Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 1, 1916, p. 8

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ft ttvwm L ZWJS J V ft 2 v EC OR SELF POISONING The Condition Which Produce Many Well Known Diseases AGAINST THIS TROUBLE Wonderful Frail Median will Protect Autointoxication means selfpoison ing caused by continuous or partial constipation or insufficient action of the bowels Instead of the reuse matter passing daily from the body it Is absorbed by the blood As a result the Kidneys and Skin are overworked in their efforts to rid the blood of this poisoning bloodin this ay often causes Indigestion Loss of Appetite and Disturbed Stomach It may pro duce Headaches and Sleeplessness may irritate the Kidneys and bring oa Pain In the Back Rheumatism Gout and Rheumatic Pains It is the chief Of Eczema and keeps the whole system absorp tion into the blood of this refuse matter will always cure Auto intoxication or selfpoisoning as acts gently on bowels kidneys and skin strengthens the bowels and tones up thenerrous system fiOc a box 6 for trial size 25c At all dealers or sent postpaid on Ottawa WANTED TO RENT Six or seven room house by young with no children Wanted on or before Sept I Address A Burnet Box 541 Newmarket account of the A threatening weather and rain there was not as large attendance as was expected at theArinitage Garden Party held under the auspices of the Womens Institute of Newmarket on Tuesday evening but all who attended en joyed the supper and program im mensely They all had a good time and it was voted the best Garden Parly yet held this summer Mr of Newmarket acted as chairman and the program con of two quartettes from market two solos one by Miss Hod- gins of Aurora and one by Mr George Barker of Newmarkets and speeches by Sir William Mulock and Mr Jess Walton was enthusiastic- received and greatly appreciated The Aurora Eland was in attendance and added greatly to the evenings enjoyment Proceeds from the supper amount ed to and the total proceeds Hdw She Vegetable Compound BRICK HOUSE FOR In Newmarket West end Hard Electric Light Bath etc Terms arranged if preferr ed Apply Box Aurora Ont MasaI teboft sides and when my periods came I to stay at from work and suf fer a long time One day a woman came to oar house and asked my mother why I was suffering Mother told her that I every month andsbeeaid Why dont you buy a bottle of Pfakhama Vegetable CompounaT My mother bought it and the next mo n I I was so well that I worked all the month in the neighborhood of The without staying at home a day I am money is be devoted to patriotic purposes 4tm EVERSLEY Mr and Mrs Joe and Master Jay of were in the village last week calling on old friends The League Shingle So cial held last week at Mr W was a great success the chief feature being the lunch which was served on shingles Rev of Strange was present an address The proceeds amounting to will be used sending boxes to our soldiers from this community FOR SALE Building Lots on Park and Lome Avenues Apply to WiddLfleld Newmarket TO LET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY FARM FOR v acres more or less firstclass clay earth being East half of Lot In the 3rd Concession of East bury Good house and barn Apply to J Davis Newmarket FARM FOR 8ALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till Tuesday the of Sept for the pur chase of the Farm of the Estate of thelate John A Pollock con sisting of acres more or less being Lot Con Township of North Lowest lou der or any not necessarily accept- E POLLOCK Box Woodstock Ont BRADFORD The Methodist Sunday School picnic to Monte Reno Park last Wednesday was well patronized The weather was perfect so everybody had a good time Mr J Horn who has been head miller for Mr Lukes for some years has secured a good position in Peter borough and wiU leave here at an early date Mr Horns departure will be generally regretted as he was a good citizen One night last week thieves operat ed on the farm- of Mr Clarence Wood of the township they milked the cow and took away the milk in a cream can but forget to take the lid with them Then they captured a calf that was with the cow killed it and carried It off their tracks being traced for quite a distance The calf was worth thirty dollars Thursday morning papers brought the news of the killing of Frank El- who enlisted here with the 157th but afterwards transferred to a Toronto battalion He was an English man and had worked on different farms in the Township along with his brother who went overseas at the same time On arrival of the news the Trinity Church bell was tolled and the flag at the Orange Hall was hung at halfmast Mr Win met with a serious accident last week when he had his leg broken In two places He was In the act of tramping hay in the press at the marsh and was caught by the plunger- He will probably be laid off fortt year West Gwillimbury is more than do ing its bit at the front The town ship has men In khaki and the town of Bradford William Dale of West Gwillimbury is the only man the township has lost at the front Bradford men have been less fortunate as five of them have been mentioned In the casualty list John Arthur Long Gordon Cerswell Henry Ashford and Arthur Porter in good health now and