Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Jan 1917, p. 4

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I J I trail l St wont I J Wie Httmirpaso Sugar J i a Furnace Work NEB 80H8 Machinery for Bank of WINTER TOURS Special in eflcot to hi Florida North and South Carolina Louisiana and other Southern States ami to and the West Indies Limit allow- For full information write to P A Union Station Toronto Out J Depot Agent Phono a Phone Agent by the- correspondent of a Journal thnt the for Jibber may bo uiVableVlo attend the porta Conference Ho Would obliged to slay homo and insure stability of his menaced jby this unhallowed con spiracy- tho Dominion Prem ier appears to ho v6rymuoh con cerned in regard to stability of Administration and fuluro nil if status before tUo coun try That the Cabinet does represent the Conserva tive parly is very ad mitted This will bo demon strated most emphatically whoa- appeal is to electorate Sir Robert lias boon asked as the Star observes to simply reorganize go as to it efficient and representative Failing in this the days of his futuro as Premier the Dominion fast drawing a close Should he to attend proposed Na tional Conference in it is generally believed ho will hand reins of power to ills confidents in the present Admin istration THE The Mail of Toes- day reports an interview with Hon Howard Min ister Lands Forests and Minos touching ho leakage of nickel and in making said upon apparently auth orized report from London a result of a breach of faith in United consignment of Canadian nickel had gone to Germany on report stated that the officials who were entrusted with the control of the nickel in the United States had taken steps to see that such a leak was not repeated Tho article states that British Government is entirely responsible for looking after export said Mr Ferguson And if as statement says there was a weakness in ar rangements they will no doubt take immediate steps to see that it is not repealed We see from here that the nickel reaches the point where it is under British supervision and then the re sponsibility rests with thorn In a speech this week Hon Mr said the Nickel Com mission may have to pay tax adds We see liat the has reached the point where it is directly under British supervision few many On- the County oils will be the size of ihegrfiht to bo made for to the Canadian will be of much tbtho Fund if the should have full hat the people will heartily approve of liberal grants no doubt that ratepayers or the Province are behind the to whatever extent may For owing to in- alio of the Canadian demands of the Fund oh Ontario will reach six million dollars every cont of which will bo spent Province But this is morolhan wo for so It wll bo that wo oven mora liberally hnn in the past which as will in Treasury LieUcvntO IVZM Report the flnanolal operations of year the Era J wefcegenilomon in the groatost tSiia report is oJ as cncourag that Newton has given for work the Fund is doing In caring tor the of the men front hindered by lack of money we would suggest to all every op of county to see that the votcdlcvol Tip to ho standi aid of tho host paying counties In the Province There is pbr- baps no fairer of spreading over all people in rural districts their share of the of carrying the Fund than is af forded by county council taxaliorf should bo loo proud to let any other part of the Province bear a larger proportion than bearing and too proud to lot any other province out Ontario in oaring for its own till when tho a long time the one Toronto recently he-re- lakcn into it will be emphasized in the moat emphatic to bo a fairly All ot resrotfully signed President The Treasurers Report is follows Grant Grants Membership Fees Paid In Cash Donations Donations in Goods Membership Fees Ho -out- of Prize the position of Liberal Party in the province on the Tem perance question Ho told real facts of the situation and showed that it was thanks to Liberal Party that Prohibition is in effect here today The On tario Temperance Act ho said J would not have boon upon tho statute books tonight and would not have been reap ing the benefit of it had it not been for the effort and work of the Liberal Parly If you Verm Mow Open In Shaws Toronto ANY I NO VACATIONS Positions Assured to Gradu ates IT VJ SUA Proo Attend the lUVUWU ELDr ft Toronto TYPUVJhlTIUQ quickly and Enter Any Time Write for ELLIOTT Mod Somens In- ttltutei entirely new opportunity for men through this district to Join la a most attractive branch of ihllltary been created by De partment of Militia In authoriza tion of the Hallway Construction Battalion the lowering of the physical standard for this unit to such an that hundreds of men al ready rejected will now he able to do their bit for country will doubtless be welcome news to the thousands of men through Ontario who have been turned down for stiffer branches of the service owing to some alights physical to learn that the Is not only a non- fighting unit but that on the day the battalion opened Its recruiting cam paign the Militia Department lowered the physical requirements