fa kv r WWAIVKT Fill DAY i T a J I 9r The best sugar for the sugar bowl is ti purity fine granulation give it highly sweeten- power It dis solves iuotantly in your teacup or on cereal TheflMcIph Mercury nlcrtauH the notion wJlh fow hundred bushels of spuds to rout at SDcIh per peck not heed to worry about getting after any government contracts Well hardly Military for the I opening of IhoXcfcrislatuTO on the of February are now An escort from the will lead the parly- from Government to Parliament JllffS and and Bags Ira A despatch dated London Jan flaysFoilowihK the post ponement of consideration of Iho of women to the the other day Law fiocioty to ne Sugar J Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties the Outfit at the Shop I HADING TINSMITHS SOUS TO postponed the consideration of admission of women solicit ors In view of the absence of fi89 solicitors at Iho front will got a jolt when women of Great become members of lie Law Society An Ottawa despatch on Monday slates that Canadas War Vote the coming session of will he half a billion In addition thereto will be a borrowing bill one hundred million for general purposes Sir While has given notice of bor rowing bill to enable Govern ment to raise money for the gen purposes of the Dominion apart from other finances In North West Toronto election last week Liberals did better than at any election in the of city for fifteen years The Liberals had to contend every possible disadvantage opponent was- a- citi zen elevated lira dignity of a Cabinet Minister own candidate although an estimable gentleman was absolutely un known to general public and had taken no pari in public life at all Me was in the Held for a bare eight days and pulled down the Governments majority by over In view of all these considerations therefore the North West Toronto is an for Lib eral Parly and not an overwhelm ing victory for Iho government WANTED bo op I wan In bed the to time happen to the British Empire much- hud to Herewith wo present a photo Carl only son of Mr and Mrs of fully equipped and alongside of the cannon he is serving with In France Curl was one of the promising boys of the Melhoilist Church being President of Clash when he left town to fill a pro motion at tho Bank of Toronto ii London Out at which place he was residing when he enlisted with a at He has been in the thick of it for some lime but fortunately so far has escaped injury and is enjoy ing good health to o o-s- The of Our OXIDIZED On Short Machinery for Sale DAVIS of Bank of Toronto Newmarket TOURS I A special Faros now in effect to In Florida Georgia North and South Carolina Louisiana and other Southern Slates and to and West Indies Limit May Slot ALLOW ED For full information write to HORNING A Union Station Toronto Out J GALBIUITH Depot Agent J BHOUGHTON Phono Agent Term Nov Open In Business 8obools Toronto TIME I Position to Gradu ates CATALOGUE WHITE FOR I 8HAW Attend tho The 250th Construc tion Battalion Toronto Unit with LieutCol A in command is recruiting throughout Ontario and any man skilled or unskilled who can do a days work and pass the phys ical standard for recruits which standard has been considerably lowered for this Unit will be ac cepted age limit for the Unit is fortyeight years Any man who cannot get a medical examination in his own locality may proceed to the nearest re cruiting Depot and if be is not passed he will be allowed his rail way faro and pay for lime lost at rate of per day If he is passed as At his pay commences immediately and re cruits will be given sufficient time in which to attend to per sonal affairs before reporting for mobilization The Headquar ters of the Unit is at 24 Front St Toronto By joining this Unit you wilt help in a very important way to victory to our cause It is upon such Battalions as the that the men in the light ing trenches depend for their supplies food and ammunition and without which they are help less in front of the enemy and also are unable to send back promptly their wounded for med ical attention unless backed up by like ours Following are the rates of pay and allowances in this Unit The Pay AAllowance on enlistment amount to per day per mouth Clothing and Quarters estimated per month Separation Allowance if if married or only sup port of a household per month The Canadian mother of a fam ily whose husband is on duty in France receives a month as separation allowance gets also onehalf of her husbands pay say This makes a to tal of Were her at home the family income would be per month assuming that I he breedwinner earned per day ft will readily be seen bat the economical position of the family is distinctly lowered for the cost of lie husbands and clothing would not be nearly equal to the decrease in family income It is the condition of affairs so created that the Canadian Patri otic Fund seeks to modify It was called into existence at the opening of the war by the prompt revelation that without some such fund at least two of every Ihrco families left behind by our sol diers would be i need It went without saying that Canada had no intention of allowing the brave wives of her bravo men to make the wholly unnecessary sacrifice such suffering would mean ami consequently the Patri otic Fund national un dertaking the moment the need for it became apparent Gener ous Canada from Fast to West gave necessary money and patriotic men and women in every city and county undertook the task of assisting the soldiers families and of supervising the distribution of the Fund Clearly with the increasing size of and the alarm ing rapid growth of the cost of living the Fund must he increas ed In Ontario will be asked for six million dollars against five millions in The province is prosperous and there is no good reason why this sum should not be guaranteed fry the end of January that month campaigns will be held a large number of the towns and cities and energetic work coupled with generous- loosening of the purse- strings should ensure that by the end of month the Fund will see its way clear to fulfill its duly towards Ontario families until would be put on war that it would make people think that war pays that Germany would be en courage all Belgium no one came forward to fill the ranks of our troops to make good the wantage of war and to provide the extra troops that we need for the next great drive What would happen to our armies The answer is that would be driven off the field and Iho would win Our armies may exist on paper but if hoy are not armies of real men they cannot keep hack tho foe that las done so much to trample down civilization I everyone held back and waited for someone else to enlist Where should wo get our men to Oil in the places that are empty The answer is that we should not get them at all This means that eligible man must fund ready to enlist Could you blame the Government if Conscription was enforced out it I heard of Dr bo I thought I would I took only box of and my r PROVINCIAL Doc 31 e-OOO-c- Children FOR FLETCHERS Leaders of Adult Bible Classes meet In Hamilton on Feb 7 and 8 Classified Group Conferences are also listed for those interest- in Parents Classes Leader ship for Girls Work with Hoys and Homo Departments The closing session Thursday evening presents Our AftertheWar Op portunities and Responsibility A Pearson Mr Pearson was Senior Officer for two years in connection with the work in France and he brings a message at first band The last note of the Conference is an address on The Effort the Value and power of Personal Touch by Rev If Bingham of London The Conference is under the auspices of a Cooperative Pro motion Committee representing all the interests of Ontario The Chairman of the Promotion Committee is J Robert son and the Secretary Rev W Queen St W To ronto Hamilton is extending to the registered dele gates courtesy of entertain ment on the Harvard plan The usual First Standard reduced rate on railways has been secured for delegates Mr W Pearce is well known to Ontario workers Mrs Wallace at one time a teacher in the Ontario Public Schools is a member of the International Adult Division Committee a wo man of wide experience well- known as a writer especially as Editor of one of the Service De partments of lie Ladies Home Journal In this capacity she is very popular among Canadian Older Girls I A report comes from Ottawa that the Government is now considering the question of prohibiting the use of he mails in sending out circulars On the 26lh quite a se vere shock of earthquake at Montreal and Ottawa was felt The shock lasted several seconds In Montreal buildings were shak en in different parts of the city causing quite an alarm Note Anurio la- adapted especially for kidney complaints ond arising from dteotdcrs and bladder as backache weak back rheumatism dropsy con gestion of the Inflammation of the bladder and urinary troubles physicians and at Dr great Institu tion at have thoroughly tested this prescription and have been ono accord fiucceasful in eradicat ing thcee troubles and In case curing the i i kidneys Patients having used Anurio it Dr Invalids Hotel re- cent back for Such a has been created that Dr Fierce has decided to put In the drug stores of this country in a form If not obtainable by mail Dr Pierce lor trial or CO cents tor full treatment Jr Golden Medical Discovery Is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach Into vigorous action It thus assists tho body to make rich red blood which heart nerves brain and organs of body You feet clean strong and THE TELEPHONE From an The telephone girl rfita still In her And listens to voices from ev erywhere She knows all gossip knows all the news knows who is happy and who has the blues v BaJ8t AUCTION I Auction a Heater tho ftfflolont Eleotrlo Heater Gold hlfjhoat award for at tho Pana ma International Exposition It Is built on a now unit attalne of dorjrcoo a tofporaturo than COD NO PRICE Guarantee ASK A ALFRED Electrical MARKET Charles Toronto ACCOUNTING PISH- Etc and OUR ARE KEEN DEMAND I Enter Any Time Write for Catalogue J ELLIOTT Prln SPECIAL NOTICE to- Cross Womens In- Total If promoted to rank of Sergeant Pay A Allowance per day av per monlh 4500 Clothing nations and Quarters estimated per month Separation Allowance if married or only support of a household per month stltutes Leagues Eto Tho best way to raise money for