JteiS ivi mm XSi Se A Ar If a IS fei w r a J J 100 438 1050 i ill is n our window you an a nice White and SLfajhi Pleoo Dinner of SI quality to 413M All Lines of Wow millinery Co Cunafd and Francis 20th There over 506allendinR r Testis river Ford at the bridge site AT to reduce stook plece English China Te Very neat patterns colors Priced from up to reduce qulok Importer of and Fancy China PHOTOGRAPH A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How it would delight your children how It would please your friends Us Make Them E Studio One Door West of the New Post Field EveVyone interested in J Field Comforts work please attend a meeting the roomSi oh Sept ftt 330 oclock Work is be discussed and interesU1 is urgently requested lb aU tendiJ Another carload of papers and magazines id the of the please save them tying bufndles papers and magazines separately lice will be given later when the collections will be made the save save save I Home Coming and Rally Day Next Sunday will be a great day at the Christian Church It will Be Bome Coming arid Rally Day Letters have been sent into all parts of the communjty by dif ferent members of the Church inviting the lends of the Church to come It will also be Old Folks Day The Pastor will preach on Glorious Old Age The sermon will be a review of life Mr Willis SrV will sing The Model Church We to see all the old people of New market at and in order that they might get to church wo want the members who have au tomobiles or buggies to donate their services in going after the old people and soldiers families and bring them to church at this service Also anyone in town who will use his automobile to aid this service please notify the Pastor by phone at once- He- member that not only the old folks are asked especially to come but we want the families of all the soldiers of Newmarket to be present At will be opening the Fall Termof the Our motto is three hundred The Pastor will present a book to the teacher who has the largest increase of new members The services will be held in the main auditorium A splendid program has been prepared will be no study of the lesson at this lime At night the Paslor will preach on The Name and Creed of the Church Great crowds are expected at all these services next Sunday If you want seats come early Com to ho Mens Own While operating an wheel it foundry on Wednesday morn ing Mr bad his hand bad ly Injured piece of he was holding slipped and his hand was scraped to the- bone O i The By special members of this class in Methodist- Sunder School are asked to attend next Sun day at for important as well as the usual- class study Cutiard and Francis Ford on Sept at the Annual Convention This year the Annual Convention of the CTi for and Peel CouilUes will be held on Sept and 20th the Christian Church at Keswick paeersoperaUna northeast shore said the ttiMaortnye8t than the causing ms as J Pickering College in Pupils wishing to enter for lessons In Art and- Vocal Music at the College this ternt should communicate with Mrs Firth riot later than Saturday Sept Mr W1U was visiting at Mr A GibBbns little Howard were visiting Mriv Stiekwood on Sunday That photo of bur is a stun- The general of those that went Id the is that is better than ever Mrs Hall and Mrs spent Tuesday with Mrs GoodeV understand Mr has rented his farm and Intends moving to Toronto this keep on knitting for the soldiers it Is a worthy way to spend spare Mrs Wilfred Pegg is still confined to her bed Larry D I 3 ai I Li v v V Grace and Francis Ford At Patricia Theatre beginning Sept in Peg O the Ring Canada Yearly Meeting About the usual number of Friends attended the Yearly Meeting In Picker ing College last week and the services on Sunday in the Friends Church were well attended and greatly ap preciated NEW Harness Works Hiding secured the on St Newmarket adjoining Stair Hills Shop I have a full sfock of Trunks SultCvea Club Bags wU as everything required in line 9 attention given to Repairs had years of experience I urn to give at charges a call when In NOTTINGHAM OF TWO And Lots In Under power given In two certain Mortgages which will be produced at of kale there will he offered le by Public Auction at the King Hotel Newmarket on day of 1816 the hour of oclock forenoon J following properties In house and lot on the north side of Millard where a lives being There Is a good- lot with house situated In jnble residents The We Is vell built and In fair repair A cement clad house situated g Us West tide of Prospect Street Jtvmarkel and being second north of Starks foundry The J Is finely and on a fair lot and Is a very desirable tce for toy person SALE per cent cash of sile Sufficient to make 60 of purchase money to be thereafter when a deed w given and mortgage taken for at per cent for years will be sold reserved bide to be fixed by Another for Newmarket High School The attendance at Newmarket High School is so large that special meeting of the