Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 8, 1916, p. 4

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J For fronting cake confections without Ask for it by name Mb Cartons only SKI packed factory in duottight cartons Yours is the hand to touch it 2nnd5lbCnrtona and tit 6ok Atlantic Refineries Ltd Furnace i 1 i fl Our Specialties Outfit at Shop i THE LEADING TINSMITHS It SONS NEXT TO SMITHS GROCERY Tito of Star showing that Dominion for iftiktify in advance fa of Iho coijnipy month revenue of lire whole year of to correVnondopt8 article wo learn that for the Aral eight of fla- year llio to the Federal Increase of over for month of viinher alone over the preceding month is something in the nofgh- Touching the of ex penditures it Is stated that on consolidated account for past eight months ft reached against for corresponding period of an increase in crease is attributed to over ex penditure and charges on the national debt Those fig ures scorn indicate that increase in and in show a betterment in the financial position of country of during tho past eight months notwithstand ing reported wasteful expend iture on military account I Mere dominion try Husbandman Canada eggs and more verp foiwbiggerdoiriahd and better more promising til an right now In spile of this with the cost of high and the prices for poultry good the tendency will- bo for fanners and poultry- men sell stock that should produce the highpriced eggs this The Is that eggs cannot ho Produced at a profit but Ihoiiglia good bo obtained for tho moat at present and high prices will have to paid for food bo cor respondingly high and eggs can ho produced at a profit oven with high prices of grain if proper conditions supplied Coot to Produce a Dozen Cqqo Last winter at the Experiment al Farm a pen of pullets whose per cent egg yiold by months ranged from in No vember to 50 April an V the boot scrap her animal food reached should life fed in the mash In England Hio pickings wore too a gooalieavv a mix- 1 good 16 give lUrtf of ratten morning that from five to seven million and night- allowing hens they will have in the Utter but not so much that they can get a full without scratching for it In Irairie Provinces there Is shrunken wheat available is as good a poultry food as wheat fit for mill ing Care must ho taken that it Is not damp or olb- Crwlso spoiled Shrunken wheat alone if there is no other grain will ahswnr for the- grain feed For the mash use bran mid- dlingH or chopped oats vator screenings freo from ho black seeds make a feed for either grain mash If alfalfa or ban bo had by all means give the leaves to the hens In Central Ontario and Quebec is scarce and it is likely some will have to be pur chased If thorp is feed wheat from west available it should ho Cracked corn may bo of 27 fdrthosfx mohthV and other farm grains Editorial Notes Chief lias dis missed the application of Hugh MoKvpy to set aside a decision of Magistrate ordering a line of under the Act Violators of the Act will learn wisdom Inter on The Home Department of tho Farmers Hun Toronto is espe cially edited and presents tho latest ideas in every branch of the home work in which the farmers wife or daughter is in terested Your reading is not complete without the Sun OXIDIZED On tihoit Machinery for Sale DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto I PERRINf ST r LOWERS- -OF- All Kinds Floral of every de scription on short According to an of casualties for month of November from all fronts the total amounted to Of this number wcro officers Tho total British since the Homme of fensive was begun on July 1st is now On both sides the human sacrifice appalling Now that Sir George foster has declared for political suf frage for women we may look for action in both Dominion and Provincial House of Parliament at no distant day The women workers in the munition factories have done more for obtaining the ballot than all the women talkers the last decade rage produced eggs at a cost of per The porcontago of egg yield determines more- than anything else cost of produc tion instance when the egg yiold was cost was per do and yield the cost wan only per doz This pen was selected as it was thought to bo equal in pro duction to an average farm flock The average dozen eggs- sold for more than the cost of feed required to produce it hen over cent of feed in the six month Si- which though not large shows that even at the high price of feed lit produced at a profit The prices paid for grain were local Ottawa prices and were high The price received for the eggs was Vic per dozen This was not us high as the local market and no higher than many farmers ob tained during the same lime Hut the farmer in addition might cut down cost or ho bus table scraps milk and other feeds that may be used which were not available here To make a profit this year business meth ods must be