Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 15, 1916, p. 6

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ca J ft PERSONAL Professor Isaac Allison of Washington has been spending his vacation at the home of his brother Mr Allison of Holt leaves for home this week Asa Jewell of 228th was in town this week on a vis- to his uncle Mr John Steeper is seriously ill Asa is an old Mount Albert boy Mrs Robert Robinson of New was in town over Sunday at the home of her aunt Mrs H Miss Ross and Mjss Moore spent a few days in the city last week BRIEFLETS Mr Stokes intends to have a farm sale in three or lour weeks and move into town A meeting of the business men was held in the Lodge Room to discuss some form of fire protec tion The matter was left in abeyance The ladies of the Presbyterian Church packed a bale of clothiig for the NorthWest this week which contained a boys outfit valued at and new clothing and quilts valued at also secondhand clothing valued at making a total of 35 Owing to the protracted drouth the farmers in this vicinity are experiencing great difficulty in getting their land ready for fall wheat The market on Tuesday was well attended and good prices were paid Last weeks Eras failed to ar rive until noon on Monday to the great disappointment of our many readers They came up from Toronto on the noon train SOCIAL The ladies of the Presbyterian Church held a Social at the res idence of Mrs John Moore in the afternoon of last Wednesday In the evening they held a meeting with Mrs Graham of Markham as a speaker Those who were not fortunate enough to hoar her missed a rare treat J V A number of our citizens at tended the great Exhibition and report great crowds and many in teresting sights and What seemed of great interest all were the manoeuvres of the soldier Much sympathy is felt for Mrs Rolling who on Saturday night received the message cabled to her father that her only brother Rob I who went over seas so recently with the is lying in a Hospital in England very low with pneumonia The examiners of those offering for service have related the strict rules governing acceptance in the earlier enlistments It is a question if in some cases they are not going to the opposite ex treme and taking- the physically unfit The teachers from this neigh borhood have returned to their work and probably by this time Hie youngsters have settled down It routine and we hope order This takes time and patience on the part of the teachers after the long vacation Mr and Mrs Lytic of Victoria Road visited at the home of the mother Mrs McCordick last week C McCordick Mrs Mc and little daughter also visited there on Monday ja still in charge of in the neighborhood Shaving the Northern part of the County Newmarket to to look after Not many left in Mount Albert Leslie Mahan Rev Oscar Irwin Percy Kenneth Ross Stokes Roy Arthur Wain Geeil Steeple Geo Merle Jennings Howard Jennings Chester Hammett Donald Shields Gordon Leslie Woodcock Jr Lome Stokes Lome Asa Jewell ALDER The School Grounds look pret ty lively here now since school has started again and the schol ars seem to like their teacher pretty well Sorry to learn that Miss Pel- ma foot is not any better yet Quite a large gathering spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Charles Specks of this place when all the children grandchildren and greatgrandchildren were here consisting of Mr and Mrs Peter Fairbarn and children of Alder Mr and Mrs John Smith and daughter Mrs Wm of Holland Landing Mr and Mrs- Waller Smith of Aurora Mr and Mrs Chas Smith and children of Newmarket Mr and Mrs Roy Forsyth of Toronto also Mr and Mrs of Keswick Mr and Mrs Speck looked quite young in their old age he being ninety years old Threshing is all the rage hero now Quite a number around here attended the shower given to Mr and Mrs McClure Jr by the ladies of Ravenshoe Church wishing them every success and happiness through life Hark Listen Wedding bells will be ringing in the hear future L Water Lily t Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Stores Matthias are visiting rel atives in this vicinity The Ladies Aid of the Presby terian Church will be know the folks they are nice Well get well treated when they come here Turn