Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 15, 1916, p. 1

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Ths You Upon to TCWatsons Jewelry at The Leading County well as the Oldest No paper sent- mil of York unless paid in a JACKSON and Proprietor AssistantEditor A -l- yivv -V- H30V wU Single Copies FRIDAY SEPT 5TH Vol No 3fc WILL HEAD In Long Evonlnga Better Get Your TESTED If Glasses fro Needed WE FIT- THE PROPER ONES Graduate Optician i Let Electricity Make Your Life Easier will bo fc willing servant In our home will make your life It will ihp drudgery out oi your me it win make your life tain How to do it It work for you electric ftppllncea In your housework electric a toaster an I the electric stove a toaster an iron oranrorallQf the many other electrV vert work and worry saver range of CANADIAN BE Electric UPRIGHT TOASTER A strongly- lances ssftJa Makes tout for In 13 top of the touler will a pot five years TOASTER- GRILL It toasts Mb An for iH We can thoroughly recommend any elec tric appliance that bears the Canadian Beauty trademark Strong reliable and economical they make Indispensable servant We will be glad to demon strate uses The I articles Illustrated but a few of the Canadian Beauty line of Electrically flcated Dovlces A I ta GrrMMt- canoes sad cur rant Our Toronto Letter Is made that the and York Patriotic Fund have received an other sum of from the officers and employees or the Ontario Division of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co thus making a total of paid to tin fund sine September 1915 Stanley of the Cana dian Army Pay Corps died at his home in Wilcox Street On the 8th He was appointed chief pay master for overseas service and serv ed in that capacity at He returned from the seat of war in Ju ly last quite ill He was a native of this city No less than on White to the fund by Binns TWOPLATE STOVE for tc Gcirxt4l yean Hardware Made by Renfrew Electric Mf- Co- Ltd Renfrew Canada Bin was Rose Day last week the citizens and child- 0FM0NTREAL ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS a V A Emcartca En- CBGriEn- tK- Capital Paid op Saat Undivided Profit Total 3 Current Rates of Interest are allowed on deposits In the Savings Department of the Bank of Montreal Deposits of and upwards are received In this Department HEAD MONTREAL C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD t A QUALITY FIRST are just price Satisfied Customers and More Orders tell the Whole Story CEMENT Fresh Car Just In W PEARSON I tor Office Phone Order from Carters John INCORPORATED I slock BANK TORONTO OF Reserve Fund Making Prosperity Sure Future prosperity Is a roster of thrift Every man or woman who can money can and should a Ac count into saved dollars can put readily The Bank Toronto receive of aad upwaxda Interest added to balances halfyearly on ike Daily Balance in Ontario Quebec and the A Manager rtv Building OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH 8HINQLE8 J ETC AL80 I li I I M0ULDINQ8 AND Inside Trm It Through Our and J I Will y- It rut Up it i CANE SBNS08 NEWMARKET of the City Baron Shaughnessy President of the P Railway was a guest at the Ex hibition and delivered a speech at a luncheon on Friday A woman named Mrs Mabel Phillips was sentenced by Magistrate on the Inst to four months at the Industrial Farm on a charge of having morphine and cocaine in her possession She is alleged to be Phil the Jew and in court a desire to be cured of the drug habit During- the current term of the Law School of Osgoode Hall no less than four of the applicants for admis sion are young ladies The West Ratepayers As sociation resolved to apply to the chief county constable for the appoint ment of a constable to patrol the dis trict owing to the large number of un ruly children and chicken thieves The Provincial License Board have advised who will conduct hotel under standard hotel license after prohibition becomes effective to be careful about doing a Sunday trade as they will be liable to prosecution under the Lords Day Act A homeless cat upset an oil lantern In Mr Atkinsons chickencoop at New Toronto last week and started a fire which destroyed the coop and Its 300 fowls therein Damage is es timated at A City druggist was arrested on a charge of illegally selling cocaine dur ing the past week Word from Ottawa that a collection of samples of Industry collected In different world markets will put on exhibi tion In Montreal towards the end of September and later will be shown in Toronto The collection was gathered by order Of the British Hoard of Trade The Royal Canadian Yacht Club entertained lion Mr Minister of Marine at Ottawa while in the City last week It was a social event The Board of Control has recently changed its mind In respect of going into the coal business in order to sup ply citizens with coal at cheaper rates than now prevail Talk is cheap sometimes The Duke of Con naught hit the nail on the head as the saying goes when he declared that the Canadian National Exhibition Is one Of the best in Canada hot in America A woman keeping a rooming house In Centre Avenue was arrested last veek charged with robbing a roomer Of it if She was discovered attempt ing to- conceal bank bills beneath a table Street Baptist Church has been awarded the sum of as or the land taken by the City for the rounding of and Streets Of Ibis sum 1s for loss on plans prepared for a new church and which In view of the expropriation had to be abandoned Two workmen were ftCCldently in jured at the new building being