Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Mar 1917, p. 5

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i i 2li liter Notary rtoooo good iarin Security lOEn Of loo Building corner Toronto YongeSlK ci McDonald J Harvey Rone and Toronto Building over las Co will tin in Newmarket Saturday from to Days and also Frank Duncan and gollbovqii Mr I ever pm I jslll UotdJitllujvrcH Albert on Queen on Thursday March commencing attendance requested 1 1 J SO V Phono Dr Main Mid Dr Evan niiiioniarlnr A Osteopath ttirfrriiAi- let Hay Sinusoidal Currents Ill me Church St J- Medicine of Imi of Hi r clinical imi4UI sad v lie London Office Corner Mnln i Telephone ikI y AND New Post Office AND Ave 2nd house from SI Box for feprVog Patricks Day in the morning the Sunday The walking very flMeii of w ill air- Doar little Shamrock will ho The hold their meeting last nljjlK in their new Hall over the Bank of Montreal l Small and in of the fact that there snomed to he more than sellers there was a downward tendency prices Following wore the flgureB- paid per doz and Hotter per Hi and yiiickens lh ar and Dressed Tirkeys per Apples per hskt 30 Mi Potatoes per hag Hintrtper basket Carrots Imkt Live per lb 18iOc old Hens per lit lit to Ducks per Live per lb 10- 1 He Live per lb Pigeons pair per pair pop Skins per 20 25e to 0 Sheepskins to S3 Tallow per lb Go a by the raalrnjonof by P Pearson was 9ovj by donor by Jifiv P a who well often Mo tog Why do ftiwvret c w wo flflUUoii4 loiter or ever Or full ftndvrlttcn aof who St- iliiYc oihzX ft fromell to Co to brought their Uvea end It relieved voraen from the of ilia from ulceration arc the Lower Hrodie stomach end from It la imporiiblo for nay woman who in well and who suffered to how poor- men feel when to their keen to help oilier women who suffering the A ViolaJiarberwaR and the presentation Chairman Principal- read Iborcfulta of the last Exams tho Special Regulations Form very High School having obtained in the Lower School the agc of the Province was 30 There are live High Schools in York Co and three of four came to our school and only three Honors in same exams in the whole city of Toronto in the Middle School pass ed while the overage in the Province was only In the Upper School there were candidates and all pads- The Principal had of over 1 I Bolton Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator CornWr Niagara and TiMUUiseh Sis A Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Mu sical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia Orafonolas and Complete I Prompt Service I i Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses lite Km Office Newmarket office Private Papers issued at private if desired W A K Hoard An important meeting the Hoard was held last Friday ev ening inutile Hall The re- was effected in the election of the following officers Pros Mr 1 Harvey Mr Secretary Mr K Treas Mr Messrs Hosworth Cane Clark Davis A J Mar shall I toad bouse and Dr Wesley was loft with the officers lo bring in a report al the meel- recommending the Commit tees and it was decided to add an Agricultural Committee the list He eve Keith introduced the subject Freight on the Metro politan and the Hill before the Legislature to prevent be Radial from hauling it through North Toronto reviewed the situa tion from be side of the County from the grunting of the to the Metropolitan Co up to he present lime and commented on tho injustice the people of the County if the privilege is withdrawn After some discussion it was proposed as many as pos sible of the members of Hie Board Trade should go to Toronto as a deputation on Tuesday op pose any such legislation before I he Private Hills Committee Enquiry was made regarding a suitable site for a proposed new industry which requires at least two acres of land and suitable buildings This will have prompt attention Meeting adjourned to the call of he Chair Oratorical The Assembly Homo the New market High School was- fairly well on Thursday evening of last week being the occasion of lie annual Oratorical Contest among the students Tbe Chairman of the Hoard Wedlock presided and delivered a short tracing the idea of stimulate and encourage those who book to limes The program opened with an instrumental duet by Misses and Mabel Morning