Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 29, 1916, p. 8

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I Iter It with cat pi that I Write to toll the wonderful received from Fruit- tiroi For dreadful iufferer from Constipation jftndlwo3mlerabloiaeTcryway NpWnff In the Beamed to help mo Then I finally and effect tploadld After taking one box I fool a person to have relief from sickening Headaches Mm MARTHA a box for trial olio At all or postpaid by Fruit- Limited Ottawa v For v Park ami Apply to AURORA Ww nilbcrt Reynold near ly knitted Books fifty wore hold in Sunday week It ft anil suitable annual meeting- of Women hi Presbyterian Church on- Thursday Deo Ufa- for year Proa John xietViocPrcHMrB Willi J TiHiaH Mns Aaron Campbell mm Jnhh Cray report lhal fiucl boon by llio valued at also Hod Cross work I Efts for JUJoW no on deceive but flndeBrfJt6UirjaMru What la ASTORIA fa a for It contaluo Opium nor substance TO RENT On St with all tan 1st Apply to Michael noughts Huron St Newmarket f end Wood- wood flnlHliKlcotrlo Fur nace terms if d Apply Box Aurora A lot of Pine Breeding from to old A TO On St between and Five and ftrgo Shod suitable for a Oarage as well purposes- Apply to tf FOn house and premises at Sharon known as Mansion House For particulars apply to Mrs hitl or to her Newmarket iw4Tj COAL Beat Coal at bargain prices Orders filled at hours Telephone No 3 of Butcher Shop Main St North PRANK joint sand properly wanted convenient to shipping JOHN A CO Farm and Building J Adelaide Bast Toronto SALE OF HOME TO THE- Eetato of Executors of the will of Hie late William Ostley for sale bis late residence on the South Side of Kagle Street Newmarket being com posed of Lot No South side of Street and Lot No on Hie North side of Andrew Street ac cording 6 registered Plan No Apply to TIIOS J Main Street Newmarket Solicitor for Dated October FOR SALE Garage A splendid cars in the vlofnlty Brick Building with necessary Tools Tank and Pump Air etc good Report No King OlenvHIo fop Jr- P Webster VDoano I Dun ham Si- III DoanoYi Webster Jr Gutting J Black It Miller Jr Black J ICcnfor Koofor J M Johnson Johnson Jean Maxwell Teacher OOO A Christmas Conspiracy Jessup Stellas tone was distinctly was evident that grandmother had something to answer for Grand mother from her Invdld chair look ed across at the girl who stood at her bureau drawer She had endured years of pain and weakness but they bad not succeeded In quenching the spirit in the frail figure her voire was saucy as a girls- Not what Is It Its your handkerchiefs many dozen have you Seven or eight You see I have seven of the dearest grandchildren in world Its queer Isnt it that your nose should be so especially honored when you grow old Hut gray eyes forgot to laugh back at grandmothers her She put the handkerchiefs back made some trivial and ran up to her own room where Iter sisters and cousins were holding a Christmas I wonder she hurst out that can endure Christmas at all jWhal under the sun do you mean and Isabella exclaim ed together what dii you give grand mother for Christmas last year A box of- handkerchiefs Why And you Isabella An embroidered handkerchief with initials Mollie Two handkerchiefs con fessed There didnt seem to be anything slumber and Aunt Marie always Knits those And Laurie and I gave her handker chiefs We always give her handker chiefs because shes old and theyre the easiest thing to think of I dirts she isnt old shes as young as any down in her heart and loves pretty things just as much as ever This year lets give her the biggest surprise of her life a Christmas that will make her really happy But how what stam mered What do we like best each of us Jewels Hooks I Handem broidery Candy 1 Silk stock ings The answers came in a laughing shower Well then why not ego guarantee It Vorm3aDdllay8FcveYishue8 For more than thirty years hanfecsa constant fox relief of Teething and Diarrhoea Food rfvlng healthy natural The Panacea Xho m Yen IbVlvelfiRlijiave a Inlo I fijuo sky of lihoriUoorf have a right to and ducks and puppies iB well an- and ribbons 4 things well my does hot love them I believe thutt should love to keep better ion anything else and I vi8h taught house work at school I Jjejlevo jtliftt pall my would great fuqyajid J thai I could bo very happy In T Or I HELmnLE Thoughts On a Hocont Morning happy jiving the and in that praised mylf I hurt my ami ind Arithmetic- and Spelling do