Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1917, p. 7

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sips I it a JJfJf t I i r L- At China Department Our assortment of Find Fancy Useful and Ornamental China and Rich Gut y was any more Attractive Handsome in Design and Pleasing to our Customers In Crown Derby I firs several Male- HANGING Our Lino of Goto Pi China Tea Soto from 3 up Worthy Of lUQpOOtlOUl Assortment of China is Good Nave a Look in Our Window It Will Please You The potto will undertake to this nuostian at Popular day at the Friends Church men especially invited a a it- Is a mens and deserve -y- Tho will at both sftrvJneH next sub ject What wo- think of Jchus is a to was bounded on rfSSif in Presbyterian will a id at and the to a The a social iiioullnff at at oclock 3 Importer of and TUB HARNESS OP QUALITY Order at A Given Wl a Pull Una Blankets TRUNKS to In and Look Around Wain St Agent for Famous Victor Iralas and Needles I Photos Your Prlonda buy you thorn your Photouriph LET US MAKE pon you Phone Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office EVENING SITTING School Reports Report of No 12 King Term ending Dec Class Murks Possible A Curtis 593 Wilson Hi Class Murks Possible 111 Jr Marks Possible li Wilson Wil son Proctor Sears 702 Class Murks Possible I Blackburn Maggie I Class ft Marshall Shanks M Curtis V W Wilson Maud Primer A Marshall Davis Porter p Baflo Hill the buoter 1 died at Col jo A a Joey today decided that Howard Clark jaws death from arsenical nf His mother bad spread Ufrli on rats mixed with Jain broad placed in fcvidftuee of the bread of pieces of of by the a closet and indicated that the fcheady won a w v J The December of Womens held at the home of Mrs Chan St when a splendid report of the recent convention in Toronto was given by MIhh Finland and Miss The next meeting will he of Mrs Will on the of Jan A good Is as there Is to a and literary program of Ihn Institute arc invited to take their pleasant afternoon of Ihc sudden demise of Mrs 4th Con of a groat shook to her wide circle of friends and her family Mrs Boyd was stricken with a severe stroke on New Years Day from which she never regained consciousness and died about oclock in the evening Tho large funeral on Thursday of last week was attended by her friends and relatives from lia Kingston Newmarket and vicinity The late Mrs was born in Sharon over years ago be ing the last of the family of the late Of a kind and obliging disposition Mrs Boyd made friends wherever she went She leaves husband and seven children to mourn their loss J of Kingston Robert Herbert and Frederick of Charles of Sharon and Stanley and Linn at homo Field Comforts Letters received this week by the secretary from our boys over- seas are as follows Gunner If Stone Pie Driver Maltland Al fred Pie J Wosloy J Clark Robert Mc- Vale W Lieut J Robertson Any friends or wish ing to read any of the letters may do so by asking the Secre tary Sewing as usual Friday af ternoon at Many thanks given the Girl Guides for distributing and col lecting for the Field So ciety envelopes for Belgian on the Sommo front but that Canadians moved away from now It was certainly a hot spot close thanking you more for your and wish ing all my Newmarket friends a Merry and a Happy Year Yours si riceroly Wobt Dear Madam beg to acknowledge receipt of your porcoh which I today and for I grateful and ask you to conyoy my I go any farther I must ask- to pardon mo for not acknowledging of parcel which received on Sept morning re ceived It I was sent away on work may know signaller never one day Where ho will be next I wassent to a quiet place behind ho linos to keep up communica tion wljrli troops on tho move From there I wont up line to whore it was warmer and less healthy From then until a fow weeks ago I was kept pretty busy working night and day but wo arc haying a rest now- and I trying to up with my correspondence My address for the past live months has been Murray A Cable Section Can Corps Signals Wo work all over the Corps area From No Mans Land to Corps headquarters and some times further back still Our work is very interesting with sometimes excitement and sometimes not any and a times too much A Cable Sec tion has been very There are thirtyfive men in this sec tion So far we have lost our Original officer and one wounded Our officer was wounded seriously and has had no leg amputated Our late officer won a military cross and five of the men von military while we were in a pretty hot place It is getting pretty muddy now but the war is going on just the same Tomorrow I am going out to join the second division but do not know bow long I will be with it I think I will go as a line man to one of the Brigades Well I shall have to now Thanking you once more for your kindness I remain Yours truly M below zero morn ing coldest this winter harvest will commence next week Start the New Year right by at tending the meeting every Tuesday night at Topic