Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1916, p. 7

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I CHINA t i China Department i I f i i- a l- 1 if i y il I to n our Window thl can Coo a Vory Unusually Fin Quality of Limoges China DINNER SETS it has a Very Moat Oriental Pattern with Solid Cold for Quality It Much i ITO VALUE AT I Clrccl of Photos For Christ your thto with a Good ho Homo but Above all Dont Forget Ovorcoaa If You During Day at SITTING APPOINTMENT Phone Photographer One West of the Now Post Office Tv THE HARNESS OF QUALITY Owing to Alio advance in prices Leather Hardware and Die cost of manufacturing Harness of all kinds will during lie next few weeks lake a tremendous advance in price But advancing our prices we will for The Next Days Make to Order A Heavy Team Farm Harness of No 1 at Low of Every Sot I We also have a full line of Horse Blankets at Reduced Prices TRUNKS CLUB Before buying Harness ho sure lo see ours at NOTTINGHAM Main St Agent for Famous Victor Vic- Iroias Records and Needles I NOTION to Red Cross Womens In stitutes Leagues Eto bust way to raise money your Society is by means of Popular Illustrated given by Alfred of Newmarket For terms Wtf vacant dates apply to w Alfred Young Newmarket Young Day was a success and was the moans of discovering the young conducted evoking hdvlngVfor Ills topic the subject ho man iti nii Wanted to wash m I WINTER TOURS Special Fares now in effect to in Florida Georgia North South Carolina Louisiana other Southern States and to and the West Indies Limit May ALLOW ED full information to HORNING A Union Station Toronto Out e Awnt Agent GOES blow sir friendly salesman said Uncle sweetlittlo Qanl 3rd the ser vices In oh ergo of Mr Her Toronto collections will bo token on be half of Reading Camp Asso ciation V to 1R Manicure Cases Hewing to at Watsons 9 Wotlipdlot Monthly Vellowflhip tho School Room next Sunday morning at oclock Good attendance requested new Hymnal will bo used The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will bo held in the till Parlor on Wednesday lernoonHif noxt week commencing at oclock Good Have you started lo make your Christmas purchases About time A big crowd had a lino time skating in the open air on Fairy Lake Saturday afternoon three weeks from next Monday Not a very big crowd down town last Saturday cold In order to wind up British lied Cross Fund the two beautiful Chairs presented will bo sold at the Dramatic to night A For your floors or linoleum is No Ask for it at 1 A good business thermometer is found in the collection of Cus toms collections at Newmarket since the 1st of April amount to For the same period year they amounted to A This shows a gain of nearly eight months Notwithstanding the high cost of living business is prosperous Division Court Honor Judge Denton pifesidA at the Court on Wednes day and gave a very patient hear ing lo the cases brought before him There were eight new ones and three adjourned suits One suit of particular interest and which occupied the Court for about two hours came from ML Albert Hugh Campbell sued Davis for arrears of rent was a dispute over cash and conlraaccount As the land lord terminated lease the work done by the tenant was al lowed as well as cash covered in a receipt by a later settlement Davis was defended by Toronto lawyer won the case It was after one oclock when the Court adjourned Obituary The following Is copied from The Monitor published at Mich Angelina Dales passed away at Detroit Mich after an Illness which was borne with great patience and always with loving thought of causing the least trouble she to those taking care of her She had the best medical attention that could he secured and was conscious lo the last She was a kind and loving mother and had helped many a person out- tilde the family circle to a heller posi tion and higher Ideal friends are many at every place that she lived She was born In York County Canada May ami died In Detroit Mich November 13 iWaa married October 1872 to James A Dales For 11 years lived at where Mr Dales was a merchant then to Newmarket and In moved to and lived at the old Mason homestead which they had fust purchased While living here Mr Dales and eldest son Herbert passed oik In ip03 Mrs Dales moved to then to Niagara Fails from there to Detroit hi to be near her two youngest daughters She was always a devoted member of wherever she lived and at of her death was a member of Olivet Presbyterian Church Detroit She leaves to mourn their great six children Oliver of Niagara Kails Mrs of more Mrs Kf fie Horner Jesse Beach Calif Mrs Jesse Drake and Zebus of De troit eleven grandchildren also one sister and five brothers In Canada A short service was held In Detroit Wednesday and the funeral held In Thursday afternoon at the Church Rev Marsh officiating and interment was made In fair Brushes yfat Brushes