Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 22, 1916, p. 2

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1 r E 1 r mm announced on Tuodayv when reigned f fri was parted his otto- that of in i liioucr Agrioultural of pearl top ami Finder leave at Post O Mr Mellaril of alnceri thanks 16 frlfiUs ami re lative for MiuUwsh and sym pathy during- and death of hi beloved Vlfo also who rendered with tho funeral i J V NOTICE At a meelimr In USday to the farmer and WalJ attend uBUiaftoV Jan President ml I Mil 0rwel ami lO lllVhllHO prop iillVrllit III wanted Id shipping Or JOHN no Farm and Adelald Broker Toronto hot jiilHon kopt for mil Bohr and Hoar iuniiK ivasonahla A SONS the work of Toronto the overthrow to llio ttrivuiiioCUio lo the may cJinngA Time will toll Jim plainly -political- with cortoin- reins wlU to pionwho a of of tho Irovihcfl A olfiction would in Change in complexion of Tn0U0UE0nE8HAb0WED rtl a pnVtost Hon Cochrane of bin from iHojjflgUilatura of Nova rfeolla a fail on tin world of throwuf The of Hi Ilia parly In as lest of railways In maritime IB report- in tills lolni Hold In In hie rcslna Hon that had this in order there rolglit W no inlaundcrstandlhglV Mr Frank of the Whip said In handing Ids Hie of a lie did ho as a protest he Do minion Government jlilogs begin look for Premier i to fo the All iutofrown of Toronto her sinter Hewitt ft WlDowihdawlVl ft Cay DIo Ml for 4 ruuj I i IB at iliriBt- masru9h Mr ana Mm J anaMri I enlerUlhed Staff on Friday Mrs of To ronto are spending liolhlays her Mr peel j that to a of what beeurrcd Xino- day when I overtook him carrying heavy basket gropGrlcaMua nng era with Die bifeoUpfth cold with Ida in in bands In riad get them thfnV more what pad happened until sWeraihionkhs af ter when the came up behind one was walHlng along tiistreeC caught of hand An a most confidential manner walked This surprised arid- wondered at of familiarity lioweyer was ex plained to ntCi my Ilfbe were awful cold that day when r I were awful cold that day whe TWe rcgroito learn that helped carry the t BY MSN Canada and Walter Wiley continues poorly that removed to the Hospital In Toronto this week Mr and Mrs and of Hill were the guests of Mr and Mrs J NEWSTOCK CHOICE to do A OIiniBTMAO 1 Or Lewis left for Montreal last night for an slay whither Mia was called the serious illness of her sister STRAYED Prom Lot In the of North on or nfipul middle of One Steer two years and one Information leading to re covery will be rcwardcil J AGO HAMILTON AON I I The spirit In the air We hope there will he enough for Santas Rev J intends holding preaching service both morning and evening at Church What about the young man on Seventh who is fixing up his home Looks like business We wire pleased to former teacher Miss Nelson in our over the The style of Iravclllng in these parls to slope boat Mrs Huntley and her daughters J spent a few days in the last Week Is too far away to lake can of ids Interests If he Isnt careful Johnnie will et ahead Sunday held its annual concert on Dec All re port a good program Thais It Walter Bound lo win Cant win one try another to hear of the illness of Mr Joseph and also Harold rust to hear of an early recovery Merry Everybody Hoparatlon One Oasis Of Editorial Notes It Is announced at Ottawa that leg islation will bo proposed next session of Parliament to provide for the of retired soldiers on Crown The hill will provide for free of lands in certain- named dls and if found necessary certain Alt from Hie Federal treasury will be advanced A press despatch from Calgary Mils week states that following the precedent of Inst year the Canadian Pacific has put in effect a territorial embargo on grain ship meats with a view to fllllngup the interior elevators Water navigation from William has now closed and as Hie actual capacity of Fort William Is greatly reduced by multiplicity of grades this year railway Officials estimate they have already loaded ami In transit to Port William sufficient grain lo fill the elevators I The London of peace leads its Ihfs from Lincoln We accepted this war for an object a worthy object and the war will end when that object is attained Cod I hope it never will until that time The Weekly then Continues if we were the Government we would meet the German peace pro posals with one word reparation We would the Kaiser ami Chancellor tint if will accept the principle of reparation for Belgium and des olate for the devastated cities and fields of Prance for Serbia ravaged and overrun for the massacre of Armenian nation