erect ed by the Co One had a fracture of the skull and the other received a broken leg last week In the Police Court Inst week a Chinaman keeper of A gambling house was fined and nineteen frequenters of the place were fined each a total of to the treasury An auto driver was fined and costs for not returning to the scene of and accident he had met with In which a person was Injured County Magistrate last week sent an incorrigible hoy aged years whose home was at to the School as a vagrant During last week Mr Kenso of Japan visited Mall He Is Assistant Pro fessor of at arid been visiting law schools In the United States for a year past He Is now on his way back to where will continue his investigations During the past the Canadian Northern Railway fined and costs for leaving a number of a car without food or water for a than Hours Ijon Mr Provincial Cabinet Meeting on Wednesday of last week He had not attended a Cabinet meeting prevjousiy for some months although he has directed he affairs of his department as usual There seems to be a screw loose somewhere In the Cabinet The Street Railway accommodation on the venue Road is the subject of much complaint on Saturday thai Mr Mark Irish M Pp been asked by tho Imperial Mu- Board make in vesication tbo relation f labor to the manufacturers of munitions and to assist in a certain and adequate supply of workers The hunt is pit for the strong man to lead the Conservative for lorn hope at the next general election It is not a Canadawide hunt tile Cabinet being of the belief that the fight man found within its own There are four cardidates-Bar- While Rogers and Sam Perhaps one ought to put Sam firsts However that is a matter taste Premier Bordenis said to have no desire to lead his party to inevitable defeat- He came in on a policy of and has merely succeeded in making considerably worse Mr J of the Pall Mall Gazette must have to his old arts which are now outworn though it may seeipthe Hon- Bob is a belter bet as a strong ni an than Sir Rohert- At least he the courage of his al presctit Reentering around Tom Kelly aiftdL Che three Manitoba cab inet ministers Just now the 7TT GOOD ROADS AND THE FARMER Special to the Era The question of transportation of Ontario at the present time is a very live issue Good roads as an essential to the further development of the to occupy a position of lion Hob is engaged in adding I parallel importance to the once Called him Canadas stern strong silent son Of which three attributes Mr Garvin guessed one right He was silent when the Shell Committee was I getting in its work silent also when Sams friend John Wesley Allison was committing his dep redations silent when the Cana dian being load up with eight million dollars worth of useless Ross rifles Yes indeed in that matter of the Ross rifles he was a silent sonof a gun Borden has continued silent while food prices rocketed shyhigh and although his gov ernment al the beginning of the war took to itself by common consent the most arbitrary pow ers to prevent extortion by the food usurers it has not lifted a linger to help and curb its friends Production has not fallen off during- the war As a matter of fact the North West last year had the largest crop in its history The other fruits of the soil were quite as bountiful and there were fewer people by three hundred and fifty thousand to eat them There was every reason why prices should go down and no reason at all why they should go up except that the gov ernment interfered with nobody using the war as an excuse for pillage For example butter is forty- two cents a pound in Toronto Eggs at the height of the lay ing season cents a dozen The producer did not get these prices but the mid dleman did The middleman is favored by the Borden Govern ments high tariff Everything he people cat or vyear lias been increased in price and decreased in quality All the traffic will bear and then add fifty per cent on account of the war that is what the Borden Governments letwellenoughalone policy brought us to The food inspec tion in this country is a joke Cold storage which promised to be a blessing has been allowed to become a curse Such a thing as a cheap wellmade shoe is no longer to be found in- Canada Sugar has advanced seventylive per cent Milk nine cents a quart and blue at that Coal has been jogged up cents a ton on the pretext or railway strike in thy United States which didnt of f Premier Borden is Canadas silent son all right lie re main silent while the people pay through the for neces saries order to enrich the of the Borden trade policies To make matters worse the Borden Government refuses to let the Northwest make Canada rich by allowing the farmers to sell jr a free market which would I ring them ten cents a bushel So far us one can from this corner all Canada can the Borden Govern ment higher taxes aiid greater trade restrictions The will lake it out Ait us going and coining Premier Bordens silence while these things arc happening lends color to the doubt whether he will bo the strong man for the the next general The people chcrisll ho memories of his admin istrations and premier feels it He is credited with a to withdraw to the the Canadian High Commlssloh- in London grants that- Is to gay if doesnt want the job for himself And this Is natural enough be cause Sir must tired of playing second fiddle as he has dope ever since he pre mier in One word from him and lhatf Cabinet of his does at It pleases such Is the disci pline ho Next conies the Rog ers He known an the Minister perhaps