J Barrister Notary Public to Loan on good Security Frank AND Auctioneer Phono 107 Dr VJUWncort DENTIST Newmarket A I J 1 Dr Evan Galvanic u Currents Phone J In MeTiicino Toronto the of MMliiHl Former clinlcal College Bar None and Throat iTsiiital London England Office Corner Newmarket Telephone llinirs8iO of 810- Main Timothy Morton Estate and Insuring NEWMARKET bo midday trains on R will bo cut off next week to conges tion of freight traffic It seems about Impossible to got Newmarket of the moon early lost Monday morning Winter sports are at their heightsskating ourling sleigh ing tobogganing show- shooing and showbniling rt I 1 Aurora was badly trim med by the Newmarket team In Championship Match at on Thursday evening of last week score was to spectators cheer ed the hoys to victory all right Court Police Magistrate held a session hero last Friday whon an inmate of the Industrial Homo named Brady was charged with being to be at largo Ho- was committed to Recep tion Hospital at Toronto awaiting further envelopment Constable Duncan accompanied him lo city Ho is a powerful man and a menace to the other inmates VATGIIMAKBRANP Park Avenue Adjoini Wow Office Bert AND HANGER Ave 2nd booho from Queen St Newmarket PO 401 Annual of Now- Jiiarkot Cemetery Co are request ed attend annual mooting to held in Secretarys Of fice on Water Hi next Monday evening It too bad that so lit tle interest is taken of years Cemetery matters There were not more than half a dozen at the annual meeting last year This is not much encouragement lo the Directors tie duty They ere care of pounded or If they wtdlfit in of kind they cro their to They Knitting soiling for front fiuffrftgtfiU hay Riven no to it will undoubtedly rojll- turned their M fighting men of Enpjjsnd end terrible war Is over have their end been cured of somans by Prescription medicine nearly half century ago cells most widely today It made without alcohol or It can how bo had In tablet form no well and who from I riiould this Prescrip tion of Dr Pierce lt prepared from naiaroii rooln J 1 ana not of alcohol any nar cotic not a ftccrct prescription for printed on wrapper Mruiy is nervous end Is dirvKRed down and worn out can think of In cent of is that hack dizzy and black circles about tho eyes only Go to of trouble When that la corrected other disappear Ont I wlrh to cay for benefit of other women who suffer that I recommend Dr Favorite Prescription RrCAt help I personally recommended the to ineny who in turn have been helped ft great deal by use Mas P J Oliver St Thomas Painter Paper I House Decorator Niagara and Tecumsoh ark Chwnplonslilpfnll wheat pawHons per by fl Boms Paris Soring per grown by of outs brought the of won grown by Mortimer hurley A sold for per Championship field Canada Beauty sold for They were from the farm of 9 Championship per bushel Championship per THE Town Council A for Teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia lt and Prompt The folhvin SUnpilos were to in ronUPthis week Socks 7 Quilt next Knitting Tea will be held in the Friends on Tuesday afternoon of next week All ladies invited The Treasurer reports the re ceipt of from Mrs J Wright on behalf of the Second flfrcot Cross Lyman P Marriage the Office Office Private Papers issued at re- nee If desired At Join sympathy for Mrs T their very sudden bereavement Thursday afternoon of lust week their little daughter of five is expressed Watson in Council met on Monday morn ing at oclock as provided by and- having mado the accessary declarations look their seals as follows Mayor W Keith P Pearson Council lors Minus Fred Doyle Tench W and Ifngwood Mayor briefly addressed he Council Ho spoke of the very capable man bo was obliged to follow and asked the hearty as sistance and cooperation of the Council lo make the year one of equal progress to the past The continuation of War is liable lo demand great deaf of effort and financial assistance but things necessary must not be overlooked However ho hoped Council would bo considerate In all their expenditures that the taxes may not be burdensome He referred to the question of Sewerage which will need prompt attention and hoped that some thing might be done in the way or Public Parks and Playgrounds Council then proceeded to ballot for a Committee of three to strike Iho Standing Committees scrutineers reported the Ever since first orchard was planted Central Farm Ottawa the Mcintosh apple has been under teal by Farm System and during that much useful informaUon has been obtained In regard fine variety In very seven winters when the apple Injured Mcintosh remained unharmed proving that It hardier than that old variety from which it t hi supposed to have sprung For a long limy the Mc- hud the reputation of be ing a Shy bearer but nearly Ihirly years experience with It at Ottawa It hud been found to lie one of the moid productive varieties under lest The does not often bear very heavily or overbear In any and then fall to bear the following year hut It Is an annual bearer as a rule giving a and medium crop alternatively the number of small crops being following are the yields of one Mc- yield being recorded In the rat recorded In year after planting Some trees of this variety will begin to hear in the Gib or even the th year after The yields are recorded in gallons but If is desired to reduce then to barrels there are gallons In a standard barrel Yield of one Mc intosh apple tree from he year after planting In gallons too us a of gallons for seasons or an average of over i barrels per year fi urn one little tree was around iu Iho ovcniDK NEW LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere litono for puioaoo Kept in Block Made lo Order she