for units of tills nature to an extent that a man with but one eye with hearing in hut year or with moderately flat feet or with several fingers or toes missing who Is at least four feet eleven In height and under fortyeight years of age can become a member of the Perhaps the outstanding feature which should attract men Is the fact that the is not a fighting unit Its slogan Is We want men to work not to fight As a matter of fact men who Join the are assured that It will never turned Into an in fantry unit since In the opinion of Hie military men who have to do with training the physical standard has be come so low that it would be Impos sible to Utilize such a battalion for fighting The battalion expects to go overseas shortly and Judging from the irate men are enlisting its will The best way to raise money for your Society is by means of Popular Illustrated Lec tures given by Rev Alfred of Newmarket For terms and vacant dates apply directly to Alfred Young Newmarket for far be realized At Toronto best re cruiting centre In the province Into first place In re cruiting on the of its call for men thus that If any man Wants to sure of catching a place on he should act at once- The work building railway lines belli- i xiioMjaUtb front la the have already sent over Canada to help lbp the boys front well supplied with food end work Is Justas es sential end as lighting If the is to who has been put in of battalion Is c Martin of Renfrew one of the most widely ex perienced railway worker To To ronto and district fallen the honor of raiting one company of men other be ftt nay Montreal Quebec Toronto and Old Ontario wants lo out to for so has gong out far the of to fall Into He- or apply ai to 8oblety About the attendance at annual mooting of New market Agricultural Society in lie Vive Hall last Saturday af ternoon Secretarys Report is as follows your Board herewith present their annual report for year closed Fall Rxhibition was held on Sept but for various Tensons was not as successful in many ways as hud boon antici pated Gold wet weather dur the three days of the Fair decreased attendance and gate receipts very materially Also owing to long continued dry weather during the Browing sea son the crops of roots vegetables and etc wore a failure all throughout this part of the coun try in these class es wo are safe in saying It wag the poorest exhibit the Society has ever had In other classes entry wos average cattle and sheep which have im proved splendidly during the last few years An usual concerts were hold in Town Hull on two nights and they were fairly well attended but wore not as successful financially as in some other years Arrangements wore made for the band of York Hang ers H to attend during the Fair but as the received or ders to go at Niagara about that lime the OfficerCom manding could not then be cer tain of their attendance Newmarket Band was therefore engaged for one day which it was found the 220th could be present This gave the Fair the benefit of two bands on last day but necessarily added more to the cost than had been calcu lated upon Prizes were again offered for a slock judging competition by young men of the district but not one entry appeared Wo wish to draw the attention of the incoming Board to the fact that what are generally termed sideshows of any character are not allowed to operate at Fairs the Society secures a Pro vincial License for the same Otherwise according to advice of Constable each show has to procure one The said Constable raised objection at this years Fair to a particularly fine of a splendidly trained horse and as it was news to us that such a law existed wo were let off with a penalty of This Provincial License we un derstand would cost the Society annually and would allow all those patronizing the Fair with various sideshows other than those prohibited by law to operate without interference from the Provincial authorities Owing to loss in gate receipts through bad weather your Board made application- to the menl for assistance and received from them the amount due under the Act for weather Prohibition tonight every man who thanks God for It should re cognize that it would not have Money been in force hut for the Liberal Fees to Ex Parly And want to go further of Grounds Stalls I the Grand Stand Legislative Grant for Loss in Gate Receipts Adv in Prize List Entrance Fees to Races Poultry Entries v EL Vioit Gill Total Receipts EXPENDITURES Bui due Trcas from p Paid in Prizes Paid for Services of Judges Special Attractions Medals Cups Etc and Fixing up Buildings Grounds Interest Salaries of and Treasurer Working Expenses Printing Advertising- Telephone and Postage National Trotting Asso ciation und License 5053 Total Bat on Hand The reports were adopted and the following Officers and Di rectors elected for President John Proctor- 1st Vice 2nd Vicethos Stephens Win Keith Treasurer Robertson Directors Dennis J Slcckloy Ramsay Geo Trivelt J Harvey J J Eves Auditors A and A dales of Fair will be Sept 26111 20th ft thousands of fanners and have aaved money by using Kendalls Spa vin Cure for Spavins Curb