Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 20, 1916, p. 1

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l 1 J JACKSON Editor and Proprietor v v THE RANGES AND HEATERS Electric and Coal I I Oil Heaters Mechanics Tools Roofing Pipes and Fittings Paints Varnishes and Stains Automobile Accessories iv THE PAINT STORE Phone NEWMARKET MOW laid own irton ESTABLISHED BOAIlb OP DIRECTORS t sir vikceht lasiDim But a C Hue A Capital Paid up 10000000 IMMdtd Deposit of upward received dud Iutertfltollovied at rates Savings Department account given ftpeclal attention in Ross Manager Newmarket Branch i Our Toronto tetter In addressing their congrega tion oh Day a douploof prominent MlnielorH itiuoKhl Thanksgiving should be hold on Wednesday Instead of Monday hut seem to forget thai holding- op Monday affords an opportunity for thousands of people to visit friends at a dis tance from Saturday Monday night The Toronto campaign to raise for the British Red Society la now well under way and very decided interest in being shown by citizens who Aire lo help A team of fifty men are- making a canvass of the city Sir Wilfrid recent speech in London Ont on wo mens suffrage Is con- diaoussibh in political circles Ah the next municipal election approaches trouble in the City Council nor eases In the Works Department blackmail was charged by an Alderman On Friday and Saturday last constables wore in search of a yoarold loft bis home on Tuesday and was giving great anxiety to his parents Sir Wilfrid left Toron to on Friday evening accompa nied by Hon Clias Murphy and his private secretary It Is satisfactory to know that the Ontario Government do not Intend grant a wine and beer license or introduce legislation in regard thereto This forms the subject of a recent observa tion by a Cabinet Minister The Board of License Commissioners The following ley was on Mon day by his mother Dear Folks at Homo dated and was glad lb near from you Wqlj Dad I wish could have with me during the past tt days I have bad the best trip of my life Suppose Dave has told you about it in his letter To start at the he- ginning on Sept I went to and saw Harry Will McCaffrey Hill Stayed there oyer Sunday a beautiful summer resort in peace times oh a high bank ovorlooking the channel On a clear day you can see the shores of Franco hear the roar of can non and see battleships and air ships heft for London at pm ar riving there about Found Dave and Lea and left at for Edinburgh arriving there about Monday morn ing Cant say enjoyed a very good sleep however was ready for sightseeing hol iday here so decided lo to Glasgow and spent the day there Went through the Municipal Buildings the Cathedral which is one of the oldest In the Museum University and Kel vin Park then street cars around the city lo see all we could and returned to Edinburgh that night and went to show Tuesday morning we went through Castle and is watching invalid wine sales me it is some sight it SOUTH END LUMBER YARD LUMBER AT HALF PRICE To Clear 12 P Out Odd Lots OF HEMLOCK PLANKS and 10 Inches Wide To per ft W PEARSON Phone BO Order from Carter Alt John Murphy INCORPORATED 1856 OP Fund The Toronto with f years A Experience with cuapie sources with large reserve and with J widely exttudod to Merchant and otbbr Men an unexcelled Ranking Service Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET A LISTER Manager r OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES ALSO POSTS ETC TRIM Norway Branch of the Association during last week severely criticized both the Dominion and iiieiHft Next election will witness a decided change in the political history of the country The Methodist Mission Board is planning for an increase of over the giving of last year The Board is making a bid lor this conference year St Andrews Society elected of ficers for another year on Friday I night at- a meeting the Queens Hotel Mr Major alt was President and George Keith Secretary An aged man named OBrien was acquitted of the charge of fortune telling at the Sessions on Friday The increase being made lo City cartage men will mean an addition of 102j000 Toronto municipal expenses pdr year A man named Geo Calhoun was accidentally thrown from a passenger train last week and so badly crushed that he died at the Hospital a few hours lalcri He was engaged on the Elcctrio staff have taken steps to cheek the watches of constables To this end a conference is be ing held with the Chairman of the Royal Highway Commission Mo- are keeping strict account of timepieces now as they be lieve they have suffered Ones in consequence of had timepieces No was found by the Grand Jury against John M Henderson who was charged with man slaughter tin death of May last August driving an automobile Street Baptist Church ex tended a call to A Ben son lo become pastor He has lately returned from India Col Mitchell of Toronto has been made flrsl Staff Officer of the Second Army of the Brit ish Staff He has served with distinction on the Western fron tier The Feast of Tabernacles rem iniscent of days long ago among Jewish people always observed by the descendants of Abraham was duly celebrated last week Spe cial services commenced on Wed nesday and continued till Friday The Methodist and Presbyteri an Churches of Toronto are unit ing to stop overlapping ft has been decided thai the fees to pupils of night schools shall bo per During last week the Ontario Railway Board granted the appli cation of the Toronto Suburban Railway Co for permission to its railway tracks on Daven port Road easterly from I Vat hurst Street but decided in favor of the City in regard construction The anniversary of the granting of a charier lo Victoria College was duly celebrated last