets and information apply 19 I PHMIPP A mm ivM A tiw H and Toronto Has doniand or their graduates during lust in bull our to -V- s ttOW ir TonoNrn

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