Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Jan 1917, p. 5

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I I I Barrister Notary Off icMnln Bl J to on Good AUG Phono Pp WillWnccn over Dr Kvrn Violet May Galvanic Currents 224 St Joyrnptot In of Toronto old Uib Into Win were sold last Mr Goo Flndldy of Vaualjan fiord fH It ITiftO A Hoard of a good thing for a Town While wo had one important of Town word evolved It Jo Board of Trade was Who Will a WccnUftto of ilftlviadlly o ho of and worn SToMW college of or to Eye Hospital and II09pUI London Moln and Timothy Sty Telephone lltiurfl Last week Mr of Bold a of for service in the Brigade for iiand- of auto has not put all horeca out of business far Town Properly tinted and I HAMILTON to Boyds Livery CO Can A Metropolitan car south bound ran off the track Sunday about a south of wore about on the oar the time and they received a bit of a shaking up car which loft Button at and was due in Toronto at did not arrive at tho North Toronto depot till oclock The cause of its derailment is said to bo duo to running into an open switch WATCH BRAND Park Avenue Adjoining Now Post Office- PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd from St- Box 40 Pointer Paper and House Decorator Corner and Teouinsoh market AOtouKcri NEWMARKET of Piano Voice and in all kinds of Instruments and PIANO for Columbia and Complete Pro T r Vot A man In has the of heating his house by both coal and electricity Here are his figures Coal- he cost per week for three months with coal at per ton was per week the average cost per week for the same period with current at per hour was per week Electricity for healing costs nearly three limes as muoli as coal J3 I Issuer of- Marriage yeeiiGj At the Office Private issued at private if desired iliiw LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Cull before ordering elsewhere Out for Kept in Block and Majlo to Order GEO IJcthodlot A large congregation last Sun day morning listened intently for a full hour to Pearson toll in his experience as a worker who spent two years bo- hind the firstline trenches held by the Franco arid so interesting was the story that it did not seem more than fifteen minutes He made a deep im pression on minds of all his hearers as to value of A work- among the soldiers In the evening the singing was led by a Mens Choir and the ser mon was by pastor appeals praised their untiring forts on behalf of winning the It had- called for sacrifice but no- yet wo bad not foil of wont indeed the Town has over enjoy ed The present appeal of its vorki greatest gonefoaily find on of Go ho a subscription of Dp Firth tho pros- and pfomiocd 100 on of Mr Pearson ably of raised nearly 2000 in amounts of 25 and over Smaller sums to como In later Bole of Toronto on bo- half of and tho Can adians in khaki thanked pco- for gen erous response Ho it look ed to him that before the cam paign was concluded Newmarket would set thb pace for all the smaller Towns In the Dominion of Canada They ore spending a day in connection with the war only with the approval and military authorities and need is great er day as War contin ues Following tlio subscrip tions announced from plat form Davis Leather Co 500 Pickering College Mayor Eves Hoove Pearson Hunter J A Armstrong A novd tekd for the pro flteors hoy have the profiteer It and wherever else cavohliri thoy bleed hlhi and take sixty por cent from him mo by a sacrifice is Abe Word England everybody does it in this connection word Is a of Canadian luva never I can At flrl lit en dtrcntfo- period of really helpful remedy to Dr Pro ration of in Canada it with unfailing a friend to in times of trial For backache hot flaahca mental dizziness renting and exhaustion women never fall to tried and Prepared from natures and herbs it no alcohol or narcotic nor any harmful ingredient In either tablet or liquid form Write Dr Pierce Invalids Hotel today for frco medical ad Dr not only original but the bent Little fiat put up over ago by Dr It V Pierce have imilQtvJ but nr equaled attest fiieyro purely up of con and refined medicinal extracted from roots of American Do not gripe One or for four in I It requires injunction these days to Keep the borne fires burning If you have any coal Yes This is a real old fash ioned winter Lots of snow good sleighing and a bracing winter atmosphere Weve had a solid six weeks of sleighing so far There- has boon a good deal of learning done lately Saw logs are rolling in at both Canes and yards is the jubilee year of Canadas confederation of the provinces Dominion Day will therefore have unusual signifi cance this year Hoy Shaw My Bennett J Y Lyons Dr Wilkinson Chas Al W J Patterson Robertson Jus Sutherland A Boyd A Lister 1 Dr Clark A J Miss VVickett ooo In petition In York County In connection with the School Fairs held throughout On tario during the Fall under the direction of the Department of Agriculture Ihc Campbell Flour Mills Co of West Toronto offer ed a series of The win ner of the first prize at each lo cal fair was eligible compete for a Provincial prize broad was sent to Miss of the AC who acted as judge There were twentynine Provincial priz es and girls from York County succeeded in winning two of these The second prize which is a course of three months in Domestic Science at Institute valued at was won by Miss of No and tenth prize was won by Miss Susie Julian It No Doll of these girls are lo be con gratulated on their vcyy excellent win Latest HeblBoa la Monuinculs Headstones Alt kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO and see us buying el e where kinds of Building