ten millions to Canadas prospective national debt of a billion dollars by giving us an entirely new Parliament Building where the old one might have been done over But this as we said before was only to be expected The Hon Bob as Minister of Public with most of the public works held up is under eclipse to Sir Sam as Minister of Militia with greatest war in history on his hands SirSam cant he allow ed to spend all the money The Hon Bob must do his bit too If strongarm work makes a strong man then the Hon Bobs heroic measures in regard to the new Parliament Building at Ottawa him to a proud place Sir Thomas Virile is mention ed as the possible strong man but the objection is raised that he take a longer time to graduate as a Conservative He has done very well so far but his best friends admit that it would be crowding the mourners push him along so fast over the grizzled beads of the faithful party followers who were ignored when be experienced conversion and was taken into the Cabinet Sir Thomas will hive to do pen ance for a few years longer The party wants to make sure that he wont be a backslider Besides Sir Thomas as strong as he was with the Canadian leaders of finance before he made it an American loan instead of a Can adian one Of course there is always Sir Sam What about running him as a khaki hero with Orange trim mings and let it go at that Sir Sam is a strong man that is to say his friendship with the late Honorary Colonel John Wesley Allison gives out a strong smell 50 YEAR s extension of Hydro and Steam Railways In both New arid Ontario the subject of good roads represents an everr growing theme of popular dis- Rural communities in the older portions of nee are- agitating for better rpads not only for the main high ways but for the concession roads and side which give the farmer access to the high ways In New Ontario more roads and still more roads is the cry and money will have to be provided for this purpose but the urgent need in older Ontario is the im provement of existing roads The oid complaint that roads are kept in repair or provided as the case may be merely to suil the caprices of motor fiends is losing weight because the farm er has gradually come to consider an automobile part of his farm equipment and now looks upon the roads question in a Macadam roads are said to unsuitable to the new conditions of motor transportation on the main highway If this be the case it is a matter for the pro vincial government to take in hand at once with a view to find ing a solution of this difficulty Concrete roads are favored by many experts They are more expensive than macadam but it is believed the initial expense more than adjusts itself in longer period of wear In connection with the im provement of byways the pol icy of the Liberal representatives in the Ontario Legislature has been drafted to meet the demands From Era Sept IV I860 Continued wet weather is rot ting the potato crop School Section No St held a picnic in Mr Rogers tods last Saturday The Director of the North York Society appointed judges last Tuesday night for the approach- Kail Fair Walker Sons of Toron to are advertisers in this sue for visitor to Toronto Ex- Thorne Bros announce their partnership as Millers Tanners and General Merchants Hol land Landing J 25 YEARS AGO l From Era Sept The Altar XT Toronto Sept Mr lo Miss Alice both of Newmarket At Aurora on Sept 2nd Ed Harvey of Toronto to Miss A French of Whitchurch The Tomb At Lemonville on 1st Mary widow of Tlios Cook aged The Illumination at Sharon Temple last Friday night was at tended by an unusually largo crowd and at the Concert which followed in the Meeting House it was impossible for many peo ple to get near enough to platform to hear The population of Newmarket is given as by the census- taker The Town contributed to the Upper Canada Bible Society this year The Novelty Co are employing 30 men now The Government and Go grants to Societies this year arc as follows Whitchurch 1 j IMPORTANCE OF CONSERVING THE FERTILITY OF OUR 8OIL8 King Si East the farmer and radical meas- and ures to ameliorate conditions may of and cortajdly the elections need a great deal of ministering if the- Conservative defeats In various parts of the country sign ministering of a kind the Hon pel- Icy UittO Hi people a hut an that Is the last thing the Borden soil is the one great fac- foundation not only of ag riculture but of the nations wel fare hence it is practically im possible to spend an excess of care on its cultivation and pres ervation Therefore any know ledge that results from experi ence is of the greatest value A deal of information acquired from such experience in Bulletin No second series entitled Boil Fertility its economic main tenance and increase just is sued by the Department of Ag riculture of which Dr Frank Shut I the Dominion Chemist is author and which can be had free by application to the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at the Capital Dr sounds an intensely prac tical note of warning when lie ar gues that we have been terribly wasteful of plant food and that every effort should be made to maintain and increase Hie fertil ity of our soils and by more ra tional methods endeavor to put a slop to that waste While the warning is directed to the North west Where Farming has been likened to Mining Ontario and Eastern Canada generally are summoned to account In brief a change is called for from ex tensive to intensive farming the lesson that it is sought to convey being that there Is more profit in high