Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Feb 1917, p. 3

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A n on- Friday FoiURilendaoM will bo and Make Change lusted of Tuesday Feb Christian Endeavour inking l rr of Missionary The Homo Mission my JdMioinliinlloii what thoy do I in J JO held Moling with A Monday evening What I to fern rail iCliT LI i I m A In Returned Next Sabbath afternoon lire Christian Sunday School will be Missionary wstvlco a returned Missionary from Die Congo will be present and de liver nil Interesting address one welcomed Gome Tin offering will donntcd towards Missionary Christian our people enjoyed very much sermon last and would to have Next Sunday morning It pastor will like for The Conquering A find and the Two additions las Sunday- We will continue worshipping in until Coin In Tpvrn Of and of varlotlca will ho rooters lnfluonoln not your Conference A Workers of and of Hie Sunday Schools of win in iiritl if dandy Mr Webster wftither good Mr In drawing Blabs for Mr loam that Mr li flpending Wo arc that Mr in around li Mm Leaving an valued at of the town of Aurora who died on of lust provided by bis wHI that his wife received the full use and benefit us as and remains a widow youngest child the age of twentyone tie to lie divided In equal between the and three and The will also VfdflB for each of hi three and Annie receiving a legacy of when Hie Age of The realty oilier equity on house Kennedy i 0YrDRTMDAV toterg fe M forward to varieties price and quantity la lie on Feb at p Mis Provincial tary will on Cradle Heir and Mis il ly will apeak on Lessons flCSfllon ia open to A will he defray penscii Death of hafl been of for about 55 years died at the Hospital In Toron to on Tuesday and remains were here for burial on the follow ing Deceased was bom at and carried on a busi ness In Newmarket until quite She had been ailing for about a year and two weeks ago decided It ko to the Hospital for treatment but disease had taken such a hold upon lei that little could lie dene ex cept to give temporary relief Talent A most successful Talent Halo Afternoon Tea took place in the Methodist School last Wednesday afternoon under the auspices the Ladies Aid the proceeds amounting lo 50 which will lie used in repairs at Par- Everything provided was sold and Hie tea tables wore well patronized Mr kindly loaned bis Edison Machine which provided a flno Concert all afternoon having Seed Grain or Potatoes for Sale also to with and and on effort will bo to put thorn In with for tAW8r to J of fJowmarkot 2r00 on Hod the very aide weather on Monday night the Cross Kucbro was quite a There wore tables and the proceeds were over Mrs Fuller won the Ladys Prize again and Mr P Smith the The party broke up about oclock every- Good attendance at both ser vices last Sunday Mrs it Marshall prettified at the morning and evening with much acceptance At the evening ser vice a rare treat was provided when Mr John Winchester Bang Is that Somebody You Next Sunday Mrs Carlisle of body being delighted with the Toronto sister of Mr Donald cosy quarters the I McGregor will take charge of the Leyal Office Mr Charles will open new office in the Ground Floor on Saturday He will he in Newmarket day on Tues days Wednesdays Fridays and Satur days and for the Convenience of clients who find it easier to attend to necessary legal business in the he will keep his office open on Monday and Thursday from P to l lie will continue his Aurora office on Mondays and Thursdays We wish him suo- The Grand Trunk Railway and The Ontario Pop of Agriculture The Agricultural Col lege cooperating in running demonstration cars over the Grand Trunk lines in West ern Ontario Two comfortablyhealed gage cars will bo devoted to ex hibits illustrating selection test ing and improvement of seed identification and eradication of weeds drainage soil moisture growing of alfalfa corn and po tatoes insect pests plant dis eases from lightning dairying including milk testing poultry raising feeding stuffs and their comparative values at present prices- use of lime on soils vegetable growing labor- saving devices for the home small models of sewage disposal and watersupply systems etc Any person interested in agricul ture or the equipment of the form home should not fail to vis it this train The exhibits illus trating the most uptodate I methods employed in all branches of Ontario agriculture will be of a most helpful and practical na ture while bulletins and leaflets on agricultural topics will he dis tributed to interested visitors organ and lead the choir Killed In Action In the official casualty list on morning is the name of P Brown Mounted ltlfles previously re ported missing now killed in action He was the son of Mr Isaac Brown a King Township farmer adjoining the Industrial Home on St near Newmarket We are sure they will have the sympathy of the in heir bereavement Mr Ramsay of Sharon received Itdegrani on Saturday slating that his son was wounded lie has been mi front line for some lime ilia Why Why Why did the band of crafty vidians meet in