and during the progress of the evening Misses Shirley mite a gnUon of a Fori claim ftvieO miles per fallen par for of card Mary Drown Margery Hall Beatrice Annie Meek Lillian MaeMillan Sadie Vickie Jessie Stark Starr Hon Pearl Stiles Mario Thompson Hon Llewellyn Fletcher Pope Hon Hoy PollockThorn ton Horace Purdy Middle School to Nor mal Viola Darker Bur- well Charles Donald Calbraith Marjorie Kathleen mer Georgia Hewitt John Marsh Pratt Allan Will Young Junior Matriculation Arthur Viola Barker Harry Keith Augusta Marsh oration Partial Jr Matriculation lo Wart A Ida Don ald Calbraith Grace Georgia Hewitt Feme Horner dred Pratt Alfred Starr Carrie Wesley to Faculty of ion Jessie PI Will PI If Olive Monk man Q man report mlteo- lo record that few if any other V0rqualicr ft economy of owning and driving Ford- moro travel on tires caving In oil for lowest corvioe the I KB OAR mo ROBERTSON Dealer over mm rt and Vocal duet and Miss Flossie Moore a vocal solo She also respondeo to he encore Alain contributed a Thornton Prosser Pt It Lottie Pt Honour Malriculalion Leslie The contestants in Oration and Basil Cross ho subjects they spoke upon were as follows Donald Serbia The Diplomas were presented by Mr Jackson After an announcement by the Carrie WesleyNeutrality ana Presidenl of the Literary Society Herbert Thomas a collection was taken to wipe off the balance of indebtedness on the school piano A vote of thanks to the judges wa moved by Hoy Pollock Proceedings closed by singing the National Anthem after which the pupils enjoyed a social hour Neutrals Edith Morton Education Herbert Thomas The Dosses of War contestant was also re quired lo speak on a subject se lected from a list supplied by the donor of the 1st Prize Mr JD McKay and the subjects were as follows Donald Should Hie If Join the War Miss Wesley Loyalty Miss Mortoiir Sports Herbert Thomas Spoils The Judges on Orations were Inunl out Sunday The broke out in the fireplace which totally destroyed the linn whioh to Mr lotto Lewis Leonard succeeded in sav ing the most of llieir furniture and household goods This Is the second Unic within a year have been burnt out Last spring they lived On the Hi Jon and were burnt but losing everything On evening March 2nd the members of the Methodist Church Choir enjoyed their second annual lloiho as the guests of Mr Alfred who been of for over years The tabic was decorated with daffodils etc and menu was most generous and appetizing the oy sters it Impossible to escape the repealed attacks made upon them Appropriate speeches were made by the pastor J Pox and oth ers expressing the appreciation the host also the leader Miss The following officers were reappointed Leader Miss Or ganist Miss Cecr Alfred A very enjoy able evening was spent by all id 11 nil mmm In the newest Do signs for Wear you will find our complete Brown scarce but are atill a favorlto color secured a splendid range for this AW CALL WILL GIVE YOU YOUR 1 WI tailor Phono Made VclI By Ohio My blood n very 1 was in a weak ncrvoui condition I different remedies without hintfit mid one day from the staff of Pickering Col- my told me about Vlnol I lejfe being Prof Wood Miss tried it and it built me up in every wa Lehman and Miss presenting their report Prof When never- very Joke Is funny on you ft is SOUTH END il In blood and and I my friends it in the bent medicine on earth Mr Maui Wood staled that the standard the appetite presented was higher last I digestion enriches the blood and In year and the judges bad COIlsid- thw natural manner creates difficulty iu determining on every label the awards While the 1st was Patterson Druggist given to Miss Carrie Wesley and Newmarket also the best the 2nd to Miss Edith Morton in in all- Ontario towns the impromptu speech Herbert Harrie March Al bert Thorn bury and Mail Clerk Barclay were killed and Engineer and Mail Clerk Rip ley seriously injured when their train the passenger express on the Grand Trunk which leaves Toronto about am for North Hay crashed into a southbound freight Oil a sharp curve in a deep rock cutting about a mile north of litter son between A and oclock this afternoon The pass en eer train was running about an hour and a half late having been stuck a snowbank near for hour this morning ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Leader