and for the nameless horrors that have dogged footsteps the Gernan army lb the cast and west of reparation for every woman or every child bayoneted every hostage murdered every home given to the flames that on basis of reparation we ran tell them our terms hut on no other basis If they will hot promise full reparation for deeds whose infamy cannot be matched in records of mankind then we would answer that we have further to say to them No matter how tempting their actual terms may he not one of the Allies will listen Silence Is the only reply THE Heir a story which if is not true ought to be The soldier In the train was diltjng on his changed life They took me from my home he fetid and put me In barracks they look away my clothes end put rue In khaki they took name and made uie No took me to Church wheie Id never been before and they made me paten to for forty person 1 75 art thou thou and I Canada and is the lille of a monthly Journal of Information and conciliation and the December Issue Is exceedingly interesting There are articles on Tagore in America Indentured Labor in Trinidad PastWar Reforms in India Hindu Religious Ideals and other matters India has generously aided the Allies by contributions of men and money and Hie war has exercised a wonder ful influence on the political thought and outlook of the natives This Is demonstrated in an article entitled India After the War in which a strong plea Is made for the rights of India to be heard In Kb own cause when the Imperial Council meets to discuss the future of the British Em pire ooo THE MAN WHO How lovely is the princely gent who never owes a man a cent that he wont gladly pay whose glance Is not severe and chill when you present your little hill upon collection day He scans your Utile bill and cries It Is a pleasure bless your eyes lo deal with folk like you who charge a reasonable price for shredded prunes and bone less rice and other things we chew Just wind a smile around your neck while I sit down write a check With my large fountain pen you sold me good and honest junk and I am glad to pay the plunk the kopeck and the yen This man may be a homely Christmas llio that birth of Founder of ideals of free dom Justice honour humanity and righteous dealings that are fundamental principles upon which rest our civilization and of which the Union Jack and Maple are the symbol It is for the preservation of these ideals to our country and and the annihilation of the Hun ideal of Might is Right that our brave brothers and sous York County spending this festive season away from the warmth and comfort of hearth and borne in I ho cold damp mud dy trenches of Flanders Theirs is the task of perpetuating for us and our children the joys and blessings of Christmaslido in a free country It is thanks to them that horrors war up to now boon kept away from Ibis country and that after more than war Christmas in Canada scorns different from what it was in limes of peace In the Motherland here are food restrictions and of every kind and the constant danger of by Zeppelin or Cruiser Here there is peace and plenty a dismal day will be hi Old Country What right Have wo to lie immune Young men mothers sisters ask yourselves question w wo pets and favorites of providence Not for one moment are no belter than Our neighbors and unless the whole country man woman and child throws off its indifference and lethargy and puts on its war array the fate of martyrs and enslaved Belgium will fall to our unhappy lot too Woe worth the day it said at a public recently that this was last voluntary effort to get recruits Young men what better Christmas gift could you possibly at a time like this than yourself to tho great and noble cause Women think of the widows orphans mutilated children the vacant chair at tho Christmas gather ings the homes blighted and be reaved and rouse your men folk lo up in vengeance 1 It is a cause that should lie dear lo the hearts of women the cause of purity In words of Sir Galahad 9- My might is as might of ton Because my heart is pure not because might is right We know we shall win because our cause is Gods cause Hut every man must do his part Young men who stay at home beside your firesides midst the luxuries of life think of this many of the hoys at Hie front are forced to spend Christmas and to forego their Christmas leave in the trenches because you are not there to relieve them Make up your minds that it is a raw deal and that you will do all in your power to make it up to them from now on most generous and splendid Christmas gift