an place as the sewers of Paris Why did the detective risk bis life in ring the den of thieves Why did they steal and then the valuable necklace These questions fully answered in great serial photoplay The Mask headed by two of the bearuebi serial stars on earth Grace and Francis Ford See this fascinating serial every week at The beginning Monday A unitary Campaign The Fund was closed up this week and a synopsis of the collection ewmarket follows PAYMENTS l Orchestra s00 Hunter for postage J- P Jackson Piloting J refund twice Much care has been taken in getting ready many educative ex hibits for this train and each department is in charge of an ex pert who is specially qualified to give valuable information lo all those visiting the train informa tion that will be of great value In stimulating an effort to great er production which is so neces sary at ibis critical stage in our national history The ears will visit Newmarket on Tuesday March and will be open for inspection from am to pm At pm a Free Lecture and Moving Picture Show will be giv en in Hie Town Hall Everybody invited Make a note of the date Correction In the paragraph last week re ferring to the progressive career of Mr J wo said be was a son of the late las The issue no soon er printed than a friend inform ed that we bad made a mistake He is the only son of the lata John Kavanagh formerly Postmaster Sharon and his mother now resides in Toronto with her daughter Mr J is a resident of New- York City Town Council I meeting lust Monday night ail members present except Mayor Eves following bills passed Radial current for Jan3338G Queen City Co car coal I 24450 York freight unloading Customs on same Buffalo Meter Co 2 me ters 3050 Duty on same 1120 A Trivelt carting cinders Dyke rcf to Mayor and Clerk I Express on Meter paid In MOV A 00 Total payments Cheque to not previously nuoned Win Cane A maiton I Its all the while Of you own that kind ouro to do work with and You cant put your money better fountain than o fciiii a that never to wilto when you Want It to YOU A TAIM mm I 30 I To Meter Co Meter Insurance on Methodist Church Water Meter Northern Co Wire Services Pay Sheet D It was decided to charge the Aurora Dramatic Club for use of Hall A motion by Mr Tench to charge per w for do mestic lighting with no service charge was lost on division A motion by Mr Pearson in structing the ByLaw Committee to bring in a ByLaw to amend the Electric Lighting ByLaw reducing the charge pep k from to for first and balance at per was carried Mr Tench asked to be relieved from the Water and Light Mr Tench granted and he was placed Chairman of the Finance Committee in lieu of Mr Pearson Mr Pearson was placed on the Water and Light Corn and Mr Collingwood appointed Chairman of said Com The Auditors presented their report which was referred to the Finance Corrt with instructions have the same printed accord ing to low Council adjourned -aou- lllg In Detroit Tuesday morning Loss New York Feb The As- sop la ted Press today carries the following A steel net designed to protect the port of New York from hostile submarines and croft in the event of war was put place the entrance of the today For the present it will be lion only between and sun rise and will bar ail ships from leaving or during the unfinished house in King township and po various other proper ties Aurora King Mr Cole of MoMaster University Toronto preached at both services in the Baptist Church Aurora on Sunday Mrs It Cook has after a week spent with her daugdter Mrs I hi Toronto Mi of with her sister Mrs 1 Cutting Miss Mary of Toronto spent Sunday with parents Mr and Mrs I Mr and Mrs P Black of spent Wednesday with son and Mrs black Mrs Dove spent a few days last week In the City Mr Fred Kemp of Toronto spent the weekend with his aunt Mrs J Mrs 1 Murray has relumed home after a few days spent with friend In Toronto Mrs Wilson has returned home after spending a few days with Mis Hidden Mr and Gulfing spent Sun day with friends in Newmarket Miss Olive Cook of Aurora spent over Sunday at her uncles Mr Cook Miss Cook anil Mr Ward Cook ore visiting ffiends in ramp ton Mrs OBrien of King spent Sun day with her parents here Mr and Mrs of Aurora railed on friends here on Sunday Wedding bells are ringing Mr Fred and bride returned from their honeymoon Monday even ing Mitts Helen Hell- of Hill re turned home from Richmond Hill on Monday evening and is visiting friends in Town We are very sorry to hear of the severe illness of Mrs and all hope for a speedy recovery Mr accompanied by his bride returned book to town on Mon day evening and will take up resi dence on Church Street Miss Mabel Skinner spent Die weekend at her home here Hurrah I Listen to those wedding bells Mr and Mrs Joseph intend moving to Tottenham the first of the month Mr Will visited friends at Keltleby on Tuesday last Quite a number from here attended Mr- Websters sale on Sixth line on Thursday of last week and report that everything sold well Mrs Fred Amey- and cousin Miss Jamleson drove through town one day- last Mr El wood of Bond Head was In