Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 20, 1916, p. 4

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S4N l i 1 carton and pour out the pure clean lraFINEc no In Wo Cqriiliart during the Vast at- tendon that in Winning what sho failed to confessed I be to the Wilfrid dOv not wilt all good lis for it and I am ft will not result in all tlioV bad expect frprn It but as wo wilnoHH glorious- part thoU woman Ik taking soVve a no sacrifice for The highest best if contention is that is no reason she should the ballot if who wants it With- declaration bo foro Us the people of will not bo surprised hear member of tho Com- Chatham A few ycara ago I suffered a general breakdown got next Wwit nnii vtna I I 3w- KM rat or fi for 2 and Gib and bags a jH I tlV tot A Sugar Ltd Power Furnace Work I L Plumbing Our Specialties finely nervous of women them to terrors of nervous which- no man can ever appreciate of mind tho mental pjidcalihhcj which arc for worurfpood arc only ii In i perfectly healthy condition If bo any this respect no remedy in fltorca womanly health wonderful Favorite Prescription invented by Dr PH V OVA co favoring rage Of course women suff- Liberal Leader- expressed thought that bo a delicate question for a gaged in politics considering present stage of Canadian arid witnessing the inspiring influ ence and part of woman in tho routes t event of history he felt Justified in not evading an earn est request for of his conviolion very weak and thin I vaa in on fltatc J very much discouraged and at times I would mind I I got his Favorite Prescription mo relief and completely cured mo In a very short My It with in very condition I got her to it and two bottles cured her com- take great In Dr all that is recommended of them Mna Park lUllTTfSna Yes were- knitting knitting Kings the maid gleq Knitting knitting gladly knitting lads the sea Knitting socks and- knitting mlU lefts V click the fly While lhe gifting jwiien ho figbtrng I dark for And that had the of it ail could bitten her the next having tillered words bill had been too proud to withdrew them and when note next day saying thatafter what hail said ho could not do oth erwise hah release from her she bad sobbed overJt in secret but had left itupan- ho had gone live alone in the little Sophy who engaged to daily for three pence weok had for Well her was over had with- the ministrations of Sophy Denis received Uo dis covered he had used up all- the plates Selecting the least dirty from the pile of crockery on the table ho held it under Uio tap the cold water though it -h- liberally over the scullery floor very frnprejiion on the bacon fat and his luncheon that day was not at all appetizing Ills heart was very heavy as ho pulled the front door to lie was glad to get away the little he told himself returned it was not too him to notice that some- front ivriate j Fran I t i i Vegetable Has Womans Most Reliable More Violet Ray the shrap and bullntB happened to the Tdoor knocker The hall too Yes were vaguely was Yes were knitting more inviting But it yas not until he Sings the wife in sadder strain re- Knitting while the husbands miracle had happen fighting- A See the Bathroom Outfit- at Shop I TUB LKAOING TINSMITHS SONS NEXT TO SMITHS fc OXIDIZED On Short Machinery for Sale A DAVIS East of Bank of Newmarket ST I OF I All Kinds Floral of every sorlptlon on short notice W PHONE 125 IB Weeklies in Canada now charge per your Dur ing September papers were added to the list In Ontario Blank newspaper has hourly doubled in price the last six months and many printers are trouble in getting supplies Speaking of Bank amalgama tion the lobe of Saturday re marks- were thirtyfour chartered Banks in ten years ago Royal Bank absorbs Quebec there will bo twentyone The merger idea Is being overdone Soon a vory small group of Bank Presidents and Managers will control of the entire Dominion That constitutes very na tional danger A cablegram from London announced that the British Government hud decided to ap point a Commission to take steps necessary to secure ade quate and regular supplies of wheat and flour This announce ment was made in the House of Commons by the President of the Board of Trade who said it had become clear that the supplying of wheat for Great Britain could not be left to private enterprise Already the Government haw made it clear that supplying wheat for Great Britain couldnt be left to private enterprise Al ready the Government has made a large purchase of wheat in Australia had to bo- made soldiers had to be inoculated against typhoid fever and food fodder for men and horses suppiicd The provinces vied with each other in sending grain cheese potatoes salmon and horses The women Canada sent money for the nospitals knit socks made bandages and shirts and sent every comfort to their husbands brothers or lovers who have so nobly taken up arms to shield them as well oh their country from all harm The Children of Canada put their pennies together and bought a Motor Ambulance Everyone has dour ami we hope everyone will do his or her bit And now because the war- is so much brighter we should not slacken in our efforts There are still men needed there are still battles to be fought wounded and brokendown the old flag hoar no stain Weaving thoughts of home and loved ones- into scarves and mittens grey Even though his blood should stain them Yet wc would not have him stay Yes were knitting proudly ting Flings the mothers grand paean Knitting for the sons weve given To the cause of God and man Knitting that our childrens Soon may sing the glad Amen As the chorus swells to heaven on earth good will to men Christie Campbell TnufhlPMAUr i It had been going on all the morning and it was driving him I to distraction Eirstil had been Love Me and the World is Mine that had been through the bed- making the stairs had been swept to It was Only a Beautiful Picture and now 1 Dreamt I diers to be cared for to in j equip and GET THE BEST I IT PAYS and Toronto Is In