Ringbone Splint Growths and from many other causes It keeps working A bottle may a horse for you Get a bottle the uext time you are in town Sold by dnigqists everywhere a bottle for also ask for a copy of our book AT realise on the Horse or write to n J a company provinces Mr Howell explained that he speaking on this subject be- cause there appeared to be an ef fort on behalf of tho government to make the people believe that this measure was the measure of the government alone and that the party which ho had the priv ilege of leading and of whose hon or ho was for the time being the custodian was not wholehearted ly behind this measure I be lieve he said that in in terests of the Act and in the interests of the cause of in Ontario and through out Canada it Is of the utmost importance that wo should remain united and that men of both po litical parties should work in hearty sympathy and coopera tion for the advancement of measures of this kind As a specific example of Mr altitude to prohibition he declared that if Mr Cane the Lib eral candidate in North West To ronto had come out for a wine and beer license he would have repudiated him- on the spot just as Premier Hearst should have repudiated Mr Morris the Con servative candidate in South West Toronto byeelection who did fa vor wine and beer licenses This province that time said Mr Howell witnessed the humiliating spectacle of members of the government trifling with measure which the Premier had declared to be a national ne cessity in war lime cabinet min isters going before the electors and saying We will emasculate and destroy the bill which is a national necessity for the sake of votes No adopted child ever received worse treatment from its foster parents All I ask said Mr Howell for my party and myself in this thing for which we have striven so long is fair play and a square deal and I have sufficient con fidence in fellow citizens of the province to know that they will play fair and are prepared to give us the square deal When Premier or any other Minis ter suggests that there are two Liberal parties I tell them there is but one Liberal Party and that Party stands squarely behind that Act We have fought for the Temperance policy in the past wo stand justas strongly for it tonight we will see it through cater on l 2200 great inspirations to the leaders j of the vestcrn provinces and re- lJalcstlo was awarded suited in the Temperance award for at Hon on the statute books of those International ft la built Mr Howell explained mm i jo temperature DA J EOT 10 PRICE Is Guaranteed A ALFRED ft STARR- Electrical Contractor CONSUL Rome Jan Information has been received by the Congre gation of the Propaganda the Fide Valica stales that people died of hunger in Mount Lebanon district of Syria At San Francisco Jan For the starving fall in the the first time in the history of the streets and are carted away Tho United States a Foreign Consul- Pope has sent a large sum of General Franz one of three money to the Apostolic Delegate consulsgeneral of Germany in at Constantinople for distribu tion In Syria FLETCHERS yd I HI Every Lover of H0JttgMAD11 baKINO YITYi Five Rose PEED GOOD ANTHRAGITE jQive Us Sight this country was sentenced to day to prison and payment of a fine for violation of American neutrality Judge Hunt in the United Slates District Court sentenced to two years in the county jail and assessed an aggregate fine of against him the prison and jail terms to run conouirenliy Three of aides Vice- Consul von George von and Crowley a wartime se cret received like sen tences Mrs Margaret Cor nell Crowleys Secretary given concurrent prison and Jail sentences of one year and day and one year without lines and four others were con victed by a Federal jury on Jan uary of conspiring to violate American neutrality by setting afoot military enterprise Canada in aid of Germany and of conspiring to violate the Sherman by dynamiting munitions ships in Interstate commerce The second is a misdemeanor and defendants Mrs received maximum lenoe Cornell the Phot fco fJ Who la now directly representing Canadas Oldest I AND of UVJUiUliUlJuuLcliL And Solo Agents for mm if Villi NEW PHONOGRAPH te The with wealthier classes brings them in for Players and Grands of Pianos many of thern wellknown Canadian and American makes As the or is ultimaU choice of practically every musician and of many of the cultured homes it is frequently necessary to take in for these instruments excellent pianos of other makes so that Company are in a position to offer at all times remarkable bargains in used instruments Bo if you a preference for any particular make it will be to your interest get our list before deciding For Catalogue of and or a list of Used Instru- or Catalogue of wonderful Address GEORGE MORRIS CO A Albeit PAY Motif Call US A PAIW PRICE liS- VJELL tilifZCQEO 1 i bean you have that our make not 3AY IronUlriU i JJ of Clothes is ECONOMY wo In cut and fit UJJ A CALL J TORONTO an Royal of In Mi ifoap or for Office I PAW tin lea Conn Mi At a olden Mom Call Out mm A j All

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