you can make is yourself to the York Hangers MrHT of Vapeouvcr who la spending the winter with her slater Mrs A has five sons and three of arc at Hie front serving their King and country Principal Cornell and several of the teachers of the proposed Classes attended the Industrial School In Toronto on some pointers Monday evening on work Mr Jackson leaves today to spend the Christmas holidays with his daughter Mrs A Belfry of Tottenham and expects New Years Day with his daughter Mrs J Hamilton- Mr ami Mrs William I Hill the engagement eldest daughter Clara May to Mr Milton youngest son of Mr find Mrs the marriageto lake place very quietly Mrs John Currey and Mrs Kldd attended the Kindergarten Commence ment in Toronto on Friday afternoon Miss selected out of 26 to ac company the singing on- the piano those who the funeral of the late win In Newmarket last week were Mr and Mrs Walter Crone of Toronto Mrs John Crone and her daughlcrV Mrs Hughes of Buffalo Mr Crone of New York City and Mrs Ell Young service The hoy had not his help er and the benefactor bad learned something about a boy that he did not know before- Ho dlsooverel that the way to get Interested in a boy Is to do rtomelhlngto help him it Is unfortun ate that a large number not experience more of this Joy willed comes from assisting someone who needs a lift There Is no kind of In vestment which yields bigger divi dends What we do for a child can not be lost and it is seldom forgotten by the Is a fine class of boys you have there and they think teach er Is all right too said a pastor to a business man who was sitting around his boys Just beginning the Study of the Sunday School lesson for the day Here Is the reply he got The boys dont get any more out of It than I do It Is a great thing to be able lo In vest a portion of ourselves at least In something which Is really worth while To say that we haven I time to be a lender of a class of boys Is like a fanner saying that he hasnt time lo sow his fields In May We may lose our money fire may destroy our property the man who halls us a friend today us tomorrow but what we do in making character today Is more lasting than the eternal hills FOREIGN- FRUITS ARRIVING DAILY i I Goods Choice Line of New Canned and Pickles Try our Syrup and Honey Be Sure You Try Our Washing Powder Phone Orders Promptly Delivered i Phone Hi A ECONOMIST I hope you will remember said the lo bis man that your vote is about dearest possession said in mind but at same lime sub got tub boa 1 in mind do fact it dont pay to make it so dear no- body kin to buy it sub ooo PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes it MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Fresh Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFPICE House Phone No Store Phone No Mrs Wellington Sus sex Avenue Toronlo formerly of announces he negage- of her daugbljr Helen Victoria lo Mr Charles Trowhriilge of Han wedding take In New York the la Iter- part of December i Hon attended on Monday of lids week at p Canadian Club Luncheon In Toronto by of the Imperial Munitions Hoard for Canada who has Just return ed from several months visit In Great Britain and who gave a most interest ing and valuable address on pres ent war situation especially with re ference to munitions and Canadas part In supplying same On the even ing of the same day he attended a meeting in Hall addressed by Sir Thomas White Finance Minister of Canada who also has just relum ed from the Old Land Massey Hall was packed one of the most audiences in the history His address was Interesting and In spiring and replete with valuable in formation with reference to war con ditions On Tuesday afternoon Mr Davis attended the annual meeting of the Tanners Association held in the Hoard of Trade Hank and after luncheon by the President of the Association the afternoon was spent the discussion of mailer- of general interest to the Association the election of Officers etc Sale IVEDHEGUAY Register Dec Mrs Ceo of Sharon will have a sale of stock Implements and various other articles Terms cash Sale at oclock J Headman THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You car buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Might calls to at ITJILLAR Phones and Why not Here is proposition to do so As we ail know how prices aro advancing on all lines of especially Clothing Boots Shoes and Rub bers and as we must soil our stock consisting of AND READYTOWEAR CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Wo offorlng you some bargains at old prices justafow