i rioaot of iIirvilirfilAiyjihuroh of intend jjo Friday jlhe wilt bo sold at- flhurp I T I I MR MARRIOTT Ave Ottawa think It my duty to tell you what hits for Jhrco years I to feci run down and suffered much from Liber and Kidney Trouble Having read of I thought I would try Win Tho result surprising During years- them regularly and would not change for have not hod an tours sick nets com- using and I know now what I havent known for ji good many I hut Is tho Messing a healthy body and clear thinking brain T MARRIOTT a for trial At or Bent postpaid on receipt of price by Ottawa For Building on and Lome Avenues Apply In house to in Red Brick Willi nll Jan 1st Apply Jo Mfchaol Ifudgius Newmarket HOUSE lOU in Newmarket West end Wood- wood finish Hath etc Tonus arranged If preferr ed Apply Aurora Onl to On St between and Timothy Five stalls largo Driving Shed suitable for a Oarage as well as stabling purposes lo MIL MaHlir Chester louden was Kicked by mi Ihurftijijy bono in a voianxiOUflMiiiio for lhp hocl two wo are plonked to hear Unit ho improving now 1 I J At homo of young inillOH of on Jan whs by playing arid eil by several pupils of llnV a served a short program wan arranged Miss Hazel Smith was by Miss a writing and an address by Miss Wood KINO CITY of King Kayo a leu in club room on Sat urday Inn the proceeds lo bo in aid of the Xinnft Among other ileitis on the program was a report of the work by ibn A numbflrvof sent by the boys thanking I he girls for Ihoir parcels were also read by last years good girl have settled down to harder work than ever CO oak The Simeon Ice arc making preparations ftp fill ing largo ice at Wil cox Lake At the school Mr was trustee in tho place of Mr Carter who was the other trustees being Mr P and Mr Monk- man Mr John Malloy has been ap pointed by the Metropolitan station master at llic Jo The travelling public will llnd a groat improvement as the station will be warmed and light ed every day In the week uitr- the at approaching session- ar4u enact f law prohibiting in a manufacture and importation of fi to the fuel Intoxicants over which ihei o hat haw control and to bo also in This traffic which fa He floandal Is not olidhg- except for the worse until la elect ion and re- en franchise these voters well atone Borden lakeflnoChanccs with bye- does it vheihcroriiitOiiofoortcpntii of Urn total population of is a voice in so long as its own majority in the Commons is rela tively which re- vacant nunberV nineteen as follows Ma 23501 Brandon Man Grey iOOno- 36420 London Kings- 220 Mont- niagny Que Quo Que Quo Prince That ami at Sharon known tin House apply Mrs George Hew lett Sharon or to Newmarket FOR SALE OH TO acres miles from New market Good tab ling Frame House Running Water on he Farm particulars apply to Newmarket FOR SALE An Cow to freshen in February Guaranteed to be Wo I good- w years Apply DRAPER Farm Newmarket COAL POU Coal at bargain filled at all hours ftouUl Shop Main St North GLASS The Field Club of wish lo thank the teachers and of lown Public School for their gen erous donation of 10 Mrs Jos Street and Mrs Win- and family spent New Years in Newmarket Mrs Davis received a letter on Saturday from her son Russell in which he speaks of the number of boxes of good things he has received from kind friends here in Canada and as it is impossible for him lo send an answer to each one sep arately he her to ex press publicly in Ibis way bis warm appreciation of the peo ples kindness in remembering him We says the boxes arrived in such good shape and the Coil- tents in such good condition it seemed lo make he good things all the more enjoyable and lo fleet credit on the senders Of the boxes for the good sense and good judgment displayed in llic packing and selection of the things he seemingly most requir ed ALE OF HOME TO THIS Late The of the late William late on the Street Newmarket being com posed of Lot No i on South side Street and Lot No on the tide of Street ac cording to registered Plan No Apply to- IIOS Main Street Newmarket Solicitor for Dated October 1916 Somewhere In France Dec To the Home Comfort Committee- Just a few lines lo thank you and the members of Home Comforts for the parcel which they so kindly sent me I cannot express in words how we appreciate the parcels out will of are sure lino A sale W here is the scene of much rejoicing among the boys I have seen most of the boys since coming to Franco except who came a month or so ago Again thanking you all and wishing you all success in your good work I remain Sincerely yours Lea Smith SALE A splendid Business cars in vicinity Building with all necessary Tools Tank and Air Com- pressor etc IN for fiftlling HI Health A JO Jan I tor from the rtau today 14wn works of my The order 1 and to Completed Hants To ladies of the Home I now take this opportunity of answering your very welcome letter I must thank you one and all be parcel received on fee fit We do not get many dainties in England so when any arrive ihfcy are appreciated greatly v climate here very wot It rains nearly every consequently the mud deep I guess to gel cold in dear bad a rather Voyage coming over at time a heavy sea way perhaps it was better it no doubt hampered the submarines in their fiendish and work Wo landed in on Oct and wnj sent to Villey but only there w to ion went a tew ago and more are soon d close you for the parcel Roy jurlQdlclioh of Pdvncinl A deputation r weofc is cdflyrttv confer- Ottawa on de bodying a definite Of tho legislation Is- asked That of he necessity for nay llonal rosouroes and any impairment of the efficiency of our country manhood in present great of fort to In her struggle for the Jlouor and fustico and the Dominion bo urged to enact as War prohibiting the manufacture of intoxicating for beverage purposes in and the of