Stones Cut to Order l JOHN Dealer and Importer of Domes Uo Phone Box Kit Huron St A will Mi Wed The following supplies were sent to Head Office last Friday Suits Pyjamas Socks 1 Head Bandages Hot Water Bottle Covers Housewives doz Handkerchiefs Quilt The ladies were disappointed in ho small attendance at Ihe lied Cross Euchre last Friday evening only tables being in use Oddfellows Hall is a cosy and commodious place and the ladies had prepared for double the bor Proceeds usual there were more ladies than gen tlemen The prizes were won by Mrs Fuller and Mrs Win- If the next is not belter attend ed they may he discontinued The next Knitting Tea will be in the Methodist School Room on Tuesday afternoon of next week I is hoped that the ladies will continue in the good work I Town Hall was filled on Sunday afternoon by a very sym pathetic audience Mayor Eves presided and the singing was led by the Newmarket Orchestra and a Male Choir Alfred Young and Rev A P Addison took part the devotional exercises The address of afternoon was by Cant Sumner who for six years previous to mo war was en gaged in traversing the Atlantic on behalf of work among he emigrants lo Canada and United Slates He gave a graphic of how lh follows Canadian Volunteers from the over to the firing line million of dollars a vear In pro lactins the morals of the men and them comfort and not otherwise obtain Mo went morn work of he V in London and showed conclusively the of sneh Hon Divih the people of Jtewmarkpt on The following letter was re ceived by Mrs Bales of Lowell Out who is a daugh ter of Mrs Mumherson for merly of Newmarket Somewhere in Franco Dfcl3 Dear kind friend I got your pair of Socks with note and address in litem so will write and hank you for litem very much They are sure needed over here Well I was writing to my wife so I thought it a good to write you a few lines as I am not very busy I also a and a package of smokes and they are very nice I smoked a couple of them already They seem to relieve a mind some I was in Die trenches and have had a couple of close shaves but not with a razor and- am trusting lo Him lo bring safe home again some lime I have a little boy corning two years old and he remembers me yet My Wife lives in Weyhurn and if you like to drop a lino lo her for me I would be very pleased We cannot write very much but if we ever gel over to Canada we will bo able lo talk and tell all our fun after the war I have lost two of my chums They were both killed Too bad but wo have got to expect it I guess this is all for this Thanking you once again for the socks I remain your soldier friend Humble could Hut mm Sun I I Lip tiCU to I wuld not A tie fi vox I lltk fcUi Us Alt COM iik wo of It it yea tikis to if All nstU Ola a fl fir S3 CO it wiw fa Co M Parliament will be just as busy as it likes this session There is plenty of material for discussion in Lieut General Sir Sam Hughes correspondnnco with Premier Borden Dr re port the returned in a double sense be cause Ihoy chose to come homo and be colonels rather than go to the front and become lieutenants the superswollen mili tary establishment in England and many other matters bearing on the Borden Governments in capacity to manage its end of the war Meanwhile the talk in the cor ridors is all of registration and national service Is the Govern ment pulling it over briskly Arc he cards being filled in After Ihe cards are filled in what next How long will it take to count classify tabulate and cross index the answers Two months Three months perhaps A cen sus of any kind is always slow work When the first count la indexed will the Government have another registration this time with fines and penalties to catch the sulky fellows who tore their cards up And after this second count is how long will it take lo tabulate that Another two months Three months well perhaps And that brings us to July 1917 about which time the allied offensive and the German counter thrust should be at their height Many things can happen In six months if the registration takes that longand there is a dispo sition in these cynical precincts to believe that the Borden Gov ernment is going let them hap pen which is a wise course lo pursue because now could the Borden Government prevent things happening in any way It would he very much like Mrs Partingtons attempt to sweep back the Atlantic Ocean course is to wail and see meanwhile making use of no ble gestures like national regis tration and such Members of Parliament who are in touch with labor say thai there afro several reasons the doesnt sign the registration cards- quite as cheer fully as he would a petition to hang Kaiser One reason is hat he doesnt consider it a square deal lo make an inventory of the man power of Canada lo neglect making an inventory of the moneypower If the one is mobilized or conscripted the oili er ought be too There may be something in this objection If the national registration has any other object llan finding out whos married and whos not whos Two in Canada so to speak it must be the war and if men can fight money as Shakespeare says is a good soldier too and will march This naturally brings up question of the excess profits of munition manufacturers and oth ers who liave got rich out of contracts fs the Government point to do more with these gentry and if it doesnt it let the workingman know beforehand so that when they ask him lo Jell all he knows about himself he may do with a glad heart Hosvsillv by the way some of the questions must appear lo the profiteer Of course he would ho if hi fare was lo go anywhere else In Canada and make same money