Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1917, p. 1

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V- all And Low I ft J 1 MS Landing pointy aa Hid No paper Mint out of unless paid A Tftrtlolaiii J a t Prompt Service High Quality THE aim give vnhioH service iGrade Paints Varnishes and Stains Wall Plnloboo HARDWARE IRON PIPE AND ROOFING MATERIA All ELECTRICAL Cord SEWER PIPE In and In Compound In and 250lb for The Gravity Washing Machine STEEL Oil and AUTO SUPPLIES Tiros Tubes Spark Patches Oils and soldiers r I Letter rim following flK lnkn from lifting lli sent in drilled Hi week in Held work ft cUQrlQ- Of City of They will he It h Mayor will hy the the to give the Bclliiwn and where Toronto one reMdud was well known month to lher Ho is ji of Miss Draper from Ho tfelhavon m I mm I THE PAINT phone NEWMARKET Onlarioa contrihutlon to Iho Mother- Hod dons Fund up to Saturday I do not feel that 1 last had good as you mo Toronto treat Car receipts to do ho and write you a of teller on over ilia previous year jfaiycmtoga from ami Mrs David Arthur on- follow pie if you find lliirly wounded it on my trip an floliiicrsiat home last Wtf ftWhwia J week i hup dearly A man named John Haulier was at arrested of vagrancy nobody tear lyt in reality lie ho wearing a of a returned hchfnil Its Wipe without having seen The fiands played service hit The funeral of Dr the fellows roared NeverV last week was attended to- expresa their ropresenlnlives of the Hd Some sold of Toronto- Physicians and cached fional friends I did may to Military aulhorities are now yen- In half an wanting Canadians for naval however Ihfl tlinewnaiiot Cd were We travelled on to It wad night must of the way so did not I BOARD of Directors vaiaHTUEREDHHEutriciWjrf Anu P Sir KCV0 IIidttlHttiM CKItiititrCK A sir jEEDiwcic CtLiral A up 10000000 Oct 3GS216G41 Saviaa of and received Ami at current VLCO further protection for soldiers are inlerested in mfnifitf has afforded the action of the Government in hut at Montreal wo stopped to extend the provisions of Iwolimiw Many of the I hamlmito thorn ihroiiKh South- West Toronto Liberal l windows sympathizing Association had a decidedly sue- They to in spirits after last leaving day when Hon The ham and others delivered thrill- addresses A prominent wholesale mer chant named A of is very level some very low wot and then them hills with oak Fir and trees also rover their thickly j a G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch END LUMBER YARD mm W PEARSON Order From Office Phono Wm John K i I INCORPORATE lose Capital iirtu Fund rf 030302 Vie Convenience of Savings Account IKpoUj buy la to ti I6a and to 1j may la in the NEWMARKET A LISTER Manager I KINDS LUMBER LATH SHI NO LBS POSTS ETC AIHO iif SASH Am mm tabids Trim Is lU LiuInk rt si away during an wfi0ki mpte around A Company row of formed here with a capital of Two wfuiien are now of the Public School Board of for Toronto Carman Methodist Church corner of Street and Paul ine held its first opening last Sunday Dr prosified at the morning service and Hew It J preached in llio evening The opening will he continued for the next two At the General Hos pital last Sunday were horn the largest number on re cord for a of time Yet another robbery is engag ing the attention of the Detect ive Department In this haul the thieves secured something worth of furs from the storerooms of Slavey Walker manufacturing furrier Queen Street West away in his sev entysecond year at his sons residence Dixon Ave James Mitchell who for years was caretaker of Burns cot tage at Ayr Scotland The late Mr Mitchell came lo Canada from Ayr three years ago John Wanzock an Austrian- Pole living at was found dead in bed Friday ev ening He retired apparently in good health and asked the people with whom he lived lo call shortly after oclock as he hail to he at work early an employe at the Co was seriously burned when the gasoline ho was using in cleaning machinery ac cidentally ignited He was re moved lo the Hospital A Toronto lady sent word last week that destitute children of Belgium were fed by Canadi ans Workmen arc busy construct ing curve to connect Weston and suburban lines at the corner of and Kicle Sis One day last week Silas Todd while driving over Pond at fell the ice sudden ly give away ami his leanrand sleigh were immersed in feet of water Willi the help of the villagers he was able to effect a rescue of the two horses It was announced on Monday that the had cancelled and passenger trains in order to release men and mo tive power