Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 5, 1917, p. 5

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foJVd KfTSG ifeaS A tit- tho J Notary Office Main St anno to on to AUG Frank Duncan AND COLLEGTOH SMITH ft SB Audio ncor phono Dr I i Over Grocery I i J Dr treatment ilia addition the Church About Ihtrtodn- hundred doHarH In on Friends of Mho Cliiiroh The proceeds of Hoyl in ihd Willi tSxpenbs of of which dJyideO oquaUy and The due to for his ef fort and was I- i v Iho nwraiijs Viol Currents Phono IB I Dr J Boyd In MedlolM of Toronto Wccntlaleor the f nd iofllH rtrtiiv Hospital Newmarket phono 78 clinical assistant Hospital and Nose and Jhroat Conwr Main and Timothy no MorloDf BOX 373 NEWMARKET AND park Avenue Adjoining New Pout Office AND Ave 2nd from Queen St Newmarket O Box Bolton PneUcal Painter Paper Hanger id House Decorator opportunities Canadian looking for to ill the caused by en listments A boy or girl wlio is qualified can conrmahd a good and at aamo time ren der a patriotic to cOunUy by fitting for Commoroial of Pickering advantages for training boys and girls for clerical positions in For particulars phono or or drop a post to Secretary Pickering College Newmarket 4w46 a StTpaids School IIIOIH ed oh evening last week it annual Christinas of the Sunday School Pre vious to tin program the scholars were a which they greatly enjoy- crlnteiidoni during the rendering of the program and the children themselves admirably At the proper time arrived ami dlfltrlUuled from Tree which were provided by school Several special prizes for their good standing in marks and regular at tendance Altogether It was a very enjoyable affair or not blood polios to all of the InlVa- and In there to pIna toe- back and loins and soqiqIIiqc3 Vbourto forma or uric acid lumbago rncumatlsin Rout or This is to Bend for liitl packoRO During uric acid Is into the fiystflra from meat eft lea and oven front vegetables poor tired and iMa a good to take tho of Plorco for troublo and ta for many Company examin ing airays the water of an applicant before a policy will bo leaned Have yon overset a bottle of- water for twentyfour hours A heavy lbatU bopjriit your as a grtft purpprtlus to frpia you erjdhttve been abused for Tell her the truth and Ina Jim and Mrs John criterad Jims J Mrs wis smiling Mrs Jim waiTUke Jim ills- brother lotted arid then he opened it aiouih- to you In the votes for women I venture further by of laughterby three the party and Jim approaching his- wife took in his arms f eeoins to me sold Mrb John the only gainer by this Joke troubie you- Jim said ids wife for brooch to match the one youve given CLIMAX OF mm HJi ana urinary organs can bo determined by a cnomlcal an- and examination this Is dono by expert chemists of tho Med leal Hi of the Invalids Hotel If yon wish to know your condition send a of your water 10 Doctor Pierces Invalids Hotel and do- icrlbo your It will- be ox- sinlned any cxpcnccto ydd and Doctor Pierce or his of Physicians will Inform- you truthfully I Head all about yourself your system physiology anatomy hygiene simple homo cures etc In the Common Medical Advisor a book of Send to Dr V Pierce cants In onecent tumps for a cloth- bound copy prepaid J School A JOKE THAT Niagara fouguru and market A Of Piano Voloo and Vio lin Dealer In all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for and Prompt Lyman Issuer of Marriage At the Kia Office Office Private Ky Papers at private if desired NEWMARKET mm LATEST DEBIOK8 IN Monuments and Head Call before ordering elsewhere Cut Stone for Kepi in Slock and to Order GEO VJopU Mr Kirk has just com pleted Mr Hoy Shaws Dairies were finished in sanded polished ceilings and porcelain cement polished walls with cork- finished cement also cork and cement floors The of the In dustrial Home after trying un successfully to got someone to the new reservoir and fil tering plant were recommended by A James York Go En- get Mr Kirk to under take job who accepted the tusk and finished Alio job in the record time of days Mr P Pearson ami Commissioner complimented Mr Kirk as lie and his worked in and water all time Mr Kirk has secured contracts already for the New Year from The Cane Co for a new uptodate Furnace for baking lead for the Pencil Fac tory Mr Scott of Cedars for plastering and cement floors Mr Geo Barker plastering on a linn new house on Prospect Ave also Mr I work for Clio coming year Mr Kirk says it is splendid now Abut the Newmarket people realize that no job Is loo big or loo small for him lo undertake and twin bro thers dressed ulike as they looked They wore their Beards alike voIcch were nearly he sprite as two Violins- They were married on the s me went tohycln twirl In terrace that