Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 8, 1916, p. 3

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f rf V a HI by irig J Hero pm im ton in at alm orlli pod- I I Forgot l oclock a nice col- flcfiool from 10 at reasonable Si regular on in embers into Mr in ho following accounts applications and wero coldcrcd the Annual Mr A A anjllfr Conference in Holt wore with reference to the Cooking- A served in Town and vicinity i for Iruv- siii noctures in the war proceeds to ho di in Hod Gross and portof Association and Mr Travis wore and all for heard re that been future Andrew Street but not Quarterly Meeting will bo hold spread Dec to with services Hartford re lows Deo and at A fiundnyLovo at J- Murphy am preaching at MO and pin The Quarterly will be eon by Reynolds Millard referred to A of IJxbridfcrc who is an able M Freight pi anchor welcome Canadian General Electric fj Comforts guest of Miss Ruth Moorhead fop the weekend Vincent and slater opard day last Miss May over Sunday Mr Willie hie usual trip lo8andf6r4 on Sunday Mr visiting Mrs Allan Cedar Valley Sunday Mrs Milton also and Mrs Atkinson mo tored to on Saturday Mr and Mrs I and son wedding of Miss Jessie SanUford on Wednesday Miss Allan loft on Saturday for Miss of horo Is Mrs Both Kirlon on Town Lino Wood cutting is order of day Some are busy plough ing again your will bo very later on and cannot be Ao noun wo In Prices ranfla from Co- to and Boon are KID GLOVES Every Pair GROCERIES Every Pair HS will bo a 8mooliUp wob lo wreck a-lletroROI- wile fll what Known as lIlO I an about DitlO north and in thai It was iftciol car coining rpm ton at oclock noon several officers and men of Sn wer in lliv at sut- Saturday ntght mo- Mr Art for bringing car lo in to it 51 w any damage So for to I perpetrator of a Aiiiiculturo Grant Nomination In Iay Sheet No It Oil passed a providing for nomination of Mayor Application from Wiley ami slroel for Water Public School Trustees to granted place in the own Hall on Friday Application from McKewon Doc at when law is with Mr P J Anderson Application from Free is now feSW in statement to bo featidp from Specially Co ro issued prior llm above i iroM drive way HO ways the has had power a most prosperous year tho re- Committee to more than cation from Lincoln Electric Co which is greater than any lamps referred lo he Mayor former year although the tax The committed recommended that A New FRUITS all In rale is loss than in Tho expenditures are about the same as last year Hockey At a well attended iiioelinfs ii Nov mi i for the ptfrpoM of Hockey Hub for the coming following A Davis Pros P Duncan Jr VicaPres Doyle Duncan Com J Davis Knowles A A and one mernbor of loam he appointed by the players was decided to enter In junior series of the p and as praelically all last sevens learn are here the hoys should make a good showing this Hockey Club last season to Red Gross Society and the Field to be able to do us well his season Mayor to he of own proceedings last Monday even ing Hi Worship Mayor Jane in formed bis associates that he declined to ho a candidate for of fice at next election He thought it was lime for another man lo take bis place Mayor Cane has served the Cor poration for years and the Town owes him a debt of His name will ever be held in remembrance- for he work he accomplished in connection with the municipal ownership of our Water Works and Light Systems giving to our Town an abundance of pure water and current at a rate that is helping the people out wonder fully these war times Who will be- the Mayor It slunjld to Keith If he desires honor the accounts be paid and that the Mayor issue his warrant on the Treasurer for the respective amounts Moved by Mr Touch seconded by Mr hat J Pollocks account for wages he paid standard rate per hour carried P W Pearson Introduced a by law provide for for Mayor Deputy Reeve and six councillors and three members of school board The hill was rood a second and third time and passed The Poultry Association on mo- lion was granted use of Town Hall from Ii but thai no iiYoiioy bo given On motion that the merchants of be be permitted lo keep he stores open for business the even ings of the week Dec to inclusive carried On motion the council adjourned Mr and Mrs Davie of motored up on Sunday lo Mr and Mm Mrs tfnd mips Bessie of spent with Mm Pollers MrSS Coffey Bella Porter teacher at J No King spent ibe weokenU tier brother Mr Prod Mrs H sprat Sunday and Monday at the of Mr ami Mrs Win Mr anil Mrs Skinner attended life services at Holy Park on Sunday Mr Fry spent over parental home at Mr of Toronto spent a few days this week his parental home here PI Sunday Mr and Mrs Joseph Sutton Mr Coffey spent Tuesday in Qucori City Father spent Father Mr Thomas of Toronto Spent Monday evening with friends in town Mrs who has in Toronto the past two weeks undergo- In an operation returned home Mon day evening much Improved Mr made a trip to Toronto your knowledge