Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1916, p. 4

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fib WKtQ3j fc I j V- per And I by Hi and farmer for over 1 worth been p roctd bom and many other butts OiiiOK an hi Cure ft liniment for and jcvtthfit j Mll Art OX S It any For for fSZftf Horn Ay free row rtniRglfctor to DrJ J Furnace Work j Plumbing Our Specialties Sec Iho Shop Hon -iho- in mm- I Municipal Urn opinion Ihodcoicrii in of a return an to llin they liold they I s I at IgueondrMrdving A Council is how nary If an other resolution and notify Minister of Labor lawn Miiuftlm lVn return him has power to name a coniihisfiioner gate and If an offence Is ho the re- to he tbO Attorney- prosecutes on lie foregoing the remarks This a grand Illustration of j the od of the Offi cer or the cat that walked cir cumspectly on Die wall covered with broken bottles It is pussy- fooling as a line eat The whole proposition moans delay and opens the door to a species of smuggling which prompt ac tion on the part of the Minister of Labor or other Government of ficial would obviate Municipal Councils are not chosen regu late trade and commerce i v Heator Heater on OS- MOM Abiiywas playing with an The Toronto World Is making i A an effort to rock cradle of an ftR parents roside a infant a split from Con- was removed to the Ho is a brother of Mis circles for Hick Children where Hedore of Newmarket was found that the eyeball was so badly lacerated that il had to be bear Mother and and all per removed Greek rooming on Alien St received your kind and was suffocated by gas on come letter last night and wan A cable from London announces that the British fleet in cent stronger now than I the war This com for the Germans J day evening last Miss Agnos of Hon A Kemp has boon Ave was badly burned on pointed Minister of Militia in the Saturday when a chemical corn- Dominion Government as sue pound with which she was clean- cossor lo Sir Sara Hughes This a exploded means a byeelection in To- in flames she ran screaming Oct JUKI all TUB LEADING A SONS NEXT OXIDIZED On Short l Machinery for Sale AUTLEDGE DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto As the Christmas mail for lo the street where a neighbor rushed her assistance and suc ceeded in smothering the flames -K- Floral of 8orlptIon on short iac Buggy 1 Stcel-ex- Top Carriage Horse Buggy and Harness Apply lo ROBERTSON Newmarket COAL Best Anthracite Coal bargain prices Orders filled all hours Telephone No 3 doors South of Osbornes Butcher Shop Main St North PRANK GLASS WHOLE WHEAT bushel wheat weighs lbs One bushel wheat yields lbs flour One bushel wheat also yields lbs bran and shorts Flour in one of wheat makes loaves of bread One bushel of whole wheat makes loaves Increase in loaves by us ing whole wheal per cent Wo clip the above from lUo Telegram Although brief a lot of interesting information Is furnished From subsequent learn that by using the whole of he wheal lo make bread Instead of only the flour from Iho wheal an increase of loaves per bushel would be ob tained This being the case poo- pie will readily understand what the Order means lo Britain Each bushel of wheat goes nearly as far again in meeting the necessities of the home The new Food Director of Britain it is said has already fig ured that in order to conserve the fond supply all bread will have to he made from whole wheal Of course the idea is to make wheal in the old country go as far as possible for the good of the whole iOOOv ACTIVE as is expected lo he was removed lo the Western ally large Ibis year people must Hospital where her condition is mail parcels and improving early if they want the That the druggists of this to reach destination on- are determined that their profession will do its part lo stamp out the illegal sale of ha bitforming drugs was made ap- London cable on Friday last stales thai over three quarters of parent by the action of their million of men in the British on council of the Isles who have gone into military Ontario College of Pharmacy in service have been replaced in session last week various avocations in the Indus- 1 Mrs8 I OConnor has passed trial world by women A vast away She was the only woman majority of them says the re- 1 Chairman of the City High School port go into munition work Board where the pay is high Thcj Methodist Church changes now being affected as a was filled to capacity on Sunday consequence of the war will be evening lo listen to an address felt in future years as after from Howell KC is over women will bo found on the work of the in the engaged in various callings in life trenches of Fiance and Belgium which they gaged not hitherto i The of ihe Word and Works is at hand in teresting as Its weather A campaign is now being or ganized 16 prohibit the manufac- lureand sole of cigarettes Fight Tuonlo youths stole an auto Saturday and on being chas ed they wrecked