Brushes Ebony and Ivory 75c to jib at nrt h I IN HDWITAU is- from a fonher of Davis feather Co who was of the half dozen Newmarket men who enlisted in Toronto the outbreak of tho war in firing for sovoral months was forlunal In escaping injury from missiles of war but sot in around his knee and lie was obliged to go to for treatment Ho Is now in the Harris Convalescent Home for Canadian Soldiers at and he writes as follows Dear Mrs I now take pleasure in an swering your most welcome let ter and I hope that it finds you in of health as It leaves me present I am On now as rny knee is healed up but I get ting massage now I am the famous pill man of Ibis place I have to go around and see if all the hoys arc alright and if not I have to give them some dope pi pills to them sloop I guess I shall bo going back to Franco again soon You asked me how my brothers were getting on I have Just had a letter from sister and she tells mo that my oldest brother has been very badly but I do not know What Hospital ho is In 1 send my best regards to all who know me I remain Dont Forget The Bazaar and Talent Sale to bo held in the Andrews School on Friday Dec A supper will lift served from 0 lo Price Umbrellas for Ladles on Hon 100 to at Watsons Britain Prepared Dont miss the Moving Pictures in the Methodist Church next Wednes day evening commencing at oclock sharp Hall Toronto was filled to capacity several nights to see these pictures and everybody was talking about them Something Now In Sanitary Household Brushes A Brush for every purpose at Hardware A Rare Opportunity To articles not exceeding at Mission Cir cle Bazaar in Methodist on Friday Dec In addition there will be a sale of Baking and Candy Tea served from till Dont miss this splendid chance to get gifts at a reasonable price Flush Cleans closet bowls without ef fort Get it at Hardware Talent Sale Friday Dec 1st from two until eight oclock pm you will find in the basement of the Christian Church some of following good things Mince Pies Cakes Plum Puddings Rolls and Baked Beans not forgetting Candy which Philulhea Class know how to make There will also bo hot Coffee and Cake served Both the staff and pupils helped by the who conducted Conferenc0herbIa8t af- Saturday morning each Individual broader view Of life iho Hall was more than filled to capacity at the meeting and th program brio The Hall was tastefully and brilliantly lighted and while audience was gathering made tho walls resound with their College- Yells iPaUiejr Wedlock Chairman of Board presided and extend ed a most cordial welcome to city visitors From what had transpired in afternoon lie was sure would bo a Hod Letter Day in ie history of tho school A spirit of being fostered that would contribute to the development of talents to the utmost capacity The Chairman In his address said at of the evenings This I think shall be considered a red loiter day in the history of our school It is our good fortune to have associ ated with us this evening repre sentatives of the Canadian College Movement ladies and gentlemen who arc vanguards in Ibis organ ization It In then my most pleasing duly on behalf the board the staff and the pupils of the school lo extend lo them a most sincere and hearty welcome The movement is not of recent origin lias existed a number of years the urgent need of our limes makes new demands on it for activity in its sphere of operations object I understand is lo foster a sfifrit of laudable ambition among students to di rect them in the choice of voca tion in life and to encourage them to qualify themselves for the abundance of opportunity that awaits them in every departure of learning In the days gone by students had lo wait until they graduated from high school by junior or senior matricula tion before they came in contact with the specialist of the Uni versity The object of this move ment Is lo reverse lo some extent that order and to bring the spe cialist to our local institutions of learning so that the rank and file of our students instead of the oc casional few would have the fire in their ambition enkindled by the inspirationimparted by the lead- League The Methodist League spent a very enjoyable evening last Mon day- night The debate was a splendid success During the ev ening Miss contribut ed a solo and Mr J Davis made a few remarks Next Monday evening the League are lo bo favored with a talk from Mr Pros of the Leagues of Toronto Conference In addition slides of the Winder mere Bummer School will bo shown The extends a hearty welcome to all anti- much were Ivory Brush Comb and Tray 300 to at Watsons I Wed Itewa The proceeds of Knitting Tea at the Presbyterian last Tuesday afternoon amounted to A lot of work was accom plished The Demonstration in the Methodist Gym on Wednesday afternoon was a great success ladles were present add ing about to the treasury Mr Jos- Pipher has presented