adopted and a few suggestions that may help follow which may bo on hand or pur chased locally such as barley and buckwheat might be Used Bran can ho used in mash feed and the good crop of clover in Ontario and Quebec will do much to cut down the of the ration The clo ver may be fed dry or steamed in a mash In every case grit and shell should be before layers at all times In Home localities the grit can be secured from the lo cal gravel pit and in other cases sufficient lime can be secured to do without commercial shell If neither of these is available they should be procured and as much given to the birds us they will eat It does not pay to stint the lay ers if they do not get the feed they wili not lay a rule a laying ben will not get too fat So feed the pullets well If the green cut bono is available and there is no milk the former may be fed to the pullets at the rate of about half an ounce each per day The proportion of grain and mash usually eaten is from two to four of grain to one of mash sale Rubbertired Buggy Top Carriage Horse liuggy and Harness Apply to N A press despatch from Detroit dated Dec 1st slates that twen tylive hunters wove killed in the northern Michigan woods during he deer hunting season thisyear and seventeen injured More than JOOOO hunters it is esti mated were in the Michigan woods during the deer season This is an awful toll for pleasure COAL SALE Host Anthracite Coal at bargain Orders filled at all hours Telephone No 177 J doors South of Osbornes Butcher Shop Main St North GLASS Strayed from East Half of Lot 3rd Con of King about mlddlo of August a Black Yearling Heifer with horns and white spot on std6 will be suitably rewarded KEEllER No 2 Newmarket A lot of Fine Breeding Ewes from i to old A Newmarket HEIFER Strayed Lot St one and White Heifer The owner may have same by proving properly pay expenses WALTER W21NTBO NOW Salesman to act at agent In York County WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory money making specialties Our best In the busi ness for we sell the highest of slock at most reasonable Ires dad guarantee deliveries In first class condition stock is soiling well this year money can be made la i What the present war in is costing very few peo ple have the slightest conception A London cable of Dec 4th an nounces that now vole of credit which the Premier will ask the House of Commons to agree to this week will be for the figures four hundred millions This will bring to tal for Groat Britain for up to say nothing respecting tho human lives slaughtered Ratepayers of the County expressing on tho Coun ty Commissioners for their man agement of municipal affairs during the year Wednesdays report of Co Council proceedings in the Telegram has follow ing opening paragraph That the County Commissioners- In erecting new concrete over the at the Old Mill bad let the county in for the pay ment of for which they were not liable and had made a contribution of to Homo Smiths Boulevard scheme was the opinion ox- pressed by some of the members of York County Council at their meeting yesterday afternoon CANADIANS TO YEARS Ottawa Deo British eminent bus learned through the United Slates Ambassador at Berlin that a number of Canadian soldiers held in Germany as prisoners of war have been sentenced to twelve years Imprisonment nature of Ihe offences for which these heavy sentences have been Imposed Is not known here The British Government en to induce the Berlin Gov ernment to allow British of war who are under sentence to re parcels of food m promise of similar to German prisoners In England but so far these efforts have met no success Is Mauser MP Nov 30 One hundred and thirty young soldiers have been killed in a collision of freight train with the train on being- conveyed to a seaport north coast Kill All Keep only the best pullets for eggs and the best yearold heps for breeding For good chicks must be produced next spring as well as eggs this winter More than ever will it be ad visable to get rid of everything that does not produce Market pullets not matured enough to slait laying before early winter Hell all the hens that are more than two years old also all copk- that are not intended for breeding purpose it be cock erels can be kept until later and fed a bigger price will be obtain ed but belter sell all now than take up space required by the early pullets Housing See that the house into which the birds go is suitable Have plenty of sunlight and fresh air Keep all draughts out and be sure it is dry See that the front of the house from eighteen to twenty inches above the floor has glass and cotton onethird glass to twothirds cotton Make these windows so that they can be opened up every day if de sired Shut up all holes in ev ery part of the house that might cause a draught Double lino the north side so as to give hens greater protection while on roosts If the