s a MR x J Sy J r 7 PREACHER Rev Principal Gaudier P if Knox College Toronto- will occupy Hie pulpit of the Church Bungay Jan at both- services welcome to attend- of luge Trustees was hold On Jan and of office for signed before I INSIST Oil THIS ir i jr 1 I Rowan Jimp Trustee J Kightley Rowland J tonight is Tin- night Friday Jan afllli great CoAoort Moving pictures songs addresses by local and other artists- and bring your friends body welcome starts at ft pm prompt in bo Churohr God Have the King INSTITUTE The of the W thank who ho kind ly given contributions for the Red Cross Wo hope that the ladios asking for a month from all women In the community will meet with sue- If we had a slated amount to fall back on each month we could work lo bolter advantage Please lake Iho little envelopes that provided and every month place your envelope in the special contribution box placed in the 1 for Oh Fob Dr Mary Smith of will ad dress the Institute in after noon Let keep thin dale in mind as Dr Smith is a forceful speaker The W I Hcnt to the Gross last week a box containing Shirts Value pairs Hooks value 548 Gauze Garments value also pairs of Socks and Gauze Garments sent privately ft Sharon i Additional letters received the Womens Institute acknow ledging Christmas include from Pie who says I received the parcel and certainly was glad lo get HomeMade Candy Geo wollwood now and again Mill Wellwood is having on- bis leg We certainly are having it wet here moat of Iho lime and cloudy the rest of the time Our boys in Canada never went to he doctor but there are four or live sick day His brother Hoy writes Just a few lines to lot you know that have re ceived your vory welcome box wbjcb arrived in con dition Those cookies sure look good to the boys but I am going lo finish this letter before pass ing them around We have been out digging trenches all day although I dont have to work myself it is very lirosome but the boys seem to like it for a change The letters are written from Whitley Camp in Hoy of Aurora vis- at Mrs on day Mr Frank It am say visilcd over the at Mr wont to Toronto on Sunday to undergo an operation The A at the Mr John on- Thursday Mrs Col is spending a couple of weeks with friends at Bradford Mr Hon Crone and lady friend of Ml Alborl spent at Mr Crones Miss Muriel Shropshire of To ronto spent Sunday under the parental roof Miss Clara Tate is spending a few days with friends ot Holland Landing We ftce to Mr lard be out after his recent of pneumonia Mrs of Toronto visit ed over the weekend at Mr Willitons Mr John Tale left town very on Saturday and returned Sunday with a We wish Mr- and Mrs Tate a happy and prosperous life Look out for a Cross Con cert to be given in the Town Hall by the Young People of Sharon in the pear Particulars I sick week Mr Hoy Pollock lias been con fined to bis bed for a few Wo hope bo will soon be out Mrs has boon under Mr Clarence Crittenden has been ill but is able to be around again Mr Gordon Wahoney arrived homo Saturday aflpr having en a short He too is a victim of LaGrippo The was at homo of WHlgm lust Thursday A enjoyable lino was spent Ladies mooting of the Church which was held at Mr Yorks on was well lended Ihc bad Weather and to rough Hie meetings which have been bold Hi the WolhodiBtChurcti at Peters havent been as well attended as they have hope for bolter- and larger attendance soon dlye Keswicks returned soldier was visiting at Mr Drapers on iuesday Inst Mrs J Locke has been visiting in city for a few days J J 1 t I A J I iY ft t if 1 ik ha fc HOSE- WHO FROM TIME TO TIME HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY mm AT PAR mm of north The feast is prepared On Fri day evening Jan the Concert under auspi ces of tho will bo hold The program will consist of one play A of Suspension Dialogues and Tableaux of a very popular subject in war times come all or pond band Sony to report a of in our midst Beware you who havent had them Mr who was of North Gwil- for of Iho best known men in the Township Ho was for eight years and has since served years in the Council oven of which were In lie capacity of Reeve Ho is a prominent member of the Co Council and lias one year as County Commissioner Mr Willfjughby was nominated for the Wardeilship of York Co last Tuesday but declined to run staling thai ho would be a can didate for he office in Qtieensville In i I IN SUMS OFQSOO OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal halfyearly 1st April end lot October by of at any Bank In of fivo annum from purchaeo Holders of this will of at par and accrued interest the equivalent of In payment of any allotment under any futuro loan issue In Canada than an of Treasury Bills or other like short security Proceeds of this stock aro for var only A commission of of per cent will bo to recognized bond and slock brokers on allotments mado to respect of applications for this stock which boar their stamp For application apply lo Iho Deputy of Finance Ottawa OF OCTOBER 1S16 IT Kaiser national is Ml Owing to Hie extremely stormy weather Sunday night the the Church was very IjoWOVcV our faithful shepherd on bund look after liis flock he wee Sirli lliil has heart should not be driving around Stormy last Mr find Mrs A Cole have la visiting for Hi a iHK w The Animal Mooting of the Ml Albert Cemetery Company was bold on Monday evening January The attendance was very good The President Mr presided and Mr John I Rowland presented annual report