was no tiling unlike about the brothers but their wives One day while they were launching logetlier at the Club hey concluded to swap wives for dinner Jim was to home to Johns house pretending to be John and Vice Versa The If was to hist till fee was brought on when John and Ids wife would go Into Johns and nil have coffee what to- had at north AND GRANITE 1 in Monuments- and All kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY 10 and see before buying AU kinds of Stones Cut to Order JOHN end of foreign Mid Piiou ft SI i till Night f1othodit On Sunday evening Dec iist a Watch Night Service was held in the Free Methodist Church It commenced at pm and con tinued without any flagging of the interest till the dawning of The service was con ducted without any flagging of the interest till the dawning of 1917 The service was conducted by the Pastor Tho evenings program consisted of addresses by Mr Miller and Mr Graves and a ficrrhm by the pastor from a text chosen from The portion expounded was As thy day so shall thy strength be The meaning of these words was elu cidated by the use of numerous original apt illustrations At the conclusion of the sermon a largo number testified to the saving power and grace Appropriate voluntary hymns were sung at various intervals The divine Presence characteriz ed the service throughout and received special inspiration and blessing as they bowed In consecration at the altar during the passing of the old and the incoming of the new year The unanimity assuredly betokens success for the coming year 9 LETTUCE AND I ers for Less Than Will Hot Delivered PERRIW PHONE He Forgot A school inspector was testing a classes power of observation He made sure that he hod a gold- mounted fountain pen in his wQislcont pocketplainly display ed Then he loft the rostrum retired to anteroom and there removed lie fountain pen to an inner pocket he stood with his coat thrown back and his vest displayed Now boys he said tell mo what I have forgotten- There was a long pause and a small voice piped up Please sir you forgot to say Kxcuse mo when you walked in to absent gather and laugh over la ken place When John Impersonating Jim went to Jims house that after noon shortly before he dinner hour he received the connubial kiss from his brothers wife and so far s he could discover she thought him her husband Any letters asked casually Yes she said handing him one addressed In a feminine hand while she looked up into his face as he read the superscription John was somewhat taken back lie did not know whether the epistle was one his brother would wlnh his wife to see or not- Giving it a casual glance he put It in his coat pocket un opened asked his wife If she had spent a pleasant day Mrs Jim did not ask when he had pocketed a letter In which she was deeply interested who was the writ erfor site bad studied the handwrit ing the envelope end could not make out that it belonged to any wo man she knew but her replies lo Johns remarks were not cordial and it was evident that there was Per mind John endeavored to appear unconcerned hue he was obliged to admit that the letter in cident had an unfortunate turn in his and brothers Joke The more John tried to placate his the more she became the dessert was put on the table she was sitting boll upright her chair looking very crusty Meanwhile her husband was dining with his brothers wife Jim who was excellent business man bad marie money while John whose tastes were had not Mrs John was economical and her principal business was to keep her husband from spend ing more his limited Income war ranted It had occurred Jim that this occasion would be a good one to make his a present So on ids way to stopped at a Jewellers and bought a brooch for which he paid After receiving the homecoming kiss he drew out the box containing his gift opened it and held the brooch before the ladys eyes See what J brought- for you my dear bin Emersons brows lowered in stead of putting her coral fingers on the brooch she pushed It away from her Why in the world did you spend money toe thai trinket when have nil I can do to make ends meet with out It Trow you take It right back and leave it where you got Poor Jim looked very dis gruntled He not confess that he was her brotherinlaw Instead of her husband and that it was pure gain lo her Ho stammered on adding that he wis very sorry and took up the evening paper fortunately dinner was announced and he hoped to get through it without anything more disagreeable than what had al ready happened Thus the Joke that was Intended to be a pleasant- one to be laughed over after dinner miscarried had a letter hi his pocket which he dare hoi open for fear of his brother and Jim stood accused wasteful