Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1917, p. 3

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I J all Down wry Important that farmers In llio vicinity and all men s annual incetlnfTpf Agricultural Society Mall on Saturday Jan of tin date See Hie ihe in 11 young tot a InlmKK for Ave villi it liiviV tii nxl Monday will at ill Hilda the at Hit Mr talent The of will lipid ji of of llio ii Friday unci evening Jan I2lli at 230 pm of good for llti Candy BIO A tor noon will until from Red The next Gross will lake In tile Hall on Friday evening Jan ladies mil intend to canvas for In Rule of hope there will nflieienl inkrent in llioir work place and he given to all who wHtSiSi V at Roche Co Lodge A Wellington Nelson of Aurora I on Tuesday A Kindly With Ms customary Sir the poor of by a do nation of CO of applos which dlstribulcil most needed anil word most grit totally J i j Qulclos Tin irl work has been up for the new arc busy working for the War Madge and Hewing and comforts for lie soldiers By eanvassini lie own on Day girls got 27Hii for starving Belgians So Tar as known at this time has done most of any owns who took Up the Xmas for Guide are held in he gymnasium of the Methodist Iuesday four o- All pills are urged to Three to the last Sunday Next Sunday morn ing the will take fr his Am I My Brothers Keeper At bis subject will ho The Man and The time for the Rally will perhaps be the first Sunday in February This will the lime for burning the mort gage Evans will begin Monday collecting lions on Why not ev erybody bring or send bis sub scription next Thai will save him considerable work The annual business meeting of the Church will be bold the Ihird Thursday Of ibis month Let every member keep this in mind- loin I At 0 am Tuesday in St John Church the pastor Rev Fathom Wedlock solemnized he nuptials of Miss Barbara Blackburn daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo Blackburn of and Mr of Ieterhoro The was taste fully decorated with evergreens and red roses and the effect was most pleasing The bride was attended by her sister Miss Ger trude of Toronto while the groomsman was Mr Henry of The bride wore a travelling suit of green cloth with seal furs and a hat with transparent brim of black lace and pink roses bridesmaid wore ablue suit with black fox furs and pink panne velvet hat At the conclusion of the cere- money which was witnessed by a number of friends the bridal par ty repaired to the home of the brides parents where dejeuner was served and the usual felicitations exchanged after which the newly wedded couple departed by the afternoon train for their new home in lerhoro A host of friends Join in wishing Mr and Mrs Mickey happiness Watch for Onto In the of January when Madam will tor in re Ipire Madam hid and did no I II Him saw the hclmch of enemy In not dream ing until that ft Was possible for- hi gel IhioiiKh Hit lines Is tilled My and la Illustrated with slides Madam appears Did of he Scwmaikel of W Rov William Wyo Smith retired Congregational minister who was born ninety years ago at Jedburgh Scotland died at Bur- Out on Saturday after only lvo days illness Tho late Mr came to America when an Infant along his parents and Urn family made their in New York Stale afterward coining in to Canada Ho was a the denomination and pled pastorates in several parts of Ontario His most important work as a minister was done in St Catharines between and after which he retired from he ministry The late Mr Smith was a jour nalist by inclination but did not follow it as a pursuit vari ous Ijmos lie edited lite Owen Sound Times the Sunday School and Tho Canadian Independ ent and for several years he edit ed and published The Congrega tional Year Book As early as be began publishing fugitive poems which were subsequently collected in several His poems wore charac terized by merit and in some of hem be wrote very suc cessfully in life Scottish dialect was especially effective In in terpreting in pio neer Ontario one of his North York War Auxiliary bold its annua meeting In the Town Hall oh Saturday president Keith of in the chair Tho report of the was adopted as satisfactory and the officers were till as follows President Wm A Armstrong J Robertson above officers together and Town and Village Aiixiliory and Hie President of each tolling SubDivision Branch Mr Armstrong ftf P himself in favor of his of that course by saying his plan would bo to lake as the standard the Province that had the largest of rccruttsj then re quire by law every other province to come Up to that standard and when that was done would allot the of men needed to Province proportionately and apply the Dutch plan of numbering he men and putting numbers in a hat and drawing to decide who