all de partments We 1 more than positions to fill In two montha id year Enter any time free J ELLIOTT Excursions- trip tickets- to points in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Al berta via North Bay Cochrane and Transcontinental Route or via Chicago St Paul or Duluth on sale each Tuesday until Oct 3l8t inclusive at low fares Through Sleeping to WINNIPEG on above dates Toronto p no change of via TWO MS of date of return limit on all Tickets Mr made a profound impression by his at don in which he declared once more that the successful prose cution of this war transcended in importance all other considera tions and problems In their re lation to the war he discussed three rnain issues Prohibition Nickel and Hydro Legis lature he said by the consent of both parlies has put the re sponsibility of finally determining ing the Prohibition question up on the people themselves in a referendum and no political par ly dare withdraw from the peo ple that right now conferred up on I would a thousand times over he added bring a message of hope to homes where there lias been discouragement and despair Hum be Premier of this Province Mr as sailed Hearst Government in the most vigorous terms for its laxity on the nickel question and also declared for keeping the Hy dro strictly out of politics He criticized the Governments effort to draw it into arena of par tisan control knit hospitals to money to raise And now do you suppose that Canadas part will end when the war in oyer No indeed it will not for many over the Atlantic who have lost all will start anew on our broad acres in the West and it will he up to us to make ours a greater and better Canada for them so that in years to come their children will brag that they were born in Canada beneath the British Flag Lena CANADIAN CASUALTIES Up till October the total number of casualties among of ficers and men of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces was according to figures compiled by the Casualty Record Office in The number is made up as follows Killed in action Died of wounds 3120 Died of sickness 552 Presumed dead Missing 1372 Wounded 37939 made the accompaniment to he cooking of dinner Jlithely but relentlessly the voice in the kitchen sang But of all I dreamt what charm ed the most Was that you loved me still the the That you loved me still Denis groaned and flung down his pen he be expected to write noise going on If only she would finish beastly thing and start something fresh I might steel myself to hear it he said aloud That you me still the si- me the He pushed his chair hack nois ily and strode ino the passage That you loved me still the same the same CANADAS fj THE WAR I Berth reservations and full par ticulars at all Grand Trunk Tick et Office or write HORNING J District Passenger Agent Toron to I Depot Agent Phone J Phone J lOVl J I I Top Carriage Horse Buggy lp Newmarket ML OUrTlebrM doors address that won the prize at East School Fair held at Sharon Ft was delivered by Miss Lena Smith of War caine to us without warn ing like a thunderbolt fropi a clear sky were a peacelov ing people ignorant of Ger manys preparations yet in seven weeks time we bad gathered an army whch in a few weeks after saved Calais on the iiv months we bad thirty- three thousand men They from the workshops from wheat Holds in the West from the faring and or chards in the from the of from the mi camps British fa part moiv to frtniHani count our pi en in hundred in out the 1 of No Pleasant Report for October Marks possible Mahoney Ruby Hamil ton Herbert 300 Lloyd Stiles 111 Marks possible 350 Harris Wight 302 Ruth Bosworlh 289 Myrtle Stiles absent Jr 111 Marks possible Lizzie York Jack Stiles Joe Johnston Everett Sweet Tom Stephens 124 Cora Marshall and Clara Sanders ab sent Marks possible Warren Delia Hop kins Jr Marks possible Thompson Jean Ham ilton Marshall 80 I Marks possible 300 Frank Wight Thomp son Clifford Fred Stephens Mildred Abbs Nora 199 Allan York 194 Lome Mahoney 141 Jr Marks possible fred Wight Verne Pearson Irene 173 Marks possible Lloyvi Stephens 196 Delia 175 Everett King Jr Copland Stiles Freeman ma Annie Har old Copland Bandera Cooper Rose Marshall Alice ft gives me much pleasure to announce that Gordon Stephens a a Fountain Pen as for the- bast writing lust term I Gordon on his leg- This term sr twodollar prize will be awarded tile pupil highest conduct mures he shouted with finality and re turning to his den he closed the door with a bang There was si lence at last deep and blissful He picked up his work and was soon absorbed in it The sound of a door slamming in the dis tance did not disturb him in any way and at the moment it never occurred to him to connect it with Sophy and her vocal efforts Sophy he called and then again more loudly There was no answer and he proceeded to the kitchen He glanced around the stove was the linoleum unwash ed and the pretty dinner service All these things his mind failed to take in but he wondered vaguely why it was it all looked so different that night when had put plates all along the dresser shelves and had danced around rooms clapping her hands like the baby she was at the result That was three nights before the wedding was to have- been one night before that ridiculous The plates and dishes were washed and shining once more in orderly rows upon the dresser What did it wean told himself that he could not think of any explanation yet all the lime in heart a little bird was sing ing a wild irrepressible song He made lea and ate his supper to the accompaniment of its song and it trilled to him In his dreams that night The next day at two o clock he left the house and hur ried down the road Exactly an hour later he returned and his heart gave a great bound The front gate was not as ho had loft it He cautiously down the side path until ho was within a few paces of- the kitchen window then he some one was singing soitiy i Dreamed that I Dwelt in marble Halls on heaveniy sound had music sweeter in his ears up