extravagance through the dinner Jims was de claiming his Went to keep within bounds it was no ex cuse whatever that he had intended the gift for her A gift that troubled her by skimping no at all Indeed It was a detriment the clock Jim Kmer- irui was called so telephone Is hm In fiasco i Loires a here loo- London Dec Admiralty has given lo the Associated- Prods the following statement concerning trie sinking Ihc British steamer which was- reported lost on December The degree of savagery the Ger mans have attained In their subma rine policy appears to have reached a In llic sinking of the West minster which proceeding frohi to Port Said In bal last On December- It when iho miles Dota the nearest land was attacked by subinarine without warning and by torpedoes In which kljted four men The saiik In min utes This ruthless disregard the rules lit law was follow ed by a deliberate attempt to murder the survivors The officers and crew while effecting their escape In boat shelled by the submarine at range of The master and Chief engineer were kihed out right mid their boat waa sunk The second and third engineers were not picked up Is presumed they were drowned Tho of the- submarine must have- satisfied himself fecUvenesrt ids torpedoes yet he proceeded to carry out cold blood an act of murder which could not possibly he by any urgency of war and can only be regarded In the eyes the world as a further proof the of honor and morale 1 own APOLOGISING WORK opened the door just as the culler was ascending the steps She wore a gingham apron a dusting cap and her right hand clutched a was her intention to off the porch a task which had been postponed till because of the unusual pressure of morn ing duties due to the maids ill ness Some girls would have acted if a gingham apron dusting cap were the insignia of inferior ity They would have blushed stammered apologized They would have continued to apolo gize throughout the call would have left no stone upturn ed to demonstrate that was not their custom to wear a dusting cap as an afternoon uniform and they would have insisted on the maids illness as if were a great historic event like the fall of the Bastille say How many a call has been spoiled by just such endless apologies Eunice is a singular girl She did not apologize She laughed Im not going to sweep you off the steps she said even if ap pearances against me and she put out her hand Its clean she added with a twinkle come right in She set a chain for her caller disappeared into the dining room and came back in fifteen seconds minus cap and apron and broom Even at that she was not par ticularly presentable hut she did not tacitly accuse her caller of a lack of consideration by dwelling on that fact Our maidsMaid up today she remarked as she seated herself and that was all She look it for granted that every person of intelligence could fig ure out the connection between the maids indisposition and her afternoon occupation and she did not mean lo spoil the call talking about it A young man of good fain Ay was connected with a builders firm A now house was going up and some of the workmen had bungled man was sent up to see about it and for two days he stuck to the business of seeing were set right On he second day the lady for whom the house was being built suddenly appear accompanied by her niece and encountered tho young man whom of them knew very in shirt sleeves and overalls lie might have apologized but he good sense for that Ho was in the line of duty even though outside his regular work greeted the two ladies court eously showed them about and answered all their questions And each carried away a higher ion of him than they had brought Goodwork and workers are entitled to respect But you cannot hope that others will your work apolo gize for it m FOR FLETCHERS donl saving Mr A do- announced with ifrsAV I just begin to up and feel fresh about ten oclock cohllnycrt Mr A at bis wifcs mence riot make any were it not that be hauled out bed an Tipur In Hie youhl never know thb after you were orico up bis wife me I have never yet risen n have been it answered Mr A humorously The way I look at it Is ex plained Mrs A The baby wokes me up between five and six- every big spmelhaes before and Id need bed at nine By daylight lime that would be ten and from a conccrU or lecture or dinner- parly without losing Vol of and being out next lay As It Is I cannot stand going but anywhere more than once a week and when people drop In hero for an evening they come an hour that should be my bedtime and slay till eleven the result being that I get only five hours sleep that night Ill Just tell you Mrs A wound up There are thousands of mothers In this City who would like to have the- Daylight Saving