should go He spoke eloquently for the justice of the cause of Allies Christmas is Here Buy your Good will bo very later on then proceeded to explain the Card MrrSiSP to accomplish a call oh the part of men from to 26 to arms 2nd formuhUiohs to BO industries which in cludes the the land They hope to bring all man power of our country into service find filling up of the cards a- registration of real Canadian loyally gives a right to take part in citizenship and if this Is en joyed It involves fence The Cards arc a preparation is going to io tor ho War as well Ho charac terized those who are slipping over to the States to avoid re sponsibility as cowards This Is the last chance for young man to prove IhoinBOlvos Canadians wifbout compulsion If his fails must face the other -issue- Mr J Walton then intro duced Ihe following motion which was carried unanimously Thai WO urge upon the poo- pie of the County present duty of signing the National Service Cards and assisting in every way and that woi the Wesley Church at appeal for he assistance co- under the the Ladies operation of all people on behalf Aid occasion being Hie pros- v IS r and cannot bo repeated eupromo In rang KID GLOVES Every Pair FancyCollars IN BOOTS AM SHOES and Hookey are very scarce so Buy Early 25 Now will bo HI J holt on cvoning last In Tuesday evening George Police On Andrews of Aurora appeared County Magistrate to answer charge of theft of cord wood He was found guilty but was allowed his freedom on suspended sentence provided he would pay he costs of he and he value of the stolon Thecordwood as to Fred Avis in and later was taken away Andrews Leslie Shier of Newmarket was charged with assault upon his lather aged years a cripple a bad temper The assault complained of by Shier evidence produced so serious to court as him The son was his freedom on suspended Valence Claiming thai the poll tax of 9Dosed by the Town of jeiwas an- imposition Archie refuse to pay i The lax recently from to He was given till Jan ay the difference together Jita or go jail days number of young men have not Paid their poll tax but the we that if they hang off ivc likewise Second Concession of Dee being a classic of its kind Fif teen ago he published the New- Testament translated into Braid Scots and the translation spite of the difficulty of he task a very successful achievement- was a Liberal in politics and an ardent persistent and active llonist For a of about years he was pastor of Congrega tional Church in Newmarket and a very active worker in the North York Sabbath School Association discharging the duties of Secre tary for a number of years in a very efficient manner It is years since he left Newmarket He was known very well by a wide circle of acquaintances and was esteemed as a good friend and active sympathizer with cry good cause For a few years past the infirmities accompany ing advancing years kept him out of the public view and he resided at his quiet borne in ford with his eldest daughter Mr Smith was twice His first wife was Margaret of Owen Sound and his sec ond was Catherine 11 Young of Hamilton latter pre deceased him nearly four years ago She was a great worker in the Funeral service was held at on Tuesday afternoon and the ronVains were interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Wednes day on the arrival of the after noon rain It was a hitler cold day but a few friends assembled at Hie Rev Congregation al Minister of Toronto and Mr Mrs Cowan of Buffalo ac companied the remains here The pallbearers were exMayor Cane Reeve Keith and Messrs M Hughes and Jackson A it something that finds all the Of you that kind la sure do Its work with disappointment and You put your Into a totter Fountain lon than a IVftUr- man Pen a Hon that never leaks never never tuLLu to writs when you want It to IP YOU t HKRKti YOU I 1 TO J Wajlon referred to the enlistments hat had se cured in this County during the year The 1 Hat recruited to full strength was a credit ollie County of York He paid tribute to the officers and men of the Hal who have made such earnest and untiring to get their Bjillalion up to strength and urged assist and cooperate In every way pos sible Reviewing the abandoned industrial conditions arising out of the war he pointed out the difficulties he officers now had face in enlisting men at army rales whan munition plant build ing and manufacture lire employ ing men- at wages double or triple the scale of pay Until these con ditions were changed we could not secure the men and urged a nationalization of the es sential war industries He eulogized the women for their unceasing work for the phy sical and social welfare of the soldiers and appealed for the most thoroughgoing cooperation with the officers of the in