he is You your life ho would As for the he doesnt look at It quite that way Why he asks should he tear up his home by the roots and go elsewhere in Canada some rich munition maker rich er If the manufacturers of munitions were nationalized ah that would be another I One does for ones what one hesitates to do for the cnnllrilisl They got thr right idea in England there the Government he io make sacrifices offices in arc fighting this taxyto last gasp One Canadian capitalist who had a big contract from British War Office Is said to bb organizing opposition to this oil thai It Is Can adian money and not English that the British trying to tax This samo capitalist over hero In Canada sings quite a different song Ho lolls the Canadian profilcors Is to soy those who make their pro fits out of the Canadian Govern ment and not like him out of the British War Office that they ought to he ashamed of making so much money and that tho time haft come for them to make great sacrifices for their country In fact he is to sacrifice everybodys profits but his own This Is habit philanthropists frequently develop being gen erous with other peoples monoy Mr has given it out that everybody should mako sac rifices and he pretty nearly has his Wish Wo arc all sacrificing lo Mr and his follow food monopolizers Tho soldier marches bravely the war It and leaves bis wifo and children behind lo spend the separation allowance and what they get from the patriotic fund and what else they may earn besides on buying something to eat For example bacon costs forty cents a pound Al that scale of prices it is not long before Canadas patriotic slip back to a few men who are gelling very very rich out of necessaries of life 1 Chairman mes sage is lo the effect that Canada is drunk with prosperity If Canada is drunk with what Mr says she is alio doesnt know it A few fellows have made good money in munition factories but the aver age man has not had his wagck raised in any proportion to the cost of living Tho dollar is only twothirds value il was before the war General ly speaking food has gone up thirtyfive per cent and wages two per cent If this is being drunk with prosperity is a very sober kind of drunkenness All most of us do nowadays is see our and then kiss goodbye It is true that Che customs re ceipts show large increases and that Canada has had a riot of spending But this extravagance Is not so much the exuberance of prosperity as the recklessness of despair Eat drink and be clad gaily say people for tomor row Ihe beneficiaries of a forly- tariff will take it Jill out of us anyway Prices arc because the shopkeepers make ern high while the making is good Besides everybody is doing Hut the ultimate con sumer is no further ahead On Ihc contrary he gets- set back harder every minute We soil Ford Cars in the winter time just like any other season in the because Ford is not afraid of snow ice or rough slip- roads when you need it While tho bigger Javier cars are all safely housed up watting for spring tho Ford Tour ing Gar gives full months of service days in the year This is an advantage you cant overlook when you are buying Make your selection now from our new models Ford r iifeteu Our Toronto Letter A person asked permission to serve liquor at a- wedding festival a few days ago but the License Hoard gave assurance thai could not he again advanced during the week another fifty Cents a ton A couple of Wolf Island farm ers had a thrilling experience last week when their horse broke through the ice near Fort Henry They were saved however wilh assistance from the fort but the horse afterwards died Mrs Mary Norman widow of the late lUchard Norman while attending on Sunday morning at Howard Street Meth odist was laken suddenly ill and passed away aged years Water from the sprinkler sys tem flooding the building on Sat urday when one of Hie sprinkler heads burst from the heal of a small blaze which had broken out the third resulted in damage being done to the contents of Ihe Building on Ave Last Thursday night while ff fast freight of export goods was approaching the brake from one of drop ped to the ground immedi ately the whole fifteen cars of beef were hurled to the ditch blocking Ihe main track Premier Hearst and Sir Ed mund Walker addressing Patri otic Fund explains declared thai right of a soldiers wife to go to ihe movies or buy a how but Military authorities are looking over for aviation schools in Toronto Aslibridge Bay big steel factory for the Imperial Munitions Board wag begun on Thursday of last week It- is now expected that Ihe plant will be running by July While walking across a plank stretched over an elevator shaft at the fourth floor of new Adams Brothers building James Mean aged 17 years lost his bal ance and fell a distance of feet to the basement Ho was picked up in an unconscious condition ami rushed lo Grace His condition is said to be eri- Children Dry Come Info Our Store NOW with only a Money and you will out with a bit armload of things you need Price is the area power we are now using to matte- iiur leftovers move out Fasti it will pay you to a move on you and come in and buy you NEED while your money has a long mam TEN MENS in Now and In and at and QUO JANUARY GALE SEUKN MENS In and Sold at and JANUARY GALE Also Line of SUITS In Norfolk In Oroya AY REDUCED I MENS FINE StUYS in Plain and Fancy and JANUARY GALE PRIDE Line of Fleece Lined Shins Drawers AY i A of and in Fancy JANUARY SALE Sao Large Knitted Scarfs Regular for to t200 JANUARY PRIGS l it Outfitter m to to Country on Hi fi us you Prompt

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