Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 27, 1916, p. 3

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T More founded official P At 0 Albert at a Kxecuive give an address The Alma of A flower v tho Pastor A- p morning J How Shall you do p of an across on person is asked to bring a donation for soldiers boxes sug gested being Chocolate and tobacco Kindly be liberal with these as there arbV ninety received to Franco jjflofloto lied Fund to taSHu Wednesday 110 Nov int Hear all about Jan to jAiir for In ad the Christian Church vJll Mid basement of the Masquerade iaclarin tho Cell on Monday oven the tflb Inst A splendid and unique of Halloween games has C prepared- and tompting bbmenta consisting of doughnuts coffco served Do not fail tobe A good limo is guaran teed not com Funeral Arthur son of Mr Edward our iiccl shoemaker who Sftb the and In training nil wan rejected on account health at the last medical inspection prior to going Over seas After being homo four or to days he suddenly passed away on Tuesday heart lie was buried af ternoon in Newmarket Military Honors a Company the Hall York Hangers ttationed at Toronto for the winter coming up specially to as an escort at the funeral The pallbearers were a Atkinson A Evans A Qui tter and Corps McGordiok Deceased has two on Ihc Line in Franco largo number attending the after noon were well rewarded by with hem Mr ami Mrs Stan- lately returned homo from Africa for a few holiday They have laboring MJaslnri- In North Nigeria- flbiWnn and Mr Stanley gave a verv flue address to the School was intensely interesting to nil from In the Primary lolhe in the Bible Class Ho showed- many rorii Hint welt as the dress etc of the people and ex plained some of their manners of living All Of wore quite a treat In everybody The of the Newmnrkot Chris tian Sunday School go with Mr and Mrs Stanley for their work In Africa when return lo re sume activities Next- Sunday about young Indies from the class of Mrs Collins are planning to be In Toronto attending the Girls Conference as reoreSfinintives of our School Two weeks lie Work Conference will be held is expected some of our will attend that All the work in the Scliool are progressing bach Sunday shows an increase in attendance lost Sunday being with week The and Primary are forcing abend Lessons and are thank ful to Mrs Dr Wilkinson for heln and advice in this work you other School on Sunday af ternoons come and unite with us Class for everyone ami a cordial welcome as well as an interesting study of he lessou pm Com parcels for or Tho Post has been by British Post Office many parcels sent of War in Germany In London in a damaged condition have repacked before can bo forwarded to Holland for transmission to Germany The adds that in most cases the damage appears to bo dub to fact that the parcels packed by The public are warned thorc- forcrthatparcbla for Prisoners of unless they are very strong ly packed will probably arrive in such a condition as to bo of lit tle use to the recipients Ordinary cardboard boxes such as shopboxes and thin wooden boxes should not be used nor dyes a single sheet of ordinary brown paper afford suf ficient whore proper materials are used it Is important that the be tightly packed so us not to shake during transit Jlio forms of packing are re commended Strong double cardboard or strawbuard boxes Those made of corrugated cardboard and with Ifds which completely enclose the ITEMS picking be have were sprayed are suite On account of rain the lecture which was Kfrkland In the Christian jChiirph on ev ening last had to be postponed Will take place next Friday evening Oct Christian- jChurch Pulpit was i oc cupied by Prof- Drayton en Sunday- lost Mr and Mrs went to last week to ace brother who Is aobnJb leave for Jack Smith and Smith Toronto were home last week on account of the Illness of their mother lad to hear she Is improv ing MlssA of Newmarket Is a visitor at Mrs also Mr of spent Sunday at the same place Aire of j Is visiting Mrs Dales Mrs of visiting her- brothers Mr Mr and Mrs J spent at Mr Bert Mr and Mrs Frank of arc now rcsldenls of Mr and Mrs Charlie of were at Mr Albert AOEMTSPOR m iri In trade Urge Variety of Oarptt Squares at old diroioths yda and yda vldo I AND EXTENSION ROW Moat Lines in thte Department we old Hides of box most Shanks on Sunday laBt suitable 2 Tin boxes such as are used for packing biscuits Strong wooden boxes 4 Several folds of stout pack fog paper The British authorities advise thai parcels for Prisoners of War must not bo wrapped in linen calico canvas or any oilier textile material Parcels posted in Canada for Prisoners of War in which not booh adequately senders will not be forwarded but will be re lurried to senders as he British Post Office bus notified the Depart ment that which are In adequately packed must be re turned lb the senders Born To Mr son on and Oct Frank I from a letter to Mr A Knights of written by his nephew at miles north of London Our summer been unusu ally wet the result being heavy yields of grain which could not lie harvested in good condition With regard to the war it is in deed sickening This- is by far the most sad and depressing time I ever knew and there is hardly a home but sorrow reins in put nevertheless there is a spirit of determination to see the thing through and one never hears complaints about the wisdom of Mr Styles Toronto visited in lownonSunday Mr and