of However by means of urging and hot air language tho animal was knocked down for owner looked pleased The above is much of which I ad mire I wish MJ091 success I I I He- Prospects Bright The Industrial Hoard was high ly at the attendance at lb King School last Mon day evening in the interests of organizing Industrial Classes Between 0 were present half of whom were ladies sev eral members of the Industrial Ward ami teachers Rev J Wedlock presided and delivered an address on the l of education and the of cooperation to make the Killing Classes an success Mr J Harvey expressed the hope that the industrial Class may be permanent and that out of same may grow a Manual Train- lug School which would include Domestic Science speeches were also made by Messrs W GJackson and A Cornell Opportunity was then given for those present to sign the Applica tion Cards and it was announced Chairman that the follow ing was the result Practical Mathematics Mechanical Drawing Drawing Millinery ft DressMaking Courses in English Penmanship Stenograph The for Mechanical Drawing were then assigned to a iii where the teacher Mr Man of the Office Specialty Co ftpoke to them regarding require ments ilmse who thought of taking book Keeping Penmanship and Stenography were addressed by teacher Miss Wickett of- the School Staff in another loom I lie ladies desiring to lake 8makirig were addressed by I who has to lake charge of that the meeting some half or more have informed the JM Classes It looks as if there about attending- vajiig Classes which commence Mnesday Jan 3rd and quite number will take two subjects j too late to put in an to ihe Secretary will meet three nights a the Time Table will be to suit convenience majority A Affair Hi Pauls Drama lio was py full las Friday evening and A Family Affair was presented in a very realistic manner The cos tumes and triage decorations were very and limes audience was convulsed with laughter The principal character was taken by Mr James in perfection He Is certainly an adept on the stage ami is any professional no matter what part he takes lie was well supported by entire company each individual deserving praise Before lie the curtain and between lhi acts pic Newmarket Orchestra rendered a number of selections hi an efficient manner Solos were also rendered by Mrs Howard Cane ami Mrs Sleek Icy which were well received ami both responded lo the encores The Centrepiece donated by Mrs Rogers brought to ihe Red Cross Fund and No Is the lucky IJckel The bolder Is known The Parlor Rocker donated by Mr I Roadhouse was drawn by Mrs Ilarlslon Irving and the Chair donated by Mr J Millard was won by Mr Garnet Trivelt The proceeds of the two chairs amounted to which was added to the British Red Gross Funds The entire evening was one of much pleasure and next presentation of the Dramatic will be awaited Interest TOWN LINK Our sports have returned from the West vis Walter and Harry Shanks Mrs spent a few days week friends at forget Christinas Tree on Tuesday Dec Furlhor notice later Mr and Mrs Leslie Wilson and Mr and Mrs 1 spent Sunday With Mr arid Stephens of Miss Mary Sicpiens of Hill also spent Sunday at llolue Miss Porter of spent the in Sohomborg Miss our popular S spent weekend In Springtide I wonder how many walked across flats on Saturday One two or three On Tuesday last a ploughing bee was held at Mr Frank when several of neighbors turned out and several acres were ploughed taking the cake ill rfDig fire at Halifax on Sunday night short time we spend this green sod should de voted to making the old world better then wo would find self improvement Hold Comforts Dont forget Ihe Chicken Sup per at the Tea Rooms Saturday Dec J6lh from to Al so our table of fancy articles will be there to help you finish your shopping Everyone come and assist the boys in the trench es by paying a small sum for big meal This Friday Deo will be last sewing meeting until af ter Ihe New Year Ninetytwo packed at the rooms These have been mailed to the boys of the each containing Towel Shirt Chocolate bag Candy bag Salted Peanuts Pencil Addressed Envelope and Pa per Tobacco Cigarettes Khaki Handkerchief While Handkerchiefs piece Cake tin Canned Goods i Greeting Card Christian Sunday lichool Splendid session last Sabbath afternoon there being in at tendance best yel School is growing steadily The Primary classes under the Graded Les sons are improving Last Sun day we had little ones in this Department Preparations are under way for a fine Enter tainment on Friday evening Dec Remember it and plan lo be present More particulars lat er J I 1 I I I 0 1 This Llt Will Help You It contains soma of our most desirable remembrances Read the list read it carefully then decide to call as early as you can Cold a VJplet aiunot KIuuu 3tI0 up Fountain Hens 100 Links Phis FOR LADIES Gold up Pearl liiuj8 up A Diamond 800 up Pendants up Gold up KOo up up 0100 up WAY WE HAVE THE OF YOU AWE We will meet any Catalogue Prices