to relieve freight con gestion Rev Dr Robertson having re signed St James Presbyterian Church is now without a pastor According lo estimates of Union Station officials Torontos express business last year was greatly in excess of previous years Seven hundred card of coal left Black Rock for Toronto on Monday and were received the yards receiving and accepting an order for a man living on King was lined Street car extension will soon be made in District Representatives of negotiating churches last week made plans for further cooperation Union Is coming slowly The Old Boys As sociation held a Smoker Conoert last Saturday evening and had a jovial time The Belgian Christmas Fund was enriched by collected in Co and forwarded here A Who has been reelected Vice- President of the North York War Auxiliary Is one of our most suc cessful business men He came to Newmarket about years ago and has been Identified with alt the public movements making for the success of the town He is loyal to the core and has one sou in khaki His integrity and square dealing has made his name a household word ftlcoInK and rocUing-too- euuatne writing Wimp a- Iho hollering to to try tm track again- wo so Urn wind the windows fflwtf Jump an though- Ihoy fef Nov now have Just arrived- fto you eerl have nine on lie trjdn We have fclruck we nearly I stick solid in with our packs Klvis of and win be intent for We nice waiting us when we arrived Soot not get up till nine Oclock thltfmoiiiiii and- was sur- at leaving mi that long Nov 20 Am in a now Iiufqultt lovingly 1 1 J v From Era Jnm By J Curtly oh Dec Mr- MISS Bovalr all of King the on Mr Philip Ross Christina- of King the the Inst Mr Molls ii By John Brown at the North American on Inst- Mr Bradford of -Scoti- Mary Jane CanicV- like one long mnJit street from one to miles In length At the end of It and squarely in the of he roadway a church far above Uic plain neat little houses All the farinhuildiitgs are ivlileh makes litem how up well on a pari of the country There seems to be to these villages The people nearly talk and come run ning to the train to sell or exchange for girls give lheht- bargain id We found belter when we crossed into New Bruns wick The people talk English and give the abetter reception all We slopped in ami had a short parade Just for ex- ius before leaving it being our a short service New is a very such grand lulls covered with white and ail amongst the hill the prettiest lakes or hays you can just the dace for a good CO top Things seem to be freezing iiji here Tin wind Is quite cold and small packs of fee and snow arc seen Oct We now in Nova fellows arc feeling good again today having got some parcels during the night The country here is a mixture again ami dont like It so well taking It all through is quite mild and a fog has hanging over us ever wc entered the country which makes us think of the ocean We are now coming into Halifax Two large vessels can be seen from the and they have already been called gunboats cruisers and liners Will see later I see lots of darkeyed Nova Scotian girls as I go on Those two vessels I mentioned are coalers They do not look like comfortable transports I have my pack on again ready lo move It feels quite natural I will admit I am now aboard Lapland My stateroom is Just about level with the water There are four to a room Two bunks oneach side one above the other and the room is about two by twice but kids look good to me I am going up on deck for a few hours so so long It Is now halfpast eight p I oclock tonight and can feel already 1 1 makes a fellow dizzy I step all Over deck When we were leaving the harbor we were ordered lo put on our lifebelts I have mine on now I rained up just now to close my room door and my scat very obligingly but arose to meet me when went to sit down again Nov 2nd Jot up this morning feel ing fine It is a fine morning the sua Is shining I can easily see the other four vessels The part of Die that to ho sick my feet they will not track at all one little in my section John author of History of War sayg thai the of in the autumn of was a decisive victory for Because of it tho Allied line Blood secure from the to the Sea the enemys turning and piercing movement had alike been foiled and his shortlived initiative was over In this battle one of the critical points was that at which to aid of sorely pressed General Bui fin At one moment It looked as if would to- yield but ho saved himself novel reinforce ments tie sent the Corporal commanding his escort lo collect every available man