for Jan Ought CO A Pledge Meet ing to bo taken by Minnie at time The amount I tow and Dorothy realized was an- other indication of largeness Division Court Runaway On way to day morning Frank was thrown out of the rig by a awaVi Ho was taken into where his injuries wore attended were not serious and ho returned homo with it The annual meeting was hold last Monday re ports wore received that wore very satisfactory- The officers for 1917 were elected as follows- Pros Mrs J Morrison Vice Marshall 2nd Vice Miss Trcaa Wallace Johnson Organist Miss M Convenors of Com Devotional Miss West Missionary Miss M Educational Miss p Social Stewart of appreciation soldiers who had received boxes were read with much satisfaction The young people start new year with much enthusiasm arid great hopefulness o mm jlIiiiiiiteoitaifAt The most Announce merit In paper to folks who are to buy the simplo of tho- known SET I mm i of our Newmarket citizens hearts Che ladies also wish to thank Mrs White and ladies of Methodist Church lor collecting and sending to Field Comforts for the Belgian Relief The following letters have been received by the Secretary of the Field Comforts from boys overseas Dear Madam I have to gratefully acknow ledge receipt of parcel forward ed via Nottingham Since my ad mission I have received numerous proofs of the interest- taken in us by the various Canadian Societies especially the Canadian Red Cross in London We are visited twice a week a Miss McCrao former ly of the official visitor of the Canadian Red Cross to whom wo are much indebted I trust that the New Year will bring peace prosperity to us all and especially to the town and citizens of Newmarket Yours respectfully Pto J Clark Dear Mrs Davis This morning a parcel arriv ed from your society addressed to Weston with instructions on the cover to the effect that if he should not be hero the con tents of the parcel were to bo divided amongst other men of this battalion As Weston is not hero I have distributed contents of your parcel among two or three men They have gratefully appreciated the gifts and wish me to convey to you their grateful thanks and to re ciprocate ail your kind wishes Yours sincerely Dear Madam I beg to acknowledge receipt of parcel so kindly sent by Comforts Society of New market and wish to express my sincere thanks The Society is certainly doing a great work in keeping boys supplied with such necessaries that often impossible to obtain I have been in hospital nearly three months now but expect to be appeared a board of doctors yesterday- and recommended for permanent duty That means that I will not be going back to the front and am not exactly sorry I His Honor Judge held Court on Wednesday morn ing Thoro was only a small at tendance Only six new suits were on tho list and four ad journed oases Nothing of pub lic importance transpired and court adjourned about 1130 am Boys Work The Teen Age boys of Methodist Sunday School aro to be organized under the now movement at a meeting this ev ening when an official of Provincial Association in Toronto is to bo present to as sist As soon as boys are in running order the Teen Age girls are to be organized of Duties Next week the management of Mr A Rogers College Form will again bo entrusted to its former successful operator Mr Peter Brown the late tenant Mr John Draper having purchas ed a town carting business and moved to premises on Street Mr Brown must be highly thought of by the heads of tho College as in onecapacity or an other his services have been sought for and retained for eight years past Prisoners In Germany Secretary of Red Cross received the following from Camp of Prisoners of War at Germanydated Dec 3rd 1016 Dear Ladies Many thanks for parcel food received per No 43 good condition me Gratefully ThosQuinn Yesterday Mrs W Jones re ceived a letter from her husband who is a prisoner in Germany He says he has not received word from anyone since his Imprison ment nor any parcels This is very strange as Mrs Jones has been writing regularly and ho Is being provided with food by discharged shortly Newmarket Cross Society lie says Is very much dis couraged and nearly starved He was sent to was re moved and had to be sent back again as his wounds broke out afresh Private Stewart of New market who joined the Halt Writes as follows Gordon Camp Deo Dear Mother and Received your parcel with many thanks it seems you do not gel my letters I do not know how It Is I write very regular are still at Camp hut expect to leave for France Boon We are going as a construction Bait have mules and sonic out of each to drive them have seen Mil Robin son He is getting on fine He Is Staff now Ivan Smith went to France with a draft about a month ago hut Jack Nichols is going with us and Hotter Is drafted Into our Halt I met today I certainly was pleased to see him Just came out of a quarantine In time to get your love ly parcel certainly glad to get It Those smokes came In Just right for have had no pay