Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 20, 1916, p. 6

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r ft T TT- ivssirf iij T it j w r v I DENTIST being in Smith InisvboGn to Wount Albert but 1 1 fa J A MrROooBQltSdn Markham rowiiHliiiV coniplotod a lino It to none in tbo Province Mrs Halt a of Mr Halt Mount Albert Mr John Sleeper a roHidont of Mount Albert since died on Monday morning after a linger- ing which conllncd him to tho early last Spring ijiio funeral look on to Mount Albert and throe sons flurvivo him The of the Mount Albert purpose ing a Box to each of our own who are and will bo glad to any one contributo Money todko Candy etc will toeptablO Kindly leave goods at lil Messrs Arthur and Millard steeper of Toronto wore homo to attend Ainbral of their fath er Mr John Dr mid J Moorhead of Toronto motored up to spend Sunday with his brother Mr J no Mrs J I- Stiver of Toronto is Mrs 5SS11 SSfe We have a few 1 vonder tone it Is llavohl seen tlmt little couple from the Fourth at Holt lately JJ Mr J Merchant loaded a fcarol grain last week for Toronto Threshing la the order of the day Our li smith is so busy these days he can get time to do any shoeing Sleeping- JJcauty HOLLAND LANOmG 1 I Uncle Toms Cabin was in the factory building Mon day night under the auspices of the Market Committee There was a good attendance The play given by a travelling com pany There was a very strong ton Monday night hut so far as can ho learned no serious dam age done although fences wore blown down School is closed Thursday and Friday to teachers to attend the Convention in Toronto Mr Edward an old and respected neighbor of this was burled Saturday afternoon He wad a attendant at and Sunday School and well versed In the Where was our organist Sunday Maybe she vent Mount Albert way Well well young people will act queer These nights are very dark so carry your lantern you hear the wind blow Mon day It was hard on the apples Potato digging Is the Job now but it wont be a big one We heard of one man got half a hag less than he planted Some have none An other man carried his home in Ids pocket Potatoes will Just be on the bill of faro occasionally this winter Miss Alice Is spending a week at Mi Thomas spent a week Irwin of Was Concert a one Ask Will a Humor afloat that one our girls Is soon to be married j- Miss MoCarnan and Miss Mae arriv ed Saturday- last Rafter six- weeks with friends In Detroit and Day City Mr 1 Smith and family loft for Toronto on Monday lost where they Intend residing for winter Mra I Kitchen of Toronto spent a few days with her son Prank Mrs Cooper of is with her brother Mr Mr Smith Tax Collector Is making bis rounds this week rate his year Is mills on the O00 Keswick riro a Tea and Concert on Thursday the twentysixth of October Tea will he served from six lo eight oclock after which Norman Mis sionary will give a lecture on Japan Illustrated with one hundred slides Ah Mr Norman has recently returned from Japan it wilt be very interesting and Instructive Try and bo there The fee Is only a quarter The ladles report having a very successful Red Cross Sewing on Tuesday afternoon They arc now arranging for a Christmas Sock to go to all our hoys in North in All young ladies are ask ed to fill a sock bring it to hall on Tuesday One would think by the looks of the fellows flying around here last night that there must have been a mix- up somewhere In Town MOUNT PEASANT Dont forget the Mission Hand meetings on Saturday afternoon at oclock at the home of Lizzie Hamil ton for devotional business- and work A very important part of meeting will be the presenting of a Life mem bers Certificate In the Society to their president Mrs Rev At kinson All girls welcome The worth 3rd Mr CARD OF THANKS Win of to express his sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their during the three years ill ness of his Miss Sarah and also in Connection with the fu neral r ASTRAY China Hog large size Black trow lot 106 West St about first week In October Information be gladly received bj Heeler Mc Donald Holland landing public are warned not to a nolo made by James la favor of Robert Hayes dated about March 1914 for eighty as same was stolen on Oct Robert Hayes young people of Sharon League intend holding