sitting in her lap Just before being undressed for bed when she look suddenly ill and passed away before a physician could bo called Among the floral tributes was a beautiful wreath expressing sympathy of High Hoard of which public organiz ation Mr Watson is a member Good congregations Sun day morning Prof Michael of Toronto presented the claims of tho Methodist Colleges in Canada and especially Victoria College in Toronto that the re sponse in voluntary subscriptions will amount to nearly when the lists arc completed the evening Dr Daniels of Au rora preached a practical ser mon on Divine Instruction which was appreciated Besides the thorns a solo was given by Mrs AMD and a duet by Mrs ley and Miss The Week of Prayer is being observed by special meetings ev ery night this week except Satur day Masonic The following Officers were installed at the last Regular Con vocation of Doric Chapter for ensuing year Past J Hill 1st Whyle 2nd Topper 3rd Prin J A A Smith Scribe E J Scribe Mo- Treasurer Ex Co nip J Hill 1st Asst A 2nd Asst Master of Ceremonies J Atkinson Master of 1st V At kins Master of 2nd T Bolton Master of 3rd V J Hill Master of Atkinson Janitor Clomp Duncan Auditors Rogers and J Designs in cud Headstones All kinds of Cemetery Work TO Call see us before buying elsewhere All of Stones Cut Order and JOHN and Importer of AND MARBLES Phono Box Huron mo be It I for Lota Than fatf Will Mot Deputy The Clerk was instructed lo purchase a car of softtoal imme diately A ByLaw was passed appoint ing Geo Vale and Guy Smith as auditors of Town School and Public Library Accounts at a re muneration of A was also as High School Trustee for the next three years and A as member of Public Library Board for the next three years The Mayor asked Council lo consider the appointment of a man to undertake the duties of Foreman Inspector and As sessor on salary by the year Several members agreed lo the suggestion and a Committee will he appointed to draft necessary duties etc Council adjourned CQ QO- School Reports north iv Those taking GO per cent er over Olive Williamson honors Evelyn Hamilton Morton Marjorie Gordon Those below GO per cent Clarice Vcrna missed one examination Norman Woods Elmer Cole Harvey Shaw Jr IV Harold Morton Maud SbCppard Prank Ambrose Wo oils Jr III May Tilled Viola Nellie Link Irene Amos Sedore Sr Williamson Muriel Sherman Kathleen Woods Jr May Eddie Mitchell I Vera Horner Ernes Muriel Leon ard Link Bruce Williamson Phil Hamilton Prim Hubert Cole Marlon Tilled Beatrice Jack Morion Mitchell Dorothy Stewart Edwards Gordon Ham ilton Gladys Woods Eliza Link Average for term 37 Teacher Hamilton Jan Tho offices of the and half of largo freight Ihecompapy on Ferguson Ave are in ruins They were destroyed by about oclock this forenoon Six hun dred feel of freight which was feet long was consumed as well as thirteen box ears and a large of merchandise I -i-GOO- The seems to be raging on each side Yes and all over mo ho says Emerson look better if you would put in more time at homo with your wife instead of looking after Dor othy Dorothy wont disobey Go ahead Go in for all Iho there is for you Yes shes very smart She gets through with her slips pretty good She has some good blood in her Emerson got playing around with one of her ago and got a beautiful eye Just a dandy and has to wear glasses ever since No just since Dorothy wore them And boys yd PAItlY QODMOTIU Tudor She will hardly he mentioned anywhere except in the title for she does not really come into this story all except thai think no other explanation than a fairy godmother tits what happened to when thai nice young girl started out to buy her spring hat Belindas con sisted of Five One Dollar Bills and the capital letters given because the importance of the amount in the eyes of their own er cant be more quickly conveyed dollar represented more selfdenial than you and I and two oilier average voters over ex ercised in the course of our lives walks In rain lunches no new shoes and so on in a catalogue of painful trifles wearisome lo tell and far more wearisome to live through that was the painful past liiis day was the glorious present when the five bills were in hand and the hat was swimming in a rosy cloud of dreams ready to flout down within reach as soon as Belinda should reach the mil liners But on the way with her head full of dreamy hat Be linda was beguiled by a window display of costumes into entering the doors of a great department al store She had a vague notion of gathering some bints of the seasons styles what she did do was lo lose the larger part of her working capital and I read many magazines and papers She hardly over had time to do more than take a rapio transit glance at the bigtype headlines on the newsstands We knowjust bow many Belgian babies have been born since the war look away their right to ex ist Belinda didnt There was an agency in the store for collecting funds for the Belgians and there were placards telling just how many Belgian mothers were lighting starve But you dont want to hear any more about that just now Lot do lo say that if one dollar would save one Bel gian baby Belinda decided that she would save four And being a silly and unworldly little thing she lost fourfifths of her capital right- then and folks deserve what they got in this world and maybe Be linda did We shall see what you think when you learn what she got When she had come out into the street again the vision of those four Belgian babes extract ing muchneeded nourishment from her four missing greenbacks faded like a dissolving view at moving pictures and was replaced by the returning of the ideal bat all more glorious for its brief absence Suddenly just like