showing the finan cial condition of the Company to be in good shape The work of the Grounds Committee Messrs and was highly commended by the meeting board wish lo ex press their thanks to Mr Newmarket for a contribution lo the funds of the Company ana lo Mr Moss for a marble sign for the Cemetery- The Ml Albert branch of the Womens Institute contributed eleven lawn seats also a pump for the cistern Miss Dunns Bible Class contributed purchase f lowers for the present year following fraternal societies very gen made contributions for purchasing flowers during Orange Lodge Canadian Order Oddfellows and Or der of Oddfellows The Ceme tery is rapidly one of Iho and most beautiful burying places the County The Hoard plan ning for still improve ments during Iho coming season end have no doubt that Ihey will receive the same generous sup port they have received during the past few years They are also arranging a for permanent endowment of plots vill be ready to submit lo the public shortly few days One of our young eon lias raptur ed the former teacher hope the girls will not In to let the one get ahead of them Glad to Nells smiling face around few days ago WO have some new neighbors Ilia sixth Mr and Mrs Jos have moved in with their son Mr Norman Willie some of our younger are gelling leeih some of the older ones are losing hem Hut never mind it wont be long the new ones come and theyll be able lo eluw cum again We were shocked to the of Mr Wesley of Bald win brother of Mr Fletcher this community Incefost sym pathy Is extended bereaved Our was closed all day lat Monday owing to the difficulty of get- ling the drifted roads Silly Sally I suppose you think because it was storming and cold last Thursday with the roads badly drifted that our Ladies Aid didnt amount lo much Well thai is just where you are wrong The people of Hope realize that they are working for our soldiers and will face anything to along the good causo There were quite a number of our Fourth friends there as Mr and Mrs very popular with ihoir neighbors We understand there were six A Message froinlbo Every is invited lo come the big meeting at on Saturday evening Jan A returned soldier will be witli an important message for all Show that you appreciate fact that he did bis duty by coming to Patriotic solos and moving pictures etc will bo part of the program Wo want you lo come God Save the King The bodies Aid met at tin of Mrs Boy on Thursday Al though the roads were very had was a good attendance Quito a num ber from QuerasvillC Come again We were pleased see Mr and Mrs to Church on Sunday Sorry lo hear Mrs J Is quite she will he better soon There will ho services In Haven shoe Church at 1030 and next Sunday Evangelists and Pier of The Gideon Hand Toronto will each service fall to hear them Q many friends of Mrs Scott will lie pleased to hear she Ik Improving after a severe attack of pneumonia and heart trouble Mrs George Bond Is also under the rare With pneumonia but It bel ter at Miss Palmer of Ml Albert spoilt Hie weekend with Miss Mfss Ifaiinu a former teacher paid avlslt to our burg over the weekend guest of Mrs P There are many still on the sick mostly colds Mr was fairly flying on bis long expected ear of coal having arrived Mr Manuel returned to Ills homo In Tuesday The anniversary of Moth will be held on Sunday McNeil will take the services both morning and evening and a large crowd will undoubtedly be out to hear him The annual tea will he held on iuesday evening following for which the children old and young always look forward and will bo fol lowed by a program which by all ac counts of preparation will be he best yet So parents come and bring your baskets amPpthers as well and enjoy all the good things Pour large of our young people enjoyed last Wed nesday evening on Bradford rink Presbyterian Ladies Aid Will be held on Thursday Feb 1st in the hall Mrs It A and Mrs Samuel Miller will serve will be a quilt to work at victory over iho disease We hear Anderson stepping pretty these days Mr Amos York has gone to the city again Hon Where was the Owl last- week Glial to see Mr Mold Kay around again after being confined to his home for a days Illness Red Wing The Methodists are anticipating a treaton Sunday Jan The who conducted a service last winter will hold three services at 10- and Messrs Hinds and Peers arc both very able speakers It is the wish of the congregation that the weath er is a little more favorable this year Mr Hamilton our prosper- merchant has secured the services of a new clerk Good luck Miss but if you would attain perfection lake a few notes from Mrs Freds book What a blessing it would be if some people were during church hours Crusty iC GOHNEaS boxes packed for our boys Tho lady who packed boxes wan of the masculine type J IKI ill I 11 very cold weather he did well Proceeds wore good for a very stormy night That snow storm op was a stunner lion ar rived at snow men faced It S We hear that formerly of ser iously ill with pleurisy monit We hope a recovery Nellie with a heavy cold I Our teacher training Ibis week at Mr fitickwooj roads piled high with drifting snow caused a small attend ance at the revival meetings be ing held in tho Free it is expected that of conditions will make for all person Hello I Here wc are again Mr Johnston loaded a car of scrap Iron this week for Toronto Guess all the scrap must be pretty well gathered up around these parts how number of friends around