tillage and conservation in cultivation than in methods mere routine Having gone min utely Into properties neces sary treatment and application tarmyard manures the doctor supplies a table giving the ap proximate average composition of manure fresh from various an imals describes the manorial value of clover the component elements anil beneficial influence exercised by fertilizers and refers to the- places occupied by wodd ashes and seaweed as fertilizer He goes into the vir tues of gypsum and of so da as indirect potash fertilizer concluding in an instructive view Of tho chief means by productiveness of the soil may ho increased and preserved by urging farmers to make greater Use of the various and the govern ments and Provincial foV the assistance of man on the land by information advice and demoiUtrjiUort There country bettor provided than Canada In ro- 1 IMnrlin limn be expected when the Conserva tive sleepers arc removed from office which is practically cer tain at the next general election The Liberal policy is to secure the building up of a Good Roads system throughout the province thereby facilitating traffic and ensuring quick de- livery of farm and garden pro duce The Ontario Liberal Party to day is seriously studying all the questions relating to the agricul tural welfare of the province in tlie confident expectation of an early return to power Since its representatives in the House have and pleaded the cause of the farmer and their success in alleviating offensive conditions although in Opposition and the soundness of their public propos als for the advancement of agri culture arc fast finding recog nition among the farming com munity it was a Liberal Government which in 1890 Initiated the Good Roads Movement realizing importance of country roads as a factor in transportation and re cognizing their value to fann er in making agriculture more profitable farm life moro agree able and in increasing the value of farm property With this in view the government appointed a Highways Commissioner to direct the expenditure on the construc tion and maintenance of roads and passed legislation undei which appropriations might be made in connection with the de velopment of the Good Roads sys- The following Lacrosse Team played in Toronto on Tuesday ev ening for the Provincial Cham pionship Broughton Manning Cherry Hew itt Roadhouse Montgomery Nor wood White and Cane won first goal in I and 2nd in 25 minutes Frost this week and tomato crop small Modelitcs attending hero this term Elder and family moved to Stouffville this week Mr Jos and wife are over from Denver Colorado BOY TERRIBLY HURT BY C0MPRE88ED AIR FIGHTS IN RU88IAN HANKS Regarding manure Wo facts to he are Is not at opco utilized put Boil or on to the soil third of Us Value is lost ami Sept 10 Princess Vol- twentytwo years of age whose husband father and brother kilted early In the war cut her hair adopted mens- clothing enlisted as a private and fought on the southern front for several months Her sex discovered she was sent to- Kief f to be discharged but alio eluded her guards and returned to the fighting lino Now she Has Justbeen discover ed a Kharkorf hospital Her Royal Highness Duchess ConQaughthas donated to Soldiers Gazette of Queen Hospital Montreal choice dairy- cows were Instantly on the farm J Banbury 3rjJ conces sion of township during a severe- electrical yesterday sought under a freehand were killed by light ning to the greatest number ever killed at once lathe by lightning A ago rime head of cattle were Oxford farm Mr bury win exceed dollar dairy dear as at wei Insured Dereham and West Mutual Co On the of too a valuable young horse vyoB killed during the same Stratford Sept Harry Parmer fourteen years old residing at 323 Queen St Ib dying at the General Hospital and a Rus sian laborer Is held by the police pending the outcome of the boys awful injuries Doth were employed on an air compressor In the Grand Trunk repair shops and In some man ner the hose carrying up to pounds pressure was applied to Farm- or who was literally blown up his body terribly distended and hemorrhages produced The attention of other employees having been at tracted the Russian was seized and first aid were applied to the hoy Dr home Robertson rushed Parmer to the hospital where an operation was performed It was found that the had been ruptured considerably and other In ternal injuries were such that the at tending physicians gave- practically no hope of saving his life Kurllch es caped rough handling by the timely ar rival of Chief of Police who arrested No charge has yet been preferred against the Russian who protested that the boy applied the noz zle pressure himself On the other hand Farmer was able to speak enough to accuse the Russian of having com mitted the deed Deafness Be Cured- By local applications as they cannot reach diseased portion of ear There Is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by remedies Deafness Is caused by ah Inflamed condition of mucous lining of the Eustachian Whop Ihia inlame a rumbling sound or imperfect and when It Is entirely Deafness is the result and unless con be taken out and this tube restored to Its condition hearing will be destroyed for ever cases out of ton are caused by Catarrh whloh nothing but an Inflamed condition of the surfaces will give One Hundred or any Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot he cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for ree M Toledo Ohio Sold

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