Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1917, p. 4

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M f a It v A War lcnofulnitionH is announce by laiidy fed ft the safe reliable to raise thkpib buy horses Cure J remedy for flpavInBplfutcurbring- bone fcouy from inony our book Ear CO a lAtlBforf5 ft free copy of or write Furnace Work Plumbing lie Bathroom Outfit at lli Shop it huivo to idtupfi- ho rtfMloqot wlilrli on woeI which training fichool for for the whole of central Ontario Niagara of New Ontario TINSMITHS TO SMITHS Ghent for Sale ItUTMUaC DAVIS Kaot flf Bank of Toronto Newmarket A from Ottawa tills states that the cere mony at the of irliin Hussion Parliament will ho of a very quiet character On account of inadequate in the new quarters no general invitation will ho Senators and mombcrs of of Commons City Judges and a few other noted will ho invited There will ho room lliis year The Telegram of Monday Hearst the and Committee of One Hun dred friends of llial abolition now helping its enemies to abolish Hearst Yes politics takes queer turns hut if tho Premier of Ontario and bis Gov ernment depended on this one good act for continuance In pow er Ihoy made a fatal mistake- thats all This will he demon strated when ho next Provincial elections lake place T WOW fialcuinaa to act at iigcnt in York County PHY Outfit free territory money making Our tho in Die busi ness for wo sell the highest grado of block at moat prices ami guarantee deliveries flrat class condition Nursery stock la selling well this year and good money ho made this particulars write Bales Manager PKLHAM GO Toronto WINTER TOURS Fares now In effect to resorts in Florida Georgia North fiftppjJna Louisiana and other jorn and to Bermuda Return Hay allow- For full information write to G HORNING P A Union Station Toronto J Depot Agent J Phone Agent A city paper reports that tlio prosecution of the Hornby CarU Co In the Police Court last week has influenced K to request Higher Courts for a ruling as to wheth er liquor dealers may have agents In Ontario to deliv er their orders On the of January the question before the Higher Court was deferred for a ruling as to whether Montreal need not trouble themselves If the does not prevent them from canvassing for liquor orders in Ontario the Legislature will soon make It effective Term Nov Open In Shaws Business Toronto ENTER ANY TIME I NO VACATION Positions Assured to Gradu ates FREE CATALOGUE WHITE FOB IT H AW- Pros Attend Charles fits Toronto BOOKKEEPING A press from Ottawa on Thursday of last week statos that none of the Senate vacancies will be filled by present members of the House of Commons The despatch goes on to say that numerous members have a hes itating ambition after their ex perience in the Commons to go to the Upper Chamber but the fact that already there are va cancies in the former House with no byeelections being held sug gests that no more seats will be opened necessarily If Liberals had allowed such a political sit uation to what a howl Conservatives would have raised o HUH WELL Although Jnslde reports from assert that the enemy confronts a lean year la thy inajlcr of food no alarm need bo Ml about tin prisoners of waft is true that the have been cutting the food allowances to prison camps down to the smallest amount men arc being well and warmly clothed The work of looking after the wants of the Canadian prisoners of war was taken over some time ago by the Ca nadian Red Cross The number find size of parcels has been steadily In creased as the Germans cut down the food rations are Cana dians confined Germany They are scattered In ninety camps The task of earing for them has been very dif ficult by German practice of shift ing prisoners from place to place The Cross has however been extreme ly successful in finding the men and getting food through to them To each man weekly in sent six pounds of broad four pounds from Holland and two from Switzerland besides parcels of other food to the vatUO of about two dollars a week expense of providing food and amounts to a day or a year The total cost is approximately quarter million dollars a necessities are evening statos VSaX latest report shows January 3rd six prisoners under roof Of lia men awaiting to the Ontario Reform romaining were romovcJ day to the Jail Farm Of six prisoner three corn to Mercer Reforma tory and two remand total to for the three matrons while working in factory was seriously hurt by having bund caught iu a bolt She was taken to the Jibe Club of tHis city is urging the Dominion Government to prohibit the importation of all luxuries Trustee Miles Yokes has been chosen President of Hoard of Education for Mrs was Injured by fulling through a coal awarded damage in the County Court Tlio honorary degree ofLLD was conferred University of Toronto on one of leading Bonne Entente delegates to Ontario from The Mayors address at tho opening of the new Council pro ceedings oil Monday covers wide range of topics Coun cil for starts out new ideas Dr has resigned of Itoscdalo Presbyterian Church On Monday deputation on Ontario asked for a grant for tho Safely League After consideration the Premier gave assurance of a grant of A man named Nugent was lined this week for sell ing liquor to a soldier He could not raise the fine and was sent to Jail Farm for three months It Is now expected the Ontario Legislature ho summoned for next session early in February perhaps