Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Feb 1917, p. 1

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1 ti j Watson ALL And iu i It L j The Leading County Paper as Oldest No sta of NorUyJfork unless paid in advance JACKSON JACKSON AsslstanlKditnr MM ritfiwlth TCWatson Graduate Optician Quality I I Our dim jb lo give you Iho boat values courteous treat ment prompt service Paints Varnishes and Stains rlELLETOrJE AND Flat Wall AMD DUILDEnB HARDWARE inOH PIPE A NO ROOFING MATERIAL All Grades ELEOTRIOAt Cord Etc PIPE In Glazed In and In Modern Ovvooplna Compound In and bblo for The GravityWashing Machine RANGES Oil AUTO Tubes Spark Plugs Olio prompt service J Toronto Letter RE THE PA Phone STORE NEWMARKET ESTABLISHED lot noAfio of SIR VIKCFHT Cut C En It Hi LriSUtititKCVO Kcu A E sir vauusTAtw A Ccstrtl Capital 310 Oct DANK MONEY ORDERS- hit of lions- filaltfjk Such Mofey may of the of A C G Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD no in it W PEARSON Order From BO Bishop John l Murphy on Salary a for iviiv of develops lie la to halfyearly of of of la Oatntio tud AHC1 P A LISTER id of race imckH lie Miller bill At Mo Heavy from lo Canada resumed In a speech lhe Ml P for York urged IJic of he Dominion ho as lo include of rain labor Looking out for No returned died in Iho Sold rd llospilal during Hie week viz J Holtthe two flrBt- were Toronto men One evening week tin of Lodge enterlalned all the wives and of tin- of thai pari of Toronto J Oiler oc cupied the and F Calloway delivered a stirring The Old Town Hall- North To ronto ww filled to Thursday night a patriotic meeting Dick aged pass ed away last week She was a native of came to Canada years ago The Ileal lb Department of To ronto has entered an action against the Street Railway Co allowing passenger oars lo he crowded The Company have had action deferred by order of the court A Miiskoka deputation appear ed before the Ontario Government lust week and asked assistance to help them obtain the Hydro line The Government promised to consider thats all Scotch men celebrated the anni versary of Scotias Hard on Thursday night of last week at the Walker House Auto thieves are reported busy in various districts of the City About men took part in the Patriotic parade on Iriday An employe of the Ideal was bit on the head by a falling piece of machinery on Fri day and received fractured skull He was taken lo life Hos pital Toronto during last week raised in aid of the Patri otic Toronto citizens are selling a noble example for the rest of the Dominion These show the animating of capital Eaton employes contributed no less than KM 000 the teachers and school contributed and the Womens Com mittees added A number of Quebec on Friday Thir ty will train with men Exhibition Park At the Jewish Italic Mission on Sunday the daughter of a Rabbi gave a diamond ring on the table lo be drawn for aid of the war fund The Ontario Railway and Muni cipal Hoard sustains the decision of the Court of Revision in plac ing the assessment of the King Edward Hotel building at The County fudge had fixed it 9750000 As regards busi ness assessment the hoard decid ed the King Edward was not ex empt A Provincial Prohibition Con vention of the Ontario of the Dominion Alliance is an nounced to he held at Hall Toronto on the Gib and of March A grand rally is anticipated North Toronto ratepayers want expropriation of the Metropolitan Railway AY BLOWN UP Paris Jan 28 The Dresden arsenal ban been blown up and women and young girls killed according lo a letter taken front a German soldier dated De cember The letter was written from Dresden and the writer said that all the windows within a radius of miles wore broken by the ex plosion He added that the au thorities were keeping the news secret and that no railroad tick ets were being issued for Dres den except for urgent reasons j i 4 Harry A He was an Aurora hoy who en listed in with the and went overseas in April He was then transferred lb the famous DOUJQ THEIR Bit The tale of the of Oct US when the Fourth Hall- ad vanced and made the greatest and most wonderful the Canadians ever participated in Single Copies Vol grand crowd we are very core was great it was v a- splendid crowd And we cor The job would have made others feel proud And you know I cant say Composed by v Church over which the Pastor and Congregation weVcrcjoiclng last night because it was freed from debt t of an word OK ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES CQGQC POSTS ETC ALSO door MOULDINGS AND TR Trim Ib I L Our fihttuU -ftor- It AAUO ft 1 J tr frt Itev lames I of Methodist Missions la the western Provinces at Winnipeg in hi seventy- fourth Parol help Is scare in Western Ontario and Iho Government Is now sending agents over lo York State and to secure laborers for formers In the eoniing spiing Monlreal Jan Three per sons were suffocated or burned lo death and three others were badly injured two bo seriously that they may die in jumping from windows when Are trapped eleven persons of iho third and fourth of the Hoard of Trade Cafe West Paul fit Four by firemen wirt them down I adder