Pumpkin Pie Social on November Local talent Mr Norman the Missionary from Japan will he with the League next Monday evening The Sharon League Is progressing under the care of the new officers The Missionary Topic will be taken by Miss Mary Brown and the League In charge of Miss Muriel Parr Mr Gardners sale turned out a huge success He Intends moving ft future home next week One of our young men Is looking rather these Wonder what happened Street Sunday night Never mind wont be always after meetings Miss Myrtle Ramsay Is spending a few days in Weston Leslie Ramsay and Walter Tate are taking a course in the Dominion School of Raldroadlng Wish lliein success Lin says ho likes League better than Sharon Why Mr Wllllton entertained friends Monday evening flolye taken in They aay got worthof thelr7nohby to say nothing right back Maybe the Ed- Ward bowled a party down to the Fair A trio of our young the Katie Kay Kva Taylor it at Markharh report a lovely No young bwoIIb to bo In the way you the poet saya Katie Kay as boy aay and drives dull away lovely Velma thou roarti Keep thy Thou art the light of little dear Ever in my fancy I boar And the echo sound Dont look ho blue That young Brownie la truo Ill a thousand pound There trade at the mill at present Our millor is fairly coining money Ho chop tone per day when he has the power v A great many removals are for this fall John had a great lion sale week and- is engaged proparingfor taking residence in tho Quean City Ho and his family will bo greatly in the Presbyterian Church and their financial and moral influence vcred great aislanca They are a Christian household have a good influence morally and socially Lest week a cablegram came to the John Cockburn family that George was wounded in battle On Sunday another mcaaago came to effect that his twin brother was wounded in the head It was a great shock lothom Mrs took it very fiord We hope for some more favorable following were guests for Owen To ronto at Mrs Thoa Morton Toronto wlio kept store here forty years ago called on old friends Justus and family of Toronto at Geo and Misses Foster and at and Cedar Brae calling on old friends Oct The foregoing items were writ ten for last week but forgot to put them in the mail Not enough rain for our baked clay farms say our North farmers Muskrats as bey used lo be known Is going on merrily Corn generally was only about half a crop In this section Ben Tom I ins on is the solo one who can boast a line crop The pota to crop was light only two pecks to Hie bushel as you might say As usual Tommy takes first big crop and big tubers but this year he cannot boast He only raises big ones lie weenie ones as well Tomlinsons thresher has for four weeks been clearing out the barns in Scott Tp He theyre big jobs and quick pay When your work is done your money is forthcoming bam will now be attended to You should seo Tidy Tommys berry field It is in Al order for next crop Not a weed or spear of grass to be ready for inspection Tidys very proud of it He detests I guess be must have read of the Sower and the Seed Silas came along one day get along- under a very fine tutor Lost of the Town paid a yialt to her Oldham mo an a viait with two of my moat lady friends but as Im getting along In years I find tho way the late Dr who after a abort of friendly inter course out a stick arid Mr arid Mrs North Sunday at Mr Duncan Crawfords There I four of my ataunch friends Mrs Carried Moved by Cole Hairica and resolved that Reeve Issue Newmarket Era WH J Rowland many moons ago a favorite scholar of John Owl She was so dare not attempt to particularize Mr and Mra Sam Park and a brood of Parka spent Sab bath at Some weeks ago Cora man showed gross for all the kindness showered upon her and home of James A where she had boon treated more as an honor ed guest than a servant Miss a lake- shore belle is now visiting Mrs Her face tells a story of good humor fidelity and lots of such things She suits us folks In amongst Baldwins MOO alio to be as Little Lottie For adino months post Eras have been very dilatory about get ting lo Baldwin aomotlmea ao late aa Monday The Chief will to put Allan Pinkcrton on the trail and see if ho can wak en them up or find a clue 300 200 Ernest Philip Shackmon 4 tavis Perry Claim J