for over a month There In no Christmas leave over here for any of the soldiers not even when you arc going to France There was a riot In A few killed and several wounded Hoping to hear fiom you toon to all Camp Dec 22nd Hear Hazel Received your dandy letter We Just came out of a quarantine yester day and have had no in all for days That must have been a good show They have to pay cents to go to a show like that one in Newmarket they arc never worth while I have only been to one show since I have hcen in England and that was Wo men and Wlne M guess you have seen It In Toronto It is a pretty good one How do you like your work you like it as well as attending school I hope you I like my Job fine We expect to go to France shortly We expect to build bridges railways and drive mules My but I like that They dont care where they kick yon but dont worry they are not so bad We lake them out for a five- mile run In the morning on bare back and without bridles We have nice quarters now It Is in Borden where the Imperials and their families used to live Only ten men in a hut and a bedroom to every two men- Well Hazel there Is not much news and it Is nearly lights so I will have to close Your loving brother Stewart P I am sending a brooch and am going to get my picture taken tomorrow and will send some on through -t-OOo- Mr W of Belleville called upon friends in town Mon day Born On Dec to Mr and Mrs Harry Cabel a daughter Mrs and daughter also Mrs mother Mrs Creighton and son Mr Earl left on Monday for Mrs Kirkwoods futuro home Mr and Mrs- Brown and Mrs spent Sunday with the daughter Mrs John Rain- of Holly Park Mrs A Brown of Tottenham spent the weekend with her husband Mr A Brown hero Miss A Coffey is in Toronto tins week Mies P Deacon spent a few days with friends in Tottenham Mr Harvey is under tho care with pneumonia Miss Irene Deacon has return ed to school at Tottenham after spending the holidays with parentis Mr and Mrs John Dea con Mr and Mrs Brown and Mrs visited friends in Tottenham Thursday Mr Ed Walker of Toronto called on friends in town his week Mr Stewart of Aurora visited bis daughter Mrs John of Line Thursday Ed and Mr Tom Kageri spent at the of Mr and Mrs John Dea con The officers and of the Methodist Sunday held a very enjoyable Sat urday afternoon- On their return they had lunch The Field Comforts of other jo i A mam in I FITTED AND BY I J f market shipment of boxes to tho at tho front next week Any person wishing to donate any articles for boxes would kindly leave at Mrs Chas Davis and donations of money with Miss Cavanagh ZEPHYR Mrs many friends be pleased to hear of her recov ery from an operation in Western Hospital Toronto At present She is staying with daughter Mrs Ml Albert Mr Frank Horner of Alberta Is spending a few weeks at homo Mr W J Rynard has Just re ceived three flffe heifers pur chased from of Brook lyn They have recently been im ported from some of tho finest herds in Scotland Born On Jan to Mr and Mrs Walters a daughter Mr Frank Cook has the skat ing rink in condition and the skaters are enjoying sport immensely regular Monthly Mooting of thr Zephyr Branch Womens Institute will bo held at the home of Miss Evelyn Urquhart on Wed nesday Jan at pm ooo Ml ii a On Tuesday Evening I J Grace and Francis Ipord Tho Annual Meeting of the York County Breeders Club whs held at Rich mond Hill on Saturday Decem ber Tho meeting was at tended by many of the leading breeders tho future of black and white within the County was considered very promising The syndicating of such sires as May Echo Cham pion at May Echo Sylvia Cornucopia tho leasing of of Echo by Mr of the location of High Testing Loo at market and the seeking out and purchasing of many outstanding by various breeder will this County one of lead ing districts of Canada Other questions Interest were considered the cup Mr to Jio competed for by of the Club who have done any testing and donation of a to Hill Fair The officers elected foe 1917 were Hon Hill Pros Hicks 1st VicePros Burn- 2nd VicePresWrn Bales Directors John Frank Ramsay Harrison Alex Geo Cooper Win Sharkey- Bale Committee Messrs Hicks and I I ft the PATRICIA THEATRE Rome Jan More than forty persons are now imprisoned as- a result of the Die destruction in September and August of the Italian battleships Benedetto and Leonardo da Vinci The latter was blown up in Taranto Har bor and 248 men perished Lieut- General Count Chief of Staff camo to Rome on Thurs day to attend a meeting of the Cabinet which was held for purpose of decidingupon dis position of the prisoners but the question has become a po litical one from into caso of the name of of the officials of tho The Woodstock Young Womens Christian Association the new Hotel and a bain adjoin ing for j I Winter Stock PRICES REDUCED W INTER HERE ARC A TOW Wool for Meht l for Boys Heavy for 18 Boots Cloth Reg for fir of ARCHIVES OF rtS4BWB r m sSSS 1 r f 1 if Ur- ftVi sss

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