the 2nd week Margaret Johnson was arrested on a charge of stealing from a soldier Mr J Kent a Toronto busi ness man has been chosen Iros- of Board of Trade for Thrown from his rig when it collided with a street car lust Monday evening Montgom ery was fatally injured The City press reports that the It radial plans arc held up for the present An employee of the Robert Simpson Co was to the Sessions Court a few days ago of stealing John Harrington last week was badly crushed in the Rogers coal yards when a coal bin collapsed He will recover a year Certain alse included many of the wvie wnmul- I Etc taught quickly and QtmDUATtitj AMIS tutor Any Time Write for Catalogue J Prln hi i i I j to Oroas fiooletlGS In- JJio best way to raise money for your is by means of the Popular Illustrated Lec tures given by Alfred of Newmarket For terms and vacant apply directly to Rev Alfred Young Newmarket AY OTTAWA Ottawa change in the Quebec representa tion in Cabinet since look office was majo his- afternoon Tho Vacancy caused by tlio death of the late Hon T Chase was filled by the elevation of Hon Albert to Cab inet rank He was sworn in by bis the Duke of Dev onshire as Minister of Inland Revenue Hon moves over from Inland Rev enue Department to become Sec retary of State and Hon P leaves the State Depart ment for the portfolio All three were Nationalists in Willi the exception of Hon J Minister of Justice the whole Quebec representation in the Government is now com posed of men who had the favor of when the electors last bad a chance to vote The new Minister will have to stand for reelection in his con stituency of Dorchester The writ for the byelection has been issued nomination day being fix ed for Saturday Jan 20 with polling if necessary on the when captured The task of supplying nourishing food to Canadian boys who otherwise might starve to death in German prison camps makes a great hole in the Canadian Cross fi nances The society is spending now in the neighborhood of a year to aid the sick wounded and captured Tilsonburg Jan Fire Marshal Dickey Toronto who has spent he past few days in town Investigating the bum fire of Mr Thomas Sit la on New Years stated that he be lieved the fire had been smouldering in the chaff and dirt for and in his opinion waseautad from a spark a pipe of probably dropped by someone hay a few days before In fur our will Money but there a as WPfiy The wben tubby viLtre he goes is on by I U PLOY London Jan Seventeen of the accused persons in the sup plementary trial held in connec tion with the Lahore conspiracy cases were sentenced last week says a Central despatch from Calcutta today Six receiv ed death sentences one to transportation for life and the others wore given terms of imprisonments In delivering the judgment the courtSays the despatch indicat ed that Manilla was still an active centre of- revolutionary activity but that Oho United Stales re mained the chief centre of the movement It being it was- Consular agents A are that the United States has chief centre of the the courts Opinion as quoted- hi the despatch The overthrow of the India vaa planned and diecus- when the broke out and many Indians the The enemys plait was to bring about a war of tourder and rapine in an appeal to the of West at -Cdlling- a ago of Mr Isaac Scott the Liberal -candidate- maintained- a very high in the- lone- his Mr the outbreak the war have with a deep sentiment of and bis appeal electors to re- turn the farming clement in lurovfs ho exception to rule Mr Howell was of opinion llat and Munitions wore most important Industrlesto Canada and the at tho present time Liberal lead er met with quite an ovation Issues campaign as set forth by the speakers were Agriculture Nickel and Reform and the general incompetence of the present ad ministration Mi Howell not in appealing to party passion or prejudice in these days of war and made his appeal on behalf of the Liberal candidate on grounds of Ho said I ask the Ozena of to be true to their own honest convic tions Ho vote as patriot citizens If you that our- principles are sound thut our policy is worthy that our light is good in public Interest and the promotion of the welfare of On tario then I ask you men wo men and young people to give us your encouragement and support If you are with us if you believe right then and then only ask your sup port for The Liberal leader repudiated the base charges that Liberal Party was receiving aid from the liquor interests in campaign of his years of campaign In good report and ill would he sufficient an swer to such statements In dealing with Hydro matters Mr Howell staled emphatically We stand behind this greatest publicowned utility on this con tinent and he challenged Mr Ferguson or Mr Lucas to obtain a letter from Adam Heck that Liberal was not in complete accord with Sir Adams municipal ownership plan- Mr Howell quoted a Liberal resolu tion voted down by the govern ment last session calling for the control of generating as well as tho distribution of power by the municipalities Turning to Nickel question and the nonpayment of laxca by international Nickel Company in faco of unprecedented profits Mr Howell asked Where is corporation influence if gov ernment wont the Interna tional Nickel Company pay its taxes the same an you or Tlio press often links the Liberal Party with the and Mr Howells has Somewhat turned the tables in connection Ho ad vocated that the whole