about fair Kay Kansas City University has repeatedly sent pressing invitations to father and mother Mr and Mrs Jus Kay to and spend some months with him of fering to pay expensesetqp Thai is all very nice The Bible says Honor thy father an1 mother that thy days may be Uncle Joe and Mrs Kay arc loo deeply attached to tidrne sweet to leave for than a day or two pur new a High land lassie is taking rea- of MrsJ Wm on well Dont her r MOUNT- ALBERT HO NOW 110 A J Harry Shields t Hobs Shields Douglas Shields John Morgan Morgan Milton A Gordon Smith Angus David Terry tor Geo Cameron Lawrence Roes Lepard Stanley Draper James William STRAY SOWS H Came upon lot West St about Aug 5th White to prove property and take them Heotcr Landing Hanoi mm- viiffi8 i How farmers this Is the fall you will want very The John has no equal neither the plow anil the walking Ban I in for trade now For a Potato no Callonme phone If titer you want fc QUEKMSVlLLK On Friday morning Sept our oldest citizen Mr Daniel Mc- passed away at the home of his son Mr Wm McGenorty Second Street Mr came to this country from Scot land in his infancy in lie came to Newmarket when a young man and worked for the late Don ald Sutherland for whom he had the greatest respect lie moved from Newmarket to and from there to Holland Landing where his wife and live of his children are buried Mr McGen had twelve children in all and has twentyeight grandchild ren thirty greatgrandchildren and ten greatgreatgrandchild ren He was a lifelong Liberal and was so often heard to say of Sir Mulock that he was a good hoy and a grand man Mr McGenerty a general health had been failing all summer but his mind was clear to the last and he was keenly interested in the affairs of the world especially the war as his father was a Ser geant in the Battle of Waterloo and obtained the Medal which Mr prized highly The funeral service was held at Mr Win McGenerlys on Saturday and was conducted by Kemp Interment taking place In the Church Burying Ground at Holland Landing- Rev officiated There are still five children living to mourn Ihelr loss Mrs Luck of Mrs of and Mrs J J Terry Mr Win McGenerty and Mr Dwaln McGenerty all of A sister Mrs lives at and a brother at Hillsdale Mrs and her son Mr Hugh Warnock Mr and Mrs McNahb and Mrs Arnold all of Mrs Luck and her sons Messrs Ed and Austin with Mrs Luck of Barrio and Mrs Waring and Miss MoNabb of Toronto attended the funeral of the late Mr McGenerty on Saturday Mrs Aivin and little Miss Muriel returned to their home In Midland on Tuesday af ter spending a couple of months at Mrs fathers Mr W Kavanagh Mrs Aylward is spending a week at with her niece Mrs Harrison Wlllson Mr Alex Milne of is visiting his father A J Milne Mr Rose Milne of Toron to was also up over the week- fend The number ing about sixty enjoyed a Corn Roast at Mr Wm on Tues day evening The beautiful cor diality of hostess added greatly to the pleasant- time that was had Elliott of Hamilton vis ited Mrs week Mrs Allan Howard and Miss Verna of Newmarket visited Jlra ft A Putnam last week fitennett Thursday Sept Everybody welcome The Misses Beatrice and Flora Williams are visiting their sis ter Mrs James Mr Alex J Milne of is spending a few days with his father Mr Alex J Milne of Regina is spending a few days with his father Mr picked a good round ripe tomato from his gar den weighing lbs 2 oz Who comes next Miss of Bond Head visited Miss McConnell on Sun day Miss Mamie Robins of Toronto spent last week with Miss Flos sie Lewis I Mr and Mrs Wm Morrison and Mrs and Mrs Morri son of Sutton spent Sunday- at Mrs Mahlon Doans Miss Lewis of Toronto spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs and children visited on Sunday in Belhesda with Mr Burkholders brother Mrs Hannah Coleman of Roch ester returned on Monday to her home after spending a week with her mother Mrs Turner who is failing slowly Mrs Thompson return ed on Wednesday from a pleasant visit in the oily Mra Bain has her moth er this week We are sorry lolicar that Pte Bob Stickwood of the is seriously ill Miss Minnie Clark spent Sun day with Miss Frankio Milne Miv and Mrs W T Huntley spent Wednesday Mrs is visiting at Port Bolster Mrs Alvin Deavitt and little daughter returned on