Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Apr 1917, p. 1

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f I J iicr- aid ion Jut Fur- is If is in ihfe I I Si JACKSON quality Goods I THE Our prompt HighGrade Paints Varnishes an Prompt Service I is logivo you I r Stains AND rlUnE600 Flat Wall Flnltties DLA0K8KIITH8 AND BUILDERS HARDWARE IRON PIPE VALVES AND riOOlirJG rlACERIAL All Grades 8UPPLIE8 Cord PIPE In Glazed In and The Modem Compound In 37 iliO anil I for The Gravity Washing Machine RANGES Oil and Electric 8UPPLIE8 Spark Plugo Patches Oils and IV T H Phone Our Toronto iter U PAINT STORE I A ICO Capital Paid up Total Auela Oct 305216541 Regular deposits in the Bank of Montreal will soon put you in position to purchase Dominion Govern ment War Savings Certify cates and also help to win the war A G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD if into lho cause of the death of a soldier named A Morgan a coroner a jury reported was lie result pi drinking wood alcohol Suburban Hallway was refused power for further exten sion Committee of llio ft la lure A cable lias received at the Methodist mission rooms from Hay Gordon It former graduate of Toronto and employed an a Methodist Missionary id Western China slating that In- hi- applied and received permission to for military On of con victed of John in tin back with a knife during an in a downtown fac tory a young Italian was sentenced to three years in Kingston Penitentiary The Hoard of Control in to prevent ttnoUioY coal ha decided to recommend the storing of a of coal an other season to any emer gency which may arise Last week Judge hi the Court Percy Win Payne of Single Copies oaoh fe like almost long ago how hut she told mo thon to give my heart to and then showed me If EARS a pure Wdin and able to i f help Hut I bore Nannie I John Brown bad almost forgotten show rho I o in Mr Yoi to Miss town Us oclock sharp- crowded streets full of I tlio scalding noise and dirt and w back as air seemed about preparing tea to IW for When it was over with indeed rilrang- pure air blue sky lho footfall had outside world I one of the narrowest and W with a sob dirtiest of its streets Jack into the street below and bis little motherless the can its contents Nannie had their home cutlrecl on the walk Nannie was a rough illnatured collier amiad spent most of bis life J the reek and roar of coal actually beat mine mouth Into the very she bis life Iheie seemed woven would it good caio It was 11 carefully placed in the can again each to three months J Jail and suinundii Nan- were convicted of stealing something of the grim coarse- W PEARSON Order From Carters Office Phono KO Jllea John Reserve Fund A General Hanking Business Toronto years of with le- Id llcJactutoro and imxcoHod In Ontario the BRANCH A LISTER Manager J OK ALL KINDS CUMBER LATH SHINGLES POSTS ETC ALSO i SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM Trim Is Put Through Our Drykilo It Is Put Up THE SONS Will Hot electric supplies from he Cana dian Company and was found guilty receiving Frank Hunter an employe at Canadian Aeroplane Factory got his hand caught in lho ma chinery At the Hospital it was deemed necessary to amputate three fingers To avoid being rundown by a passing car he Pastor of a Church drove Ins auto over the sidewalk and through a win dow in Youngs restaurant doing damage No person was In jured The Opposition in the Legisla ture gave the Minister of Educa tion a serious hour on Thursday of last week willbe lho result three to one the Hoard of Control refused to cut down per cent of their own municipal income hut they dont mind cut ting down the salaries of employ pes of the Corporation It is now expected that Street will become a new cross- town thoroughfare May inau gurate city service to facilitate ami West travel KxiMayor and Hon Or Minister of had a conference a few days ago the question at Ottawa No word was given for public in formation at present but hit knotty trouble at Ottawa will he settled all right otherwise the Minister of Education will re sign It is estimated the great Pro vincial Highway along the front of Ontario will cost Tim City Hospitals are well tilled this Spring Toronto Hospital has patients St Michaels Western ami Grace Hospital A juvenile living on Welling ton St was caught iivlhe very act of stealing two rifles one revolv er and ill money and hand ed over to he Juvenile Court Two persons are dead and one seriously ill from drinking wine sold in the West End of the city The vendor of the wine is under arrest Proprietors of Lunch Houses were lined in the Police Court last week for selling im pure milk Guess they water ed it On Friday Or Wray was lined and costs for assault ing Albert whose medical bill be was also ordered to pay is a tailor and made a suit for Mrs When delivered the suit Mrs re fused to pay for it alleging thai it did not HI Gold- went to the doctors borne collect the money was as saulted by doctor There is trouble among the of ficials of the Church of St John the Divine A Church Warderf stands charged with stealing ton the property of the Church The Captain of the- steamer from Hamilton was the winner of the HarborMasters silk bat when be sailed into To ronto Harbor last Friday The largest number of dis abled soldiers that has yet re turned reached Toronto on Sun day morning amounting to The Superintendent of the City Prison Farm passed away on Sunday afternoon He was years of age was Formerly ho was Church Toronto The city and other Hydro mu nicipalities also succeeded in blocking be attempt of he To routo and Railway to lis through territory from tbe north me was like a gleam of sunshine in the dark thiugs about but she shone