Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Feb 1917, p. 8

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the Hub 4 Mr Midland ill Mr of of Spent- Willi relative Mr arid After of Manitoba worn visiting tier sister Mrs Smith of is a guest at- Mr J Slurrys j road lis toilet of spent the Toronto friend busy at work grading for a railroad Henry farm IlllH Spending a Communion wan ST J l HORAH WATSON Drayton Toronto Nov Abcauliflcomploxion womans and Of a Soft clear Li only natural Jlhod troubled for a considerable with a very unpleasant disfiguring fash which covered and for I applications and remedies without relief After using lives for one week rash is com pletely I am deeply thankful for the relief and in the future I will not bo without truitatlYcV WATSON fa box for trial 25o At dealersiir sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa j I J For Gal o Building fts on and lorim Avenues Apply to fiVWdlllBld ft hone- put after up Oyer year of ftuccfvj merit el I u Spavin Cure iqtg hive ircl a good of Bpvltt for ana do think It born our stubborn of your on by nlnlHhrv anil Jir of t of I itrH fllOUt Work equal Kindly ft co limit Sold by ever TfcAirtj on Iho si Folio ft Oct a copy of to jrour r FOR In West end Hath arranged if Apply 607 Aurora ml That house and premises known as the Mansion Mouse apply to Mrs- How- Sharon or to W her solicitor Newmarket KINO CITY Womens purpose a concert In Feb 2nd The greater purl of the program will he given by the people Maple Urn centre of Hie Whlnli llloV will present The part will he our singer Mrs A- of Maple Dr Master ninl Die Klnn filly while Miss Pauline Unity of tlelmioiul Hill will the elocution The noted for both and quantity There is sure to he much to please everyone We need more money to buy wool to keep Hie busy nellies clicking and to provide footwear This is patriotic duty and to attend the concert is our We trust the weather will be favor- ihte and hope for a full home The service In the Methodist Church here on Sunday was conduct ed by Mr Henry of China of tin storm attendance was rather small J i FOll SALE Host Anthracite at bargain prices filled nil hours Telephone No 177 doors South of Butcher Shop Main St North PRANK SIXTY YEAH OF SUCCESS We have established a for fair and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high trees and plants direct to customers at HOCK BOTTOM Dont delay trees ami plants as there is pays hotter Send for our must rated circulars of hardy varieties of which you can order direct and gel- the benefit of agents com mission Our prices will he sure to Interest you OF ONTARIO LTD Mulled loo late for lust week Mr Mrs Win of attended the funeral of the late Mrs lost week There was not a very large atten dance at Monday School on Sunday last owing In the bad Mrs gave a birth day parly on in honor of her little Emily Mrs spent a couple of days last week with her mother Mrs who been very III with pneumonia Mr Prank family who have been on the lisl are Improving Miss Marjorie of Toronto Normal School- spent he weekend at her home here Mrs returned cm Mon day after spending some time with her mother In Maple who Is III Mr If has been busy for the past two weeks painting and decorating Mr line new house Mr and Mrs of formerly of this place called on Mr and Mrs II Belfry lust Tuesday We are sorry that Mr 1 A Body Is on the sick list Mrs of is visiting with her daughter Mrs Sid ney Morning Mr Everett Scott is cutting wood on ids bush lot which he purchased from Mr Ceo DEAD Jan known old ttil- of dead were taken lo last testing piano at oh Willlains Tins follow vuh born on farm ago and was found lying W bed Friday dnorning by Mr glalioned Ho had not been wolf lately and the loaf of bread last Monday had not Boon more than twice luring the week Potatoes being scarce wore used as food for his usual midday meal and last bug of rolled oats depending from the thickly-cob- webbed ceiling contained nour ishment on which ho relied for the bulk- of his physical enter tainment The old mans sister died some years ago and her bed remains still in the same condition as when she loft it His brother James couch had also been left untouched for many years in tho lonely brick house while his own oldfashioned canopied bed tho only piece of furniture adorn ing the misers apart ment When Chief Constable of Brampton investigated matters last Saturday mattress of the bed crumbled under his hands as he tried to turn it over while un derneath the sootblack pillows he came upon an account hook containing nearly in notes many of them dating as far as and new A bank hook showing to the old mans credit in- tho Dominion Bank was found under frail mattress Scotch newspapers were scattered by the side of the bed in an old box among screws and nails and places of string were found several mort gages indicating that the de ceased had been worth 100000 at least His farm five miles west of town has not been touched by the plough for twen- years or more and the scrub and afford plenty of evidence lo the eyes that the own er had given up manual labor long ago All the outhouses had been allowed lo fall into disre pair and the sight was a droary one even for a philosopher No will lias been found up to the present ftOQQ true beyond all challenge thai the greatest private trade against us the million pounds a week for the itolt Us power Is worth to the Kaiser many divisions of troops- why smaller things than Ihinkvlhat Is pre die mid tufa aside lu the simple stand as the noonday Bun Drink Is Interfering with the army It has caused great delay with muni tions has raided the workshopsof many million of days of iuboiv It hinders good workmen other meiiaway It- Is Interfering Hie navy