Tuesday to her home in Midland her sister Mrs Norman Smith with her Among who took in the Toronto Ex we noticed Mrs and Mr A Putnam report the Fair excellent Our School is hustling around getting ready for the School Fair at Sharon next Friday Mr Win Arnolds little 2-year- boy made quite ari exciting time for a while on Tuesday by getting hold of a carbolic acid and swallowing a little but he got along alright after Dr Graham arrived A jolly good crowd of over young people report a good time at the Corn Roast on Tuesday ev ening at Mr Jr Mr Angus escorted a hay rack load up Humming Bird kids shell brook noimp Oh theres none equal Misb Foster ao some say There have been a umber of young folks amongst our sum mer visitors who set our young sters a good example genteel manners and conduct the Miss- eg and Masters Teddy and hope our kids will take a few pointers A pretty scene Some of our readers Miss Ada Lehman for sure will- remember the picture of the Babes in the in the old Second Reader Well one day recently I called in at Mrs Glen Chapmans Vera and she asked me would I like to sea the twins Indeed I would took me where they lay- cud dled up side by side for all the world like the Babes in the Wood It was a pleasant sight I predict the boy will be a clever one Orlo has an Intellectual Grace will be a beau ty Their mother is proud enough I tell you She is justi liable in her pride Who sat and watched my infant head When sleeping in my cradle bed And tears of sweet affection shed My Mother BALDWIN Mrs Jacob Taylor for many years resident in Newmarket is visiting her kith and kin in this section and a dear old soul is that very sumo Aunt Mary so saycth the Owl What sayost thou Valentine always in for some permanent improvement to his properly has just com pleted a large cement building for a straw barn The old mossr hack notion Of stacking straw outside to bo destroyed by ice rain and inclement weather is recognized as ah error If wolj preserved it will keep doublo the amount of slock I only wish his pretty homo was whore the public could it It is In a somewhat retired location The Potato King our good friend Wm Horner Zephyr was In town Monday his face wreath ed in rosy smiles and wearing an allhappy expression I have from him in person that ho was already sold over worlh of with ten or acres yet to dig Beat that who can Ho says the woro not burdensome In the exuber ance of his spirits Billy gave me a flfltfull of No 1 candles A limited number from hero took in the Exhibition- Mr Ed Glover invested In a- car which will be known as the King Ed ward After a short lesson he had the nerve to drive the mile homo Good for Ed The liny lots Lily and Myrllo Glover took a trip down Queen St south for a holiday at rtr Glovers They came home well pleased to see mamma- Merlin Coomer Toronto for the first and didnt get tost either done he Biders Amen left her Another pretty scone of a to tally different character On Wednesday afternoon last my attention was called to a number of young ladies hovering about Emerald Lake I was at once on hand to take notes and observa tions I quickly introduced my self We had a pleasant chat That Owl has lots of gall hasnt ho There were seven attract ive young- ladies anywhere from sixteen to eighteen all appar ently of welltodo and respect able families As soon as I told my mission they became quite chatty and communicative and you ail know the wise old bird is quite gabby The cat hasnt got his tongue I They camping down at Jacksons They put considerable on camping They paddled in three canoes from Sibbalds up the river to Con 3 por taging at Sutton and Baldwin dams The distance up and hack is fully fifteen miles more think A fine performance for ladies who I would suppose had never done any heavier work than forking lemon pie salad ice cream and such delicacies into capacious maws They bade ire a pleasant We may never meet again Miss Velrna celebrated the twentieth anniversary of her birth on Wednesday the by acting bridesmaid for her cous in Miss King well in a bridal seaiuAoo News is overflowing f blue prepe de with bisque georgette orepe trirhmlQgs MIbs Maggie King as flower gin and I Air Klna3best The ceremony was performed pa the lawn uader an