The Cor poral scoured the countryside and brought In cooks Army Ser vice Corps men and all whom ho could find With these a charge was made like that of dont lo be the seas followers at sold Others say they will not come back unless Is a bridge across The officers came around looking for guards for the night and all the answer Ihey got to their many queries was Let her sink lioss Saw the sailors haw fire drill to day Nov Had drill this morning Titer is quite a sea rolling loduy The follows do not line- the rail so thick The Other vessels are only a few hundred yards off but I cannot them nt Nov Sill Hid not sleep much last The water was too rough It is running to the top of the rail this morning Quite a grin went around in the wash room this morning A bunch were in washing two of them stepped back to dry themselves ami got in line with the open port hole a great wave came up over it and pushing through knocked them head over heels Nov Oil Have been awake most of the night The sea has been coining in over the deck and running down lie open hatchway Have just been fin deck The waves are mountains morning and a storm is threaten ing There were a dozen fellows got soaked to the hide a few minutes ago A great wave came over the stern of the vessel where they were standing Can sec about halfadozen porpoise afternoon following the ship They look lo lie six or eight feet In length I forgot to tell you that a wireless message came US on Nov telling of the loss of two more vessels during a fearful storm off the coast of Ireland Nobody Is allowed on deck after dark tonight the sea is too rough Nov There was nobody wash ed overboard last nlghj military funeral oh the Southland today We had lifeboat drill again today The sea is quite rough and comes over the vessels bowin tons A cold stiff wind has been blowing all day We are looking forward to sec the Irish coast tomorrow or early Thursday morning Nov and was able to hold his ground Had the line at that point the Battle of might have been lost and the result might have been very serious Thus disaster was averted by calling up Every Available Man and it was the spirit be hind the response that saved the day and brought it lo passthat the large German army before Yprcs was checked by fin army a of its size- The call lhat came from the Commanding Officer through the Corporal is coming to us today and those who have already risk ed their lives by going to the place of duty are calling across the sea to us to send lo them Every Available Man To get Ihe men at the right time may change the whole situation and we need these men now and our county must do its share e0 UNITED may would ivah on of Died On the Charlotte beloved wife of Dr years On Sunday the new Methodist Episcopal Church on Mill J re cently erected will be dedicated- will preach deilhalory sermon Sunday School will bold a leameeting on Friday evening next The shop of Mr Win Willis Harness Maker Main Street broken into on Monday nlglit last and a quantity of leather and shoparticles token The Town Council Newmarket fix ed I salaries of Municipal officers at the last meeting as foltowsir- Clerk and Treasurer Cioo Inspector and Collector Assessor Town Ringer Dr J J Hunter was elected far lie eve by a majority of over A Esq Councillors I toad bouse Jackson and Harrison In King Township Tyson was elected Reeve and Machell and Joel Phillips for Whitchurch Wheeler Esq was chosen Reeve and P Deputy with Messrs M Jones J and J Baker for the ell Kasf elected James Parnham for Reeve and Mr for Deputy Charles was elected Reeve of Aurora For Councillors J Cbas and Pearson Ceorglna A wan elected Reeve if I J I KSVt M and I am tired enough to go to bed have- been all over the boatup the rope ladder Into the rigging as high as I could get up into the mast then I went up the funnels and had a look at them I Just took one look down at the water that was enough Then I went down into Urn stoke hole and engine rooms and gave her a shovelful of coal Just for sport but my it is hot down then- There are guards on all those places now so my exploring Is lone Ml along vessels sides are salesmen Belling prints and tobaccos from a small host means of a basket swinging from a rope There are four other vessels here with us One of them Is an Auxiliary name is The other throe are the SVnthlmd of Britain and Well I guess I will ring off now nml until I have spent one night on deep we dont know anything about our time of sailing but we do not go tonight 1st We left Halifax pier early morning Two tugs towed us- out we