house is inclined to be damp more vcuilation helps is also a good plan to put in a straw loft If this cannot be arranged because of the nature of the roof tack slats below the rafters then stuff the straw in between See that the house is perfectly clean and free from mites then get pullets in at once Do not overcrowd live an average of five square feel of floor space to each bird of the heavy varieties and four to the or Leghorn type If there arc too many pullets for the ail- able space cull out the poorer ones Fifty pullets with suffi cient accommodation will give more eggs than sixty in crowded quarters Feeding The question of feed is the hardest one to solve this year be cause- practically feeds are high It will pay to feed the pul lets well from life start the hens might be fed more light ly till the middle of January Where possible use feeds grown on the farm wheat Screenings shrunken wheat bar ley oats or buckwheat all make suitable Clover and milk cover a multitude of feeds and cut down cost If these can be fid animal foods such as beef scrap may he curtailed or dis pensed with Highpriced mash- may be eliminated and cheaper ground as bran sub stituted Two or more of the grains in equal pro portions for the rations The mash of ground barley and oats or bran may be added If grain has to be pur chased cracked corn is as cheap as anything and makes a suitable addition to any grain ration Bran is as cheap a food as one can buy for lh mash The mash can be fed dry in a hopper or mixed and fed moist mice a day Any ta bic scraps should be used in tint The Hon Arthur Meighen the official explainer of the Borden Government has his hands full these days Kittle Arthur got his job because he was the best hair splitter on he Government side but Its hard to split hairs with a safety razor rand thats what the Solicitor General is trying to do jus now The safety Mr Meighen seeks for the Government is immunity from criticism on the nickel question and a shifting of the onus for the rifle to the Liberal side if possible The public is already in receipt of the pale substitutes for good reasons which Mr ad vances on behalf of the mens slackness in dealing with the International Nickel Company whose creature the Hon Frank Cochrane Minister of Railways in the Borden Government is with Premier Hearst as bis right hand in Ontario and the Hon Howard Ferguson as a sort of walking delegate The solemn truth is that Mr vague rejoinders on the nickel question do not satisfy even those who are most anxious to find satisfaction Being a clever pleader Mr Meighen works the old trick oi confusing the issue- ho mixes the babies The Moss rifle thai has got be Government into a hole and the rifle the Government was re sponsible for are two different weapons If yon bear that in mind it will difficult to keep track of the devious Mr The rifle the Gov ernment made a conlracl for was the rifle Mark Two a stout serviceable weapon which has not been used in this war Ross the Borden Government made a contract for was the rifle Mark Three a good target rifle but loo delicare to stand up against active service conditions This is the rifle which got our soldier boys into trouble sacri ficing thousands of lives at St and elsewhere because it jammed after firing a dozen rounds This is the rifle on which General Alderson reported to British War Office the report be ing forwarded to Militia De partment at Ottawa and pigeon holed for months at the end of which time it the light in an Ottawa newspaper but not through official channels In deed if Ihe people had wailed for the Minister of Militia or his friends to make that report pub lic they would have been wailing yet It got into print as a sort of private disclosure assisted by some honest indignation at Hall The Government has never denied the report the best it did was to struggle with the allegations The Ross riflo Mark Three is rifle with which Canadian contingent after contin gent was equipped in report from the British War flce slumbering In the Militia De partment at Ottawa Government took care that Canadian troops did not go into battle a weapon dollars were squandered on Ross rifle Mark Three after not only con- had actually fed it The contract entered into by the Sir Charles Ross was simply to make rifles in kind of rifle could bo made at any lime according to the specifications given by Government It was not to be a riflo per sc but a ap proved by the Government man ufactured according to plans sub mitted by Government and subject to change as warranted The wording of the contract which can be found in the Hansard of shows this This was Hobs rifle Mark Twothe Ross rifle that the Government was identi fied with When the Government camo in 10 It they gave a con tract for a now Ross rifle Mark Three Thut contract was enter ed into shortly after Sam took office It is a different riflo from Mark