cooking or sewing with the- other girls afternoon go to town and leave and mother and my brothers and sisters to in the country for I know all and fe trees the creek anr green grass arid the but oft I I dont want to stay home anddo nothing but wash dishes and carry water and do the and grow old Auntie I wont to laugh and hive and live I I learn to sew and cook and do laundry work and do well And want to learn and t want to do well I believe In square deal for as well as for boys and I want everybody to bo happy all the time lie old as wellas the young Courses at i Raising Over be offered in contest which will be Held fall at Ontario It will be a great event at the will interest in between the ages years si I IMI has to enter with a l the bread is a flour which makes the biggest oaves whitest lightest and most wholesome bread you ever baked this not a splendid opportunity your daughters in TV h of ire at Vnu or and fount toul not be a la county That was- Indeed a truthful and forceful discourse recently by our pastor The vemclly of thone statements pertaining to true friendship is or ought be acknowledged by all speaking true friends are few and far apart therefore we ought to cultivate cherish and gain as many as possible for we know not the time when occasion may demand a friend true as steel I dare say hat everyone ban many friends but count not your friends until they ore tested Have you anyone outside f Opd who has your complete confidence to whom you have rehearsed all events grind bad or Indifferent of your life and who at the close of Its narration lias repeated yes ami even loved you more for the lell- of Inn same than you tboufihl pos sible If so you are indeed rich and fortunate to have such a friend The Joy and happiness that will derive from such a friendship will more than compensate for the ob stacles and tribulations which you will encounter In lifes pathway To he or have a real friend one must literally turn himself inside out and show himself as he really is and not what he pretends to be the outside world True friend ship requires respect confidence men- Id unselfishness existing between the parties If even one of our friends Is op- finis tic so much the better for the others especially so If the optimistic no 1 of 1 dominate nature for who can cross and gloomy long when optimist par Is the radiance of spirit it others There Is only one thing greater than happiness In Ibis world and that Is holiness To be happy one must he good do good and always wear a smile Consumption of happiness Is a nat ural outcome of perfecting of character hut thai perfecting can achieved only through struggle through discipline and through resist ance The very essence of happiness is honesty sincerity and truthful ness Let us make best Of the possibilities and talents that disposal always reaching upward and outward By so doing our Intellects will expand so that we will be able to grasp the highest noblest and best thoughts possible thereby excluding all that would contaminate or prevent us from radiating pleasure and happiness toMIiose with whom wo come In con tact GLADYS A POn AUTJ 1st to My for It full from com to cover month pith nitidis- able t of all sges It Is In Pnrlsnfl Velus Tear 2nd paidup titxilptlon to Vftlue lit Shwt Coane rconihi In at Iastltute Gudpb The t under it the e present with a to when ruches the age Vafue of i to 1 Ultra Wbri exceed tea will the at the fair will paidup a little ftablctlpl number of the judges at the fair wit lli on This I month la IU tight are puked highly love a bit of Jewelry from us chosen Just for iter And books not I S A President of Thoughts of Cheer as If she were but love stories that end well And why not embroider her something And if not silk stock ings then a pair of slippers with liny velvet bows As for candy shed love for Selling III Health to have it to pass ground even If she eat much herself And let Dob and Archie send her their absurd Jokes as they do to the Ontario Agricultural College The Hoy Creed t rnoiil ion Pacing Marc and Colt Driver years old RubberTired Buggy for young man Extension Top Carriage You can buy these at your own rtce Fold Dealer Newmarket believe that life In the country can he made Just as pleasant and pro fitable as life In the City I believe that father and I can form a partnership that will suit of us believe if I kill every weed rest of us It doesnt seem respect- Ion my fathers farm we shall