Trustees was held oh Tuesday evening to discuss the situation There are no less than 54 in the 1st Form and beginners in the Commercial Class There is every probability that the attend ance will be over by the of next month All the members of the Board were present Rev M J Wed lock Chairman Messrs A Ross J C Watson Jackson and Dr Hull At the request of the Chair man Principal address ed the Board reviewing the re sults of the work of the last year showing the advisability of a seventh teacher if the pupils in all forms are to have ihe atten tion and assistance which they require to maintain the advanced record of the School There are now 182 on the roll and of this number come daily car and by train The Town students form about 40 per cent of attendance this year After discussing the question for over an hour it was decided to appoint a seventh Teacher at salary of and the posi tion was offered to Miss Bertha Robinson one of the bright young ladies of the town daughter of Mr Thos who won Scholarships at Newmarket High School and is at present teaching at Pine Orchard We understand that Miss Rob inson has accepted the position subject to the usual months no tice The salary of Mr J lingshcad an efficient member of the staff who has done noble duty for many years and remain ed here in the face of tempting increase elsewhere was raised per annum The use of various Toxt Books for the Upper School was by the Board Owing to the pupils who come by train having to remain at the school for study till after six oclock the Repair Committee was authorized to provide elec tric light in two rooms one for girls and the other for boys The Supply was in structed to procure two rows of standard single seals to accommodation for new pupils The sum of was appropri ated for Supplies for The Committee appointed to make an addition to the Library was prepared to report but the Board approved of the pur chase of a book by Mr J formerly of Newmar ket entitled The Worlds Seven Methodist 8 8 Rally Day practice was continued at the Methodist S S last Sunday The musfo is specially good and the presence of the orchestra was a great assistance No trouble Is being spar ed to make Rally Day this year a very special occasion The date Is Sept 2ith- a week from next Sunday All friends the School are urged to plan out to visit us that day Further particulars will be given out next week as to program etc attendance keeps on Increasing In spite of the best efforts of the Blues the Reds keep on Increasing their lead adding 80 miles more- last Sunday Work is about to commence on the good roads The material for the building of Ihe road is arriv ing and the steam roller is on hand There passed away on Monday evening ono of the oldest and most highly respected residents of this neighborhood in the per son of Mrs Button in her year She had been in fail ing health for some timer and the end was not unexpected The deceased who was a the late P Bartholomew was in this neighborhood and had lived hero practically all- her life Of a kind and unostentatious na ture she was a true friend and kind neighbor Her husband the late Newbury Bulton predeceased her about four years ago The funeral which was held on Thursday afternoon was attend ed by a large concourse of rela tives and friends k i SAYS THE BANKER are a credit to the nation because they give me full for every cent they cost ft I r mm sswi I a A Of I in Sam ad a J J- J Sit 3 T A Acknowledgments Letters have been received from the following Newmarket Boys overseas during the last week by the Field So ciety Pte F Jones Wm Dixon Pie Sapper H Pie R If W J McTavish cCorp CarlStouffer Corp W Bailey Sorgt Harden Pie R Jones Silas Miller Ross Bo To see Grace Gunard and Francis Ford at Patricia Theatre on Sept 20th Christian Endeavor The regular weekly prayer meeting of the Christian Kndeavor Society of the Church proved a splen did success This was consecration meeting Miss Gladys being In charge of the meeting Mrs Stephens gave a splendid paper on Consecration of Home Life Next week a great treat Is In store for nil A debate between the Look out Committee and the PrayerMeeting Committee will no doubt he very In- lercsUng Debate Resolved that the Committee is more Important than the Commit tee After the debate a social hour will he spent and refreshments served Conic Everybody welcome Corn who is feeling poorly- is visiting her sis ter at Co for a change Joseph Hoover and John Sleek- Icy have applied for probate of the will of Joseph a re tired farmer who died at his homo in Markham Aug 28th 1916 The assets of the estate are household goods 200 horse promisstiry notes mortgages cash 1- a farm in Town ship a house and lot in Mount Joy and in a house and lot on Clarke St To his widow Mrs Elizabeth Pipher the deceased loft a life interest in tho house and furnil- at Mount Joy income from onethird of the estate in lieu of dower Leonard a son is left a life interest in house at