for Bread from Old Wheat PASTRY FLOURS A SPECIALTY AND ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Special Feed For Dairy and Hogs CALL AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER Prompt Phono CO A HOWARD ALL OF AND TEAM WOHK ATTENDED TO I was first The second prize in this con test was donated by the Principal In the Heading Contest there The Church choir of the has recently been reorgan ise leadership of Mr IN Monuments and Head Slopes- Call before ordering elsewhere CUT STONE BUILDING I Kepi in Stock and Made to Order GEO W LUESBY OXIDIZUD On Machinery for Hale DAVIS of Hank of Toronto Newmarket vontc hi end In Monuments Headstones All of Cemetery Work TO ami see buying elsewhere AU kinds Stones Cut to Order JOHN Importer of Foreign and Domestic MAlUildls i It el li Huron si OLD NEWSPAPERS at Not Worth Attention Ill the of March 2nd some person signing his name A Kup bad an ar ticle oif Moral Reform and starts off as follows at a conference held in the High School McCiimmon made thy statement that the of our High impurity From personal observations and know ledge obtained from conversation with students of our school here 1 can quite agree with his state ment and it doesnt apply only to the High Schools but lo our common schools The Chairman of the High School at once in touch with the Management Committee ana the matter investigated So far as they could learn there was nothing to warrant such at re mark against the students of our High School The Chairman ask ed the editor for the name of the author as A was evi dently an assumed signature so that the Committee could gel some further information lo work upon but this was refused hence the Chairman of the Hoard wrote a letter to U A asking him lojnecl the Hoard ami make a definite charge or retract statement as it was fell thai such a statement made in a pub lic newspaper was a reflection on the morals of the school That the charge is without foundation so far as Newmarket High School is concerned is self- evident Instead of meeting the Hoard or retracting the statement as any honest gentleman would do he has written an insulting teller which we refuse to publish Any person who out of a corner after making a detriment al against a public in- j not worthy of respect and usefulness as a writer is gone were four contestants Miss Jen- Miss Pearl Stiles I Watson Miss Mildred Green and Frank the Institute Con- Williams All the readings evening splendid and each was entirely different so that judges Mr Miss Nellie ana Mrs Addison bad much Saturday afternoon the Methodist Sunday School held their annual ride and outdoor picnic Sup per was served In the church and a difficulty in determining lime was spent by old and young Owl awards hut rendered the follow ing decision 1st Miss Jennie Mainprise 2nd Miss Pearl Stiles Hey Letter iU Lib lliia ted Lid- lit lectin 14 luoi J I- j no litl Id Lid A fedvtftd Liu to Kla irlllt a I tit i ra loic did to tccl fcot and until entirely to the unfavorable weather the monthly Joint meeting of the Wo mens Institute and Farmers Club which was to have been held Monday night at the of Dr has been postponed to a later date The Sunday School Institu te of Bradford will take place this year in Methodist Church In the afternoon ami evening of March ism u KETTLEBY is two i5a for ttti CANADA out MB hi It id I Mary Archibald weeks in Toronto Mrs John Elliott Is confined to her bed with sciatica Mr Hurling who hasbeen confined to bis bed the past few weeks Is improving itoost the Kpworth League is succeeding miss the special ties next Tuesday night Rev Fox attended the Prohibition Convention and spoke on prohibition last Sunday Mr and Mrs I Watson have moved to Toronto They will be greatly missed by their numerous friends Miss Olive of Toronto who has been home for two weeks on the Kick list is better Mr West Is laid up with blood hi Ida fool meeting of Aid and Womens Missionary society of the Methodist Church was held the homo of Mrs Geo life A surprise and was Mr Bain and family evening last week when nearly one of their fiicndi assembled at to bid them farewell h tor a eJoyi I time was spent Mr and family of fion hod the misfortune to be I TJ I OUONTO

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