it at a bridge forecast for this predicts and were arrested a storm period central on the The Duke of Devonshire the extending from 2nd to new Governor General of followed reaction- da who arrived in Toronto Mon- storm period from to day has been presented with I lie a snow storm being addresses here predicted about Ibis Thel M next storm period is dated from and of the Base the 15th to he 20th to be Hospital who were found guilty lowed by a reactionary period if stealing public goods the pro- from the to the andiperly of his Majesty the King In from the to the end of the the right of the Dominion montha regular storm period is ment were sentenced last week forecasted Mr Hicks Jr Wilson to days labor in is now Editor of Word and Works a civil prison and to days detention in a guard room The fads are not all confined li A new political parly has been one class of people An Amor- formed by Labor men in this city lean journal tells us that the will j The question of name is lo be Strayed from East Half of tot 35 3rd Con of King about middle of August a Black Yearling Heifer with and on side will bo suitably rewarded R No Newmarket tiltlip ALE Ewes from A lot of fine Breeding in years old A Newmarket Strayed onto Lot St one d and White Heifer The owner may have same by proving properly and pay expenses WALTER M1LGATH Arrnitage P The largest and most success ful annual meeting of the Gen eral Reform Association of On tario which has held for years was the one of November Concentration on winning the war situation adequately or even harmoniously within its own Cab inet and the Nickel question were the principal features of the days discussion Mr Macdonald M P of Hon Geo Graham and Mr Rowel 1 wore the leading speakers Conventions lo nominate Lib eral candidates for the Provin cial Legislature being held In on December 1st and on Boo 2th J Elliott will speak at the former and Mr Howell at the latter A district conference similar lo the one recently held in Ottawa for Eastern Ontario is being held in Belleville for the constituencies of the middle eastern part of the province on Deo Hon Mr Graham will he representa tive of the Federal Party and Mr will discuss provincial is sues of a New York woman gauges the value of culinary prowess in terms of dollars andcenls To each of her granddaughters she bequeathed the sum of SI provided that each upon her sev enteenth birthday shall be able lo prepare a dinner a six course dinner for twelve persons in ac cordance with a stipulated menu Ihe food to be but whole some and nutritious It seems that one of the number has al ready attained the prescribed age and had met the prescribed test receiving accordingly the One can scarcely doubt that the other two young ladies Will do likewise Another British hospital was sunk in he Aegean Sea this lime without loss of life Fire destroyed par ish church at Quebec valued tied next meeting An important meeting of Mys tic was held last week at Hall Representatives were present from various Tem ples throughout country About candidates were initiat ed An Apartment House on Street was sold last week for 10000 was built four years ago at a cost of More than women applied to the Ontario Governments La bor Bureau for positions in the munitions plant on opening day In the Police Court last Friday Dr i was sent lo the Jail Farm for seven days on a charge of criminal driving bis rig against some men working on The roadside a short time ago The Catholic Municipal Asso ciation has decided to support only prominent business men foi s very glad lo hear from you and also the kids Also got a jar of jam from Mrs Myers She hasnt forgotten me yet And yiu could not Imagine where it found me in a cellar of a town that is all torn to pieces by shell and the people forced to leave The oth er fellows of this Battalion are around in some of the- other houses Some have very com fortable rooms with a stove in but there is just the one little room down cellar Itis not too had but we have no stove Ger ald and I went out last night and got one but couldnt llnd any pipe Ihey use placoH in these countries so not many stoves around We found one at last and set him up hut he smoked so we had lo take out Wish pa had been around when Jerry and I went lo the mine for some coal We were down on our knees I was hold ing the bag and Jerry was scrap ing the coal in with his hands and Ihe shells were whistling over our heads We hadnt wash ed for a week I had lo laugh at Jerry was black as the ace of spades He said I wasnt any heller But he was pale for all he was black He said he wouldnt take a thousand dollars and go back there again They put us in the firing line the night we landed here we came out the next morning with our Bat talion so we are having a weeks rest now and will be going back in again on Sunday were only one hundred yards from tin German line We could hear them talking It was a pretty lone