alone with very little to keep her brightened up The little- rooms in the colliers cot tage were keyt as clean as busy little hands could make them but it was a bare home with very lit tle cheer about At a certain hour each day a slanting ray of sunshine found its way through I he harrow panes and fell right across the kitchen floor Nan nie always looked for her sun shine as she called it for the rest of J he day looked brighter for it One day- shortly after the first whispering of spring in the air Nannie was hurrying home in late afternoon She slopped short as a card in a dingy shop window caught her eye Faster Lily Bulbs She still had in her minds eye as one of its most precious pictures a bank of Faster lilies and ferns that she bad once seen when She bad crept into one of the uptown churches Afterward in the little Mission Sabbath School she had heard the story of the spotless lily bringing to us thought of the of Christs life and death and of the lovely reality of Him living and reign ing again Nannie often thought of llio story and wondered if Christs love would be too pure and white to have anything to do with her black little life And now in her very way was put one of those wonderful Faster lilies She must have it if she worked day and night for it Not long after the coveted bulb is actually her possession and a little coaxing whisper of encouragement given I3ul she must guard it more vigilantly this time j The joyous season Faster had come The contents of Nan nies can fulfilled her highest hopes Tins great buds bung just bursting into bloom and Nannies heart In an ecstasy of delight with a little trembling fear iii case something might them again they give me a queer Will Nannie help her daddy lo keep his heart clean and make him a bettor man to his lassie than lies been Nannie bent and kissed her fathers roughened check In the narrow window of the colliers cottage floated the sound of hells Thems the bolls for faster daddy last year stole in to see the gran service and floWers and things and I told you seen Now daddy weve our own flowers and youve got a new lit tle lass and Nannie lovingly bent over the sacred lilycups Wesloyor Whitchurch Thorne Bros Holland fcaftdS have a large double column advertisement in todays paper announcing display of spring summer dry goods etc Next Friday be observed in Newmarket as a holiday it jClnod Friday t death of Eli For the Era happen to mar its beauty It was her very own and her little hungry heart wound closely about this first thing that spoke her of something her yond her narrow little life To day she is wailing excitedly a little fearfully to break joy ous secret her father on bis return from the Go ahead you fellows and tell llarJanes little lass were her dad home not just himself git something made up forlo lay him on and dont skeer I lie little lass overmuch There had been an accident at the mine An explosion of the natural gases of he colliery had Taken place arid huge masses of rock had loosened and fallen Jack was the A gang of rescuers began the work of deliverance but it was many hours before a way of re lease was opened The foul air of enclosed place was over powering and all siRns of life were gone from the body when it was discovered Nannies heart sank with dread when the body of her father was carried into be bouse He was something more to her now than the silent sometimes unkind fig ure that had gone in and out from little collage for so long a time He was her father and she loved him Dont take on so little stretch a great way before ventured one of the colliers Thy Name shall thrill the world Shall be earths talis- manic name Thy banner wide shall be unfurled While nations magnify Thy fame Thy kingdom reach from shore to shore Firm Thy Woro forever- more Thou are the rightful King of earth Who alt things made in ages past And will each acre own hence forth Whose kingdom shall forever last His sway extend and never cease Godanointed Prince of Peace I this week Tuesday last Mr Alex of while cut- ling down a tree on his place a fell him on the shoulder fractured it badly Dr Hacked was sent for and dressed he wounds The assessed value of North has been increased by County Council this year some A Monthly Fair has been estab lished in Newmarket for he sale of Fat Stock Butchers of To ronto have promised to attend and make purchasesat market prices Quite a sensation has been cre ated by reporteddiscovery of gold in Belleville peo ple are making preparation for a large influx of strangers York Assizes opened this week On the rand Jury we notice the names of A Smith A Gam ble Armstrong and Samuel from North York Who came lo dwell awhile with men And might have longer stayed lo bless For years this world of grief and son To each them ways of righl- cruel men of Satans brood Nailed Him upon a cross of wood I w and bugging it jealously she hurried home The precious ugly and lifeless was ten derly placed in an old can and poor little Nannies imagination had lo she could really believe and hope that out of that hard brown bulb buried in an old tomato can would one day spring the spotless lily of hot dreams It was kept out of sight till one day Nannie fairly went wild with delight She danced gaily around and clapped her hands joyously It was actually grow ing a tiny green shoot was show ing above the dark earth Then it was carefully watered and each day as Nannies sunshine appear ed the can was placed in the window- where the sun was hot test The watchful care seemed to encourage the green sprout for it larger and larger and glossy green leaves began to shoot out on all sides One dark grey afternoon Jack entered his cottage ear lier than usual Nannie shrank into a corner