to the and peered in A girl in a largo apron stood by the labe her soft arms deep in flour Denis Al- itiorpe held his breath and gazed intent upon her worK Kneaded her dough and hummed her song quite unconscious of observation and it was not until the man fell across the doorway that sue tunica nor head When he spoke his words were incoherent My Darling he said again If you knew how miserable I have been she whispered brok enly could not resist the couid ln of walking past the with lhisl oh Denis it was Then I along the path and peeped into the kitchen I simply could not stand it You know I still have one of the latchkeys so I flew round lo the front door and had it open in a moment and do you know what wuslhe first thing I did Polished the knocker Hut she shook her head and dragging him along the passage she flung open Ihc dining room door dramatically Love Tri umphant in all its glory hung over the mantleplece Of course I knew that you had hung it where I wanted it the mo ment I had gone she said But it wasnt going to stay there so I just brought it in here Denis strode towards it If it thinks its going to stay where it is now its very much mistaken he said Then they looked at each other and laughed Here we are just going to quarrel about it again cried Its a very apple of dis cord I know I Well hang it in the hall only do let me brush a Utile of the flour off you firsts cO To women who are suffering from form of womans special ills and have a constant fear of breaking down the three following letters ought to bring hope IS North Wis When I was 16 old I got married and at 18 years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very poor health I could not walk across tbe floor without having to sit down to rest and it was hard for mo to keep about and do work I went to a doctor and he told me I a displacement and ulcers and would have to have an operation frightened me to much that I did not know what to do Having heard of Lydia Vegetable Compound I thought I would give it a trial and it made me well as ever I cannot say enough in favor of tho remedies Mrs North Wis Testimony from Oklahoma Okla When I began to take Vegetable Compound I seemed to be good for nothing I tired easily and had headaches much of the time and was irregular I took it again before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount of ood at that time I never fail to recommend disagreement lhaC lift could at for its sheer absurdity were not for the fact that it had blotted all the sunshine out of his life And the irony of it Love Triumphant had been the cause it all He had intended to hang it In the dininglroom had declared it was a shame to put it anywhere but in the drawing- room Underlying the halflaughing discussion there was a dogged ob stinacy on both sides re fused to way and little they had grown more seri ous until prompt ed lb matte Ihul little speech You are horrid she had said ail the rest I should thought tbul after all I am up for you you would let me have my own way in things like this Jt was there was a grain of truth in the speech that it baa hurl him was sac rlflcfrig a great deal to wry him a luxurious tibJiib- and plenty Of to spend on clothes YOUnOlLF WHY WAG THE MILK CPULCD It Is no use to cry over spilled milk says the proverb and no one will question Its truth Tears help little with most things- But tears will not put spilled milk back In the that does not mean that It never nays to examine Into the causes of an accident or analyze Die actors that are responsible or a disastrous mistake A great many young men dismiss from their minds soon as possible alt recollections of a past mistake It Is too late to help now Is said numberless times often with a of flippancy And so It is No of reflection can undo a single act or unsay a word that has been spoken But it is quite possible that a serious would prevent the repetition of that mistake Why was the in the first place Its no nee to cry about it to he sure but it extremely to find out the answer to Perhaps you at something across the street attending strictly you were trying to pitcher of milk in hand a flower pot hi I the l to I iiU parol the way PwnfulflUiii p- w vegetable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much for me Mrs A MoOablahd Have St Lawton Okla From a Grateful Woman Mass I was suffering from inflam- j and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble oy a My wore bearing down pains backache and sluggish liver I tried several kinds of medi cine then I was asked to try Vegetable Compound It has cured me and I am pleased to bo in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it Mrs Osgood Park Mass If you special advice to Medicine Co confidential Lynn Mass Your letter will bo opened read and answered by a woman and held fltrlct confidence Or J the Royal and former throat of flee 818 New I St Heal Estate BOX 373 WATOHMAKK Pari Cor PAINTER AN Ave Queen Colt and Hot and market of Pi an Dealer Instrument PIAN for aj ELECTRIC HEATING APPLIANCES I have at present a complete stock of Electric Healing and Cooking Appliances as iooo Iron Canadian Iron 376 Canadian Beauty Toaster 376 Hughes Electric Ranges In all sizes I Grill Stove GO Hughes Stovo 3heat10W the Era Iv Paper is if in order It pays to use an Electric Iron in the summer to use up the 50c minimum for current The low rale of k hour for cooking now ob tainable in Newmarket makes the Electric Range a for the average family ALFRED R STARR Electrical Contractor MARKET IVo are for boat makes of Sewing Olio Bolts VJo 3 of boat Machines Raymond and and oui prices from to and those before you purchaso FRED SKINNER Mil LATEST before Cut for in Stock Undertakers License In Furniture and Funeral License 310 HURON Hi WiJAWlLvi- Yon AND l Designs He AH kinds and see eh W of On JOHN OOANrTES I fc i To ME Every Lover of MADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite add Five Rose GOOD Us a com I Of i i TORONTO

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