Cowleson Sheep W Hollar 2C2 Osborne Watson Sweet Joseph And that Corporate Seal be here to attached Carried Council adjourned lo meet Nov the at Sharon at oclock In the forenoon A R Clerk fJOllcTM QWILLtniDUnVO jjpjS I In our v ipw nice wry lain about more prominent corporations whose and dealt in on tho stock exchanges of Canada We be glad to send a copy to you Bankers Toronto ci Exchange I S3 King IVosf Toronto Canada Trio Womens will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs J on Wednesday at 230 A paper will be given by Mrs Rev Kemp who kindly of fered to help with the field comforts remember the boxen are to be pack ed at this Mr Carrol of the Laboratory will give a sacred concert with Mr Editions new phonograph in the Methodist Church Thursday Oct under the Auspices of the Young Ladles Class All funds to go to purchase comforts for soldiers The Presbyterians are their Anniversary on Nov with special services lo be followed by the usual Chicken Pie Supper on Monday evening- Nov Look out for full announcement next week Congratulations to the Young Peo ples Choir of the Presbyterian Church Their singing on Sabbath morning was much appreciated by Ihe congrega tion ft r I Cider will bo made on Thursday of each week till WWATSON if Mr and Mrs of Mount Albert were guests at Mr on Suojlay attended vRIe Hair on Mr by Ids mother arid Ruly were visiting In Sunday We are to e 8tln Mra flUiwJy Mra A Rose ipm her Jttfoer SloufMUa fAllap was making inquiries respecting the berryculture Oh says Tom my with a merry twinkle of his eye You just set them out and leave them Theyll do all right Tom didnt wish to discourage the man by tolling of all the toil and care On Friday night last Uncle Johnston and Aunt Sally retired early for they were tired with a work potatodigging were soon routed out by a thump al their door Get up what are you about Uncle Johnstons sister from way dowiiin old Michigan come for a visit They had not met and Uncle Johnston are Only survjvors of the original family Ave brothers and two sisters old potato diggers Aunt Sally and Uncle Johnston They were making a record for themselves as an ancient pair of potato diggers Oh my back I A company of about young people assembled at Will Mr Walter Jate of Toronto was home over Sunday Mr and Mrs Watson spent Sunday with friends in Au rora Miss is spend ing a few days in lie city Miss Lillian of Toron to spent Sunday at Mr Shropshires- Mrs Dally of spent Thursday with Mrs Way I Miss Maude is visiting friends in Gait for a days Miss Ida Proctor spent the weekend with friends- at Willow- dale Farm Co Mr Richard returned- after an absence of four weeks in the West Miss Merle Shropshire left last week to accept a situation in the city Mr and Mrs Newmarket spent Sunday with friends here Mrs Harry Wilson of Toronto is visiting her mother Mrs A for a few days Mr and Mrs of Au rora visited at Mr Arthurs on Sunday Monthly Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs Shaw on Wednesday afternoon Mr Cameron Miss Cam eron and Miss Robinson of White Hose spent Sunday at Lloyds Mr and Mrs Crone vis ited friends Mount Albert last Thursday I Abba Abraham Victor Anderson Alex Lieut Arnold Carman Harold Lieut Charlie Cameron Norman Day Cole Percy Davidson David Joe Grant Lloyd Herbert Russell Godfrey Seymour Guthrie Louis Elgin Hayes Or ley Kiclh Percy Charlie MacCauIcy Alex McGeachy John MoLeod Murdp Harry Isaac Montgomery John Morion Lee Purdy Prosser Thornton Poole Harry Rose Lyall Rose Stanley Rye Alvin Rye Freeman Rye Wesley Saunders Ross Saunders Will Fred Reginald Ralph Ross Stutely Stephens Bert Joe Frank Scott Lyall Lieut Taylor Roy Walter Thompson Eric Torbett David Arthur If there are any names which should be on this list or if there are any mistakes please notify anyone of the Honour Committee and the correction will be made Committee D V Mahoney D V Stiles If you feel headachy 5 fl Of YE of ChamberfainE Stomach and Liver tbay make liver do tea At HI Company Toroato Very noai priced red Parangs WOOPQTOOK COLLEGE WOODSTOCK OUT Offers a Specially Designed Course to Boys from Fan March Comprises English Agriculture Physics Manual Carpentry and Forging Commercial Lav Business Cor respondence Penmanship Commercial Arithmetic Bible A thoroughly practical