Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1916, p. 8

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Tf first often astonished fit p v- fife 1 lf way builds them litter They rosy bo for dlscwo Constipation Indirection Headaches J or Neuralgia or Trouble And lhoy flndhoa cured thq dtieaftfiy that limy better and stronger in ctcry way This duo to the tonic properties of these tablets from fruit juices a box for trial flUc 25o At all or postpaid by Limited HOUSE SALE In West end Wood- wood etc Terms If preferr ed Apply Aurora I- III ftnthOfiiaBm marlxed opening rattotirtK of the bounty nevye- campaign hold tbuffyilo on Monday night so lliut turned film by arid Toronto A Dr Halos of viljft jBralldf To ronto a folio by Mies liar oncLMrAV Morion One mail and J Lota oh Parle and Avenues Apply to tdinId TO I In Bank of Joronto for Clubs Pk and living vitli Apply to J OF HOME TO TDK of The of will of late offer for We rcaWebco on the South Side of being of lol No on South fililt of Street and Lot No Von North side of Andrew street ac cording to reentered Plan No Apply to THUS J Main Street Solicitor for Mh October J FOR SALE Garage A splendid oars in the Building with necessary Tools Gaso line Tank and Pump Air Com pressor etc IN GOOD ORDER for Soiling III Health A THOMPSON Newmarket TO Brampton Merry Sire Violas Prince Dam Uranipioii Merry Daisy of Performance Jest lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN Manager Thorn Heath Phone ring Newmarket to eorno later I The Anniversary of the Methodist will bo hold on 3rd sermons will ho by of fn thurday the Young Lad 1 tho Methodist gave a Social Young and friends in of the church was decorated with flags and hunting for the occasion A A voryonjoyabio in gpjtjnjr after whicbv lunch was Cafeteria plan Mirt John Davis received word from a chum their son that he is miss ing His ehum states on the morning of Sunday Oct ttlh just as his left the in an attack he fell wounded Later he Battalion Ire a led behind their was a shallow Since then the friend slates has not answered to the roll call Tribune r- off the of the and pour out the clean extra FINE of and Mb cartoon i Atlantic flucar Ltd A wellknown resident of this district passed away early Tues day of last week In the portion of Mr John Fry son of the late mas Try Mr Fry had been ill for a time He was years of age and had spent all his in the district He is survived by his wife live sons and four daughters namely John of Newmarket Chart ami William in the West Jas and of King Mrs Simpson and Mrs Ilogois Toronto of and Mrs of The funeral took place on Thursday Id the Church of gland here where service was ionducted the rector J CnlcloUKh friends of Mr and Mrs Alex Troadgold met at their home a few nights ago Al though the gathering partook of the nature of a farewell parly very pleasant evening was spent Mr and Mrs Treadgold will re- verts Shaws Telegraph School gives thorough courses in oper ating and Station Work by Home Study Plans or to those who at tend Day or Night Sessions Full particulars sent on request Write Shaw President East Toronto I TO Ail pectoris claim against Hannah H late of the township of Whitchurch in the County of York widow deceased who died on the day of October are hereby notified to file the move shortly their homo in the United States and Mrs Sparling of spent Sunday with their sister Mrs J Cutting Mr and Mrs Cook are vis iting daughter Mrs in Toronto Miss Cutting spent a few days last week with friends in To- Mr George Archibald called on friends at on Thursday Miss Cutting of Toronto spent Sunday with her parents here Mrs J OBrien and Miss Laura OBrien spent Friday with Mrs Dove HeOpening or the Metho dist Church will lie next Sunday Services at and pm Special music will he provided by the Choir Mr A Archibald of Noble ton called on friends here on Sunday Mr motored from Toronto and spent Sunday with his mother Mrs J Evans A number from here attended th dance at Mr Wesley Doves On Thursday night The reopening services of the Methodist Church Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Council met at Hall Wednesday Nov 2nd with alt he members pres ent and the in ttie chair Minutes of last meeting were read and continued The Peeve presented the fol lowing communications From John claiming compensation for damage to au tomobile while travelling on Wil cox Lake Road presenting claim for damage to automobile Mossing new culvert Prom J Walton with offer to purchase Oily of Winnipeg de bentures held by the Township and reinvest the proceeds ir longer debentures bearing higher interest From Daniel declining to pay the higher rate of interest demanded on overdue it Fund Mortgage claiming that under Hie Statute the Council has the right increase rate The Treasurer reported re ceipts to dale of contributions to British Bed Cross Fund amount to J I Greenwood presented a claim for SI J damage for one sheep killed and injured by dogs Hills were presented as follows The Ontario Bridge Co for two ft metal same properly proven with the for the of on or before 1WU Day will be held on Sunday Dec 3rd of December as Immediately thereafter the said executors will pro ceed to distribute Aw assets amongst