Dill passed Why dont you practise Id your family then queried Mr A First of- all have no control Over you- Mrs A and secondly I wouldnt be able to see my friends at nil and a woman needs some social enjoyment No it must be done by all- to be sat isfactory Then Miss came In We have Just been quarrelling over daylight saving MrsA ex plained laughing Tve been practising hat all winter said Miss Kvcryonc where Ave stayed In Florida went to bed so early that we felt like night- hawks al nine oclock The clocks were not turned back- but we saved daylight Just the same Why church was at halfpast six Sunday evening went on and the best concerts and social af fairs were in the afternoon Nearly everyone had breakfast at seven and the majority earlier than that And we enjoyed it Everyone did dont like these lazy hours with breakfast on Sunday nearly ten and your upset for the day Florida we had breakfast on Sunday the saint hour as other days I see Im In the minority sighed Mr A- I listened to a conversation some what like the above the ether evening and heartily agreed with the two wo men I regret that the City Council pass- the daylight bill for To ronto though It would have been al most more than I could expect from a body bo governed by political Influ ence a few influential voters were to it the wish of the main body of citizens Including the non voting women would bear no weight neither would the advisability for economic reasons a great many people will practise daylight saving saving to a greater or less extent this summer The idea has sunk in- The Pity of It that the dominion rnent would not carry out a scheme that oilier nations at war found I to their great advantage to put into J J I ft I f Made In mm if Pi to Ford dntitpl We sell Ford- in the winter time just any other season in the year because lhe lordiBnot afraid of enow or rough slip pcry roads when you need it While tho bigger heavier cars are all safely housed up waiting for spring the Ford Tour- Gar gives the months of service days in the year This is an advantage you cant overlook when you buying Make your selection now from our new models a- a- i I 7 MISS I r I A aid up l practice As it Is the towns and cities that adopt Il have to suffer the drawback of the railways and boats running on then the daylight plan has met with enthusiastic success There Is no Joubt that sleeping In lie dark and working hi the makes for greater efficiency Arti ficial light Is vers hard on the eyes and It Is a scientific fact that the body rests better when lie earth is in darkness The suns rays are magnetic- and promote energy The war has aroused- he fighting nations our own excepted to use every means available lo promote health and economy and it Is be hoped hat some of this wise legislation made in lime of Stress willcontlnue in time of peace A recent Hoard of Health Inspector of a typical downtown in New York found Eightyfive per cent of employees working by artificial light and thai the number of men working in business offices who are obliged lo wear glasses has increased thirty per In the last six years been estimated that artificial light costs one cent per hour per person The saving of an hourdaily artificial light for a nation of million people would be one dollars a day and million dollars a year enough to launch eighteen battle cruisers it Is easy to understand why finds daylight saving worth While It Is a paying proposition both In health and material prosperity Cleveland for two years has put clocks forward an hour and hey re port the following benefits Better public health additional hours of for toiler belter condi tions of sleep to the welfare of children an to residents and nearby mow efficient win in plants closer niUi telegrapb phone freight and express the east saving in the of artificial illumination Our Underwear and are FAST because are and because when we say we Reduce Prices we cut the price lower from an already Low Price We do not mark goods up just to mark them down We believe in telliim the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth in our store Our PRICES are reduced lower Come In and buy what you NEED It will you big 300 Pino In and Percales with stiff or Cuffs to up to BO Pino In Plain and and GALE PRICE 00 Another of Pino In Patterns JANUARY A Lino of to and Drawers TO CLEAR AY ARE GOODS I A Range of BO and Neckwear In Pancy JANUARY GALE PRICE 1 A of Knitted Scarfs for to JANUARY PRIGS J Li Phono ft A it Outfitter Si A ALL THAT his did face lief or your teftoUe as I- told said Ami your Ami your Hubby truthfully washed 11k- oho that In- to her to to the Country on tip J OH A fibone Promptly io fii ARCHIVES OF i 5V3 iitcV

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