lo the Hod Cross Society a beau tiful Deers Head properly mounted which be disposed of by ticket era of thought This movement aspires to educate the many and not a few to meet the needs of our country and to fit- thorn to lake the places of those whose services bad been lost to us through the of war To the leaders of Iho movement this seems possible they are convinced that the great ma jority of students in every High School boys and girls are filled by talent and ambition by the fact bey arc there for innumerable positions that seek expert Scholarship in every department of scientific thought A great psychologist recently said that average man from Ihc cradle to the grave lived only on the surface that he did not develop onetenth of his natural powers But from our own High School students we expect far higher results We be lieve thai they will be stimulated by Ibe inspiring influence of the cultivated ladies and gentlemen whom they have met at this Con ference that they will lake them for their guides and models aim at lofty ideals in life and culti vate their laleiits lo the highest point of development In the poster competition an nouncing the convention Proctor son of Mr Proc tor of Newmarket won the first prize with Miss Lottie In very close second Mr made the presentation and com mented very encouragingly there on Master Llewellyn Fletcher son of Roy W P Fletcher of Kes wick delivered an original com position on production of a Short Cut to Knowledge bristled with humorous aphorisms which created laughter The musical numbers splendid and the pupils deserve great credit They comprised two piano selections by Mabel Morning solos by Joyce Larkin Leila Belfry and Charlie Rogers duet by and Ruth Kelly and by the school The climax of the evening was the charming fascinating and Elevating address by Chancellor of Univer sity Toronto on A Life of Ser vice He told the and girls attending High School that it was time lo begin lo think to get a perspective of life and to develop for service The majesty of and the nobility of woman hood referred to in such happy manner and the numerous quotations of poetic ecstasy that audience were filled with rap turous delight Be wanted the youth to appreciate the higher things of life as Ihey on the threshold of magnificent oppor tunities He advised the boys to rid entirely of vile which are miasmas of life and in the bright sunlight of beauty and The study of nature must lead lo God of nature Find the perspective of civilization and i I a i Important In this paper are about to buy now lathe reminder of economy of the beat more known N VICT US mm mm FITTED AND SOLD BY Won Main tVSM cultivate personality Have an ideal and spend existence in the best ministry of obligation and service There were some of the points that were emphasized in a majestic and impressive manner and the hearty vole of thanks by the audience moved by Principal expressed its apprecia tion of the address Still another pleasing feature of tto evening was the presentation to the High School of a framed portrait of one of former students Rev J Davidson Prof of English and Philosophy in the largest College in India who at the call of duty has given services to the Empire and is now Captain Davidson with the consent of the Presby terian Synod Mr in making the presentation referred lo his standing as a student both in the school at Newmarket a no University of Toronto when he look his degrees with honors And it was a great pleasure that practically his parents exWarden Davidson of North and wife pair machine socks lbs Anyone having puzzles small games or pages of Jokes or short stories bring there to the rooms Friday Dec 1st where parcels are to he packed for overseas Tickets on sale at drug store for three articles Head Centrepiece donated by Mrs Newton and Sofa Cushion by Mrs Jos Rob inson Tickets to be sold at cents each or three for cents The following loiters have been re ceived by Mrs A J Davis Secy of Field Comforts Hear Mrs Davis I writing these few lines to thank you for your kindness in send ing a parcel to me It sure did come In very handy and I am only too pleas ed to say that what the ladies of New market have dons tor the is un equalled in Canada I am very busy Just now In fact have been for the last couple of weeks as we expecting to be moved lo some other barracks and It means that we have to stand to all he time also ft keeps a person on he go to keep his horse and saddlery sword etc In trim as were present to hear Kim so high- we have to pass an inspection by the ly spoken of Commanding Officer of the Brigade The Chairman gracefully day and I might say he Is and acknowledged the in behalf of the school He said it would be accepted as a token of good will and generosity of the Canadian Collegiate Movement He assured the donors that the portrait would serve as continued remembrance to the pupils of