Friday a large gather ing in Convocation principal speaker being P P As re- suit of the war here were only in at the College this year two years tutu In ere were lime W while crossing College knocked by an auto driven by A He- took Crawud to a doctor but to his For tins omission Mikijtratc tin an immense building on a high hill or rather rocli and a large stone wall arounu it We had a guide and gave loin one shilling You see how fought years ago places where Kings and Queen were beheaded old can nons etc I will send you a book all about this place In the after upon we lo Bridge which is supposed to be the longest the world Haw battleships of all kinds On through and to Arthurs Heal which is a high mountain In the afternoon we went back lo Forth Bridge and had the pleas ure of being taken aboard Ihb- a large battleship Cant give you panic censor wont let me Really Dad I describe what is like This ship was in lire lasl naval battle so heard and saw things which I would love to tell you about hut are forbidden to mention TJiis took up all the afternoon and you are only allowed on at certain times so that is the rea son we made two trips Well on Thursday I went through John Knox House Nelsons Monument Sir Walter Scotts Monument ft high and with cost ing about and you can see a great deal of the city from here Next through the Museum which is simply grand You real ly want a day to see this properly and do it justice moat wonderful pictures in the world called The Light of the World valued at an of an hour for din- after which we were taken through the Houses of now I can- say I have been through Parliament This I- took time- after which we driven the city past Buckingham Palace the home of the King and Queen the War Hyde Park rind also were taken through the Dog Ceme tery where the big bugs bury their dogs There were three graves logelllor and the follow ing names- engraved thereon Faddy Scotch and Whis key names for dogs I Drove past Bank of England Su preme Court and In teresting buildings and finally ended with going through Wost- Abbey where the Kings Queens and notable people are buried but ailHie finest statues are covered with sandbags for fear of air raids At night I went to another opera Returned about had a bath and was Just crawling into bed when Dang Bang follow ed- by several others and upon looking out of my window believe me Dad I saw a sight never to be forgotten for just above was a German dropping bombs You could see the beggars would love lo use stronger language as the searchlights were playing upon They were firing at Ihem from the- an tiaircraft guns You would hear a bang then you see the shells bursting around the Zepp It was a line sight in one way but oh the results hut gee was great when hey hit the All you could see was a great flash in the sky and a burning mass makea dash for the earth You should have heard the shouts and whistles when it was struck It simply deafening lit about 20 miles from Lon don and was smashed lo bits all killed in it They got two that night There were killed and injured from bombs in Lon don About 130 retired and had a good sleep Sunday morn ing attended service at miusler Abbey aud heard a splen did sermon After dinner anoth er Sergeant and I went to see the where the bombs were dropped It sure made a mess of things but it never touched anything of military importance Smashed a few houses and a Station but windows were broken for blocks After thai I went through the Zoo is a Zoo al right You could put in a day there easily and then not see all It was free to soldiers Left al for camp and arrived hack here about 1030 regretting thai my trip had ended I travelled nearly GOO miles altogether paid railway fare board andolher ex penses It cost me between and and I was away days Landed back here with cents lo my name but happy Had the best trip I ever had in my life white over Yin Which 1 do enough for anqnaipno anolner DOYLE Whoso photograph we repro duce above was recently killed in France Up was born in Toron to years ago When only 4 years of age his mother died from the result of an accident The home was then broken and young Maxwell was given in charge the Catholic Orphanage at ny8ide where he remained about years He was then employed by Mr Ambrose a farm er living near Here Rev Father Wedlock at that time Pastor at came in contact with the lad Sun day School Class Finding him exceptionally clever he took an interest in him engaged him as his chore- boy and sent to for three years Later on Rev Father McOrath engaged him and kept until be finish ed his course in the Continuation School at Scbomberg After suc cessfully passing his Junior Leaving examination he enlisted with a Toronto Battalion in July last year The above is a true representa tion of bis continual cheerful and happy expression It may be tru ly said of him that he wore the smile that never comes off His sunny and genial disposition made him a great favorite with all who knew him He had won he of all To know him was lo love His sad past gloom upon his many friends His father is a member of a Battalion Band and is now in England Bis sister Mary lives in Toronto and his older sister Annie is a nun in a Catholic Con vent in Minneapolis w o LUC picturesque the world have stop writing and part in the service Wo expect to got fourday pass a so you see- 1 will bo able to visit the other principal England say only that I am enjoying life and well only for my inoculation Well I will close I6ve from i from Era Oct Married By Elder at the home of the brides father on the Mr Ha- mer of Wisconsin to Miss Powell of East Died In King he Mr John years King Township Agricultural Society held fts fail Show at Las- on Tuesday when entries