third floor- the early morn Day When they gave us the Turn out And I wouldnt pretend we were loo gay And we groused a bit no doubt wed just coino out for a so- called rest the Ireneh fun and mirth For an Infantry bloke dont feel his best When hes grubbing in Mother Earth Hut we up and got to our rides and packs For the Fourth arent the ones bleat As weve shown a score of times in France As youve heard since the great retreat Ho we left Albert in early dawn Between the ledges of brick and clay i Towards where ihe German lines lay Well it aint of others Im talking now Though I might ami Id- make you stare Weve been through it boys in this ragtime row have hit it and been right there Ill fell you what happened reel lie That day when Germans near hat us heal The il was and right here I must say No others could do il more neat The French had gone and before their front The Canadians developed and The shotswept ground and bore the brunt Of the flghi though sorely shelled They were near cut off and Inst some guns They were choked with the smoke of death When they did the thing that amazed the Huns And made all others hold their breath The bit between us and the foe- mens trench Was a blinding blazing hell Through the yellowish haze of thai noxious stench It quivered with shot and shell It roared and screamed with its flame and flash And the black smoke spouted high And the shrapnel burst in a bloodred splash rent the flaring sky The raging roar of unnumbered guns Was enough to make reason rock And the metal was falling in countless tons With a deafening crash and shock When up from we soar and ran into he zone of flame As if we were racing like lads for fun Not on the scroll of fame We pushed right on without break or fear Like the spirits of storm And I you sure us Im sitting here The devils sang us they You couldnt tell what was the song they sang of the deafening roar Hut through Heaven and Hell and it rang And shall echo Well we took Ihe retook the guns Hut my we paid the cost Though Ivas to Ihe of those thrice Huns And wo saved what we thought was lost This Hie Newmarket man who was officially reported last week as killed in action hut had been missing since June He was married in years ago and came lo Canada about years ago settling in Newmarket lie was a baker by trade and was in the employ of Miller Bros at the South End Bakery when the war broke lie joined 18th Highlanders and was transferred to the Toronto Regiment going overseas with them He leaves a widow and three small children The oldest is not four yet and the youngest was horn two months after he arrived in Mih Mee has a sisler in New market Mrs Clark of Huron whose husband also enlisted and is now in an English Hospital re covering from wounds in battle Mrs younger brother Frank Whitley lias joined the so it will he seen that this family are doing their hit and those remaining here should be attended for which they war and for which they have already made such appalling sacrifices have been accomplished That these objects the great est of which is world security from wars cannot he at tained al a conference held at a time that Prussian militarism is pher Ox toby of California still and the Prussian of Sharon mind full to overflowing with the the same on the ult arrogance of victory must lie as Mr Geo to Miss Mary obvious to the neutral nations as Gray both of Tp From Era Feb 1st Married by John Brown Mr lo Miss it is to the allies The of the Allies We are indebted to Dr J A Hunter of Dallas Texas for the following clipping from The Dallas Despatch which shows that the editor in the midst of a proGerman people knows what he is writing about The answer of Great Britain and her allies lo the peace pro posal of President Wilson is the most remarkable document that the war has produced When one considers that every statement every word had lo ex press the composite view of some eleven nations having its own language ambitions and psychology its clarity is in strik ing contrast to the original the central powers the notes of the neutrals The indictment of Prussian militarism for having started Ihe war lo insure Teutonic hege mony headship or control over Europe arid its economic dom ination over the world is unan swerable because is based up on historical fact The indictment of Prussian militarism for the ravishment of Belgium in cynically brutal vio lation of sacred neutral rights is unanswerable because the body of Belgium is living proof of its truth The indictment of Prussian militarism for all of the many and varied brutalities and viola tions of international and moral law since the beginning the war is unanswerable because the facts are so well established that neither Turkey nor Germany has even attempted lo deny them We have no doubt that these indictments will appeal the sense of justice and the con science of the neutral world no less than will the expressed de termination of the allies to con tinue the war with all the ener gy they can command and at whatever sacrifice is necessary to free Europe and the world from he menace of future Prussian military aggression and to com pel restitution