to be here tar a few tho way out we passed the Cruiser could guns peering out They looked quite genuine and formiduble I been on guard this Am ala on for all a fire-ald- door I have to see that- is closed In the sounds I am a way down into the ship the floor Nov Nothing extraordinary- Had lifeboat drill again today Alarm sounded while I was having a suit water bath It bos been a grand day I am on guard again tomorrow Nov Nothing happened at all I go on guard at in and it is rain ing thats all Nov Hurrah Sighted land at oclock this morning I will feel like eating a handful of it when I get off her Also we have an escort Several torpedo boats dart around us Hits morning so I can hardly see them in water Small but oh We close enough to to some It looks good to me guard tonight Nov Arrived safely in before daylight Most everybody is on deck Can now have a look There are all kinds In here The girls the fellows pretty much as they pas quite close to our boat We arc in the river Mersey white two of other boats were fcmall boat that blows their whistle no matter If they puss forty to blow and girls booing all to pass the time We are now on grouid again the fellows they CAD fe it cork The Ural place they about J is They dont set much for a penny though Well gee 1 had to laugh wiuu put me on of peanut for that is look like Washington Jan Approval of President Wilsons request for a statement of peace terms from the European belligerents was voted tonight by Senate at the conclusion of three days of stirring debate Action came with dramatic suddenness when Democratic leaders decided to accept a form of resolution lhat would not commit the Senate to endorsement of whole of Presidents note and ten Repub licans of the Progressive group joined majority in making the vote to Discussion of the subject had reached a climax during the day with a sensational declaration by Senator chief spokesman for Democrats replying to Republican criticism of the Pres idents course Without refer- rinp directly to the submarine controversy the Senator said the could keep out of the war if it continued and that all America would not again accept misconception of orders or zeal of any officer as an excuse for an injury to or properly y From Kra Jan ff Married By KWer on the 23rd of Alton a to Miss of By MacKay A on the Mr Charles Lewis to Miss Miller of North bury Died At Liberty Hall on the Inst Potter relict of James Caldwell of this Town- aged years Mr- P Flanagan returned Mani toba on Monday Miss Ida of North Is In Town Miss Is spending a week with Mrs Harding at Amos has lo Manitoba to visit her Mrs Silvester Mr left on Wednesday to spend the winter in Michigan Mr Frank of and two arrived here on Wed nesday and will spend a short visiting In this part of Ontario of con of John Brown was here over New Years Mr Lang jailor of County at was in Town over Sunday He was a weUouie visitor at Liberty Hall He is a brotherinlaw of Mrs J Caldwell who tiled this Among the visitors in on were Matthew Madden John Mitchell Henry Sheriff and Mrs Gallagher of To ronto Mr Jolly of Mr John Robinson of Bond Head and Mr John Sutherland of Bradford Mr Geo of Toronto is reported quit III A pumpkin pie social at Mr A TRAGIC DEATH Aurora Jan Case a resident of Whitchurch township met death under tragic circum stances here yesterday after noon A load of hay which he was driving started to topple over and in save himself Case tried to jump to ground In doing so ho entangled in reins- causing him to fall in such a manner as to receive se vere internal injuries from which he died his homo about two miles from Aurora ton hours later He was years of ago and bad lived in district all his life Ho Is survived by a wife and six children An lelU about the query tell mo what the weather win next weak in reply he wrote Is my belief weather HI say mueh your subscription- man wondered for next day or two editor when he to think of un- vtllci and foribwiUi weal to i a success on was New Years eve On iat Mr of Kettle by received the of Ins brother Mr Samuel Proctor of Drayton In the old house on Friday night Elder delivered a lecture to a fair audience on The Lite of Christ A teaparty was held in the Archibald Church of on New Years eve It was a success At the annual of Ladies Aid of the Methodist on Wednesday Mrs Jackson was elected President Mrs Mrs J and Mr Treasurer A wwMUd An Is a man up a Utile for a rainy day Character Is never put grows out ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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