hero attended the funeral of Mr Wess on Wednesday the wore taken to Kim Grove Cemetery Baldwin for Interment We with the bereaved Mr It Hose of Toronto spent over Sunday with relatives In Town Wonder who that subsltutc in around this berg Oh well dancing draws another direction and thus Mr Bo and Ho Is left behind to look on and lament Well- yes young ladies must have pleasure as you know Me Pre Methodists expects to ha and more fun frequently hold the Quarterly Services in Hill in about three weeks time forget to come ell must close nosy bees keep agoing Sleeping Beauty Here wc are I Hero we are Here are again after our long ab sence from the columns of Era Have we any out her Well I guess Lots of The roads are very heavy at present Norman and of Parry Sound are visiting at Mr Elinor Fosters The itiase Is are In our district the of Mr being of Previous lo the election on Jan 1st Mr Cronsber- ry served for three years as Councillor and hen seven years as Hoove of the Township of His election this limo was rather doubtful as he sup ported the Good Roads Movement and the County Grant to the Pat- Tiolic Fund but lie was sustain ed by majority On trip lo County Council with he assistance of Mr flam then of Whitchurch they introduced the present of Equalization which seems to be working out very satisfactorily has been Chairman of this Committee for the last six years lie has also served on the Indus trial Home Cornrnillce and as Co Commissioner and is an active man in both Township and Coun ty work ii Sutton West Lest Ye Forget A big Patriotic Concert under ho auspices of the War Auxiliary commencing at pm Tues day Jan in tho Town Hall Sutton Moving Pictures Solos Recitations by local and oth er artists are some of the attrac tions offered Everybody invited War Auxiliary wishes to see war ended during the year Do you If so and bring a friend God Save the King The Sutton Agricultural a resident of marlcot has been appointed agent for uiors for growing of Mo desires anyone who grow to communicate with him or by letter Wo contracts ready for signing It may not bo known but Is A Good Deal of Money In growing of Cucumbers up and it will pay into this matter Apply takon up and will pay and to I cox NEWMARKET a Price Willi Co Agon Ire Pie William of a member of ifie Battalion to pieces and scattering wouuds unions tin oilier von SALE One registered rising Owing to sharp advance in the price of Leather and Har ness Mountings which wilj lake- place in the spring we will lake orders from now until April the 1st for a Good Team made of No OakTahned Leath er for 935 a sel one Apply to years J Mount Albert COUNTY GO acres Whitchurch farm convenient to Village miles from Toronto Brick Dwelling Hank Drive House Piggery fipTrag Creek Orchard of anteed for years also Single Hundred Harness made in any stylo and any kind of Mountings re quiredall strictly handmade We keep all kinds of Horse Fur nishings and the best of atten tion is given lo Repairing JJ Dollars We can arrange next seasons contracts to have farm lands dordrained with modern ma chinery JOHN FISHER CO Adelaide East Toronto lii Solved HOW Por the wo are offering Boys Girls and Childrens Hoots and at less than tho price they were before the war Ladies Trimmed Hats Hog for Misses Rubbers to ly beld their Annual Meeting Hals for ho now has of ever ML Albert Be sure for a toy you 1 he life that Is full of work to From of I Coiiv East -icet- Irici Do a dstBUd n0W- with tt9 ofiiibgof what fiiie for sleiglilofedsjtirpre bo at so bustle around and be in time for the Your prayers sympathy solicited for the Of all and in of the ad as to recovery jwlllJ 1 liters look be people from link tit zephyr Saturday AM renoit a very enjoy time won it- io lie who Went of holies hitched to a pul ler The horses Mufti fiiky but under of their corn- latent tiny to Ret Mr gone to the aopte of hauling evdenU- tho Library Room on Saturday Jan Good attendance showing that everyone is interest ed in work Tho usual was transacted and the fol lowing officerselocted Hon Directors Lennox J A Armstrong Geo Stone- house and Pics A 2nd Frank Shop man Greenwood SeoTreaiAW Laviolotte Stiles ft C Morton Win Jr J Silver Howard Win Luke Donald and A Everything looks for a good fair next your Let everybody prepare for It as time along inn i4ono i Injured seriously Uc tore eel ft Plumes Flowers and Shapes at Half Wholesale IJrlea As we are going out of the Millinery there will be No Re serve They must go Shakers Reg for yd At from to Prints while they last to IUo yd j Overalls and Smocks Ladies Corsets As we arc putting in an entirely hew stock- of Wall Papery we selling the present slock at ljlf nice a lo make Paints Reg foe Mio Fleeced Underwear Mens per garment Ail Mens pLr Boys and Girls Toques Hoys Caps Oo Mena Winter Gaps Stock Food Reg Mens Khaki Flannel Shirts Fancy Hat Pins Gold Brooches Stick Pins end Cuff Buttons At Stock at Cotton Thread at Co spool Large Onions for Lemons do Oranges do Corn Flakes and Fore for Dyes 3 for Figs 3 fcr Comfort Soap for 2Go A I i The We J P J aft grippe Mr of his for a Mr these Mr mado Wo Mrs It afe Patont Medicines L Vegetable Discovery for Greens for Allens Lung for loo Armstrong Cough Syrup Consumption Cure Reg Magic Pine Tar Reg t Pulmonic Syrup rg J Celery pills Reg for Pills for Ointment Hfg-v- d6o Mens Reg for Instil for All WO or ova- LIU A pi log off ask on of the at the t tt some suffer flOQSJGh Tut tor SO yy km iilr I