Mrs Skinner spent Sunday with Mrs Skinners grandmother Mrs Hall In Tot tenham Mr and Mrs Victor Attridge spent Friday in Toronto Mrs If is spending a week with friends in Aurora School was closed a days last week The teachers were in Toronto attending the Con vention We are glad to hear- thai Mr fared Irwin is Improving and ex pects lo be back next week Mrs spent Sunday with her mother Mrs Hall in Totten ham Mrs Coffey of spent Tuesday with friends around Hie town Miss Attridge spent Thurs day in Toronto Mr H Derbyshire of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Dr and Mrs Girl Guides Concert A line entertainment was given In the Town Hall on Tuesday ev ening In interests of the Girl Guides to a fairly goodsieu ipd appreciative audience- first and foremost were the numerous and readings England joining in the struggle Christian Churoh Sunday morning Ibo Pas tor will preach on The from a Watery Crave The illustration of the final resurrection by baptism At night his subject will be The Signs of Times or The of all Churches Before the Hud of Time Our people arc considering prayerfully union villi another church of similar faith In fact those Committees are now operating with the hope bringing about union of the lo denominations In Canada This union of all people is to the Pastor an indication that are living in an important We urge that those who comfortable seats come Our congregation is so rapidly that those who last though hard of hear may not get comfortable The Pastor extends an riUUon for join his Bible at pm Coin trnarket High A special meeting of the Board at the Secretarys Office J Tuesday afternoon Present J Wedlock Chairman Jl Messrs A T Wilson Dr Hull and Jack- Wajalso Principal of Toronto JiUie Hoard on the need of S having a broader vision Of and Service with Wiplabilily and purpose in their Rational activities motion proposition was by the Board and a Team of four ladies and with lady and advisors will attend Jfloel on the afternoon of the November and address the enis in the evening they I to the pupils and par ts and follow up their work on morning The Board defray their travelling ex- A hearty vole of thanks was Mr Troyer for his lucid Miss Oilman of Toronto ery number was enthusiastically encored The graphic story of New Yorker who fought for the Allies in Belgium was cer tainly uptodate and very realis tic There were several other numbers Miss Oilman is a favorite in Newmarket Miss Mills of Toronto made her first appearance in Newmarket as a vocalist and was well received She has a splendid voice and we have no doubt will soon be a oily star The New Edison kindly loaned by Mr J top with demonstrator is certainly a won derful invention Its varied re productions added lo the enjoy ment of the evening The two Choruses by the Girl Guides in uniform were also very attractive numbers The President Mrs Geo con tributed a neat address- in which she staled thai much of the suc cess of the Girl Guides work was due to the untiring energy of the Captain Mrs Hewitt Last year the girls raised over for patriotic work knit over pairs of Socks for Ihc soldiers besides selling tickets for Bed Cross and Field Comforts and are now taking instructions in First Aid and she fully expected that before long some of the larg er girls will be offering their services as Junior Nurses During the evening the Girl Guides sold over worth of HomeMade Candy and taken al together the entertainment was a great success The net pro ceeds will be nearly 75 such as there were in the Boer War Indeed the atrocities of Germany have ren dered our fighting inevitable I only fear we may get Prussianism in and so our victory become in reality a defeat There are hardly any men about here between the ages of and SI apart from soldiers many of my friends and chums haying gone end I feel like breaking down for very grief sometimes but there is so much to do that no one has time to nurse his sorrows One would have thought thai this or deal would have brought the peo ple lo humble themselves before God and turn from some of their sins but it does not seem so the drinking theatregoing money- grabbing etc are alarming even now and some men are trying lo build up big fortunes out menb misfortunes and this at times makes me angry The have been about here several limes end each of them brought down were visible at but I have not had the luck either to see fir hear one as am generally asleep as soon as my head touch es the pillow The old folks dont seem to worry about thorn either for which I am very thankful is not easy lo be cheerful in fact I think Stevenson was right when he de scribed jl as our biggest task It Is stated In City press that half a ton of coppers was gathered by the Rod Cross collectors last week chiefly by children and poor people A pretty wedding was quietly solemnized at the home of Mrs Until Out when her daughter Hazel Bea trice became the bride of Mr George W Leonard youngest soil of Mr Win Leonard of the same place Immediate were gathered the house lo witness he ceremony The A officiated Mr and Mrs Leonard left amid a shower of confetti and best wishes for De troit Saginaw and other points Tho brides travelling dress was dark green with hat to match and she wore black fox furs he gift of the groom Camp Oct 1916 Dear Mrs Kay I have received the parcel so very kindly sent by your Commit tee and nothing pleases me more than to know that the friends we have