entitled having regard only to those claims then filed Dated at Newmarket this 22nd day Of November f ESQ Newmarket Solicitor Starr Starr executors with services at and The Dr Daniel of Aurora will preach at both services for 2836 ttOh HOTlOa I In The Of John Of The VMItyb of The County Of NOTICE Tft to ell end having any or against the estate of John Thomas deceased who died at the of Keltleby 6n or fcbowt the day of August end tljey are hereby to their accounts verified by affidavit to the undersign t en or the ly of after which date dtW he made by having regard only to these of which lie shall thou have ooUce at tod day Our Toronto is reported as a standstill Toron to for waul of material On Monday last James ood les accidentally walked into n upon elevator and fell fi of sixteen feet receiving injuries which proved fatal almost imme diately The City Council le gislation to exempt soldiers money from or garnishee The Newmarket ad and postage The Tribune for printing Voters Notices and ad The Clerk and war stamps express etc Josh work on Sideline John yds A Harrison A I load gravel Bishop yds gravel drawing cedar for bridge bet Lots and ion K I y days work on- bridge at and sleepers Cei Diuery I day with learn and other work and others for claying hill Lots and Hi Con and and gravelling sink hole Con P Smith appeared be fore Council with request for a grant to gravel part of 3rd Con iiine Resolutions were passed Instructing Treas to pay the Sheep Claim and bills presented Appointing the Commis sioner to investigate the claim of Delano and settle the same if found raiid The and were appointed Committee to purchase a part of hot for a grave pit A was passed fixing Vandorf Han liic place- holding Municipal Nomina tion Mooting to bo held on Fri day Dm- at oclock and Deputy Officers Poll Clerks and Polling Pootbi for the fiubDjvisfjwas On motion to inceC at VUudorf Halt on day Dec at am the Editor see beer wagons driving and barrels delivered if hotels arid am that it is beer and Is noUnloxicfitiug It contains two and a half per cent of pure liat means each con tains dramai of pure alcohol which is equal of whiskey i41iero that not- So visibly a ghllori of it but arc who will affected by one glass and who Will be silly poisbnodby lwo Throe glasses ftcence us that oven the an who doe not show any ill effects from drinking a gallon of is loss for work and- loss to resist after ho lias taken only a few Thoil we should not forgot poor foliovv who is orazy far more by single of- whiskey He constitutes principal reason for the church es giving up use of formorit- So much for tho alcohol but what of the other poisonous stances contained in temperance beer tolls us Hint nil malt liquors contain hop acids and various other pre servatives Theremust he a certain percentage of alcohol to kill the germs of fermentation if not other preservatives must bo added which are injurious to the health Tlie weaker the beer in alcohol the more preservatives are required to keep it from spoiling If preservatives are harmful in canned goods- and milk which are used in small quantities what must be the ef fect in beer which is swallowed iii such immense quantities Dr Hall Prof of Physi ology ill the Western University Medical School Chicago says Slimming tip matter we find that the man who uses a of beer daily expends enough for it to buy three loaves of bread for his family He gels for him self a trivial amount of nourish ment worth half a cent and lakes Into his system nearly two ounces of a narcotic poison the influ ence of which Is lo make him less alert and therefore amen able to accidents lo make him less ill for his work and to make him more likely to suffer from toxins arid infections That refers lo beer which contains a little more than twice as much alcohol as our socalled tem perance beer The American Issue of October 14th says Reducing the amount of alcohol in beer will not suf fice for alcohol is but one or many harmful ingredients Let the brewers out the Hoot Vitriol Salicylic Acid Is inglass Guinea Pepper Plug To- and a few other things that go lo make up this socalled Liquid Dread and they may then be able to give public a harmless drink And yet I see young boys standing at the treating one another lo this combination of alcohol and poisonous drugs in believing it lo be harm less Who is to blame for this cruel joker in the Ontario Tem perance Act M I Over in all will be offered in breadmaking contests which will be held this fall at oyer fa Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and at the Ansae to fa to bate one double loaf of bread and enter v With a the hard flour for This Is flour which mates the biggest bulging lightest most wholesome bread you ever baked- Is not a splendid to interest your daughters in the The ere offered neb local Fair Here wo the Splendid Provincial Prizes amp loaf bind baled feflW Ml Prize- paidup Mlncttptlonto My for I This 11 full from cover to with ftitWd for young ptople of nil It 1 la Value year months paidup to Murtltot Value Extra will of to My the number of the at the ftlli and of one pUlup Horn lo every In England Jtt eight are highly illu relating to history bird life etc The lit the fair aMtomxtlc- for