Town on Tuesday Rev Father Wedlock of Newmarket visited with the Rev Father Coleman who Is ill on Tuesday last We are very pleased to bear that Mr and Mrs William are recovering from their recent Illness Mr who was In charge of the Dank In Mr leys absence re turned home on Tuesday Mr Pete of line of King spent Monday In Town A of our young people attended the skating link at Bradford on Saturday evening We are glad to hear that Mrs Skinner is improving nicely as she is able to go out driving a little each day We are very sorry to hear of Miss being ill suffering from Pneumonia and We hope for a speedy recovery Several of young peo ple drove from Bond Head on Tues day afternoon and held a party on rink Mrs Alf Jarvls of King City is visiting her sister Mrs Joseph Kitchen London Feb Flight Com mander Albert Ball who lias brought down enemy was presented with the freedom of Nottingham today The certificate of freedom was enclosed in a silver and gilt cas- the lid of which forms a stand for a model of Balls aeroplane On the reverse side ho in ghown attacking a German biplane The Mayor read a letter of warm praise from Lord French who congratulated Ball on having fought over 100 aerial battles be fore bis birthday -c- SPOTTED in cities Amsterdam Feb Thirty- four cases of smallpox are offi cially reported at Essen Ger many four of them fatal A telegra mto the says The Essen Municipal Health Committee is urgently appealing to the popu lation to undergo vaccination The press admits that smallpox exists at Essen and Berlin in of the led in the Chamber of Deputies Saturday that the smallpox outbreak of 1 not been completely suppressed He Attributed its introduction to im migrants from Tu berculosis cases last year he said but typhus bad considerably declined Spotted fever had been introduced from Poland but there were only iso lated cases NEWMARKET Hamburg Prussia interior staled new spiring goods here direct from new ALL THAT 18 MUM IN THE In Taney and Pretty Dainty Patterns Pique In wide and narrow stripes In Embroidered Reception and 8ilk in Plain Dainty of Yellow Pink and Gold a 18 UP OF CANADA CAPITAL FhEfilDENT MANAGER received ell Beck credited hall yearly current SMYTH Manager pur suance of the plan to convert the On tario Reformatory Into a home for con valescent soldiers preparations for the removal of the inmates to and other daces in the have been completed lands stated thai be is only awaiting orders from the provincial authorities before moving hem There arc prisoners at the form of whom are serving only short sentences Some of these may not taken lo but may be pent hark to the county Jails from whence they came the expense of the On tario Government Exclusive there are criminal insane and these will also be removed Mr intimated that when the convalescent soldiers arrived the name of the institution would very likely be changed as it would no longer be a reformatory He thinks It Is ideally fitted up for the purpose for which it Is to be used that of a sort of university or vocational train ing school for the battlescarred vet erans of the war and that the return ed soldiers will derive a great deal of benefit from being able to get back to land 4OOOi Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid in Toronto this week are as follows Choice Weighty Steers Choice Butcher Heifers Choice Butcher Cattle and Feeders Milch Cows Choice Cows not Choice Calves Medium Veal Calves Choice Spring Lambs Cull Lambs Light Ewes Heavies and Bucks off cars 1440 J I CLOCK HEAT I IT rlOrJbAV THE THE PURPLE MASK Headed by two of the Greatest Serial Stare on Earth i j- Newmarket Mart Every one is enough to In i lie homo of Mrs Corbel at Swoeca was destroyed while she out op Monday The poor woman almost everything A child of Mrs Murphy of per bush per huh Oats per bush Barley per bush Pees per bush per ton Feb a a 38 000 Short per ton 12 000 Hay Timothy per ton 10 Eggs per A Butter per lb Chickens per lb 240 Ducks per lb 0 Geese per lb Turkeys per lb and The Most Thrilling Serial Ever A Moving Picture Drama that will enthrall you with its swift action grip you with its deeds of daring awe you with its mysterious spell arouse you to a new appreciation of the marvels of the photo play drama- In this prize universal serial you will see the greatest serial stars on earth Francis Ford and Grace Let nothing your seeing the very first episode of this remarkable story of high society and the under- Staged in the lavish manner and played by an immense company it will be a tremendous treat Tell your friends Bring tbo whole family and do not a single episode IAYMOIA MONDAY ORCHESTRA tV BY Markets Feb of pills and ewelloAvcd a number of them which caused convulsions resulting in death Another child named Laurence but its life wre tav The the pills in the home of their grandfather they were via- bush Hay per bJO Butter lb per dor Potatoes pet dressed dressed CO it To Every Lover of HOMEMADE TRY- r Our Favorite and FEED NO Rose ANTHRACITE COAL Prices I OLIVER live lis a Call DIKE-

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