your Society is by means of Popular Illustrated Lec tures given by Alfred Yoking of Newmarket terms and vacant dates apply directly to AJfreil Young Newmarket ft iit ttU ft our Total The above amounts do not in clude the Allowances made from Patriotic Funds which are grant ed in accordance with the re quirements of individual cases which average on the basis of for a family of wife and two children now and help The Battalion will go us a Bring your friends and relatives with you Jones For A McConnell London Jan With a view to enforcing the return to Canada of many wives and dependents of Canadian soldiers who have come to the authorities are considering the advisability of stopping the allowance such as ore not engaged definitely in war unless back to i I r p You This Know Box is to tfcouj rdft VThin not only Cuiada but in the Is or lscd who found Gin Fills be bad ever taken for Kidney end Bladder His of Pills while In Can ada cent fcliu a box lie asking- n be pur- York City be In He off to in good condition AH Gin Pills at a or for Ad listing Vice will to Drug Cheinlc Co of Toronto Address Inc St one HURON ST To Our Livery Lever of MADE BAKING TRY Favorite and Five Rose Flour FRESH Prices I GOOD ANTHRACITE COAL Give Us a Call OLIVER I She all our Borrows she knows all our joys She known all I he girls who are chasing the boys She knows all our troubles she knows all our strife knows every man who talks mean to his wife knows every lime we are out with the boys She knows the excuse that each fellow employs If the telephone girl told half that she knows It would turn all our friends to the bitterest foes She would sow a small wind that would soon bo a gale us in trouble and land us In jail She would start forth a story which gaining in force Would pause half our wives to sue for divorce She would gel all our churches mixed up In a fight And turn our bright day into sorrowing night In fact she could keep the whole town in a stew If she told but onetenth of the things that she knew Say but doesnt it make your head whirl When you think what you owe to the Telephone For the Era Importance of Securing Vigorous Potato 8eet Stock conducted at the iuinioniKxperinientil Station Kent vi lie with eight lots of Garnet Chill potatoes secured from different grow ers a variation yield of from bushels to bushels per acre or a difference of bushels per acre in yield whVn grown under uniform conditions Seed from these eight lots planted in yielded from bushels to bushels per acre a difference of bushels per acre The respective positions of the differ ent lots were changed very little second year but Hie lowest yielding ones increased some what and the highest yield was not so great Seed from fifteen others of ibis variety was planted In and the lowest yield obtained was bush els and the highest bushels per acre a difference in favour of be best over the poorest of bushels per acre Ten lots of pure stock of Green Mountain of different growers ranged from bushels per aero to 313 bushels per acre a difference of bushels Seventeen lots of Irish Cob bler- ranged bushels per acre at the poorest to bushels as the best a difference favour of Cue best yielding strain of bushels This would show that there may be as great a difference between potatoes of the same- variety as there is between potatoes of different varieties and that ft is wise to secure stock from farms which have bad yielding crops Because the Mountain has failed In a on a cer tain It is not proof that this va riety will not yield well there ft may have been due to low vitality In the seed stock Such reversion in may have been due to disease or ad verse soil or climate which affected the crop at some time and it may be belter to discard the stock en tirely than to try to bring ft up to Its former vitality by selection a Peel County Council made a of towards lli- Patrio tic Fund- Word tfonbrs from Ottawa that Dr fiteele of South will move to too franchise to all Canadian on the force Who la now directly representing Canadas Oldest House THE lIAWO AND of Jl And Agents for tho WorldFamous NEW The with the wealthier classes brings them in exchange for Nordhoimer Players and Grands large numbers of Pianos many of them wellknown Canadian and American makes As the or is choice of practically every musician and of many of the cultured homes it is frequently necessary lb lake in exchange for these instruments excellent pianos of other makes so that the Company arc in a position to offer at all times remarkable bargains in used instruments So if you have preference for any particular make it will be to your interest lo get our list before deciding Tor Catalogue of Pianos and Players Pianos or a list of Used Instru ments or Catalogue of the wonderful- Address MORRIS PIANO AND CO LTD Yongo Albert TORONTO J PAY US A FAIR AND BE WELL if you have been patronizing us n lasting you have noticed that our make of Clothes Is long THAT LA8T E CO NO Then guarantee satisfaction In cut and fit I GIVE A CALL I WILLIS phone Main r J in is AY an Mi FRED SKINNER I and Cliirc Violet Dr Co of Of in Moore nonfatal Office W Consults for sale Office AdJ llu In At flldj Out bat AH ARCHIVES OF