evergreen arch In the presence of a offrieqds Rev B A of Sutldn West After Slippery th happy left for Toronto and Nia gara Falls amid showers confetti and the good of their friends Because other things on that date the Harvest Home of the Keswick Christian Church has been postponed un- oct r The village is much more like its real self that the visit and have re- turned to their respeotivp homes Two of pur miniature as well as amateur fishermen that is two young lads about eight and ten years of age while out on a cruise captured a mighty whale or something as strong- and more eatable a sevenpound kinonge It pleased dad so to see that mighty he Clean forgot to whip Ted for bookln boat Mies Laurel Warriner is visit ing in Stouffville Mr M who was kick ed with a horse is improving very nicely Most all of the children of our Public School are planning big things for the School Fair at Belhaven Everybody along The W this place will entertain the County Con vention of that organization on the and All ladies ore invited to attend especially Tues day evening Mr Arthur Morton gave oyer his ice cream parlor for the ben efit of the P G Society the last of August He gave tho fruit nuts etc for Sundaes and the Society realized Mi Morion also gave a large box of chocolates for the guess to the amount of profit Merlin was the winner and 30 was made by guesses I Tho Methodist League enter tained the young people of the Christian Church at a Roast Wednesday evening and a very enjoyable time was spent Rev Fletcher held baptism at the shore in front of Mr Eves place on Wednesday evening Everybody is invited to attend Tuesday evening W T Convention mcoting Miss Joy Marriltleft Monday morning for a term jit Whitby Ladies College Gee I Were glad to see Bill back again Wo dont like curls braids or papers Suttonthis Week Some plash I E Couadl Sleeping Beauty Sutton West above KESWICK A very pretty wedding was solemniz ed at the home of Mr and Mm King of on Wed nesday Sept- when their daughter wns united In marriage to Mr William also of North Hie was prettily attired In white habitant silk- She East Tp Rural Sohool Fair The 3rd Annual Rural Schpol Fair on the Township of Bast will be held at the Sharon Temple on Friday Sept 22nd The program for the fair is as follows Until Placing of Exhibits by Director and Teachers Judging Commences ilOODuttonhole Competition Announcement of Winners In Plot Competition Explanation of Judging of Ex hibits by the Judges hunch Hour School Parade Program of Sports Judging Live Slock Public Speaking Contest 330 Announcement of Prize Win ners Exhibits may be removed Parents are asked to take baskets and enjoy the day with children Everybody welcome oe Miss has returned home after vacation Call at Store for your choice Stationery They have a nice line to choose from Mr W Oliver of Toronto attended Lodge here last Wednesday night Saturday is lle last day for the bars to be open We understand that both hotels will be run as temperance houses Mr and Mrs W and Mr and Mrs L M motored over to Cannington on Sunday Pte Leonard Burch of Camp Borden was home over Sunday Lieut J Tremayno was in Camp Borden this week Miss Osborne has return ed to school in Mrs Osborne accompanied her to To ronto Smith of Toronto spent over the weekend at the home of Mr R Osborne Mr and Mrs P Deacon of are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs J Merchant hero Mr and Mrs Crocker and children are visiting here at present Mr Crocker met with a nasty accident to his ankle in Toronto and is unable to move around much Mr Jos was called away to on Saturday to attend the funeral of his grandson Lieut J is leav ing week to join the Cana dian Engineers at Mrs Thayer spent the past several days with friends in Aurora Harry was down on Sun day Mrs- Horner spent the couple of weeks ril Niagara Falls Toronto and Buffalo Miss is the new teacher at the Public School here Sharon Sept The regular meeting of the Munici pal Council of the Township of Gwllllrnbury was held on date all members present Minutes of the last meeting and confirmed Communications read from re A from East Agricultural re grant to Fair and from John French re bonus for wire fence on Lot I Con 8 StlckwoodProctor That appli cation