the next Iwo months to fill up the ranks Col Drown of regret- led that the young men whom they Wanted to appeal to always absent Iheirtsolvbs from a recruit ing- He said hero was a big difference in Battalion to what it was six months ago in the appearance of Hie men but they want more men He said there wnsitfil a- sufficient force in Canada today to protect her Bat had given over i0 men to fill up the and the men are anxious to gel overseas to do their bit The Hal needs men and he was told here arc still eligible young men in Newmarket This is the last ap peal for voluntary service He met a returned soldier on the way to Newmarket and was surprised at his good humor the man said it was the sane all through Ihe army- the men are happy be cause felt they were doing heir duly There wasno excuse for Holding the back Ho eulogized the services of Captain Aubrey Davis as QuarterMaster of the Battalion who always had the men well cared for In introducing Capt Davis the Chairman remarked that it is re ported ho is the best Master in the CanadianOverseasI Forces Davis spoke of he necessity of progress and continuity of effort The citizens home have a responsibility for he success of he war as well as he men who have enlisted For dash courage valour ingenuity and activity on the battlefield be Canadian Forces are superior to them all The Premier of Canada a year ago promised the Empire men but only have enlisted and out that number have been discharged as physically unfit leaving loday about men This is the cry for Canada to do her duly volun tarily There is a tendency to excuse Ontario because of what Quebec has done hut a good au thority states that Quebec is ready for conscription The Co Of York is not measuring up to its duly and he hoped that the would be up to full strength in the next two weeks Rev of Toronto was warmly received and her once proceeded to lay out the Presi dent of the United Slates who has not the honesty to act nor the courage to face what it involves Wo arc at war because the no blest principles that God ever gavo to man have been violated by Germans He then pro ceeded to explain tho three critic al events of the War 1st the of when the Ger mans with shells to our one and men to our drive was stopped How The Lord our God only knows 2nd supreme effort of llio greatest fighting llio world has ever known at Vordun which failed And 3rd the su preme effort that Ifio Germans are now preparing to break through the Western front is a crisis which we may well fear Will Canada give what has of the officers and men of the York Hangers to bring the County Battalion up to full strength at once The meeting then closed with cheers for the King It- was greatly regretted that there was only a small attend ance A FRANCE France Dec loth HMO Mr Thus Movers Dear Dad Your very welcome letter reached me tonight just before supper so a full and Satis fied stomach and feeling quite content with my issue of mail I am going to reply was Na poleon who said An army travels on its stomach and true are the words as when well fed and treated properly what is there that human beings will not en dure as has evidenced dur ing this war Well turning to your letter I will say first hat I was very sor ry indeed to hear of the death of George Hodge No parents to mourn the loss of it I feel cer tain that the community of Ze phyr will not fall short in the task and duly of paying proper tribute to memory of the dead Here rich man all one loday as never before one in the glory of sacrifice one in thought one in aim whether death the mansion or to he here is the sarnie grief tears of sorrow They stand together beyond the grave as they forccdjtho shoulder to shouldersin bat tlcllcld I would have liked very much lo have heard Mr McDon alds sermon I know how he would apeak with the earnestness hat always was to me his strong point Could here possibly be a greater to recruiting than a sermon on such an oc casion And could any youpg ablebodied man listen to the words without realizing his duly lake up arms and fill he gaps You read he papons as much as ever I suppose and by the tenor of your letter I do you are at all satisfied with condi tions in general However do not look on the dark side even though- reverses seem to he our lot at they might other wise be taken as victorious Conquered territory is not going to win this war by any means is a war of endurance and the greater the line the enemy has to support the greater strain on his resources No doubt Frit stabbed into Roumania thinking great food supplies might be captured and I do not think it is at all compensation for the efforts expended peo ple back of the line must be fed Therefore she has more burdens lo bear It a great feature of Germany lo strike the