Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1917, p. 8

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ml St For two I ft from litiimnattsm and Stomach 1 I Spelts an A when took food felt wretched and irnitiara dreadfully with jttiiw In iny tck and Joints mid my hand A friend advised Uvea find tboy did mo After the first box I felt was getting Mid I can truthfully my that only a box for trial Biro postpaid Limited Ottawa Pop Onto Lota and Apply W On A HI Willi ail coiivcnioriciiM Jan ial Apply to ftflcliaol Huron St 1 formerly of ltd Village who reported wounded about is In August and fibfl In thetronchoa a short lime lie fWyflwoIC hud of the Home for- He formerly of the On tin Wednesday pee took place the home of Mr vice la honor of inomhera of Church Hill when thelrfliteBt daithtorr- Flora Gladys wit in to Mr Arnold linker of Halter Hill The mnloUr the I V VimSormnn AiWr Mr and mm linker took he train for Toronto the following- morning to Park to spend there r In Newmarket Weal end Wood- wood Fur- etc if d Apply Hex TWO TO RENT for Working Men per month including water rales Thou Kirk Ontario A lot to FOR GALE Ewes from of yearn old a Nowinfirkat TO Off and Timothy Five stalls Driving Shod for a well as Maiding and large a rage as Apply to MM of her of Toronto is the of her Mm find Tlntilaleof Toronto spent the at their homes here of childrens clothing were senl from hero last week to the Northern Ontario fire sufferers Those who are interested pleased to know that the Society of this place realised the of their canvass waste paper and Junk In general llhovp sum will he devoted to purposes The ladle hope to shipment In future and ask their friends not to destroy any of these I he Aid for The lied FOR That house and premises Sharon us In- Mansion House For particulars apply to Mrs How- Jell Sharon or to Wlddiflelil to her solicitor Newmarket BALDWIN BREAKS Mailed too Into for last week hut not On Thursday the gist of Dec ex act live Id the hour from the time his wife wag home to last rest John Oldham away The ley hand of death put an end to earthly career Saturday the he was laid to rest beside his partner Ho left three or phan children of a tender I can say respecting our late friend lie was in every way Just and honorable man Host POn SALE OR miles from acres market House Farm jjod 5tahling Frame Water on tin if vtm SALE An Cow to in February good- cow aged Apply JOHN College Farm Newmarket d to be years ill COAL ALG Coal at bargain at all hours nest Anthracite prices Orders Telephone No 3 doors South of Osbornes Butcher Shop Main St North GLASS BALK OF TO of The of the will of the William offer for sale his late residence on the South Side of Street Newmarket being com- of hot No on the South side and Lot No the side of Andrew Street Ac cording to Plan No Apply to J Main Street Newmarket Solicitor for I FOR SALE Garage A splendid Business cars the vicinity Brick Building with all necessary Tools Tank and Pump Air Com pressor etc our loved friend lake thy rhst No more by worldly cares op pressed Sleep on so calm the cold cold clay Till all tears arc wiped away And when a blast of Gabriels horn Calls up he dawn of Judgment morn Then shall thou wake and stand before The King of Kings to die no more Deceased left no will only Good will on earth His broth er has applied for power to ad minister the estate On account Of Mr Oldhams decease the festivities were much mar red but presume most of us looked out that No got his share of dainties Mrs Oldham of has arranged make home for the Oldham children as it was Johns desire that they should bo kept together a wise act So we will not see our little friends maybe never Norman Brady and bis bouquet of were lied up by the son during the holiday season The boys went over to give them some music on Saturday night They never got a red cent Aye and Norman never deigned much as to thank thorn but stuck to his cosy nest Wasnt he very wise bad his an nual shoot for fowl on the The very best marks in all land were present and superfine marksmanship was on deck Sabbath School Convention at Baldwin on Tuesday the 2nd Donald moved to ML Albert on Tuesday and Win to Keswick on the same date We shall very much miss both families They are good Our boys seem to be en joying skating and courtship Ivan mokes them all take a back seal Oh boys did you see Lottie and Ivan whip by as jolly and handsome Of course