that your door ATKINSON COMPANY Opticians The weather is all that could desire groat for threshing operation Si busy rolling out the clover seed Mr of the Line threshed of red clover from ten loads for which he realized sell ing to Air of Ample Messrs Waller and Harry Shanks returned from the West on Thursday of last week making be run from Winnipeg lo Newmarket per It in about it hours Mrs Barbara Smith went to the on Monday The Misses of the 5th Lino have returned after a week spent in the Mr William Curtis years general travelling agent for the Sawyer Mfg Co of Ham ilton is one of a syndicate who have purchased Ihe plant of a large manufacturing concern in Now It am burg where they will turn out engines separators etc Many young people on Sunday evening last attended the re opening services in Methodist Church Rev Dr Dan iels of Aurora officiating Little Miss Vera Johnson of Ihe 2nd Line week with her grandmother Mrs Elwood As the correspondent is much interested in the success of our young and rising auctioneer Fred Smith I feel proud to hear words of praise and compliment ary remarks meted out to him from many sources since starting in profession Tied has been associated at auction sales with the in County and has proved himself to any and certainly surpassing some and being associated with Ihe veteran auctioneer Mr at Air Di llanos sale on Wednesday of last week Mr McKwen took occa sion to eulogize on Freds style and ability and pronounced him a large crowd as the coming man for the County of York one cannot but admire his style On the outset at a sale in his affable manner and with good language he eulogizes on the public of the proprietor and owner whose object in selling is not the piling up of lucre for bo scorns the stuff but lo dis tribute among his neighbors high quality stock he spent a life time to build up When a cow was driven into Ihe ring the other day Fred used something like the following language Now then gentlemen we have here a sweet Ibing a per fect type of the dairy cow Her dam is a nineyearold a Record of Production Cow and Ibis beau ty is her fifth calf You have looked her over gentlemen your intelligence your knowledge of good slock even Instinct tells you she is a belter mint for manu facturing dollars than any Cobalt proposition you ever heard of What am I offered for Ibis milk perambulator this cream gather ing concern Thirty dollars says- a bystander Thank you my friend says Fred Why not say thirty a bid like that on on animal like this is a reflection on NEWMARKET f I I ONLY 12 MORE SHOPPING DAYS CHRISTMAS How la the Time to Your Gifts I OUR IS FULL AND COMPLETE I Fancy Center- Silk Hose Leather Goods Bags Etc i Fancy Bags Baby Sots Brush and Comb Ivory Rat tles Fancy Hair- Pins and Ornamonts Blouse Lengths In Fancy Boxes Fancy Bath Linen Fancy Japanese Baskets and many Other Useful Gifts too Humorous to mention Among Opportunities Some of you have to hunt for an opportunity or even manu facture them but the thoroughly trained worker he who can do certain important things bet- 1 Iban any ordinary person has only to choose among opportuni ties that crowd upon him If you want to be given your choice in stead of being forced to hunt lit yourself lo do something surpass ingly well i i Kingston Dec 3 Provincial Detective Miller was hero Friday following up clues with regard lo the mysterious disappearance from Kingston of Miss of Renfrew formerly a nurse at Hospital here The girl who is years of age re tired from Ihe hospital last May resided here until August and then disappeared No trace of her has yet been found Live Stock Markets Toronto this JUST ARRIVED ii Top prices paid in week wore as follows Choice Butcher Steers Medium Bute tier Steers Hardy Butcher Steers Common Butcher Steers Choice Pat Cows Cows Choice Milkers Fair Milkers Feeders Choice VealCalves Common Calves Sheep Choice Lambs Cull Lambs off ears Hogs fob country points iOOO Pood I LET US PILL YOUR COAL OI1DEI1S MOW I Order by or by Carters Jerry Harrington Den Man- or Allan Newmarket Markets I III Wheal per bush SI Oats per bush CO Barley per bush Peas per bush 2 Bran per ton 20 Shorts per ton 0 00 Hay Timothy per ton 10 Eggs per Butter per lb 0 S3 Chickens per lb o Potatoes per Toronto Markets Dee 1916 Wheal bush i SO new per bush Barley per bush Rye per bush Hay per ton Butter per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens dressed Turkeys dressed dressed Ducks dressed 0 20 2 15 O 200 15 Materials that S Perfect lh0 our stock fall is large and well ASSORTED WE WAITING TO HAVE A TALK WITH YOU I WILLIS Main Phono best way lo raise money for your in by of the Popular Illustrated Leo- lurea given by the Rev Alfred Young of Newmarket For terms and vacant dates apply directly to Alfred Young Mir HEAD OFFICE Up Fund Money and of ttcalera In Government and In I am Savings at all hulfycArly at tin account 8WVTH mOTKO OCNKRAL in-

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