Two It docs not look same It takes a different cartridge The very change in name indicates that it is a dif ferent arm One of the chief dif ferences is that it has a longer barrel than the Mark Two Ex perts say lha for conditions of tho present war Mark Two would have been a far better rifle than gains pet the Mark Thrco Our soldiers never saw Mark Three until war broke out It was manufactured and stored at Que bec and served out to the troops as Ihey left for overseas It was never properly tested under prac tical conditions before it was served out to the troops The Government apparently thought it a perfect rifle How disas trously wrong they were is shown by what happened at and elsewhere Mr Meighen by dexterous equivocations seeks to tie the Government up to rifle Mark Three but the facts are dead against him The Government will have to fath er its own war baby It is being asserted that the Govern ment could only change the style of rifle on giving one years no tice and that at the outbreak of the war they could not buy else where lhantfrom the Ross Com pany except after thirty days no tice had been given and the Com pany had replied that they could not furnish the number of rifles required To there arc three answers First that it was Off I x J Ho other Heater attains a temperature NO Is Guaranteed A ALFRED STARR Contractor BUILDING Cliii Violet I of the Forme votfeiCy Throat thy Consul SI i m To Every Lover of HtiMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose Flour FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE COAL Prices Right OLIVER Us a Call 1 K Phono a contract of the making Second that two years were allowed to go by with out the Government giv ing any notice of a de sign to meet Ihe criticisms of the rifle which were made right at the outset of the war Third that the Government had been in power for three years before war broke out and had taken no steps either to change the design of the rifle or to test it properly The question the Gov ernment must answer is why it gave a contract for a new rifle as soon as it came into power and why that rifle was not properly tested before the war broke out and before it was served out to our soldiers Another change which the Gov ernment made on the recom mendation of Sir Sam Hughes was to require the company to man ufacture a different cartridge The Government furnished the specifications both for rifle and for cartridge and under the con tract the company could not de part from these specifications The new cartridge had 558 gauge but the Government gauges fur nished to the company 460 and the cartridge had to be made to fit this standard gauge The English gauge was S62 and some of the English cartridges were served out to our troops overseas with the Ross rifle One can readily see that with a cartridge too big for the chamber rifle was bound to jam When the trouble came Sir Sam and some of the British ordnance men thought it could be remedied by changing the bolt and making the chamber bigger Sir Sam thought be knew all about it and listened only to his own experts In the work of changing the bolls they made a botch of the job and tried a new and untested pro cess When the bolts wore chang ed and the chamber enlarged the rifles wero sent back without first being properly tested re sult was that when the lest battle bolls which bad been hardened under a bad flew to pieces Moreover there were not enough spare parts ordered The whole- thing was bungled from start to flnieb and the onus for ciiine lies solely with the present Government Tho Government had nothing whatever to do Ross Rifle Mark Threeand furthermore the Government went ahead in its shortsighted way against the advice of the company The cor respondence will show Ibis if it is ever allowed to be made pub lic Bit- IS GOING Our stock is gelling lower but our as- is still good Gel your supplies and save money We have a Big Stock of Ladies Gents and Childrens hers a new supply just in at Special SPECIAL Heavy lubbers laco and for regular to Mans Wool Underwear regular per garment for Pure Wool Scarves for SPECIAL SALE ON I STORE FOR OR TO RENT 3 Doors South of King Hotel NEWMARKET 9 Proprietor mm Into In appearing ooods now beginning to pour In In great quantities- all back orders which means a Mow Prices It would pay V to to take advantage of wonderful offering We a fow odd lines In Mens and Child- run Boots Shoos Rubbers Wens and Clothing Underwear Sweater Coats Hals Cans etc etc out which will mean a saving to you and to closa I CHERS l1elljton tit A to ifr I WATC Arden RES a In Ma At 111 olden Out I Kept I Call AH 1 1 tiro and or Wo IJ 1 HP h pro for best makes Oil Bells Etc We handle of the best J White Raymond anil and our prices and Inspect LfoiO you JED SKINNER I Dalr i rem License MAT foH stss J TORONTO r B9 iMoB J- J

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