It has Admiral grave anxiety by delaying ships placing transports at the mercy of submarines stowing and congesting docks interfering- with has used up sixty feel of space since war began and It delays Hie building of ships to losses It 1h Interfering with our food Since jMa war began lias used up million tons more sugar than the army interfere with Hip We call In vain for our peoples savings but they pour two million dollars a day into our public houses It with our industry uses up five hundred thousand Work ers and during the war has handling by road and by rail of a weight uf sixty million tons interferes with vital supplies uses up a million acres of land and during the war has used three mil lion tons of coin There Is no contradiction of these facta there cannot be and the Gov ernment which declares thai every of our strength Is needed to win the war knows these things Is an open secret that the King expected prohibition when he drink from his It open secret lhalTord kitchener prohibition as the shortest to peace He would have nothing to do with this thing against him every hour It Is an secret that Lloyd George prohibition and meant that it should come And so the callous farce goes -J- S A bag or of poor Redpath agar It is in wlytliehizhest Let Sweeten it 1 J Sugar Limited Montreal me Hi re Ml si fc I j At lltisral School Fairs PRIZES Free Courses l Maedonald Institute Gnelpb Free Poultry Raining Ontario Agricultural College Free Cook Books and Magazines Over prizes in all will be offered in breadmaking contests which will be Held this fall at rural school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and will stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the ages of and 17 years J Here is a wonderful opportunity for your daughter it in the contest at the fair according to the conditions to for herself a Free Course in Domestic Science explained below and more fully told hi the folder we the famous Institute GneJph All she will stud you on request The loaf must be baked J fc D has to do Is to bake double loaf of bread and enter with v I Mm on Wanted HI8 nECKItY In the of old when tho Nile were human sacrifices of a gory style And if tenderhearted people at this sort or thing demur- Ted O- v Necessary were told when it occurred require it and we tell them no Or the crops would cease to pros- pep and the Nile would cease to Yet in time tins custom spite of priest and king and thrall For a Necessary Evils no neces sity all hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread I This is a splendid flour which makes the biggest bulging loavewhiteit lightest and most wholesome bread you ever baked Is this not a splendid opportunity to interest your daughters in Provincial fur compete The first or third fourth 3I not aided in couuty lit Short Coiti months In at for Newmarket and District for Spring Planting List now ready Splendid List of Hardy Grown Fruit and Ornamental stock including APPLE IiEGlU UifAUIUQ And Many Other headers Urn on fiiipHotlott ftUrt now at Stone Weliitigton hereby given that an will he made by Trustees of the Friends Seminary of to the legistaluie of the Province of Ontario at the next session for an Art creating a corpora to lake over manage assets and of the bald The Trustees of the Friends of known as Pickering College for the pur poses to repeal or alter Statute VU- 04 of Canada Vie v and HO at Toronto day of January A A Victoria for AppUsanl A British victory was won at on Saturday night and Sunday which may prove de cisive and force the evacuation of the town by the Turks Gen eral Maude announces thai as a result of the operations British troops are now in complete pos session of the Turkish first and second line trenches along a front of two and a half miles on the right bank of the Tigris southwest of KutelAmara and GOO yards of the third and fourth line trenches Turkish dead to number of been counted and remain to he collected In addition 127 pris oners were taken together with one Held gun three trench mor tars a maxim and other materia Two raids of British early Monday morning of and northeast of brought them consid erable advantage for they de stroyed many Germans in their dugouts and they killed others in trench encounters North of the and in Ypres sector he artillery tiring became quite lively and it caused a large lire in German lines The British extensively employed their heavy artillery north of the and they also shelled with it the Ger man headquarters billets and dumps in the neighborhood of Lens British aeroplanes did much good work and they also won battles In air de stroying a German machine One British machine Is missing sCt you A Southern banker recently told the following about his eightyearold son The hoy had been invited to Spend a week with some little friends in country Stay and keep me company Jack said his mother rather goes Ira veiling this week and I shall be all alone Here in a fivedollar hill for you Instead of the visit promptly elosed with the of fer and the banker as promptly bor rowed the five dollars at current in terest thereby keeping as he observ es when telling the story both the hoy and the money in the family Some two months later Jack want ed to recall the loan What Jive dollars asked the hanker Why the five I gave you I havent any five dollars Rut I gave it to you Mother did- nt I give him five dollars You saw me 1 certainly did she replied Wheres youre receipt then demanded his father Do you mean to say youve been lending money with out black and white to show for Mammle said the hoy appealing to Ids nurse didnt I give papa five dollars You poh Utile Indignant ly exclaimed the old woman you done yih it to htm honey There papa said budding lawyer