have told lots of girls about it Miss Clarice Mown Russell Street Taunton Mass Thousands of girls suffer in silence every month ratter than consult a phy sician If girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods backache headache drawingdown sensations fainting spells or indigestion would take E Vegetable Com pound ft safe and pure remedy made from and herbs much Buffering might be avoided Write to Co Lynn Haas confidential for free advice which will prove helpful Strong appeals for men were made by and Chappell It is expected that at least one pla toon will be raised In Scott Township AURORA NORTH Quarter Sections of good grain land In Central Alberta miles Town of on main line of Trunk Pacific broken one quarter section fenced and granary thereon acres broken on another quarter Good boose and good water acres on the third quarter section Price per acre Terms to suit purchaser of Mrs John Ml Albert or John Box Krrna Alberta TO ramp ton Merry Prince Sire Violas Bright Prince Merry Daisy 2509 Record of Performance Teat milk fat Also Pure Bred Pigs Everything for sale and Iters always welcome DAN McARTUUR Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring Newmarket The late John Curtis who died at his home August was one of the best known and most highly respect ed residents of King Township He was horn In Kln in November where he spent all his life About two weeks prior to his- death he Injured his spin by falling from a loaded wag gon In the field An operation was de cided upon but he died on the lit was a Hon of late John and Curtis who settled in King In the early days They were of sturdy slock and the family has al ways born a name for staunches In tegrity and high personal character The decease throughput all his lift a very devoted upholder of every cause ho espoused He was constant and untiring worker In the Methodist Church ami Sunday School In which body he various offices He was of the early members of the I and was highly regarded by the Brethren as a faithful member In politics he was a Liberal The funeral was held on Friday August 25lh In the Keltleby Cemetery Fox of the Methodist Church conducted the services The Foresters gave the honors of their Order The deceased married Margaret who predeceased a couple of years The children surviving William Curtis Kettlcby Norman Curtis London Mrs Calgary and Franklin Curtis who Is charge of the homestead The Choir of the Methodist Church and their friepds sixty in num ber had a most enjoyable lime picnick ing at Bond Lake on Wednesday after- noon and evening The weather was Ideal and added much to the sports and recreation A splendid feast was arranged for and provided by the ladles and once more demonstrated their domestic efficiency and generous liberality The town imposes a license fee 0 a year on liveries No other parlies are allowed to hire out vehicles or carry passengers for hire Notwith standing some parties are hiring out autos and carrying passengers for money consideration contrary lo the bylaw This is an injustice to those who are compelled to pay the license fee and it leaves other parlies liable to fine La Salle Institute which is on the height of land in York County near Aurora is having difficulty In getting a water supply expert welldiggers having to be brought from Petrolea to go down to feet If necessary to strike water Aurora has also re solved to extend its water supply by putting In a new 8Inch pipe to an other artesian well In the presence of a large congre gation the Rev J Truer the new min ister of the Aurora Presbyterian Church was formally inducted last Fri day The Rev Dr A Robert son of St James Square Church To ronto officiated The Induction ser mon was preached by the J Scott and an address to the new min ister was delivered by Rev son of Richmond Hill Herbert 14 years of age son of Luke was picking apples on the farrn of Dunning Monday afternoon when the branch on which he was standing gave way and lie fell to the ground breaking left arm tile wrist and near the elbow The boy showed great pluck by walk ing unaided to his a quarter of a mile away and later hi travelling on the radial car lo Toronto where he was admitted to the Sick Childrens Hospital The arm was found to be so badly Injured that amputation at the elbow was performed and the patient Is reported as renting very quietly Aurora bakers at a meeting last night unanimously agreed to raise the price of bread from Id 14 cents per loaf mm Why will seek drink causes most of have vspeb e A f prominent men and a leading newspapers opposing any relief from this It would seem as some selfish rea son they wAnt Britain defeated in this war for there is that drink lessens the effectiveness of the soldiers sufferings of men addicted to- the use of alcohol morphine or nny mother narcotic drug are of ten beyond description when they ore deprived of their favorite dope Many of them will He steal or even murder to secure a supply relieve the terrible craving- the face of this Well known fact people will risk it A physician who has been very successful in the treatment of cases tells me that the cause of this dreadful craving is secretion poured out by nature to protect the brain and nervous system from destruction It is