were made attendance was good Bradford sporting people bad a list of races competed or last week Dr of Bradford was a leading figure in the man agement Dr J J Hunter has A from an extended tour in several Slates of the neighboring lie A Sabbath School Picnic is an- inn iiiihii is- an- nounced to be held at Hockings Corners in the of Whifcburch on -V- I on the At the annual meeting of the Methodist Sunday School Teach ers on Friday night Mr J J Pearson was elected lendent f loinorrow will go hard Next- St Giles Cathedral- which is grand the marble anylOdyuseyou stone also wood was all done by hand took two years lo do I cant be- gin to describe the beauty of this Monday guess you have building I before Ibis 1 The streets are and clean Went through several stores and bother us except we certainly are line and very w Polled out bed and made to dress about am ready in ease anything happens don arriving there about 730 On Friday morning found a lodging f houfi and had breakfast then gh marches Las night hey went through Madame oui until doing Wax Works Believe it was rencl1 l l great I heard you tell of out as been having si materials but Left Thursday night very or Lon- of work Den of I petting belter all the time Have weather lately had some line being through the in New York through the same here They have wax figures of Kings and Ipday I sup- Que I mi heal full equipment on and if is sore it with me I arrived homo on Wednesday after having spent my six days leave in the Capital London During Ibis time I never saw things of as much interest in my life The first look a trip around London and saw the prin cipal parts of the City During thai trip we visited The Albert Memorial Albert was the hus band of Queen Victoria We al so wenl through Westminster Abbey which are the statues of great We also visited St James Cathedral which much of the same character This very pleasant trip me five shillings and six pence was well Worth the money That same price took us into the theatre that night The theatre was called the Coliseum was much the same as Toronto Saturday morning was spent in bed as we did not get in the night before until half past twelve On Saturday afternoon we took in the Lyceum Theatre The play which was on that afternoon was Women and Wine This was the greatest dramatic play I ever saw carried In some in stances melted the audience lo tears Sunday was spent mostly in mission ied him and aw a mnke don about and it only cost lo go so you see it isnt far from London That night the lady who looks after the Peel House asked me if I- would care lo go to the opera so gave mo a ticket which otherwise would have cost It was fine and talk about beautiful build ings Weill never saw equal in Canada Saturday went on a touring rip through he city which cost me and enjoyed it 15 in the trip and all soldiers and Australians myself From Fyle Oct 10 The Altar on the Mr Tims Newmarket to Mrs Eleanor Burr of Leilh near Sound By Rev McKay on the ullj Mr Alonzo Wesley to Miss Lorelta Sluffles The Tomb At on the aged years In Whitchurch on the Mr Wm in his year Mr Bert Lloyd son of Town Clerk of Newmarket of the Ontario Bank Kingston is now home for a couple of weeks holidays Miss Ida Pearson of Grove left last week for a visit with friends in Michigan Mr Webb and son took in the Western Excursion to visit friends in Michigan Mrs Robert Pearson and Mrs have gone on a visit lo friends at Mrs Martha Ross of North left a few days ago to visit friends in Dakota MrK Johnson the Cana dian athlete was in town on Sat urday An obituary of the late James Rogers Of King appears in to days The Harvest Home services at the Methodist Church Mon day proved very successful Tho singing by Mrs Wright and was specially good and the excellent Little Pegg laughter of the Reeve of Fast passed away on Monday Tuesday was the anniver sary of the Battle of Heights in which General Brock fell Pupils of the Model honored the day by writing positions thereon I i 1 I gelling fat and having 1 1 W the best of times West of London Here we saw all the Ihe world On Wednesday it rained so wo did not out much During our in Loudon Ivan Smith and well the VOJf WO do drill hard occasionally of love lo all sure in write often He loving son We Tin the only Canadian among Minn We guide who ex- to Tower and saw he Crown levels valued at J2Q00i 16 finance the war for England two days Cant be- gin to tell you one half of what I sow bore visited a following letter from Ross was received Monday by bis Dear Molhei am writing now I do not feel like it We yester day and this lim we as much the three received in Newmarket So have been feeling lough all day have scarcely able crawl around my re ay I is mo so But l hope to bo as going start with Mr Mr Pearson and my self chummed anil made our home at the House on Regency Street At night Vwic Some jobto find way back You the do not run if they do Toronto You come corner seven branch from it and you dont know which to take However I lost my way and 1 was alone times During stay in Loudon I av one of my old school mates Who should it be Bill Hie knew me he hud chap god bo l0 Stale of Ohio City of County Frank J Cheney oath that he Is senior of the firm of J Cheney Co la the City of Toledo County and afore said and that said ray the sum of DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be by the use of HALLS CATARRH FRANK J CHENEY to before me and subscribed in preseoee this day of tit- A I A Halts Catarrh Core is anil acts directly upon blood add mucous of the leuiSead fnr J ft Sold by all Tale Raps Family Pills for tattoo Any man run hold fussy baby for an without saying naughty in a With slob 5tJ

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