refining of nickel be done within the Do minion and observed that then there will be no question of its leaking out to Germany A most eloquent address was concluded by leader review ing his program of Social He- form He recalled seven years of persistent prodding- which had been necessary to gel the government to pass the Workmens Compensation Act and called for further improve ments in the statute on lines of first aid advocated the creation of a Minister of Labor praising the activities of the rep resentatives of labor at the front and touched upon Old Age Pen sions and Aid to Mr candidate ap pealed to the electors as a farm er to represent a farming com munity He expressed his dis gust at the tactics employed by the local Conservative newspaper and stated he would not stand for that kind of campaign in bis be half We are going to do this thing clean will hot do it at all he declared Mr Scott is strongly behind Mr Howell on the temperance question and the pol icies of agricultural expansion and social reform Hon Mr Fergusons recent statements regarding Ma chine Gun allegations were ex posed by Mr Bowman MP P the Liberal whip who wanted to know why the provincial held back of the voted for machine guns for nearly six months after transmitting of awa if there was nothing in the allegations Mr Bowman stated the guns made hi the United Stales with which our troops were furnished out of the money supplied Ontario government were ana that the iroops bad to be supplied with guns made in Great Britain before going to the front Ho de manded that Mr Ferguson 1 ex plain to tho people of Ontario what has happened to the the government M If New York Jan formerly islcr of Militia and a meeting of tho Can- of York tonight declared that in his opinion Entente AllicB Insist upon the overthrow of the Hohomiol- lorn autocracy in the formula- Allies arc fighting for the Hester on rights of humanity Including the great people of Germany said- ho Sir Sam They are fighting for- the restoration of Belgium Hoi- ma Paolilo land and France Poland and mani world and be unfortified wlgHolHtein should go to Don- Turkey and Persia must be free rom German control ArrnoniUor what is it must be placed beyond possibility of further butcheries and Lorraine rightly should go lo Franco in ORnfiAnv iubiovbd Mcoirio was awarded Cold iwcrd for at thn It built on a and France Poland and Hou- olplo laoh heat unit of Serbia and Montenegro Ho Kiel Canal must bo free lo tho than w flreatcr d and Jan A year will ace Germany ripped wide open with a social antijunker revolu tion according to a professor in a United States college writing to a relative in giving information which ho received from a German teacher Tho Ger mans letters tell of starvation failing manpower lack of re serves and predict revolution within a year Germany wants peace the letters slate and fur ther that if the allies can hit her another crack like the lastBornme offensive Germany will crumble like a house of cards A despatch from Amster dam says that the Maastricht news paper Is authority for the that the governorgen eral of Belgium has issued a decree ordering the seizure of all household goods made of brass copper tin nickel or bronze Including kitchen utensils door plates and door knockers The communes have been ordered lo assist In the LOU I a ALFRED STARR rJEWrlAffb JUL To Every Lover of BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED ANTHRACITE Flour Prices Right OLIVER liUr13 COAL Give Us a Call DIKE Mono on bio More- fluceyipb to than In the things Mood will tell ujmtdly tho do told resulted in ceal Ontario toss by forest tires Although lb election does place until January ho taljrLta Cabinet Mliiislera are every effort to the constituency to the but the they are to Pf Conservatives xV wet Mr Howell mm MM mm sj If IIS if codbye trusting in God to bring him home to her safe lyif that be His will Goodbye trusting in you and me to see his Motlier through while he her natural support and defender is some- in France facing shot and shell forod for right and for native land In the name of Christen dom men and women what sacrifice is this What con secration to duty I What re sponse to the call of the- Motherland What clarion challenge to the world to Watch Canada He goes joy of his Mothers heart idol of all her dreams from the day she bore him hope and bulwark of her declining years He goes and Heaven bless his belief in us his people he goes leaving his most beloved possession to our care and protection He trusts us Who will fail What man or woman rich with the possession of the memory of a Mother will fail his Mother as a reward for her sacrifice This trust of our soldiers is a holy legacy Give to the Mothers of our soldiers in the name of your mother as your testimonial to Canadian Motherhood Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund 6000000 must be raised in Ontario for this Fund for 1917 Mothers wives and children of Canadian soldiers shall never say that their own people neglected them after their nun went forward to suffer and to die Every case helped by the Patriotic Fund is carefully investigated Only where assistance is really nee is assistance given humanly possible in done to avoid prevent imposition Give as Own Heart You to the PI Parotic Fund rfvwi J 9i 1 that A On Royal bora ia Of- At At m Mom Cull Kept All pa Call a AH a j pi J I I 5 ti

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