be well ful paid by the Increased to say But grandma doesnt want to be nothing of the benefits to Stella Shed love to be count- believe that by careful selection in with the rest of us little chickens loan double the out- ties and Jokes and all gtris try of the once and see I Aud that was the way Christ mas conspiracy started Groridnio- day brings now evidence of vast Improvement resulting from the operation of Ontario Temper ance Act During year the City of Toronto for drunlcnuiss per September the average has been less than per week The reduction Is not only hi drunkenness but In general offences in two months the total arrests by the police were more than 1700 less than during the- responding two months of last year In the fitly of Hamilton drunkenness Is not fifteen per cent of what it was In London the reduction has been sixtyfour per cent In some cases there has been a still better showing Thousand of men have ceased com ing Ik in drunk IhoiiHands of families are better supplied Business men losljfy to Increased efficiency of their employees provision stores grocery stores dry goods stores are doing a heller business Evidence that comes to hand from day to day shows that the Province Is gelling the honest and thorough en forcement of the Ontario Temperance Act Too credit cannot he giv en to the Provincial Board of missjoncrs for their upon the discharge of duty by every law en forcing official Certain ft Is that the new law is better- observed and more thoroughly enforced than was li cense law At a meeting of Managing Com mittee of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance held Ibis week re ports were presented showing re sults of Field Day work in tho Pro vince during the year 1016 Over services were held in of all denominations The work of ar ranging advertising manning and conducting this huge propaganda was very great but was successfully put through The Held Day in Prince Edward County on Sunday Deo winds up this Hue of work for this year A County Convention has been held In nearly every County in the Province These are now being fol lowed by local organization meet ings In various municipalities The Educational and agitational work of Sunday Field Day an invaluable aid to this organization work and the or- affected strong in fluence hi connection with enforce ment Prohibition United States In the recent United States elec tions four States- Montana South Dakota and ffchlgan and the territory of Alaska bringing over nOOOOOp more Ameri can citizen under prohibiten and cutting off ver saloon In addition Florida and Utah each elected prohibition This will almost certainly result In legisla tion combined temperance forces ere now moving on to Washington with the demand for the submission to the various Slates of a Amendment to National Constitu tion A feature of the situation there Is the of William Bryan that he is cut to make proHIbi- lion the great national Issue four from now What is the Strength of Britain Movement Is making great progress in the Mother Country- An Imposing Me mortal has been tho to enact National Prohibition that England niy of lit at the fairs automatic- become competitors for the Provincial The of double Is sent to Ontario Agri cultural Colltze by the In Important The cultural CoHtf- v The Is done by Km A the Flour at the Conditions of the Contest accept under the of 17 ire course rcacan tnc age of court which pay tttu room board and Urn at 2nd Short at 3rd Short Courts la Poultry at CcUc Gudph this WjtkS at the faut good for In Valiit of courts board of In Gaelph No are Prize Short Court Poultry at to The by Fannie edition lli rat are thoroughly tested and much may compete at the rural achrv fair la whether or not ht 1 providing that birth day November lit or birthday not occur Nov loaf of bread wuat be baked in about 7 x ft inches and deep Into twin leave to that they be touted at the fair The loaf he with Cream of the Hour One be at fhc other loaf will be tent to Agricultural Cdlete to compete In the at the fair willbeconductol under the tame all Hit other regular at fair The bread be will be folio Appearance of fxif marts ufXrumb tiartt 15 marks flavor of a i Odor 20marU Appearance a Color of fc Shape of Crumb a M be panted by the part of the flour the of the Old important and an entry form be coed by the and parent or guardian date of i PO mid name of dealer from whom that the girl baked loaf entered in the It forms