of our lines Pairs New Heavy Rubbers Reg for mens Sweater Coats HALF PRICE Pairs Boys Boots Sizes to Reg for Woollen Underwear Reg per garment for A Bin Stock of Hockey Boots to Clear Mens Chinchilla Overcoats Reg for Ladles Waists each Here are J II 70 The J o f rnu vo a state may not wear bis sideboards JieckUe may bo red he may have warts upon ear bis feet may Interfere and bald may bis head men niay say hes- quite in style theyll praise The beauty of smile the contour of his nose theyll overlook bis and say Weve really never seen a man with liner No man is when he hauls his bundle from his overalls and big bill who pays the tailor for his duds the washerwoman for her suds the saw- bone for his pills Walt Mason THE YORK LEGION road many storios re garding the faniouSOrmies of the Greeks tlifv tlie arid themighty powers which dominated the world foro liie corning of our Lord but what of the great armies of the Allies which ore and the insane desire of Germany for power yet more power plus lorritory fitrugglirig and They are with all their HEATH la Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs Street a daughter Dee Heath 3 Doora of Kino George Motel NEWMARKET Proprietor Gwllllmbury on Dec lo Mr and Mrs Wilfrid a son At Mitchell on Deo 15th to Mr and Mrs Skinner a daughter and grand daughter lo Mr Cane of New market lAUSfif rtyft fU A New Yorker was passing a night at a hotel a Southern and when going his for the fil ho told the colored porter that ho wanted to he call ed early in the morning porter replied Say boss reckon you aint familiar with these modern inventions When you wants to bo called in do all you- has to do is jest to press dp button at do bend of you wo comes up calls you- National Maga zine praying and for they day vbeu the will Hero But what of who jive Fathers- a fiweethearts of York wont you- this lo he at the front be York and strong good people of York make pelves responsible for the YorkXegioa i- of 1000 good- true nien only are needed to com plete NO FAITH WORD Nobody la London has any faith left in Germanys honor nunianity or verac ity Armenia horrors committed by Germany during the war have utterly destroyed any lingering faith in- and the hatred toward Germany tepid at the beginning the war has been so intensified by every episode of the struggle that it Is now volcanic in its cold Intensity Tims the proposals are now attributed to a blue on Germanys par For first time universal Is ij 4nt given lo the that internal ly is In a serious condition Besides now would bo a man peace would be left and always at her feet and despoiled and Britains groat possessions In the by Constantinople hi hunds of a resurrected and with thy of more Armenian ami the of other Christians at the fundi of peace Tomb At Stouifville on Tuesday Dec Ann nee Syfvia dearly wife of Robert A On December at the residence of her daughter Mrs J- Coulter Aurora Lucy Hall beloved wife of Charles In her year At her residence Street Aurora on Deo Eliza In her year MONKMAU At the residence of her son Mr Thomas Oak Ridges on Saturday Dec Margaret Jontman Iii Mount Albert 1916 la Ids year Funeral Saturday lo Mount Albert Cemetery If an THE CHEAPEST PLACE To Buy Your Christmas IN TOWN Supplies and Candy of All Kinds Guaranteed Fine Oranges Grapes Choice Fresh Nuts Pure Olive Oil Good Italian and Ceo SAM Main STORE OPEN EVENING I Macaroni FURNITURE i3UE yhiiohiirSph The Si one There running for contest the readers Tho another A few days the whec like a floor iradc P Town or five da poultry of the of their to in tho mallei between benefit hi Red I Dont the lug Dee selllpff a good The lifer Window will Only and they Next 2nd hi SI Pi A Beautiful Tho hand as Jam was won by the Judging Fair Is now window it year It By all ac boys Intend have the wl Died of Word road Pie Wesson wounds rcceh France Private Ml in and removed Ida been constant ever since the will her loss A Chapter or TWO Ernest Mr V plowing on t The horse putting and broke hi line day Magher of I arm At Kim last week Walter basement am bench break I Public The Town in plants under hus never lhn by the I water ra and hoe these ed a fit of In la Ihe Ikre Light ami P Hates lamp I Prate labile blgiil- Public I Tld to landed J of of Power there I no doubt in l thai peace Of following Kinder ton Kiddle Kiddle Kara Children Standi Stand Leather Kitchen Cabinets on is caused by for mewled Patience is the made All Orders Receive Careful PRED SKkNivJ DO I ft wry i rti0hM ARCHIVES WW TORONTO itTf

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