Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1916, p. 3

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m- f grief lol9 a at Toronto bidden Death Mcnoupall Jnpk eo Hoar J very unexpectedly from peon ailing for but was ho thai it leaves lipr husband Civil and one mourn their great Monday afternoon week lit will bo if 109 I I Display arc- very now una itis Christmas gifts no that draws the worn taken to ofMho like Prince Albert Santa Cuius collection burial Diamond WO to A Family Affair judging y way seals room rill o a premium the Town Mall lnniKlit A Family Affair under tin the it Society Hid Acts solos will be rdereil by Mrs Howard Cane mill Mrs J this Hed also lake pluee J at oclock He fimo reserved 1 I 1 I I I In nut iho doors and ii Tell Strip core Only per at Minna Hardware Christian Sunday will Supper will last me for llift year ftrcry member and friend or the urged 16 be piOHont We will take ineinler the VUo Pastor will oclock by of fcro This is a Inst but by it will bo produced in our Church At subject will be k the here a Hell It will lie this is opie now being discussed all over IbH Join you want some -doll- to liio sale the thp basement or the letter mother of Newmarket will he things- in the baking lino such as Mince I- ranee li Plum and wo landed in Franco and Cakes this morning stayed days J at rent camp and while there wo One of I hose Stewart Hear one at M IIUi fiffien tre Travelogue invd Young has very kindly offered to give his Illus trated Lecture of Jravcls in and other Countries for he of lied Cross and Onnforts The offer has been accepted and tbe Societies have arranged for the Travelogue to be given in the Town Hall on Fri day evening Dec There will hi no reserved seats a ticket admitting lo all parts of the Hall This will no doubt make it a very popular entertainment The ladle intend to sell for of course nobody will patronize tfiis rtiject As tin Hall was pre viously for this date tie Travelogue will he given in the Churches which wilt announced later The chair rill by Mayor Jane In Id the I views which include some in the War Zone Soles will he rendered by Miss Rogers of Toronto Mrs Howard Cane and Mrs T J Winchester Saturday Sale I and Shoes at Old Prices being per cent hiss than the cost Tobiiy Gxh Death A familiar has been moved from our midst in the person of Mr who passed away quite suddenly last Saturday from tuberculosis of Hie throat was a veteran of the American War in a where he was wounded inhis arm and tog He been in receipt of a pension from flic American for many years Ho was also a member of the leaves a but no children The funeral look place Mon day afternoon were pres ent his Mr Taylor of Toronto also Mrs of of Mrs and Mr of Tironlo with friends look plaoe at New market Cemetery milk Like all other the price of milk raised to a quart in a uart bottle on Monday of our citizens though the price was- excessive as Who supply Hie dairyman more before On enquiry we nd that farmers made contracts for shipment of milk to last for six or seven months getting St net for a can hut Toronto dealers are now pay- net per can Unless formers are the dairymen they are entitled to ibe extra per can and at lln in creased price the cost milk row is between and a so that ther is not much loft for delivery and repairs had route through country and parades for inspec tion We left there about six rode on train all Sunday night and lauded in about miles of the trenches about oclock and stayed there till some time hi till night and Tuesday morn ing We landed in here We are about miles from thetrenches so they say ere arc of us In an apartment about and we have slept and ate and stayed in that for and this makes 1 days and we are very coin fori able We have lots of fun and share everything togeth er The fellows that with me are Corp It Itichards T Cobb Wilson Woods and The hist two are Sutton is from Sunderland and the are from Hill and Aurora I think that is their first initials if it Isnt I will you the right ones next time Our Windows Have some good suggestions for Goods priced in plain Hardware I ai A Mighty Gift in- of those Electric fading Lamps Evening Classes Many enquiries are being made concerning the Evening Classes about he organized in ami Advisory Hoard is seeuiingteachers for the itfjl Boy tab I 1 u ft- subjects It is expected that rill present al the organiza tion meeting in the King George School next Monday evening at oclock all persons over of age who expect to lake there to hear what may he said oncoming the work A Starr is wiring the for additional lights and Weparalions will be made Urge classes It is expecteil that instruction begin on the 3rd of January lt continue Monday Wednesday Friday nights till the of 2 hours each lesson here seems lo be some about the cost The is absolutely free to J are regular in at- Any less Ibkn will forfeit the Si Badly Main Street is in an awfully dirty condition owing to the- soft Weather this week This street is under the Good System of York County and must come in for permanent repairs next Spring It is time the of Sewage for the residents of this was put into more definite shape Something of