be provided at the time of the fair Hit judges Is final Not more than entry may be M more than one be to the ftujy the fair will contesti The Provincial results be after the condiuioa of the Rural Province Do Not this Great Opportunity gg years should compete What a splendid way to Inter in Get a supply of of the west Flour at as often possible the chances of If your dealer it to you Campbell Co Toronto and they 21 promptly you theeartst place to get it No Competitions In Counties Named Below The competition Is open to all parts of the pro bice School Pairs are fafld the districts of Manltoulin and Thunder Bay Theie are the puts of the provinces fairs are held by the Deputises of which this competition will not be a feature There are no of the Department of Perth Her ill or and fairs are held in these Iq the Counties of by the Department oil Agriculture We therefore that the cannot Counties Cream of the Wert Hour Has pufcliatedy The form will state If you cannot Cream of lie West Flour fn no for prices Campbell Flour Mills Co Limited West Toronto of Wool Plour Is cold by Eves Hamilton Bros A Howard Aurora J Aurora J Button A J Q McDonald East Bros J J Cook Brown Bros A Vandorf Velfore Jos Coats and A Morten Koowlok Hamilton ton LI CI Si Re Tol by lap All of us fight AH of men wo en and children can do something towards winning the 1Z or are C evading Arc we for the W we do or try- to forget it Take the Canadian Patriotic Pund It has been created to care for the families of In those cases and tnose only where need exist Experience h33 shown that this means in two families out of three Up to December J people of Canada have given to the Fund That is generous isnt it But the country is still at wax our armies arc still growing the soldiers families are still in need the Fund still must be maintained And what do we find pat of the country crying that they have el veil enough to the Fund that Government should now take the burden i Given enough I When the Canadian lad in the trenches is deadtired ready to drop in his tracks does he chuck his job declare he lias enough end calicjfi Government to get another Given enough Is there a man in Canada has given enough if women and children are in need he the stay-at- home has a dollar to spare No This Fund above ell funds has a claim on every who not himself a pauper The- fact that has not assumed responsibility for it is the fact that makes every man responsible foe it even if he thinks the- Fund should be by Government moneys I ChilBlmaa were proof of its i Top Carriage Horse Apply to ewuurkt tlUftot r beat way lo raise luoney for your is by Of if they Popular to for rain ro6 by Alfred of wfety n4 ttev MK Dfl thus to put in the great war The Memorial is being- very largely by in every in life I Is significant that George -CibClfcvoUiaU- as who is looked eg most we Mull be able to fipofcen opponent of- I believe that by introducing fjilfft our we can keep twlcn as animals i i S at overcrowd your car Dont load with will not need Dont Mart with a far thai la- Dot to running condition Dont try to do the impossible Dont with foil to fixtra iwo along Dont Alfalfa lhat by nd find by keeping a belter contented and happier In every way our farm will In- I not Jn in pluck Si I believe I w4bWvuig decided Is now- Premier It fs almost further will be- enacted MUOftf Are YOU to teed GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT CONTROL BECAUSE- Government weld to treat all at ike helps only in need paid the FiinxLUtt extra burden on be His a By paying sum families woudrxivem they need those in tri would be paid too little towtby Cost of would be without families I so economically The There would be no more the fikxdJy Funds of and the are friends lis rued thtrefore fc tbeir be unequal for some counties and tome we Aft to bo by the yoderai authority they the financial poi U larger of burden A J ft them this task and it to all nd Win that It a vc I lea It ha uncovered reavo Most people wear they cannot believe their eyes It is a mlsUKe imagine that Op- looking Joe knocker palling- and decided It Ity coat tbat lUe better in the fe 50jn beHeya woi I work anil a tel in of are nevepnaUirdl for Mature never ft thrown Into this they found In winning the Why their and stifio Ix di A of caring to i S3 or ot give siycu as your sac4 MA v by If fa ran iv you J far ibis nv v J FUND JtfMf i ifUS

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