left behind in the- home town arc thinking so much of the hoys away fighting ft was a very pleasant surprise to me and very acceptable at this time as wo have been asked to supply a draft lo go to France immediately and will surely carry some of the good things things received in your parcel and very kind thoughts of all in Kindly accept for your my sincere thanks for heir kindness and good wishes Sincerely yours Geo V Abraham Known in as Sam club member is needed to get them ready We are very sorry to lose Mr and Mrs VanLuyen from the neighborhood They will be greatly missed and we wish Ihem every success in their new home near Aurora Glad lo report Mr Bert Rey nolds la improving though slow ly and we hope he vill soon- he able lo ho home again We are sorry to bur pop ular schoolteacher Miss Rob inson but since she must go our regret is lessened a great deal by the fact that we welcome an old friend in her place Miss May Fee will lake charge of the school again The Cedar Valley boys are home from the West and report a very poor crop- In spite of very wet deary weather of the past Week wo our clerk at the store still keeps happy and smiling The Willing Workers are plan ning lo hold a Bazaar in November Their Bazaars have a success in years and we wish them luck with this one Whats the matter with Farmers Club One would think that they would be so thankful for rain they bad been long for all summer that they would be glad lo get out in it Such is not the case evidently from the look of the attendance on Friday night Time to wake up folks Something may hap pen some day Mr Colin Widdifleld has greatly missed while attending Jury in Toronto Has anything been lost while you were away Colin The Womens Institute met week at the home of Mrs J A good attendance is reported and the knitting is still corning in Miss Brandon visited rel atives in over Sunday The rain of the last few days has made the ploughing a little easier Everyone is doing it now Miss Muriel has been spending a few days with friends in Toronto Some people will be glad to see her home again A NEWMARKET f J I FALL HOSIERY SALE HEAVY FLEECELINED Good at HEAVY SCOTCH WOOL 8 Good Value at 8ale Price Dozen Only Odd of CHILDRENS AND AllCash HOSE Reg and 8ale CHILDRENS COLORED Palo Tan Cardinal 28 to CHILDRENS FLEECELINED for HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND Quite a number of the fanners around here arc threshing these days Mr Rose G T Fireman spent over Sunday with parents in Town The Prayer Meetings in Mr Hail began oh Tuesday evening Everybody come Open at oclock Mr Miller left Monday for over seas People who live in glass cages should never throw stones Well must close I have a lot to lell hut my limited Sleeping Beauty o Live Stock Markets W LET FILL YOUH COAL OHDEBS HOW I Order by Phono or by Jerry Harrington Bon Man ning or Ru8s Allan v ion of books was authorized ft lne till next important mailer was 2 discussion and it was Director of Industrial and jgmcal Education fm was invite- Mr and the SS to meet the Separate School SL Council and to The for from each of the K on Monday even the Fire Hall at the advisability Industrial Town of Women WHY NOT It Is extensively used by Hunters Athletes and by thousands of and even Hereto Men who alt up in the trenches and watch for the moment to lit Is the handiest In which to carry a Watch It Inexpensive Wo have In Oofd filled and from to W Have a took at them- You are under no obligation to buy It over with you either for or at date ATKINSON COMPANY Jewelers Opticians AGENT Sept- Mrs Davis Out Can Dear Mrs Davis Just a line to let you know that I received the box which you me certainly can not find words with which to thank both you and the and pupils of School All I that I greatly ap preciate your kindness and hope to he back in I can thank you personally for your kindness to ma while I am so far away respectfully Jack Doyle In Toronto this week the top prices paid were as follows Choice Steerri Medium Steers Choice Butcher Heifers Good Fat Cows Feeders Stackers Milkers 12500 1 PINK ORCHARD AND CEDAIl Weat per bush VALLEY We are glad to see that through the efforts of the milk shippers the the P at Pine Orchard has been greatly improved The friends of Mr I regret very much to hear of him wounded on active service in France The family the- sympathy of the unity Miss Jean and Miss Annie Brandon wore collecting for the British Hod Cross Sheep Choice Spring Lambs Choice Veal Calves Medium Veal Calves Hogs off cars Hogs country point Newmarket Markets Oct 26 1 65 per bush 0 per bush 5 Peas per hush 0 390 Butter per lb 0 Shorts per ton j 1 your Clothes from Materials that are stylish and becoming Have the cut right and Fit Perfect I OUR STOCK FOR FALL 18 AND WELL WE ARE WAITING TO HAVE A TALK WITH I FWILLIS I Phone 1C0 Main TOHONTO I3ran ton OP per Potatoes per bag paid up Reserve Fund HAY General Manager day and Friday 9 rife will meet on Fri day Oct the home of fcCr- Moss The President sends out a call for a full attendance Christmas Boxes for the at the front soon uy aiid the assistance of Toronto Markets Oct Wheat per Oats new iwr bush Rye per bush 1 Butter per 0 350 38 per dot Potatoes- per bag Chickens dressed 0 Money and Letter of Credit Issued available throughout the Dealera In and Munlelffat ttecurltlee Dealers In iii Foreign ttxohange vino Department at all at Current

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