a perma nent nature must be done before street is paved The sug gestion is made of a Trunk Sew er at the rear of the properly which is a capital idea but plans and of the same should be in some of shape to present to Hie ratepayers at the Nomina tion Meeting next month Nothing will improve the Town so much as a paved street bin when once laid it does not want to be disturbed is time to get over this necessary work There arc quite a lot of the Flying Corps here We see them flying and practising every day that wo have been hero I lo go up in thorn and fly around Willi thorn It is only about an hours run from here to the trenches We might lake an excursion out to see thorn Of it may be hot there but it might help lo dry up the mud that is here and it is certainly muddy You can clean your boots in the morning and- In about minutes tramping around you would think that we them for a month but it will wash off in time Of course it might he worse for as long as you can Keep your feel dry and have a dry place to sleep in you may think thai you are well off- II seems funny bore serv ed out rations of water as well as food Last night we bought bread and was the shape of a wheel about in thick and in diameter It was baked in a lile oven and it certainly tasted good The country part of Prance is more like Canada than England is anil the crops and roots are mortnke Canada I saw as good a crop of mangels as ever saw in Canada but lhe grain crops dont seem as good Of course it might have been on account the war Hut we may see some heller crops be fore we leave France We dont know yet whether we are live in tents or billets or in box hut I prefer he billets as billets are either in villages or towns In the village near hero are quite a lot of the troops billeted in fact it seems to be a place to give lhe troops a rest We dont know yet what we will do as we havent been assigned to any sort of work yet but by he time that you get this may know for sure what we are going lo do but will take some lime lo And out what every man is best filled for As most of the 1 men are bright and intelligent they can do most ev erything from railroad work car- to mason work or guard r or lie vim drill quite us on guurd coming over oh Hie boat tho sick but ba the best wo Thoboal couldtravol I Its or dinary speed was- knots hour but it could or more and it wasnt bigger an lhe a would have a time Crowding on but wo got in all rlglUvThe train that Wo travelled everything wagons tanks and men long train it would be One engine it most the wayi but part of wo bad have or learns and about or to wagons and and men bill I havent heard the exact number ypt Our officers arc lino They all scorn lo think of the faro or lhe and to gel foe them lo make them comfortable And they seem to think thai they wouldnt ask the men to do what they wouldnt do themselves you can thai tlie men ought to be satisfied with their lot I heard of any olb- troops being used as good Well this is Friday noon As I didnt get my letter off yester day I ought thai would write a Tew more lines I havent rc- that parcel or any loiters since I left WUiey was out about or A miles to the south east last night the road are very much like St but tho soil is heavy clay with lots if lime in if Home places coming along were almost clear I saw as line a dappled last night as I ever saw In fact there were three of them- together but thy one was the prize of the lot They certainly have some line horses cattle and sheep around here They dont seem to think of frost for some wore pulling mangels and the tops were as green as ever and some were digging potatoes There are very few pulling turnips yet We are a fatigue party to gel wood for the battalion today and we certainly have some time gel too theroftcoms lo be very little dead wood around and the green stuff Isnt lhe kind that burns good A Frenchman told that closest the Germans are now is 10 miles Of can hear our guns They captured Germans and quite a lot of ma chine guns ami some say some cations also two aircraft ma chines The German prisoners here that will be over by Christmas so some of the boys say too but to my mind the French have to buckle down lo work and drive Ihem back on Ger man soil for I think the Germans wont give up till they do There are a few Canadians havent heard what battalions they be longed to before they landed for you know as soon as land they lose their battalion and are drafted into a certain divi sion- I dont think that there is one battalion that wenl as a unit for some lime There arc thousands of men al Hie base camps thai havent been used yet We havent heard yet whether we are going into tents or I think Co is the only Co so far that lias gone into tents I heard yesterday that we are going to move on some other place and be billeted out I hope it is true as where we are is no place for a camping ground lo keep the men dry and com fortable to sleep as the ground holds water so Well I guess lliat 1 will close Hoping to bear from you soon I am Yours E f OH PATTERNS is Here More Buy your Present v As usuM we are supromo In Em- Handkerchiefs Prices rang KID GLOVES Every Pair Price Mens Silk