the present and future generations of the patriotism and devotion of him who gave up his dearest in terests in order to serve his coun try and sacrifice his life if ne cessary in its defense Thus the most delightful so cial evening ever spent in High School was brought to a close the National An them Wo omitted lo mention that a very expressive motto was prom inently displayed which was the keynote of the gathering Life is most worth living to him whose work is most worth while It is worthy of a place in your scrap book Pickering College also benefit ted by the visit of the College graduates on Saturday afternoon Field The Society wish to thank the fol lowing for the teams of Newmarket Club and Mrs Frank Robertson The Shower held In the Com forts Rooms Friday Nov Was a great success over was con tributed for parcels to- regular work also the fol lowing Were contributed for the bat talion Box Puzzles soap boxes of dates handkerchiefs condense small bars chocolates chocolate packages small 1ms large Una reindeer coffee cans tongue cans sardines 1 pack ages raisins Up smoked beef maple butter 2 boxed maple buds llmj meat pate pack ages tobacco packages cigarettes particular Well I wish you and the ladies of the Field Comforts Society once again and hoping the Society en- Joys all the success it certainly de serves remain Geo Vale Trooper Oct Dear Mrs Davis was very pleased today to re ceive your parcel containing so many very useful articles I appreciate your kindness very much am there Is nothing need but what Is In it Fortunately I have need for the Insect powder yet just being In this country two weeks but from all reports and the look at our billet It will come In very handy in the future I was very sorry to learn of the death of Will and of the other Newmarket boys being wounded I trust our boys wilt be well taken care of and soon be restored to health Again thanking you for your kind ness and wishing the Society every success am Yours very truly Sapper A Cable Sect Canadians P Corps Signals Army Post- Office splendid parcel I received a few days ago Everything was in the best of condition and very acceptable indeed You asked me to let you know what we need I think you sent everything that we require out here and we great ly appreciate the good work that Is being done by the Field Comforts The weather has been very bad the last couple of days with lots of mud We have fairly comfortable dugouts so are able to keep out of the rain Was very sorry to hear of all the Newmarket who have been wounded and killed lately They have evidently been in some very heavy fighting I must close now Mrs Davis and I wish the ladies of the Field Society every success In their great work Sincerely yours Carl M France Nov 2nd Dear Mm A few days ago I received a splendid parcel from the Newmarket Field Comforts Society of which I believe you are Secretary Please convey my thanks to the Society for all the various soldiers necessities it contained and Mrs Ross for a pair of- comfortable socks made by her The articles each and all showed a care and on the part of yourself and the Society for the com fort and encouragement of the boys from the old town among whom I am glad to be numbered The weather here now Is Colder- and we have almost continuous which keeps our feet wet and causes a demand for The Canadians I In contact with here are In good spirits as usual and nothing keeps the songs away Thanking you again I am Yours Sincerely Alfred Saunders No 307654 Anyone knowing the names of men la who are In France please notify Mm Cane or lira Andrew at once A good coining What is it Why I Field Comforts Chicken Sup per Saturday Dec Try and all be there Popular at popular in counrv Nov 2nd Mrs A J Davis Newmarket Hear Madam Just received a parcel from the ladles of tho might say it was the most complete parcel I have received from anyone I the socks were knitted by MM Janes and Mrs They were flue Thanking you again for the good work of the Society I am Sincerely yours No Pte Albert Armstrong Can 2nd Brigade Division Fiance Somewhere In France Wednesday Oct Dear Davis Many thanks to you and ladies of the- Field Comforts for the On Tuesday the Council unani mously ratified tho appointment of Clay as a county police magistrate el a minimum salary instead of by system as hitherto This action on tho part of the Co Council is in keeping with the policy adopted a year ago in the abolition of the fee system as applied to county con stables There was a good deal of crit icism over of pro vincial government in the op- of Douglas Davison of Miroico as feuccessor lo the late George and In direct op position to the wishes of A year ago Council instruct ed Government not to appoint a successor A paid to the good work of Major run ton Jennings was auditor a salary of ox itt I ARCHIVES OF TO IT sua

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