of John French re wire fence he granted HalnesProctor That the East Agricultural Society be grant ed the sum of Fifteen Dollars Carried ProctorCole That Mr Parr be permitted to open a water course on the north side of Lot Con 3 under the supervision of Mr Haines Carried Moved by Haines sec by Cole and resolved that the Reeve his order on the Treasurer for payment as fol lows viz David Sluffles Work 2ioo John Bridge Work Geo West Work Con 3100 Work Con 8 300 Work Con 300 Haines Com Sharon Side walks Teaming Sharon Side- their the THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD P P J North Owl I Tp Rural Fair The- 2nd Annual Rural School Fair for Township of North will be held In the Tent on the School Grounds at on Sat urday Sept Tho Program of Fair Is follows Until Placing of Exhibits by and Teachers Judging Commences Buttonhole Competition Announcement of Winners in Plot Competition Explanation of Judging of Ex hibits by the Judges Lunch Hour School Parade 130230 Program of Sports Judging Live Stock Speaking Contest Announcement of Prize Exhibits Despite the fact Hint a report is current that Thomas Amos Phillips of lhlstOwn Is a pris oner of war neither his wife nor Ills mother lias had any news confirming this from Ottawa nod they are still anxiously awaiting further information Only last Monday two loiters and card wore received from the soldier by his mother in which ho said he feeling fine I think there must be some mistake said Mrs Phillips to the Telegram as surely if there had been any truth in the report I should have heard from Otta wa Pte Phillips is a native of Sut ton having been horn years ago and has lived all his life in the neighborhood and previous to enlisting was cm- walks T Stickwood Gravel Boyd Grading Con Mrs Cook Gravel Peter Gravel I S Repairing Sidewalks Con 2 Roy Watson Gravel 3600 Jos Cody days with learn 3200 French- days with team Win Cement Sharon Sidewalks Ben Manning Work Dlv Con 2 Treasurer Grant Arthur Knights bonus Wire fence If C Johnston Work Con 8 Geo Nelson work Con John T Building Side- walk Con 8 Job Oldham CI Bridge covering Geo King days Work Percy Pollock Sheep Claim J M Kelllnglon Valuating Sheep Wilfred Gravel Benjamin Eves Cutting Weeds Sharon Burying Grounds Gravel Gravel Town ship Arthur Arnold Gravel Paul Gravel Floyd Gravel Bishop Gravel and that the Corporate seal be to attached Council adjourned to at oclock P meet Three hundred years ago any man absent from Church on Sun day was fined a shilling A sim ilar enactment in Canada would produce a decided war revenue ployed by the local Ice company He joined Up with the Hall especially in Canadian cities and and left last March towns IN THE MATTER of the application of the Mount Albert Com pany Ltd for authority to Inoreaao Its for rural party lino vice from to per annum and for business dlreot lino nor vice to 1875 per and for Minority to put Into a schedule of toll for of service between trie sub scribers of the several telephone companies comprising the members of the York and Ontario Telephone Union j for Hiring The Board hereby Friday Twentyninth day September A p at the hour of Eleven oclock in the forenoon iilthe boards Chambers Legislative Buildings To ronto for the herein Dated at Toronto the Seventh day of September A Beat SMALL Hi A I- Surety on deck for may be removed Free Methodist Meeting In Hall on Sunday morning was well attended It was reported of a congregation were present Mr John King service forgot Mr will preach next Sunday morning at The motto- is The will go where there is honey Dont miss the lively sermons Dont go to an empty hive Mr of Michigan spent over Sunday relatives In MrMerrltt of spent last week Quito a number from around here- took In the the the Book of Preserving Labels Free Mail us a red ball trade mark cut from a bag or carton of 20 and IGlb Bags 2 and Mb Carton i to tbo below and wo will send yon a book of gummed and printed labels for your fruit jars SUGAR is beet for every kind of preserving Pur granulation High sweetening power OiJder by name from your grocer in our full weight original packages I o Pure Cane Ml -v- Atlantic VST i I J ifrsn 5S f TORONTO si mm A MS

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