poison counteracting another but when the dope is withdrawn Ibis secretion does not stop but to poured out caus ing the most acute suffering in the which it if intended to counteract That explains what has long been a puzzle and shows that there can be one remedy viz some thing that will check this and thus restore the man to normal Men who drink often have an insane- desire to make others drink also An officer in France not long ago tried to force a sub ordinate to drink who was a total abstainer till he turned on him and knocked him down The of ficer was not for trying to ruin his subordinate but the latter was chained to his gun for hours every day for striking his superior officer That officer was doubtless a beerdrinker Whiskey makes a man either funny or combative beer makes him coarse foul- mouthed arid brutal The beer drinker suffers more than the whiskey drinker when deprived of favorite land more rarely is able to give it up Arnott heard of Sales and Intelligence of the Canada Life rf- man the Insurance Business which offers permanent success does not fluctuate is a professional occupation and has been truly named The best paid hard work In the world This teaching is done by correspondence and personal assistance free of charge When he Is fully prepared for the work he is placed in a position and the Company helps him to make good The first two lessons of the Companys corres pondence course will be sent to anyone inter ested It will pay young men who desire to get on In the world to look into this All correspondence confidential 1 If i CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Office Toronto LITTLE CHILD KILLED GRAND TRUNK TRAIN Holland Landing Auk Pern the thirteen month 8 old baby of Willis Hodges dealer in marsh hay here was killed by the Grand Trunk Train for Toronto about oclock morning The family live next to the railway tracks at the find crossing north of here and the llltle tot crept through the fence to the railway tracks It hi thought ahe met her death at a cattle guard hor boots were found there and the body Borne yards away by her mother Coroner J who will hold an Inquest Wednes day night says the train crew did not know their train had Wiled the child KOTIOX Is hereby given that Colin Poole of the City County of York la the Province Manager vdll apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next ses sion thereof for a of Divorce from tils wife Catharine Poole on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario the Eighth day of January A DUFF bay Toronto 4wt0 for the Applicant f SAUL it Mtn fl4 at all of OlhOroe On Saturday night a most enthusi astic meeting was held at Zephyr In the Interests of the Battalion A large number- of eligible men were The Bat talion truck was there complete with Its outfit of moving pictures were the boys of the quartette who were well received the officer In charge of de pot presided On behalf of the Mr James Arnold a prominent farmer In the Township of iicoti gave promise of wholehearted support for the battalion and strong ly endorsed the appeal for men No ingle man who was eligible should hold- back save for the reason Ernes a turned soldier of the od Battalion and who has enlisted with the great Aug Joico a old man of Glasgow who made his living by selling vegetables and flow ers to the Of was found dead in his bed day Ho livedalone for his wife died many years ago and his only daughter in Toronto had been ill days but had been dead only a few hours when discover ed Death is believed- to duo to natural causes and an inquest la consldorod unne cessary Compensation John Tones had a dog and he paid a license to keep it It was not a had dog ordinarily but one day it went mad sent its venom into three or four children killed a wife or two and otherwise In flicted great damage on com munity Dont touch that dog cried Jones Its licensed But ho big policeman drew a bead on the animals heart and there was nothing left hut the carcass The liquor industry has a li cense to legitimate I The enormity of its of fences decency life and limb has rendered that business morally illegitimate In many cases and legally illegitimate in others Jby the will of people Whore it is a mad do the people must have right to vote it out where it is a good dog there no public sentiment In favor extirpation There comes into court calling on the law for protection an in dustry which has viciously violat ed the law which contributed Us monoy and its influence cor rupt the law which has degraded the very sources of the law by crowding inlo gutter citizens who make the law Yet it is an industry which exists only by tol eration of the people Indeed the property value of which it prates is almost wholly a franchise value and nothing more The vnluc of a saloon is not in its stock of li quor but in Its authorization lo sell that liquor The industry obviously needing regulation has resorted lo Insid ious political activity to prevent that regulation save in such com munities as are opposed to its continuance It has constituted itself a public nuisance Why therefore should It be recom pensed for its own feasance in behaviour The liquor industry not vested fright it is in many cases a vested wrong Us franchise Is hold subject to