some place in the night on a lis- post We were just in the one night We get plenty to eat here there isnt any water in the trenches They give us tobacco and cigarettes and a little rum every night Wish you could sec this town It has been a nice place before the war but is all smashed to pieces now Sam Montgomery met his brother In France al the other place before we moved The most of our boys are here Jerry and I sleep together and two boys from Mount Al bert are in this room also an other fellow from Toronto Wo each got a blanket night before last so are all right now Jerry got a box from borne last night and nine letters and I got nine letters so we are busy writ ing Well mother dont worry about me I am all right 1 must close for I have a lot more to write but they wont be as long as this one to you all from Charlie Write soon rna Exposition It Is built on a K heat unit a temperature of NO PRICE The Is Guaranteed I ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION ALFRED R STARR Electrical Contractor MARKET A en of form Moor vers Thro thy HURON ST NEWMARKET To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose WAT Ad PAIN ftrden GOOD ANTHRACITE COAL Prices Right OLIVER TERMS Give Us a Call UK DIKE Quit I tin In i 18 STILL GOING ON Our slock is gelling lower but out as is good OH your supplies and save money Wo have a Big Slock of Ladies Gents and Childrens a new supply just in at Special Prices SPECIAL 52 Mens Heavy Rubbers lace and for regular frofl to Wool Underwear regular 175 per garment for Wool Scarves Regular for SALE ON FOOTWEAR I STORE FOR OR TO RENT At Men If UL 3 South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET Propriety County Counci voted S ten thousand a lo Canadian Fund also lo Bailors NOW Salesman to ot i la York County PHV Outfit free exclusive territory money making specialties Our figencits are the beet la for we bell ths of block at most and guarantee deliveries 10 Nursery block iamngyivn liy yetr end good nudity be la till district For Sales GO I Russian Dreadnought Maria been by ah Internal explosion Two hundred of crew we Nov 20AnoUier was added Friday to the list of fires in Ontario when tho in wlh the House of Ilefuge at went up In addi tion to Ihe barn most of Ihe eighteen cattle Iwenlyflvo pigs bushels of grain and seventy tons of hay were The lire of unknown origin It started about oclock The loss Is mated at- with THE ANSWER IS Many People Will Don Goloshes Early bat the High Cost of Leathtr Footwear who plays fair Villi a Leather la up and to that ihe buying of a of shoes la on a level with aeUlrtua of a ifuit or coal must worn but he don rub- bar as i weather get riit under foot not only for the projection to the health rubbers but to save costly oboes he or wear There problem In economics that was not solved later and rubbers and to be to the auijiiintcd or inter i pose all candidates who are tided with secret orders or lodges The question of Dominionwide prohibition legislation will be considered at a conference to be held at Ottawa This meeting lias been called by the Committee of the Do minion Alliance Council Nino thoroughbred horses worn destroyed in a Are week while in the of re ceiving money on a forged cheque shot himself dead Ho wanted the money for a sick wife The milk dealers arc now talking of again increasing the price ox milk Thirteen- tickets for a dollar is now their game Delegates to Iho Horticultural meeting last week urged killing of cats save the birds York County Commissioners inspected the new concrete bridge now being erected over the at ttloor Street 3 A newspaper at that the matsned 000 to tiva Turkish Montreal Nov A commit tee appointed by the engineers of the city of Montreal to investigate an ambitious aque duct supply the city with water and power from the St Lawrence River and to cost has pronounced it a failure The sum of has been spent on aqueduct and this is regarded by the engineers as wasted The oily is warned that if the re mainder of the money called for by the scheme is spent it too will 10 wasted The engineers find that the oily upon operations without sufficient study in mm Telia How Her Strom In igbtytvord of ATfi I feeble Lad bat flcii A fciked me to try Vinol two returned I In flcli it built up my liitth and ftni fin for t tty I around ad do my The Vltrol to ucjtul In mm be it the wry also at the Druggist in all fell ant Although in appoarlng poods to pour In In great They arc all back orders which means a roaf floor Won Pnem It would pay Oil oil to latest A Oil I hi- I wonderful Wo have a few odd lines In Mens and i ens Boots J Mens i I Clothing Underwear Sweater Coats HaU Caps Ladles etc etc to out which will mean a great saving to you St to To tier- tone AMY mm Fall Term Opens Resident and Day Wednesday Sept School for Boys and iiiiUoii trlauUtlon RvJ Teacher to WP Adores m J

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