training lo meet the needsof the young man on Farm Woodstock College Is a School for Boys and Men one of the Most Completely Equipped in Canada Other Courses Pass and Honor Matriculation and Business Write for Calendar A A For personal interview see Principal REAMAN Richmond Hill r The Headquarters Mess Building at Camp Borden was de stroyed by fire on Tuesday morn ing iOOO Prisoners The vill consist of cards and otter games and a musical Light refreshments will also I served Doors open at Admission A lea was the above fund on Friday It the proceeds being The bread is made in Svit- Commencing on Wednesday Nov 1st the Merchants of Sut ton have agreed among them selves lo close their places of business three nights per week Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days at six pm This will re main in effect until the of May This is a wise move as all Ihe oilier towns in the Province are doing this and the British and Ens general public are requested to young ladies assisting thebaic of Geneva and Berne in the tra duction of it The loaves are foot long and very thick I un derstand it is forwarded lo It Canadian Ambassador woo livers it lo Ihe British SI provides one man bread for a month and so fir it has reached them in a lory condition I to ft AN How it children your Us Mi the shop early in the day Social in Aid of the British Pris oners Bread Fund The ladies of the Daughters of the Empire and Red Cross Sut- IbnWest propose holding a So cial on Friday evening Nov 3rd I Barn in St James Hall Sutton in aid of the Bread Fund for British Regent dAa yfrff foorI ow B the bait he WvW no fcJ iblthtf UrtlMr- iadt Mrs P on Friday evening to tolf Bpsslo An enjoyable lime was A presentation and dress was included In the even- lugs enjoyment not a great tidmlror of addresses so will drop the subject by remarking Bessie a model young wo- In all respebtft whose her hi if has much nsi ijd of ally The postponed Municipal Council of tho rovrtuhiij held on above date all members of the meeUnjs confirmed read from Wilson from IU1 tiros re loUift Red the qui I the cor Sutton West r Mi- W was in the city over weekend doubt she went down lo see the new baby boy at Dick Mr and Mrs McDonald spent a portion of last week on a motor trip to Eugenia Falls and olher points of Ml Albert preached in the Church here on Sunday last at 3 pm He also spoke twice at Virginia on Sunday at the Anniversary ser vice The Metropolitan District Com will visit Sutton Lodge I O next Monday evening All the members requested to bo on hand will bo serv ed Mr Frank Kuior is back again at the Barber Shop He was in for a A bee was held at Harry Youngs on Monday afternoon to help take in the buckwheat and marsh bay The work was not all completed before rain Uncle To Cabin a full house on in thy Town Hall a faiv Oliver of fproaUi a with Oill Store for do in The Maxwell is Built for Cana Roads You may have an idea that perhaps the road conditions which your car must face are more trying than in other sections- of the country But the fact is that the Maxwell is built especially for your roads no matter how bad they may be Before even a single car is passed out by our shops it must stand tests that are many times more stringent than any difficul ties you will encounter in your vicinity Our tests for reliability and general serviceability much more efficient than any road test could possibly be We know that word is used literally actually what the going to do before it leaves our shops If you could see the large number of drop forging the splendid method of heat treating steels and other features of construction that enter into the building of the Maxwell you would not have any fear regarding its You may have hills We know that the Maxwell climb any hill you may have occasion to over You may have mud The Maxwell to built to stand any possible strain it could be asked to stand in legitimate driving The Maxwell built WITHOUT GUESSWORK- TO SUIT ALL part of the world it is giving satisfaction M mo St 1rrt Hills a Tr as Special itt had to i Up lnr-f- me HI Will West at Mr Mr and Mi t Laws Miss a week Mrs is it j j wto Miss Vera for lbodl8l Chi of i by TEMP Mount Tun a Miss and in in nil lid Mi I l ARr OFON7

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