is quite short and Ivan is long So Ill wish them much joy and dry up my old song Too dark for composing- staff of ihe snatching a hasty supperbWbre tho final for publication V desultory conversation proceed ed Choral Unions concert cello solo of Van was it BO Casting eyes upward shafts and bolting beat time with a round of broad and hum- bind Teudeturutoiddloytnn like chuck it chuck it I groaned a little mad with a bald pate arms over his stomach and writhing in mock agony crumpling- the sporting paper ho had borrowed from the A marked- chilly Indiffer ence from the musical side of house met this interruption HcrapeJoy descended to ordin ary the- funny tiling how lie managed to play at all I never saw anybody put away so nnich In a halfhour hefore When he wont Johnny walked at his back ho was afraid hed fall break his neck Jlut bless you played like well like an angel I heard as how a lot of them big pots arc alike for that Grantham They can most on cm do their share Theyre bound to do my boy returned Scrapeley with the air of an oracle They could not keep up with thccxciterncnt if they didnt You cant reckon those chaps with ordinary folk Dutch courage Neither or ems a patch on real stuff This sententious interruption came from Timothy the teetotal ler dubbed by iho wit of the staff Obsactly sneered the bald sportsman Tim thinks good for riowt Tims one of antianimals antibeer anti- pubs antisport every bles sed thing only psalmsinging and collection Tell you what Tim shout ed a rubicund roundbodied individual did you ever know tell you Its char acter like beer Get a good big stone bottle full and bear what it says when you teem it out l I and amid the laughter which fol lowed this jest he sang JJcer beer glorious beer 1 too blooming skinny to buy beer said Hes Saving up fort wedding Ive not been short of my club money any Monday morning yet retorted Tim quietly Reply to this was rendered as the bell rang and jugs and boxes were cleared out of the way Tim overheard Scrapely re mark to Grantham know if didnt have a livelier when I have a concert on I should shape as flat as a pancake And as they settled to work Tim muttered to himself And Mat yon are in the morning when your hand shakes and your breath smells I dont roc why I like a sewer should worry oer you any long er This remark came from a muchworried heart Those for tunate persons who evince a live ly interest in the fluctuations of the incometax and who receive salaries not more wages can for Selling 111 Health AIM iitt tick staOcm a us lvo of The sad was hero on New Yeurs of the hi of tteieunlMalor Wopdroof a few days previously from when he hod been with Conduct Medal for con spicuous Mr well favorably about and wide circle of friends regret Kin Ai of lae of Wiokcrw fa ROUOG lift or to still hardly realize what ft fiveshil ling rise means to an artisan rive shillings a week in Sleepy- bury represented the rent Now and Tim did much tho some work but was first hand and possessor of the coveted extra money was also a cellist of no mean order and was in groat demand in musical circles But the average musical company of a provincial town like has many pitfalls for tho unwary Occasional turns at the theatre questionable dance engagements and other events of a like nature had of late caused ap pearance at the office to ho some what erratic and unpleasant pas sages had taken place between him and manager This slate of affairs caused Tim distress An ardent advocate of temperance he bad often got On the better side of the impressionable cellist and was not without hope of ultimately winning him One evil- hour there came to him thought as if it liad been in his ear If gets sacked you will get Ms job first lirno the tempter spoke TJnv was horrified He Ihpugterhe roust be very bad for en to cuter his head The- thought however came not once nor twice but many times till Tim got quite to it argued with It and people usually do who hold iho devil bo finally beaten by it The was expressed in the re mark he iaado to himself about t dont why should worry over longer If you do got get plenty of money it you- addle five shillings of flghtfrom lamps along Iho Pavement Thy dirty runnel which dighlflodwiih once being over Its banks Aa tall rnehcilfrorn an entry and mounted tho parapet They sprang- forward and dragged him tho pavement Let mo go I Curse you mo gol They answered by pinning him firmly down on the stones