the 1rovloclal i The of the to Ontario cultural by the fn cotalntr provided lie done by A- Ivor iLe ot at the College Conditions of tlie Contest la Punoui much compete at the rural tH5c4falr her whether or not i her day before 1st or her 17Hi birthday does not before Nov in pan ft uI deep and divided that be 1 at the fair The be Cream of the Flour it be at the fair- The other half loaf will be to Ontario to compete In the provincial Contest iTie local the fair be conducted the Muse as all the other at your fair by will be judged Mill be at 1 a Color fb loaf marks Texture of Crumb hiked in will the tiric of the tin The dm marks 3 a marks marks J final Not mare thin one may orfnot more will be to the at the will contest The Provincial will he u after the of the Rural Pain in the Do Not Miss this Great ftiu- 11 jean should conceit a way to stir up in a of the at as often as to the chances of your dealer cannot It to you to Campbell Hour Mills Co Ltd fotoclo an they promptly you the nearest place to jet It No Competitions in Counties Named The competition is open to all parts of the province where Fairs ore except of River loaf be by put of the flojr the face of the Old Mill important and an entry form mint by the pad parnu or stating dale of birth PO Hid of dealer from whom Cream of The form will state and Thunder These dUrfcts are the parts are held by the will cot be a feature There are no liurKtreprfenUtlvei of the Department of Agriculture I Mpovnlies of Perth relt or Lincoln and no rural school fairs are Id these ties by the of Agriculture We thst thee If yon cannot of the Flour In your for prices Campbell Flour Mills Co Limited West Toronto of cold by H Hamilton Bros A Howard Qrimshavv Aurora J Aurora J Pofforlav Burgess Button A J Lovlck Sutton P J Howland Bros J Cook Brown tiros Unlonvlllo A Mr Cralb Coats and A Morion A Hamilton 171 Hamilton of Canadian lo Britain ft is of Iho utmost that all poultry ami British in fact all large markets pre neck and the resultant discolor ation make it unsuitable for or export purposes Proper and complete is most essential Sometimes the poultry hied in the mouth and arteries of neck are not coin- dry picked While by dis- severed the bird fails to location may be preferred bleed properly with the result some the presence of blood in the hat the carcass takes on red- J dish appearance Willi proper attention details a useful for Canadian poultry can he established on the British mark el this year II is of the greatest importance therefore that all poultry marketed be linished well hied and drfotfd and packed in the most ve manner possible oar Q Nov 20 iljiee young men of this town went out on Georgian Hay yesterday in a rowboal have returned and it is believed all throe perish- Their boat found this afternoon washed up on shore four miles away half full ler and containing a broken oar Five young men paid 1860 into- court Milton last mid lo keep tba a result f I for young Extension Top Cvnjsge You buy at your own k n vvtb for a year throwing tones tt Nov- from of iuidefslgoid a large SOW wiih asik n ddft oij weighs about glvtti Ms Poultry farm Foe Era WUOLE8ALG DEPLETION OF STOCK A Judging from the unprecedent ed heavy deliveries poultry on the central eastern markets so early in tho season would ap pear thai farmers and producers generally arc not only depleting their- flocks unwarrantably hut also rushing them lo market in an unfinished condition As a result Ihi currant price of chick ens is much below normal value at the present time in compari son with the price of other meat This is directly due to the over loading of market With the brisk inquiry for Canadian poultry from Great Britain it is expected by export ers that the demand- for good quality stock will ha very keen during the coining winter Besides there wilt be a good demand for home consump tion The price for wellflaished continues with so much poor slock arriving wholly for cither storage or ex- muny buyers have recently reduced their for all low grades The presence of pullets and young fowl lias also been noted So many This most unfortunate considering the price of eggs The very firm prospect for the prolit marketing of all poultry points to the necessity of conserving in every possible way all laying and breeding slock Unless this is dune there will be but Utile poultry left in short lime on the farms in the central portion of the Even though feed is scarce and high it would pay farmers well to the birds before offering for sale and spread their deliv eries over a longer period Current receipts to date have consisted mainly- of live poultry Tho season now sufficiently advanced however to warrant more liberal shVpiiients of dressed poultry ir light of fact that Ibflrfl will bo WILL BE OPENED IN THE FOR BOYS and MEN PC NEWMARKET A GIRLS and WOMEN ON AY EIGHT OCLOCK IN THE FOLLOWING COURSES Practical Mathematics Mechanical Drawing Architectural Drawing Millinery DressMaking Courses in English i mm a j will be Held From to A- to Inure your your Mind end Moro Citizen Application Now at of in FEES FOR EACH CLASS If at la J Phone Capll Rest Total and rates give J Order ii j i S mm

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