weak point in the line I wonder where she will strike next I am sure she will not find the Western Front sleeping in sense of duly as we are always the alert Well dad what am I going to tell you in this letter I know I never dwell on personal ex perience yet do not think I nev er have any worth mentioning as such is far from the case I am up forward quite often and it is thero I have witnessed a warm time Only this week I dilation of Diaries for to the boys district who have answered the call of King and and enlisted in the The Tims Scott was in the chair and congratulated the hoys iii khaki On their loyalty and urged every oilier eligible young man to follow their Ex ample and do iheirduly Reeve addressed the meeting and spoke of the pride which patriotic citizen feels in he men Who sacrifice every thing to take part in this great struggle Corp York made an appeal for men on of the York County Bait the officers of which are making a final effort Under the voluntary system id ob tain the 00 men required to bring it up to strength Between the speeches patriotic solos were rendered by Miss Grace Patch and Miss Ada Atkin son and recitations by Miss Mias Miss Miss Bertha and Corp York An address was then read to Walker Geo Richardson and George and Diaries and Pencils presented to them other men of that district who are serv ing with the colors will each be sent a Diary by mail Each soldier acknowledged the gifts and thanked donors in a few appropriate remarks after which a tasty lunch was served to all present A most enjoyable evening was brought a close when everyone rose and sang God Save he King I a -i- A Is Oat Jan accident this lag a few minutes after oclock when a young farmer living on the ninth concession of when reluming home was killed al he Michigan Central crossing street One train had passed and he attempted to cross hut a freight train was going on the and thinking the freight car would strike the cutter jumped out being instantly killed The horse and cutter also three Utile hoys who went having a ride oh runners Pt John Jan Michael Kelly of St John who died tills morn ing in the County Hospital as the re sult of tuberculoids was the com poser of the music for Well Never Let the Old Flag Kali a song which has become wellknown over the en ure Empire since war Re was a professional musician and the composer of many other works which were less well-known- Last year he a large and profitable con nection to become bandmaster of Urn Overseas Battalion hut was forced to give up post on account of ill health He was thirtyfive years age and was unmarried QOO Live Stock Markets Following were Hie lop prices paid in Toronto this week war two days the front line during which II trie I got no sleep mentioning Yet that wasjonly hours which is a mere trifle out here- am saving un for a good when I my experiences first Tin front line quite wet now and hip waders are re quired to gel- through them I never yet have the front line that never met someone from Winnipeg Thanks to city of my adoption I proud of it only wish I had the pleasure of running across a few from Zephyr apologies to those who are here or on route Well now J this time My best wishes go with thisletter for a very merry and a Happy New Year to all including those who en quire after my welfare The sufferings misery and privation which is sometimes our lot is indeed cheerfully temper ed by thai ray of hope that some day we may return to those whom wo hated so much to leave Yours as always Preston Meyers i Choice Weighty Choice Butchers Steers Good Butcher Cattle Feeders Milch Cows Spring Lambs Light Sheep Heavy Sheep Good Veal Calves Common Calves 800 Hogs off cars Good time to sell hogs Newmarket Markets Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per hush Peas per bush Bran tier Ion Shorts Jan 9 81 1 81 00 Hay Timothy per V ojo Butter per lb Chickens per per lb OS CO per Toronto Markets Jan Wheat per hush new per bush 0 Rye per bush 30 ton per lb per do Potatoes per bay Chickens dressed TOtMfid Ducks dressed 380 DAINTY FOR AFTER NOON WEAR Crepes In Palo of Pink Tulip- Alice Old Gold in Groan Navy Sky Blue White or Dolly in Plain Floral Kffcotc Wow York Fabrics HO0E TO HATCH f BRAN shorts COTTON OIL CAKE HEAL MEAL CORN AND CORN CHOP I a f Order by Phono or by Carters Terry Don Allan ESTABLISHED L ill OF CANADA CAPITAL UP PRESIDENT HAY MANAGER HEAD OPPICBs TORONTO Savbji ccivcd oil this credited Loll yearly current rata it t M SMYTH Manager pay a if AND WELL I you have boon patronizing uq you of have noticed that our ma lasting THAT LONG LAST lb long MY- Then we guarantee satisfaction- In out and fit I US A I WILLIS- v vail p Bhi I A in t s i IARCMIVES OF mm A

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