At length he and they lot him a silting pos ture against the Tim replaced on mans greasy battered top by an accumulation of mud Suddenly with distended and fixed gaze ho struck at some objects unseen by his roeouers Then face with his and grovelled on the wet his whole body trembling and writhing Heros a go hes got the blues An anxious glance about con vinced them that they were- the only persons abroad The- wind thorn with sleet and the water roared Under Whats to be done said Tim wo cant leave him Lets look for the police The man struggled to his feet The water dripped from his clothing and his teeth chattered No dont No police I Do not lot em take mo light fell full on his face and as saw it clearly for first time be ejaculated Good heavens youre not Hil ly Bowman arc you William Bowman at your ser vice sir answered the gone figure with pathetically lu dicrous dignity First violin in Co v Garden Halles and pro vincial orchestras Havent had the pleasure of your acquaintance Air So many old friends you know Dead on tho rocks sir you sec May I request the trif ling loan of Ah I Curse you Again came the wild glare and pitiful attempt to shut out some horrible vision and Tim seized hi in appeared dozed But at this Juncture to Tims re lief a and sergeant ap peared and after sundry explana tions the suicide was marched off and the friends do- parted homeward told Bill Bowmans sad story It was the only too common one A clover provincial lad winning his way by bis talent to a front place in the great city lie had lost that place again by his folly of intoxication I mind his mother poor little body One dress shod had in seven years and butter was a thing kept by for high days and holidays All to keep yon sot to bis fiddle Well shes boon dead these two years now and a good job too During the narrative saw again and again in imagination the figure of wretched Bow man Yet not quite the same for the face persisted in appearing like Their ways diverged at a cor ner where stood of prominent places of wor ship On the wall was an an nouncement board garnished by two gilt cherubs heads their cheeks unduly extended and rain drops trickling off their snub noses in a way suggestive of in fluenza the two friends paused to say goodnight Tims glance fell casually on the notice board In bold characters he saw written the sentence Tho way of the cross The way of the cross Tim thought Am I going way of the cross What about was evidently uneasy too Tim ho said in a hailing way Ive laughed at you often enough for being teetotal but if I thought I should ever be such a wreck as that weve seen to night Tim Id sign teetotal Im blessed if I wouldnt Why was it Tim could not speak Now was the psycholo gical moment A word a little sympathy only was needed Yet the word would not come newlymade po liceman determined to move on everything stationary the wind came hurtling round the corner Cherubic teardrops flow off in little dashos of spray The rainsaturated sheet carrying the announcement was stripped off and borne triumphantly aoross the streot- leaving exposed the subject for the previous Sunday One word only it seemed to Tim to bo written in letters of fire Judas Judas thirty pieces of silver five shillings a weekand what after that These and other fragmentary thoughts wont whirling through Tims braintill the storm in tho streets nothing compared with the storm in his soul But men do not parley long in a wet and windy street at two oclock in the morning Tim prayed and won Pi I IB quality that the result modem and methods backed by 60 to J toS Retpath Sweeten if MEeoM0MhB the highest I a I a I mi ft Fairs PRIZES Free at Institute Free Poultry Raising Courses at Ontario Agricultural College Free Cook Rooks and Magazines Over prizes in all will be offered in breadmaking contests wliich will be held this fall at over 250 school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and will stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the ages of 12 and cars Here is ft wonderful opportunity for your daughter to win for herself a Free Course in Domestic Science at the famous Mucdonald Institute All she lias to do is to bake one double loaf of bruid and cuter it in the contest at the fair according to the lained below and fully Will send you on request The foldtr lofced mm J the hard flow guaranteed for bread is a splendid flour which makes the biggest bulging loaves lightest