intoxicat ing for pur poses Into the Dominion of Canada and also prohibiting the sending or bringing any such liquor for beverage pur poses from any place in Canada into any province or area in which the Kale of such liquor is prohibited and the delivering or receiving of any such liquor by any person In any such province area the question- of nmiulaining or repealing same he submitted in a referendum lo the electors after the conclusion of the war not before expiry of three years from time of he Act going into force or in the alternative If the and Parliament deem it desirable thai a rhferen- taken upon such a mea sure before its coming into force that such laken before next June the result of the refer endum bo effective on ma jority vote within three months Hie voting who writes the following letter is on old Pine Orchard boy who joined Daft Somewhere in France Dec Air Cedar Valley To President and Members of the Club Dear Friends Just line to thank you for parcel which received last night at 1030 must toll you that if ever a parcel was appre ciated In Franco it was was very kind of you lo send it and came just in the proper lime as we had just got orders move from one front to an other were packed in a box car which was about feet long and feet wide and there were of us packed in there Well we all got settled down thinking of sleep when an offi cer called out Mail I My name was the first called out for par cel so you Can imagine how felt and it came in good I can tell you was in good order not in the least but in as good shape as when loft you We arrived at this place about noon today and a few of my chums and myself went out for a walk on some old trenches Their dugouts are wonderful I got in one and could hardly my way out again There were stairs leading down to them Be fore I came out I found a broom so guess I will be able to keep some of the mud out of the tent now There is sure lots of it bore Our tent is very comfort able as wo have a stove in it and there are of us in there so bat isnt so bad Talk about thunder storms wo have that beaten out here I I am alright since I got ac quainted with the boys of this Ball are sure a line bunch of boys I was very sorry to have to part with my old pals of the 1271b but you know one cannot do as one likes over here Well the boys arc singing so I- will have to quit and join in or make a noise of some kind I must say I enjoyed smokes as well as the vest of the good things in the box as I only had left in my a so and no signs of any coming Thanking you once again for your kindness mo I will close wishing you a very Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Your old pal Albert No Co No of MRS of J- My fed a f tit I ct fc4 gfcve to Any ced to fay fill J methods no second grade sugar Wo make and soil one grade only tho highest so that yoVvdH get anything but the the nanj of Co Limited Montreal end lb Carton in I I hen wo were WVr pouter iftwfi try We to best In ail Ontario mi Total 536084 In words one sixth of the of Manitoba No va Scotia and Prince Is land of the popula tion of eiBbUonih of population of Ontario of the of Quebec and of the population New Brunswick have not a word to say Ibe ordering of their taxes and matters by the Parliament of Canada Of nineteen constituencies vacant at the present moment thirteen wont Conservative at tho last general election and six went Liberal If there was chance of Ibis ratio being maintained the Borden- Government would lose no lime in opening what they consider the safe constituencies Hut the fact of matter is that only two could by any of imagination bo labelled safo and even they are tinder suspicion The other cannot even be classed as forlorn hopes for the Borden Government the powers Ottawa are disposed lo let go at that The Governments chances broadly speaking will great deal worse before they got bet ter Besides al ton out of the thirteen socalled Conserva tive woro packages and the party managers expect to get them again a general election Of he thirteen Conservative now vacant one member resigned lo become a Senator one left a temporary job as Speaker in Commons to accept a permanent one as Sen ator one resigned to lake a Gov ernment job on Quebec Har bor Board one resigned lo run for the Quebec Legislature one resigned as a against the extension of Parliament one re signed over a question of parly patronage two resigned on of graft and four died Of the nineteen who resigned four did so to take snug billets two because they were excommuni cated Premier Borden two be cause saw what was coming at the next general election and one -because- he couldnt handle the spoils of- office the way bo liked In the six Liberal constituen cies now vacant four members died one resigned to accept arduous duties of Premier of Saskatchewan while another re signed to run for the Local Le gislature of Nova Scotia lo winch he was elected In other words no Liberal shifted to grab a soft snap The only thing thai mov ed llibht away was death or the prospect of harder work than that on which they were then on- gaged In Ontario here are five vacant constituencies all of which went Conservative at the last general election a fact however which puts Utile heart in tho Borden Government to lake any chances just now which seems lo he incurably Conserva tive lost its member Gar land early in the war Mr Gar lands name got so close to a graft job in drugs that Premier Borden banned with bell book and candle He went out into desert along with 1 Ar thur East Grey though tolerably safe for or was abandoned by mm a year ago for a life sentence in Chamber Senator got bis work in because he knew the night was coming member for Last Ham ilton Mr died a year or The con of Lincoln has been va cant fof about the sain tune through death of Mr Conservative