triumphantly theres black of it The Delineator for and October ilia to iiUuvt friends o urn had a cough was osdown weak aud I had tried I Vinol and to try It totiwd nit I kept taking It twiay I a a wrcica 1 all ay tot have bat aoujji and flfUca IBANK We KdaFbt for J in all Ontario In the time of Mr Nero who was Emperor of Home There were Necessary Evils which were very much at home Ahcre and a lot of other as foedjng Christian mar tyrs to the lions or the flames Bill the reign of Nero ended arid he had his little day And Ihiisrecessary Evils wore swept away Swept awaylike little sandhills in a windy squall For a Necessary Evils at all There were good and kindly peo ple who defended slavery As a Necessary Evil which was simply bound to bo Yet its washed away forever by the blood of noble men Its a Evil which will not come back again So the and the brothel Which are ever talked about As two Necessary Evils which wo cannot do without Here are the Splendid jy with Cream of Hour The fodowins at fain 1 paidup ir to hly tor TUli is full cover to cover every month nit a- for of all Is In Value per months paidup to My When calf will to My Ihe i the fair will award of one to The Is wvade cation every month la Its fight pit villi highly and bnh etc the fihaautofiutlc- Short Cotifit at the a of wharip- This little Institute cot accept under the arc of thewlancrte leaf than her with a take the course when reaches the Value of to which for board and The livej Hall while taking course Coule la Institute Short Courxc PouIUV at GWi thU do live at the College kutecod will for thtra In Valet of of No are for for ihe Ontario AgriaJturkl The half of the double loaf to Ontario to The Pamouj CooVisrhool Cook cultural Gutlpb the repfttentative container The it done LI the of and at of the Contest and by laUUcditba fl9H There 1ill7 may compete at lie rural a Loot fair to her whether or not she that birth day lit or I7ih does not occur Ifov I Owe loaf of mult he to about a ft Inches and toefcea deep and divider Into twin o that may be at the fair The loaf Cream of the Hour Up be the fair The other half Got prize loaf will to Ontario CcUtzt to the provincial The content at the lair ill be under the ruled as all the other regular at your fair The standard by bread will be will be Appearance of a or crust- marks Shape mmiT4 fiojarks Crumb a marks Mktotrla Color marks of marks v3 marks actually the loaf entered to the petition The furmtiil be at the the fair The of the A Not more than one may be made by not than Doe prke will be awarded to the urce family the fair will be made to in the case of all trie otter regular The Pruvihclal mil be as soon as the of Rural School Pairs in the Do Not Mitt tils Great gjjj 17 year What a way toitlr up iuuttt in a wipply of of at your dealers and practise as often as possible to IhetliaJccsof If cannot If It to y to write to the Campbell flour Mills Co- Ltd they will promptly tell yep the piiit to get it No Competitions in Counties Named Below The Is open to all parts of the province School Piira are held except the district of and Thunder Bay The are the of the province where fairs are held by the M Agriculture to will not be are no of the of of Huron Perth anduoruraltctcclfalrsjarchtlIln the loaf be the part of the flour big the face of the Old Miller important and an entry form lie by the parents or ardian atattoj date of birth PO yirinjf name dealer whom Cream of West Hour was The form state If you of the West Flour in jour prices tics by the of Ajricullure We regret therefore that the compaction cannot toclude these Counties Addfau Campbell Flour Co Limited Weat Toronto jOraam of Flour Is cold by Newmarket Hamilton Kro3 A fiiirora J Aurora J P A J Ldvlok Button J J Cook A Mr A Lcrnonvlllo A Hamilton IT Out- I ft A A J They shall go like before thorn they shall crumble lo their fall Necessary no neces sity ftl all in the 00U YHAINED TO CIVILIZATION people know how to lake care of themselves as do no other simply because of their order liness and because they have been trained for centuries to respect the law have never- forgotten writes Mr Collier almost grotesque ex ample of thin method- of depending upon the people themselves to take care of themselves and to fair play at a My and I walked round to the entrance to the reserved seats stand I asked for Iwo seats Where would you like them sir Ihe attendant He saw that I hesitated and said Go in and tee would like to sit come hark and tell me the numbers of seats have chosen and will give Idem Ho you accordingly went and chose eats aud walked back and received and paid for tickets Tills was Important were some fifty er forty behind me waiting to buy tickets there half a Inside and the attendant was calmly over his book of pulling out the numbers called for by those my self among the who found the of Me wanted There was excitement or or pact of anybody riotjody THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN 1 fttll7 grumbled nobody seemed dissatisfied the slow and cum bersome machinery On the contrary because It did work successfully with these lawabiding people everybody was off for it This incident remains In my memory as unique Imagine a crowd at a in Franco treated in this way the Qtjas of treating American crowd at a baseball gam- In this In either case there would be flushing and crowding bad language and appeihf to heaven to blast ami dec troy a whirh sanctioned methods No life ho lei rifled fhfty do il- people aiready tndned SOUTH till ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR- for Old PASTRY FLOURS A SPECIALTY ALL FOWL Special For Dairy and Hogs AND YOUR ftD8I A HOWARD worn to J ARCHIVES OP TORONTO

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