and mos bread you ever baked Is this not a splendid opportunity to interest your daughters in hi wholesome rcadmating Here are he Splendid the Villi Hour- flic rc Pair lit Til to My Mlfuo for This Is full every month Utklu for of ail It is hi Value Znd Wire fliibutiptloo to My Vfilu When exceed tea a 3rd prize of to My Maculae the awe number or entries lata hd ever In ty the at one the fair up littlt arc with highly enagin and to fttjlnuh birdlift etc The lit the autolc iujjumui competitors for the Provincial The of the double loaf to Ontario Agri cultural Collect by In provided The judging Is done A- of the of and Flour the Provincial Prizes fiiupfiiAtMcfa compete for fuiow- pruts The and or third fourth cot oeanjrded anyone county lit Courts months in SeWocc at Institute Guelph The Imtitulc accept under the if be present with a certificate to Value of Up pays for room and liven at TOarc Short Coune in Scieccc at 3rd Short Course in Poultry Guelph GMi this not live at the College but good will for them VaJue of of fees are chared course la Peltry to tli Prizes The Cookbfwiccl Oak by Fannie I9HJ ire and Conditions of- the compete at the rural her attend that day occur before November or birthday dot not before I 1910 One of bread must be pan and inches deep and divided Into that be at the fair The loaf Mutt be baked with Cream of the We Hour M be l the The otter fcU firvt loaf will be stilt to Ontario Agricultural College le compete in the Contest at the fair be conducted i the i rides as the other regular contents at fair- Tie by be judged will be as follows that actually J in the Tit forms be at time of the fair of lit more one entry may by each and cot than be awarded to the If i made In the case The Provincial results wil be announced as alter the concluxiou of the in tie Province Do Not Miss this Great Opportunity gj of Color fimarta of crust fitnarls of loaf j of Crumb L coriclc interest in supply of Cream What a to am of Cream of the West at your dealers and it as often as possible to iLcreai mark i i i 2S marks marks Flavor of a Odor fiacb loaf be by the of the flour containing the of the Old Miller important and an entry form mutt be by the girl or guardian stating of birth PO find Kivin of dealer from whom Crem of West Hour was purchased The will state chancer of If your dealer cannot it to jroo write to the Mils Co Ltd and they promptly tell you the place to get it No Competitions Counties Named Below The competition all parts of the province School Fairs are held except the district of and Thunder Bay ditikts are the of the province where school fairs are held by the AwuIUircin which wCI cot be a feature no of the In the Couotks Huron Perth no rural art held in ties by the of We therefore- the st thete Counties If cannot get of He West la your for prices Flour Co Limited West Toronto US of l lour cold by SI lives Hamilton A Howard Aurora J Aurora J Pefferlvv A J Son Sutton J Hast Klalnbura J J Cook I3roo A CI Vandorf Mr VolfoFe Jos Coats and A K A Hamilton Hamilton Sut ton to than to you iaall Ma jmhr A twit sti sad m Im glad to bear you say old man We sbaM finish to our inecUnff a temperance meeting you know you can sign then Tim has yet got that five- shilling Many months have passed now and things at the office are much the same that is now regu lar and trustworthy and has giv en up his faith in the inspiration of John Barleycorn Heaven has many ways of rewarding Iho virtuous and the least of these is that of worldly prosperity To gain a friend to retain ones self respect and have approba tion of conscience are aids to happiness which have no equiva lents in material wealth Tim has all these and is reckoned by those who know him best to bo a fortunate man Win J Edwards in the Alliance News and Tem perance Reformer SOUTH END ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Leader from Old PASTRY FLOURS A BRAN FEED TOR FOWL I Special Feed For Dairy and Hogs CALL AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER I phono CO A HOWARD OS- AND TEAM WOMK Prompt Delivery lit Jr ft J too do fei riep 1 lb it MrGte dufCi a- up iTtU Ltd rty1 our jjuwi Baldwin of Mr MubckUirouh Johostou McKay enured notion at Qajjopda her for ftUmooy The until the Iriil of this of to ha paid to of oknord Hi- the la Mr of Sir of of lit on itit of ft of I s and School for Boys and til A U in I i I feSlS

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