that as the comic pictures Be linda awoke from her sweet dream of a fivedollar confection after a Parisian model She saw that must abandon all hope of a hat or recreate her ideal on the basis of a onedollar working capital For a moment there was a lit tle swelling of the throat a of her black lash es and there would have bean two tiny drops rolling over two softly rounded pink cheeks if the memory of those four Belgian ageous back street that led to the and with a stop of resolution took the path of- renunciation which would conduct her to the Icrucehl store And she met her first piece of good fortune was When met It scorned far more to to him f6r she had seen him- and then gone around the block so as to happen oh him quite casually as she was taking a stroll she was not nearly so Jack thought her slight blush and smile sufficient warrant for- brazenly joining her and away in as natural a if ho hid just slopped out of Forest of Street Sri Belinda admitted that was on her way to dime do main Of democratic delight and Jack Icing an old to go along saying that he en joyed it more than any other shop In the city because one felt one could have anything in the placo and you dont feel that in Tif fanys you know I Belinda laughed at the very notion and said But there people who could feci that in any store in thp world How queer it must bo VStill Jack answered the only things worth having arc the ones that cost us selfdenial Thats true said Belinda and thought how wise Jack was being about 200903roV woman to think sorno young fellow wise for making the very same remark in various tongues in this great worlds his tory And she added 1 think poor people like you and mo get as much fun out of little things etc us somo young women have replied in the same period Similar momentous speeches illustrated by Belindas bright eyes and framed in her pretty or set lo the accompaniment of Jacks sympathetic voice be guiled the way to the tencent store and bore entered that modern marvel The dollar bill in Belindas light clasp scorned to with Ihe gigantic possibilities each counter presented wurned by her former experience she held a straight- course to the counter where were displayed the on which on the chosen one of which Belinda was to contruct her lessened ideal And here Is where Jack display ed the tact of a true gentleman he did not need lo bo told that of an inchoate and posse not in esse was a rile not for lovers eyes He pretended a keen interest in a remote and alien counter first arranging to meet at a fixed rendezvous wliero genuine oilpaintings with gold frames templed Ihe lencent tusle for high art All this is commonplace enough except that a pair of young lov ers is no more commonplace than a lily of the field or the song of the thrush But what happened next was a curious coincidence Jack was studying law at nightschool and the man who sat nest him of having seen him with a real lady meaning Belinda who certainly did wear her gowns with an air Who is she ho asked with Ihe privilege of an intirnite friend A friend of mine saio Jack Ive known her two years She works in Griffins In the cash iers department Whew his follow student whistled noiselessly Then be laughed cynically and said The cashier had better count his cash Do you know what she did today You know Im look ing after the Belgian Fund down at our place Well she came in there as largo as a movingpic ture and planked down four dol lars for the babies Pretty good for a cash girl Are you sure Jack said Think there are many girls with eyes like hers was the scornful reply reply I thought she was an heiress No said Jack Just plain angel thai all I went with her today and saw her get the materials for her new hat at a lencent store And mot her I thought her eyes looked a little Do you know what has happened has given Hie money lo the Belgian babies and the little I His friend looked at him for a few moments in silence Then ho said Jack old man if you have a living chance of getting a girl like that one Ive been thinking for some time Jaok answered But dont you think youre taking risks Why dont you I cant afford married Ko and you cant afford not to put a ring on as soon as shell let you And Belinda liked her solitaire so well that she never missed Ayedollar hat for Four young Belgians also pro fited by the intervention of the airy but I said I wouldnt men tion her Wo soil Ford Gars in the winter lime just like any other season in year because the Ford is hot afraid of snow ice or rough slip- roads When you need it While thObigger heavier cars are all safely housed up waiting for spring Ford Tour ing Gar gives the full months of service days in the year This is an advantage you cant overlook when you are buying Make your selection now from our new models I I EI Ford Dealer i i r f T TO BO J ihe transport was sunk by hi the on January during weather while troops Pour nullify and of crew arc irilgsliitf The aurgiioa ftntritifj ludUstiiir Our Hats and Furnish are FAST because are good and bscausevjlien say ive deduce Prices we cut the price lower from an already Low Price We do not mark up just mark them down IVcr believe in truth tfftr whole truth and nothing but the truth In our store Our PRICES are reduced lower Come in and buy what you mm It will you big MENS FINE SHIRTS i O Madras and wltli stiff or French to up to SALE WENS FINE SHIRTS n pa strips bO SALE PRICE Oanfher Range of Fine Shirts In Fancy Patterns JANUARY PRICE Line of Fleece Lined Shirts Drawers TO CLEAR AY 1IE3E ARE SCARCE I Large Range of and Neckwear In Fancy JANUARY SALE PRICE Large Range Knitted Scarfs foi 1BO to 200 JANUARY GALE I A Mens Outfitter -V- ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO