it oAormg your Xma to got doll- from Mm clous to Town Goo tbJe VeeftfjfaWrtldtf the Ontario Act Building fcote Mid Lome A J I I I On Saturday Deo 2nd at Metro politan Station Newmarket or on our north at to containing a sum of money Finder will bo suitably re garded by leaving- Uio at thin I r 1 Office j Here of to can aafe- by pouring a in water At price of tills worth know- All of Buffalo advanced their yearly subscription to from the of month For some tfmo boon charging an 2Go per year but Increase dobs not moot Mil increased price of the white paper during this year now would be The flgbt on is last Sir told a lawyer who was a pot going to allow him id his court By way of recognizing his hero ism in Violet Smith Falls last summer Mrs Marshall Of farm King Wlince i vUltcd Willi Newmarket friends IiBb Playler gave an after noon yesterday in honor of tier IVflfJTED Tenders will received by Iho undersigned up to JO am on Bob for liig tho Industrial Homo of York with rinEAD for year commencing Jan of tender and particu lars can bo had from Iho ft at IiIb office No lender accepted A Inspector A change has taken place the British Cabinet Right Hon Law has suc ceeded Hon Mr- as Premie of Groat Britain Mr Law is the first native Canadian to bo British Premier Ho on- of Commons Icon years ago Mr Law was td an Administration and Mr Lloyd Prime Minister Willi Cabinet f 45 month 110188 TO LET Newmarket M Kim Apply per TO RENT On St between and Timothy stnllsnml Driving Shed suttablo for a Oarage well as stabling purposes Apply to to the attitude of Premier who has recently declared that will bo no amendment of Ontario Tem perance Act in the direction of wine and beer license Globe remarks that Premier is dry and will remain dry After some years is quite favorable to a dry muni cipality absence of inebri ety on our sterols is loo highly appreciated to ask for a return to license system of days gone by Contractors Business Opportunity want correspond with two experienced men In handling farm power or road making machinery IraoUou engines or other such ma chinery who can undertake contracts in this county next Please write or call at bur particulars JOHN CO A factory Brokers Building Adelaide To ronto season office for A press despatch from New York dated last Saturday slates that according to a report of the Hoard of Health made pub lic on the 1st of September last year tho supply of eggs was per cent less than on the same date of the previous year The despatch further slates that there were on hand when lat est census was taken cases of coldstorage eggs which compared with on 1st a decrease of cases At the rate of dozens to a case this is equivalent to a decrease of 7249980 dozons MORTAGE SALE of- Farm In Township of Whh church Under and by virtue of the Power of Kale contained In a certain Mort gage which will be produced at the time of sale there wlU be for sale by Public Auction at The MaWolf at College Professors of astrono my in the old land announce that a very luminous comet exceed ing all those- of modern times Is speeding towards the sun at a rate of over a million miles per day at least this is state ment of Rev Martin astronomer of St Louis The statement is made that his cornet will make its appearance next spring and probably re main visible for three months and will be at its best about Juno This cornet which is known as was first reported by has prcBontedMr of a beautiful tea ser vice fi Word comes from IJilb that External Affairs te now Issuing about poBBports a num ber twelve times greater iian ho- the war The city daddies who want to close Toronto Jail and all prisoners to Iho been reckoning on having a power not likoly to bo granted City Magistrates boon asked by Government- to Commit wo men to the Jail Farm A i An excellent exhibition pi war trophies which will bo public for two weeks in payment of a nominal fee which will go to aid were on view Saturday afternoon at Tyrrol King St Toronto bus Contributed towards aiding Sailors Fund during the past two weeks Police Commissioners have or dered that hereafter permits will have to he obtained to make col lections hi theatres and other places of A twelveyearold boy named Willie Irvine was thrown from a bicycle under a passing wagon on Tuesday and so badly injured death ensued old Methodist Church at corner of Davenport Road and is now undergoing a sort of remodelling to moko room for new Tem ple The steeple of old church look a tumble on Friday A rumor at City Hall this has it that Hall will bo a candidate for the Mayors chair for the coming year Last Tuesday evening the Man agement Committee of Sep- School Hoard authorized opening of schools to leach Ital ians English This will make them Canadians Mrs Ann dropped dead very suddenly on Tuesday the Street Arcade from heart failure It is high lime for some legal change in military courts It is slated that the cost of trying three charges of theft cost In the Police Court the cost would not exceeded nod baby been visiting tier parents near lon for past lhrC took a run week arid his for a couple of days Mrs John wonder fully Improved of late and arc for her ultimate for her ultimate cry rrMlB8 of Kgllngtori and Nelson of Toronto camo home with MIbs Leila Manning for weekend Aurora Mrs of Newmarket has been her daughter Mrs C Dunham for the past two weeks The following Poultry fanciers attended Fair this- week and Messrs Stephens J Osborne and Stewart Aurora Bonner Mr W who has working near for the past year bus returned Newmarket where he has engaged with the Davis Leather Co Mrs Lowell Dales will receive at her home Wellington St Aurora on Tuesday December from to G oclock Dr Dales will receive In the evening from 8 to oclock The Teachers of King George School entertained the Teach ers of the Alex School yesterday evening being a kind of Farewell Tea for the teachers who are to leave will general firm sale on i lot in the 2nd Con A of King Old Survey credit at onV oclock J Read- man ifll Mr Duck have a Sale on Lot 34 la the of Con of church credit Sate at one J Roadman Waller Shoffer will have a Sale on lot In Con of also land credit Sale at sharp J Read man FRIDAY Dec Mr Kverclt Miller will have a of Household Furniture etc on the Newmarket- 3rd J House Kast of bridge Terms Cash Sale at p m sharp Headman Dec will have a sale of Furniture and general effects on the premlaes Park Ave nearly opposite King School Terms Cash Sale at one oclock J Roadman Auct WEDNESDAY Dec Mr Andrews will have a sale of Furni ture and Household Effects on the premises Franklin St End of Main St Newmarket Terms Cash Sale at oclock p J D Read- man Auct iiinNiiintv ton the it NEW 1 I VERY choice PRICES FRUITS ARRIVING Choice Line of New Canned foods Pickles Try oiii Syrup and Honey Be Sure You Try Our Washing Powder Phone Orders Promptly Delivered In the Town of at the hour of oclock In the lhc Hewing namely All mid that certain parcel Iraet of land and premises situate lying and being In the township of Whitchurch In the County of York and being composed of the East Half of lot number TwentySeven in the Fourth Concession of the said town ship of Whitchurch containing one hundred acres more or less and fortynine acres more or less being part of the West Quarter of lot number TwentySeven in the Fifth Concession of the said township bulled and bounded as follows Commencing In front of the said concession twentyfive links from the northwest angle of flic said lot num ber twentyseven then seventy- four degrees east twentyfour chains and eightyone links more or less to the western boundary of the property formerly owned by the John Estate then south nine degrees east nineteen chains and seventyfive links more or less to the limits lots numbers twentysix and twentyseven south seventyfour de grees west twentyfour chains and eightyone or less to the allowance for In front of the to ALWAYS end said said concession then north nine fcrese west nineteen chains seventyfive Jinks more or less the place of beginning There Is a good Brick House Darn and buildings on premises The soil la a good clay loam and In fair state of cultivation and- is about five miles from the town of Newmarket Terms of Sale per cent cash to be on date of sale and balance expiration of 30 days from date of without interest Title to be at purchasers expense properly will be sold subject to erve Rid For further and Ions ofsaje apply to Barrister 3w2 Newmarket HUNCHED WOMEN And many young men wanted once to for choice office por tions The demand on E St Torooto is fully five times our supply for 2nd Just- what amount Of pressure is necessary to persuade the On tario Government to lakrt of the most lamentable sort lias invaded practically ev ery department of the government and nothing seems to be done un til government is simply driven to it The latest example of this is Mr announcement of a reorganfzation Forestry and Fire Prevention Service of Ontario Talk about locking the stable door after horse is stolen I In spite of the terrible warning of 1911 Ore in Northern On tario in spite of the constant of the Opposition for a more progressive policy the gov ernment year after year neglect ed its duty until this summer the more disastrous northern fire destroying hun dreds of human lives and mil lions of dollars worth of pro perty Not long ago the Ottawa Jour nal of the leading Con servative papers in Canada de scribed the policy of the Ontario Government as a provincial dis grace In the matter of forest protection said the Journal this province has shown an amazing lack of aiift intelligence It is doubtful if there is a community on this or I any other continent has suf fered more in life and treasure in recent years from forest flretf than the province of Ontario It is certain that none has- shown greater feebleness or negligence In dealing with the problem Now the government has an nounced in answer to a deputa tion a reorganization of the Forestry Department and the tip- of Mr J as Chief of the how department Time will show how effective tho is but in meantime government obvi ously convicted of the most appalling lethargy and in the years between and Mr and Mrs Isaac Webster spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Calvin Miss Amy Rogers is visiting friends in the city Miss Dora spent a few days visiting friends in Newmar ket Mrs Keefer and daughter vis ited friends in the city over Sun day Mr Douglas of To ronto at the borne of Mr Jefferson There was quite a turn out at Church last Sunday But where was the Choir Mr Sam is busy get ting in his supply of wood for the winter There is- some talk of having a Box Social at in near future- The children are busy prepar ing for their Entertainment Happy Dick Mrs attended a wedding ton last week and spent a few days with old friends Mr and Mrs also spent Saturday and Sunday at Weston her aunt return ing home with them Mr and Mrs Wellington Paisley of Churchill announce the engage ment of their daughter Flora Gladys to Arnold son of Mr bid Mrs Seneca Baker of marriage to take place the last Dcoernber We are losing three Public School Teachers month After Christ mas ami Miss will leach In Toronto and Miss Galbraith has a school near The new teachers to take their places here are Miss of Newmarket Miss lon of and Miss Baldwin of If arrow Mr Win Boyd of Point has sold his properly and grocery busi ness and bought the Lloyd house in Newmarket on the corner of Queen and Ave where he intends to move as soon as the place Is- vacated He has a family to educate and is tak ing of our moat excellent system of schools realizing the fact that the greatest legacy a parent can five his family Is a good education On Friday morning Nov from premises of undersigned a large SOW with mark on right side and weighs about lbs Reward given Mrs A L DAVIS Poultry Farm Phone I THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture for Cash PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO CI UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended toot ill I mi Special Attention Given AH Physician and Family Recipes NEWMARKET J and ICG main street Agent forCameras and Photo Fresh Huylera Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phono No Store Phone No HE a CIA And School from prices to day views Piold Ad last south of locked a ton- hi down Hie in ton credit stand- doing is riri such At Room the floasoi were Hoi Pre Vici Sec ULO0K HAND Mr Samuel Barber exdeputy reeve of Mono met with a most distressing about oclock on Saturday morning He was cutting feed with an gasoline engine and a power cultjng box In the barn on his farm near drive belt came off and com menced to wind round the clutch Mr Barber seized it but in do ing 60 his right hand became entangled When he realized what was happening he braced is- Letter from France The following letter was written by Pie Bert of who enlisted with the at Newmar ket and was sent to Mrs here Somewhere In France Nov Friend I thought I would write you a few lines as said would the last time I saw you I am well at present hoping to keep so till I return home Mope you are enjoying have had some time and experience In my travels over as far as I have been and saw some great sights in the dif ferent countries England Is a nice place all right but I would sooner be in France any time The things himself free minus the onea hand which was completely off ih were as quickly as possible and decided to amputate the arm three or four inches above the wrist They also found I that the right shoulder was located Mr Barber Buffered in tensely from the nerves in arm Strained and jarred by wrench but in other respects he Is getting along nicely yTeroi ftorn A it JB- freight train collided nd a near diliiju ears lift lid The Turkish official report says Jm our troops on the 2nd of December captured one tank and took prisoner In- mates off- And six other officers In captured cannon and men The Capital has fallen into the hands of I mans money I was up to London for six days and It Is some place I was over to Ireland and Scotland for a week Each place Is very nice and all right will go back to Scotland for another week I think All the boys end my self are having a good time We are ail healthy and hearty and putting in a good time France Is very much like Canada The weather Is not as good as It In our own country me to all my kind friends Love to all will write more time Hoping you will have a Mejry Christmas and a Happy New Year Bye Bye In Newmarket on Dec to Mr and Mrs Win Head man a daughter In Newmarket on Dec 1st to Mr and Mrs a son In Newmarket on Dec 2nd to Mr Harry a daughter Tomb LLOYD At the residence of her daughter Mrs Walter Wood Street South Aurora on Nov Mary Lloyd In her year At Mary Scott wife of in her year The funeral will take place Sat urday Dec the from her late resi dence at p to Methodist Church for service at oclock Interment at Queen9vlile Cemetery NANNIE In Ottawa on Dec 1910 infant eon of Mr and Mrs J Leslie Into rest Sunday De cember 3rd at Agnes beloved wife of John Ross- Funeral at Aurora on Wednesday SMITH In- Hospital at Butte City Montana on Dec 3rd A Smith of Billing Montana formerly of Sharon FLOOD In Toronto on Dec Oth Grace Agnes Flood widow of the late Richard Flood In her year Funeral from the residence of her soninlaw Joseph Walker Interment at Newmarket At on Dec 3rd George Lyons son of Mr James Lyons of Newmarket aged years Interment at Newmarket Cemetery on Monday afternoon In Whitchurch on Deo 3rd 1916 Mary A daughter Mr Fred Stephens Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday Tuesday Dec 12th a it a your Screen Star Warren Kerrigan a PIcturlzatlon of tho Famous Novo of this Name by Harold IN ViVE ACTS Wednesday Evening December PEG O THE RING THE HIGH 13tl GRAF Every Thursday Evening i i 1 ORCHESTRA IN A A PROGRAM FOR Throw Aside Worries and Spend an Evening Admission DoorsOpeq745pnl Through falling down a flight of steps to the cellar at homo of her brother Harry Zea land at Mrs of Garden sustained ft lured skull and died iFire destroyed the brick rec tory will contents of the Angli can Church at I anyone j midway and Brampton The and wife are away At Industrial Home on Nov formerly of Township aged SO years ttiko for you 111 tifi I LiiW no IS y THE CHEAPEST PLACE To Buy Your Christmas IN Supplier 5 A J Hi Worth MwmArtl 1 I Fine Oranges Grapes Ciioice Fresh Nuts Pure Olive Oil Good Italian and Candy of AH Guaranteed Macaroni Call an Pflces evilly Calendar for AH Our SAM Main I Mai v in A a fieaeo sea so The gave and this Tin i the day organ Bel we half oral Hoard Rev delive the Mr hope he same lug Dome by those lion by Ihc Media A rob it The room fipoke room I 1 J to I pJent Sine 0 oh ill i We fl TORONTO