Muffler IN TOA8 PnUI0 all In Stock vi a Brunton of Ketlleby spent Monday in this town Mr and Coffey are in Toronto this week Miss Alma spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs John Bain by of Holly Part Mr spent Mon day In the Queen City the Methodist Church was crowded to lhe doors Sunday ev ening it being Memorial Ser vice of the late Pie Brown Hon of Mr and Mrs Jos Brown of this place he being the first of our hoys lo give his life for his country Mr and Mrs paid a business tripto the Queen Oily on Tuesday I Mr of Newmar ket spent Tuesday in town Mrs Jos Wilson of the Brad ford line spent Tuesday with her parents Mr and Mrs Caleb Brown NEWMARKET r A Corsets visiling at I The which without double strap by only aid of laid gives Ideal front effect and reduces abdomen hips and back Price per pair Model high bust a marvel of ease and stylo controls figure and produces the most stylish effects It Is rare that such results can be obtained at a me dium price supporters pair fl A now Ideal In corsetrv lines that are In their a French supporto Miss Mildred Hose her grandfather Mr Gray Mr took a flying trip to the city on Monday Mr Toole spent Sunday ev ening with his friend Mr Geo Atkinson had a large farm sale on Tuesday which was largely attended and the things sold well Mr Mill Sheridan of the Line moved to on Thurs day We wish them every Airs Allan and daughter Ethel spent a few days in the city last week We wonder what lakes Willie w over east so often for Cash with Order or when Miss Jean Sheridan returned unless Credit has been home after spending a few days re JL Owing to the High Price of Flour and Pe other products and tho small percentage of on wo are forced to sell all Flour and Coal 5 Wood Etc the Goods are delivered w which is done as a to the Hoard in OYernmni providing and equipment as prospects are We are happy to announce that have an- Elegant of Artistic Creations In title line R1NQ8 PEARL RINGS PEARL peels are that or ladies in dressmaking will be J a better way his idle l0 UP some i now industrial Hoard w Particulars LINKS A Pine Line of Ware all at Very Low Price ATKINSON COMPANY Jewelers and Opticians A Family Affair given in Town Hall on evening Nov was one of llie most pleas- ing enjoyed by a Brad ford Audience for some the Club of St Pauls Cliurch are to becongnttulaled on the very acceptable manner in which lhe play was presented all parts being exceptionally well taken and filled It is safe to say that were the play again presented in Bradford lhe Kail would not hold the crowd Quito a change in the Weather will give the farmers a chance to get their turnips out yet Mr Norton who been en gaged with Mr II at ditching been off for a few days on account of frost The Rev Ben and wife also Mrs Nelson visited Mr J one day last J Jefferson is engaged the children for the Wonder who the young belles- Were that got lost one night week at But the rig soon came along Mr Aubrey look lhe Job of plowing In the Mack Mr one day last week Miss Veda spent the weekend In Toronto with her aunt Mrs pinley Mr and Norton spent Sunlay at Mr Mills Misa of Toronto spent Sunday with her mother Mrs Andy M- of Thornton will pieaeh in the Presbyterian Church Sunday at 3 pm Mr and Mrs at j Mr James family of the Centre moved lo Mr An drew farm last week welcome them in our midst Mr and Mrs Boss of Brown Hill were visiting Mr on Tuesday and also attended lhe sale Mr and Mrs A Stevenson of were guests Maple Lodge Miss Mabel Wallace and friend of visited at Mrs Clifford Hoses on Sunday afternoon Wedding hells are ringing On Wednesday evening Nov Mr Allan was united in mar riage lo Miss Annie Brandon Ce dar Valley Congratulations Messrs Ted die and Cordon Atkinson left for Toronto on Friday morning they have accepted positions Miss May is visiting at Ml Albert for a few weeks 6 Live Stock Markets Top prices paid in Toronto this week were as follows Butcher Steers Medium Butcher Steers Hardy Butcher Steers Common Butcher Steers Choice Fat lows DO Good Cows Choice Milkers Milkers Feeders Choice Veal Calves 1200 Common Calves Sheep Choice Cull Lambs Hogs off cars Hogs country points 1040 Newmarket Market Nov 30 Wheat p Oats per bush load of Gluten Car Load of Oil Car Load Car load of of Meal Meal Manitoba Oats Flour Feed Car load of Lime LET US FILL YOUR COAL ORDERS NOW I Order by Phone or by Carters Jerry Harrington Bon man- Allan are Always choose your Clothes from Materials that stylish and becoming Have the cut right and Pit Perfect I FOR FALL LARGE AND WELL WE ARE HAVE A TALK WITH YOU I WILLIS Main A V 4 ft Barley per bush peas per bush Bran per Ion per Hay Timothy per 10 000 per dot 0 j 65 0 32 37 Butter per lb 0 Chickens per Potatoes per bag 2 -00- Markets Nov 1 4 11 SO CO Potato per bag Chickens 0 17 0X0 Turkeys dressed fief Re dressed dressed 0 94ni Wheal hush Oats new per bush ton Butter per lb per v j- TORONTO Fund 7000000 General Manager of Issued trtiouahout Wo Id In and MunlolpHl In nu avlnfl eDrtrhntatall fcranohee Internet at Current an fllitnaoer 9 WPfLIKO OH AMLIOATIOtt ii in nil i i ARCHIVES OF mm i3 1S23

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