and reparation to heroic Belgium and Ihe other ravished nations Tito determination of allies drive the Turk from Europe where he has proved himself so radically alien to western civiliz ation should and we think will the neutral world as one of the vitally necessary objects to lie accomplished before there can permanent peace In entirety and in spe cific parts the allies- statement furnishes a justification Here is another clipping The News says Kngland fromthe way il lets allies do most all of the fighting believes Ihe pen is mightier than the sword and shooting hot air al long range is a lot saf er than facing German shot and shell And this is the comment of the Dallas Morning News on the above paragraph The gibes England for her supposed remissness in doing her bit in the war arc now out of dale No country in the world in any age ever did so much in so short a time as England has done since Aug L She has per formed veritable prodigies in or ganizing drilling arming feed ing and financing armies Her industrial life has in less than three years undergone a complete metamorphosis and from the lethargy which had upon her in pursuits of peace she has emerged an armed and mili tant giant ready arid eager to match her strength against the most carefully prepared and long est drilled military power on earth lias not only saved France and Russia from ir reparable defeat but by supply ing them with food and money and moral support in the crisis of the conflict has brought them within a measurable dis tance of victory over their vast ly superior foe Today with men in arms and her allies front with confi dence the still powerful legions of the two Kaisers and Hie Sul tan and the approaching cam paigns will witness Ihe most enormous conflicts and Ihe most appalling slaughter that ever be fell the earth What Germany took forty years to do England has done in less than three years And anybody who regards Eng land as a decadent nation unfit for warfare is certainly an inat tentive student of presentday conditions And certainly is encouraging to a rionmililary Nation like our own to witness What a nonmilitary nation like was able to do in the face of an unparalleled Hie same at the same place Mr Joseph Thompson to Miss Margaret both of Scott By the same on the Mr James to Miss Mary Mulligan both of Fast The Methodist hold a tea in the Mechanics Hall next Wed nesday night Mr Jackson is announced lo lecture in Ihe Hall Temper- anceville King Tp on Tuesday evening Newmarket municipal assess- menl last year was Aurora and Holland Landiifg on Saturday evening last at Bradford enter his Company of Volunteers to supper Esq Reeve of Bradford Tyr- whilt John Cook Esq and other prominent men of that locality were also among the guests A right jovial gathering a I cy The coming season is going to be marked by high trices for all farm produce will be in your Interest to watch the markets closely The Farmers Sun To ronto as a farm market paper has no equal It has saved read ers many dollars by keeping them posted as to the trend of prices There never was a time when this information was of such value to Ihe farmers of the Province now Those who read the Sun regularly find it a business proposition that means money lo Your subscription for The Sun can be left at Ibis office CHIPS IN Washington Jan Loss to worlds in through war causes exceeded the total to prepared today federal Bureau of Navigation Vei- sunk are put at of tonnage and those built at of The net reduction was shout Ions or and oarhalf per cent of world total Tin figure were from unofficial source but are to be approximately lliitaln ld Will lit A- From Era Jan 1802 Married By McLachlin of Mr to Miss Barker both of At Ihe residence of the brides father Balmoral Man on tho of Jan Mr- E Cook to Mitchell of Manitoba Died In King on insl James aged yrs In King on the Mrs Jane McCann widow formerly of Newmarket In Town on the Mr John aged years Al a Sunday School Convention in King Rev Bell of New market gave an inspiring ad dress people are pleased lo have Mr Frank back again has been decided to hold a S Convention in Queensville on he of Feb Messrs J and A Lehman of at Mr Thos Brown had a had runaway Sunday Nine persons joined the tem perance lodge at Keswick on Sat urday At the annual meeting of Methodist Sunday School last Friday evening Mr J P Belfry was elected Superintendent Mr Cane Asst Mr At kinson A Secy Mr J Treasurer and mii Librarian -000- for Canadian The Dominion Government have pointed a Board of Pension for Canada with offices In Ottawa As Hoard wish to cause as little- delay as possible in dealing with communications regard pensions they wish the public to correspond directly with the Board of Pension Commissioners Ottawa A sreat deal of delaying may caused communications being btnl through other Departments of the J Government The Patriotic Fund Association and the Military Hospitals consented to toff and assistance to write direct to Ihj Commission i i for their being at war their refusal to proposal h To M iu- Join ii All to may lfao archives of

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