member for London died a fov weeks ago i J I J it a Hi School Fairs PRIZES Free Courses at Institute Free Poultry Raising Courses at Ontario Agricultural College Free Cook Hooks and Magazines Over prizes in all will be offered hi breadmaking contests which will be held Ibis fall over rural school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and will stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the ages of 12 and mm West BL I EM I en T the hard wheat Hour guaranteed for bread This is a splendid flour which makes the biggest bulging loaves whitest lightest and bread you ever baked Is tins not a splendid lily to interest your daughters in tin wholesome bread Here arc the Splendid Prizes 5 SS ImI jIh of ibe fte follow are t local lit MM lo My for 1 i 1 full torn lo arifclei for people nil it li In Iceland Value Aid month to My Vjahie When ton its ncttd tea a 3rd Kill be of nurt paidup iptlon to My When the of the judges at the fair will Hi and of one year Hoof to The Utile Paper Yhb is a Utile every month In pis picked highly inforinaUon to nature- anbiiali etc 1 1 be lit at the fairs itl become for the Provincial Prate The half of the double loaf is to Ontario Agri cultural by the district In The Is by A of The at eh the Department and Floor Testis at College of the Contest Provincial lair compete for first or and not be awarded anyone county 1st Prize Short Course months la at Institute Gurlpb does accept under the yews if the I 17 we prwent her with a to like Ult Value of course pays foe fees room ari let srinaer lives at Mudoruld Hall bile course Short Course months la Sclrnce it Institute 3rd Short Course in Poultry at Atrlcultural toUe Guelpb this mohc do rot wye at the but be for them In Value of caurse for Course at tie Ontario Agricultural Ah to Prizes The Cecils school Cook by Funic tateit edition Ttue arc tested redoes and reproductions of dishes etc betides much i I It A Byery compete at the rural la attends that her riay txcuii In or w before I One Iwf of most be inches tod 3 inches deep and into so thai they may at lie fair with Crram of ttlil at The LI to College ic compete the Coulee the fair be cwiducUd tTUheiritLctuaifybifctdtLeloifeatef The hill he at the of the fair- The decLion of the Is I Jot mere than one entry be made by fill cot one be auaiided to the faniilj ecoGtat the fair will be made te i- the cave of all ihr contents flic be MiCfjccJ as after the of ScUI in the U all a of loaf Texture of its marks fiiraiks Odor 4 l lheolUtrre Not Great OpDOftUnitV will will beat foMowi a Ha ft and What a ftpleodld way to stir up r a i J inubs mark marks tspeu breadntillbal Gi a at your ami practice way toslir up the Hour Sell it to you roato they It fice marks to No Compefitious in Named Below The competition to all of except the of and Thunder Bay are the only tats chocf fairs are by of Agriculture ill not be j feature C re iOfflpJllf Pitt of the fiour of Old Milter and entry must iicl by the arid pirents or guardian staling date of birth PO and of dealer Cream of the West Flour ws purchased The form still If you get Creain of the West Vhur la your us for are of the of in the Couniits of Huron Perth or and no rural Khool fair are in ties by the Agriculture We regret therefore thil tbeie Contiti I Addroi Mills Co West Toronto us of tlio llour la by llamHton Bros hot A How button A Coats and A A Hamilton 11 Hamilton l fJovmarkot Aurora J Aurora J P Sutton A J Son Sutton McDonald i J Haul Holland J ton J- W4 i A L Home via officially announced that sntfrtj men two hundred fcd AAveuty Tills war has brought back into our word Liberty which has not been much worked for generation or two have again become afraid of the oppressor on the throne We feci and may well do so that no thing worse could happen to us than to cease to live under a Government responsible to the people Responsible government has been our solution of the question of national liberty few must govern for the many have lo attend to business but we hold few responsible for results and so control affairs ourselves Wo have thus far realized truth that lib erty is the mother of responsibil ity We recognize this partly but not enough Wo have estab lished responsible government wo must responsible citizen ship loo if we are to bo rid of our oppressors the greedy the slothful those who would take more than their share and give less those- are our oppressors now We must make them feel their responsi bility if they are not to be un bearable The movement for universal national is a opportunity to make all cit izens of this country that in free country none of us to himself As no one is free to evade his individual rcaponsibilly when a national service is found to bo neceaary it would have been to assume its universal adaption by if lav But ft in bettor to make it a of honor lo- take pari in the ef fort The do method of dealing with Is to pate and here phi educate our cippresso Tin not ma of popular If any are bo bardinied as to they will feel their isolation in fact they should be made to feel it We should nfark them The best way lo do this is to mark ev eryone else If those who are serving in their own or other necessary occupation and those who though willing arc too to servo or are unlit get each distinctive button as they ought those who have declined to sen and have therefore will be marked loo as they to he We want to know You like its Fine Granulation Buy your sugar in these neat 2 or 5lb carious which you place directly on your pantry shelves Just cut off the comer and pour out the sugar as you need it cornea in and bags for to buy quantities my in The Sugar 2 and Carlos and fcsa T ft I SOU i HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Leader Kade rwn Old Wheat FLOURS A Feed For Dairy and Hogs v- t ii010 HOWARD t f TORONTO