she knew her father was not himself and was better left alone was in search of something he rum maged through the orderly little cupboard then bis unsteady hand fumbled about on lop of It Nolhin never in its place ev erything but what a mans look- in lots rubbish strewed around though and whats that fer now and he roughly seiz ed Nannies flower pot Nannie uttered a smothered scream Dont daddy it nothing much oh please daddy I and the child sprang for ward to prevent heavy arm from falling Its my flower daddy FJpwejivl I dont see flow er about thai This ere no home for little gels has got work to do neednt attend to flowers Dont never sicb here hear me and with go insane laugh Jack raised hie arm and threw tin tn with its the below una north he Jack still life in hi my hell come round all right when tbe doctor from the town gets here Jack live lo go down mouth again youll see Jack did live but was many long months ere he en tered he cage and descended the dizzy depths to his daily toil The rough impetuous collier is pa tient now on bis bed of pain Nannie was his constant and lov ing attendant One day she crept softly away and returned with a timid hesi tating step In her bands she clasped the precious flowerpot thai had usurped The vigilance of so many days Above the green foliage clustered ho while blos soms about the glossy stem Nan nie advanced o the bedside Daddy its for you Nannie rowed it for you Its Easter- lime now and Nannie trembled at the thought of her own cour age Sich flowers fs not for be likes o me I fear lassie Jack big a sinner lo have flowers as hem put along side of him Nannie crept clos er her father and her band bis great rough palm Her fear of was gone but a great love Ailed tittle heart No daddy bats what I he lovely white things for they told us all it down lo the Mission Kaster lilies is to make us think of Christ coming out of the dark earth after cause he loved us Ho loves vou too daddy he loves and hed sooner love you you think Christ what made hem flowers so think of you and me lay with closed eyes Nannie would q sinner like she and make pa Your- once thin no life fa it and From Era Fyle April Married By Rev James Harris on the Mr Andrew- Cun ningham lo Miss Mary Smith both of the Geo J Bishop on the Mr Geo to Miss Rosa of Toronto By Elder on the 6th Mr Nelson Snider to Miss Maggie Maddenall of Fast By Morgan on the Mr Thos Turner to Miss Minnie Barton all of Sand- ford Died On be of March Mrs Elizabeth Draper of North aged years Newmarket on the 1st Mr George Fisher aged yrs At Toronto on the Mr James Hollo brotherinlaw of Mr Timothy Bo Is ford former resident of Newmarket aged years At Toronto on the 2nd James D uncle of Mr of Newmarket aged years Mr Penrose left on day night for tbe North West Mr Joshua Davis one of North York pioneer settlers is quite ill in his 89th year Mr P T Lee came up from To ronto on Monday to lake part in the Masonic gathering that even ing Miss of Toronto niece of Mrs Cody spent over Sunday in Newmarket Mr Chas Thompson was out of house last Sunday for the first time in ten weeks Mrs Meads of Toronto was vis her daughter Mrs Martin Prospect Ave Mr Martin back from Toronto this week where ho And through the gales of paradise has been laid up with la grippe He swept a Conqueror for e wee i aye Mulock Esq of Toronto l To intercede above the skies North Yorks M P look a run That faith in Him should point St farm last Tues- way day and called on a few friends in To ope heavens gales Newmarket before returning j through faith alone Mrs itev Geo Brown of In Christ who did for all London is at present visiting with atone I Mrs Dr Pearson Queens- every ville I Tried thus lo finish Him outright Thought grand success had crowned their game And in their vain supreme delight Enhanced Christs character and name That they no more should see His face Alas their deed was their disgrace Vain hope Christ soon appeared again Triumphant over hell and death Heavens envoy came a seraph train To wait the Christs returning breath Down from shining court they sped To wait on Him who had been dead I Ob glorious fact Christ lives Arose before a crowd Who saw Him leave the earth so plain No doubt they shouted long and loud I And watched till He a speck appeared The waiting angels also cheered And still He pleads for man That they may be restored again And lake the gift Godhead plan I Ani ever faith in Christ retain For what Ho has for all men bought Through agonizing suffering wrought YOUR CORNS OFF WITH Peace universal I war shall cease The earth shall blossom as the rose From sea to sea Christ shall re- lease Yells how to a or so it with out pain You reckless men and women who are witheorns and who have least oncoa week invited an awful death from lock jaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use all his former a drug called freefone which the woes moment a few drops are applied And every valley shall rejoice any corn or callus soreness To greet their King and hear is relieved and soon the entire corn or callus root and all lifts His voice Hunger no more shall be the bane Wlien Jesus reigns oer every land Earth air and sea their foods combine To bring supplies on every hand No hoarding of earths icons yields Of bird or beast or farmers fields Richmond Hill P off wilh fingers Freezone dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the Corn or callus without in flaming even irritating surrounding tissue or skin A bottle of freexone very little at any drag store- but will positively rid ones feol of every hard or poll corn or burd ened If hasnt freefone be can it at any wholesale- drug house v a hi tit TORONTO 2S SS

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