and in onefourth of the estate which at his death is to be equally di vided between his children The residue is to bo equally divided between the daughter Caroline Ellon and Josephine In making the distribution of my estate roads the will my executors shall take consid eration that I have already ad vanced to each of my daughters and this amount shall he deducted from their respective shares FITTED AND SOLD BY James Whims The Mens Men Main West Newmarket r i U j- AU- 1 ft I J m MMMW Strange how wo see what we wish to see and hear what we wish to hear I We read the oth er day of a good sister who kept a hoarding house of rather doubtful quality who was a great admirer of Paul Her pastor ask ed her how alio liked charac ter of the great apostle and she responded A good cheery old soul ho was for ho onco said you know that wo must cat what is set before us ask no ques tions and she added thought fully I always thought I should like him for a boarder But It is just possible that the real Paul might not have made such an ideally submissive boarder as the old lady thought Religion docs not mean willingness to bo Iramplcd upon nor to put up everything There is usually a decided navigation could be re- good deal of fight In a really sumed today by oceangoing good man Quebec Sept centre span of Qiiebeo Bridge which fell the river when being put Into place yesterday did not block the ship channel and after an inspection of the spot by the Quebec Harbor officials It was FRUIT BULLETIN Niagara District Crawford Peaches are now in and tho best varieties of pears and plums are ready DM -v- A Particulars and conditions oj to Vendors Solicitor lwi Keymarket 3 Greatest Wars Mr reported an male on the Installing of Closets and System recommended by the Inspector but the estimate was so great that the Board deolded to let the matte Board for preserving or table pur- Housekeepers not delay telling their what fruits to order for them and should on a label the reproduced here lt Is a guar antee of Niagara Peninsula Grown Krult and good Alittle school girl has writ- ten the following essay on the duck- The duck is a low heavy- set bird Ho a mighty poor- singer having a coarse voice caused by getting so many frogs in his neck and he likes the wa ter and carries a in his stomach to keep from sink ing The duck has only two legs and they are sot so far back oh their running gears by nature that they come pretty near miss ing his body some ducks when they gel big curls on their tails are called drukes and dont have to sot or hatch but just loaf and go swimming and cat everything in sight If I were to be a duck I- would rather be a drako they have a wide bill they use for a spade They walk drunk man side to side If you them they will flap their wings and try to make a pass at sing ing CULTIVATION Cultivate the talents you rather than wasto lirno bemoan ing that you have not others cannot create thorn Cultivate a zeal for godliness linked wilha passion of souls link will save you from either Pharisaism or emotionalism while you become a burning and shining light Cultivato a good appearance It may not keep you in line with latest fashion likely not but II will demand exorcise of many virtues as cleanliness chastity temperance chccrful- noss etc timeliness mino to do what Is required of you upon tho stroke of Us timely relations to porsons and Carry both a remarkable pieco and an appreciation of punolual and fitting faith the control- forco in your life ami as the way of viotory Keep it both in prayor and In service faith in God and such other faith as faith in God inspires battle of Is lost for you if faith bo lost Cultivate the senso of humor sometimes quite truthfully called savingsonso of While It will give alertness to your perceptions and add keen to your Judgment it will your reflections and your from bitterness Cultivate a taste for beat literaluro available and to this end read much aloud A great deal of literature whioh one will suffer- himself to read in silence he will not endure when he artic ulates it vocally and resonantly as In the an audience if fll Pickering College Newmarket ENTER ANY TIME l The Fall Term Opens Wednesday 13th 1016 Si Ol Resident and Day School or Boys and Girls Preparation for and Toohftr Examination IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING A BOOKKEEPINtt Preparatory Goarao Leading to MUSIC A ART I Address P FIRTH M A a T se m No with Anyone Else In Town fiflS Foundations Sidewalks Brickwork- Plastering PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Floors Lathing I Roughcasting and Stucco Work Box 808 NEWMARKET v- tfi- I f SHOULD You have a fine So thats the baby eh Well you will bring It up to be a conscientious stood young man Vr I afraid thai is rather to bent dear chip I faff Best AMtorCoA A tos at fi Be- of GMXffvaf Butcher Main fit Heal 4 K s m if mm Slip m m m sag mm fCl mm ffi i Sa cry Tii SB J jSsJii Sic ti Am sfm ARCHIVES TORONTO a