pleasure of the people It simply must cease exist the people sq will Just as great plants ceased lo exist Nobody wo be lieve advocated that race track gamblers should bo although part of their profits had gone to the A business that becomes repugnant Ihemorolfl of the age no mat ter what Us former standing In lav must go Just as slavery went the only consideration it can expect is the warning of approaohlrig action a warning which the slaveholders had and a warding which the liquor busi ness has been getting for more than half a Philadel phia FARM LABORER8 WANTED The Western Provinces of Cana da are not experiencing an acute of of Farm Laborers for Spring and Summer work which makes steady work and good wages a certainty Saskaschewan has call ed for Laborers and an equal number Is required in Manitoba Alberta After a thorough canvass of the Territory served by the Canadian Northern Railway It was found that an average of men Is required at the points from which returns were received An average wage Is per month Including board Is being the highest being per day For further particulars as to the men required and the wages being paid at the various points apply to Butcher- Agent or write General Passenger Agent King Street E Toronto v FIR8T0LA88 CONDITION All the worlds a circus ring and each of us at times essays the role of clown A Lot of Pulleys and Hangers at 1 Each Also Belting at Half Price Enquire at Era Office Newmarket allies 1 IM it I London Aug has Joined the Allies with her army of Ah official statement Berlin this afternoon announced Thero will bo no municipal bye- election In Village the resignation of A P Wilson being fin ed by who went In by The Owen Sound papers have price rem Contests At Rural School Fairs PRIZES Free Courses at Macdonald Institute Free Poultry Courses at Ontario Agricultural College Free Cook Books and Magazines prizes in all will be offered in breadmaking contests Which will be held this ill at over rural school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and mil stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the ages of and Here is a wonderful Opportunity for your daughter it in the contest at the fair according to the coaditiuii to win for herself a Free Course in Domestic Science explained below and more fully told in the at the famous Macdonald Institute All she will send you on request The loaf must be has to do Is to bake one double loaf of bread and enter with A West Flour the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread This is a splendid flour which makes biggest bulging loaveswhitest rt splendid opportunity to interest your daughters in bread you ever baked Is this not Here are the Splondid Prizes fejfVH Crem or the Wen Hour The following e local lit paidup Aibsetiptloa to My This full cover to cover every for vounn published In rite articles aultable lor Value per year The winner of first provincial razes The first and or and fourth not be awarded la any one county Short Course months In Domestic Science at Institute The accept ituuciits under of years if the vc present her with a ctrtilicute her to 2nd VJue entries exceed ten a Jlbc Of ft roos to My the f the ludxei at die fair will ten a 3rd will be the at fair pre the course when ahe the aje Value iw- which pays foe fe room board aid winner live at Hall while 2nd Short Course In Domestic Science at number en The Little Paper cation month In with to history etc arc and The wbineri of at the fair automallc- J become foe he Provincial half of the double loaf to Ontario Agri cultural CouJiTciuelph by the district in aoeci The don A of the Department of lie Short Course donald Institute 3rd Short Course weeks In Poultry AKtioullural Clrts taking this not live at the but good VgmSS for them In Value of course pays board of aludent In Guelph fees are w coirie 1 Short Course 4 weeV Poultry Ontario College to Tot Famous Boston CooklnrKhcot by Fannie Farmer latest edition J are thoroughly tested recipes and of dishes etc beside much Every girt or t the rural ftUend birth Jy before November lit or her birthday not occur Nov One lof of bread baked la about and 3 deep and Into l In lAua that they may be at faff loU be baked with Cream of the Flour One half will be ludjed at iNc fair The other half flrU prize loaf aent to Akflcultural the Provincial Coattat The local at the fair be conducted under tht tame u all the other regular MotteU at your fair and Flour at Conditions of the Contest that the actually baked the loaf at the lime of the fair The more than entry may be opt be awarded to at the fair will be In the case of til Not more than one entry may and not won then we be awarded to The Results Provincial be need aft the of the Kuril Pchool Fain rovloce Do Not Miss this Great Opportunity fig a leaf A Cumb IS tonka fimart cof lo jet promptly leu Named la to all f School Fair the Wt Tast Keh loaf omit be the of form be try the PO acWrtas Crtn th louf Fair held except and ThuJer Bay dUtrfcUW 1 of Where fair Agriculture la hkh Itioa 01 I by t be part Iti parcat or or Atkdno rural acbool nun tf aaod form Us by part of bet art 2T13rfiiJHE Lnportaslt a4 aa entry i CounU Perth the of no rural fair 0 aa4 a- p nl

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