Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 25, 1916, p. 8

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EIGHT v MARKET A 2 5TH r s it l elt Wretched Untn Ha To Take a I CHAMptAnr St Moktbbau For two years I was a miserable sufferer from and Stomach Trouble I had frequent Dizzy Spells when I took food felt wretched I suffered from Rheu matism dreadfully with pains in my ana joints and my hands A friend advised Fruftatives and the outset they did me good the first box I felt I getting vtl and I can truthfully say that is the only medicine a box 6 for trial tall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- tives limited Ottawa Life Around HOU8E TO RENT At North End Newmarket per month 3w28 at lo CM Hughes TO LET On Eagle St Reasonable rent to G Brown Niagara St HOU8E TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished bungalow on Vincent Street Newmar ket Apply to Mrs J Lee WANTED TO RENT six or seven room house by young couple with no children Wanted on or before Sept Address A Burnet Box 541 Newmarket BRICK HOU8E FOR In Newmarket West end Hard wood finish Electric Light Bath Fur nace etc Terms arranged if Apply Box 607 Aurora Building Lota on Park and Lome Avenues Apply to Newmarket TOLET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY FARM FOR Airs Win Martin was suddenly called to Fort Sunday on account of the death of who was drowned there Last Sunday the Church had the pleasure of having with them a former pastor- Rev P Cameron now or Berlin Ontario Miller of Meunt Morris S old Sun day School boy of this churcli also Rev Mr Mercer of US A In the afternoon Mr Cameron preached- at the Ninth and Mr Miller here in the evening Both delivered addresses which be long remembered When Mr J A went to his garage early on Sunday morning he found the door broken open and car gone He at once went to Toronto to secure the aid of the authorities but In the meantime word was receiv ed that a car had been seen on the 2nd concession of near Gari baldi which proved to be Sir Barkeys car The driver had evidently lost control of the car there for it was found standing against the railing which prevented it from getting the mud and water beside the road at this place It was brought home none the worse except for a broken lamp The culprit has not been discovered Mr Walter Foot had a very narrow escape on Sunday the Inst As he was turning the Queens Hotel yard to leave his horse there an auto mobile coming from behind and not knowing he was going to lurn to the left unUl it was to late ran Into the buggy The horse was turned upon its back and Mr Foot thrown against a tree but luckily he was not injured The closing of Camp at Musslemans Lake on Tuesday of last week brought to an end a most pleas ant and profitable three weeks of camp life Twice a day the Scouts of Beav er and Kangaroo Patrols took the ex cellent swimming lessons under the direction of Rev John Mutch the Chaplain of the troop Long distance swims diving rescue of drowning persons among the stunts In which most of the Boy Scouts be came proficient Some of the younger hoys visited the camp on Wednesday and Friday afternoons and enjoyed the bathing etc and on Civic Holiday some or the parents and friends were callers at Camp and ail expressed pleasure at the outfit of the camp which included the stretchers of the Ambulance Corps On Sunday afternoon there passed away at the home of Mr and Mrs Herbert Avery Mrs Kelly in her 77th year Mrs Kelly had been ail ing some time previous to her death but the end without pain The deceased was born on the 5th Concession of Whitchurch near and was a daughter of George She resided on the old homestead until three years ago when she came to live with her I dealt with at Far more effective than Sticky Fly A Catchers Clean to handle Sold by Druggists and everywhere FIELD CROP COMPETITION The standing grain in connection with ScKpmf berg Agricultural Society took place Saturday August the judge being Mr Lee Carscadden The was for wliHoioW arid following are the prizewinners and points obtained out of a possible score of- 9i 90 90 84 82 I- Palmer Bros Robert Sinclair 3 William Thompson -4- W McKay Mrs John McDonald 6 Fred 7 Geo Walker SCHMBERG HORSE RACES The Schomherg Turf Club will hold their annual horse races on Saturday Sept 2nd and the entire net proceeds areto be given in aid of the Red Cross A splendid program of races will be given as follows Freeforall trot or pace purse 230 class trot or pace purse Class trot or pace purse Green race horses that nevor started in a race prior to June 1st 960 Money divided 30 mil heats in freeforall and classes halfmile heats In the green race The entries will close on Sept 1st Aurora band has been engaged for the day Special car will leave after the races to connect with cars north and south on Yonge street acres more or less firstclass clay earth being East half of Lot in the 3rd Concession of East GwiUlm- Good house and barn Apply to J Davis Newmarket NORTH FARMS Three Quarter Sections of good grain land in Central Alberta miles from Town of on main line of Grand Trunk Pacific aero broken on one quarter section fenced and granary thereon 12 150 acres broken on another quarter Good house and good water acres broken on the third quarter section per acre Terms to suit purchaser Enquire of Mrs John Ml Albert or John Box Alberta I TO JERSEY BREEDERS daughter Avery Of a family of eleven she Is survived by two a brother and a sister Christie Briliinger and Mrs John Baker or the Con cession of Whitchurch She is also survived by three grandchildren- Mrs Avery Miss Tresslc Baker and Miss Clara Baker The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon to Cemetery and was attended a large number of friends and relatives Tribune Brampton Worry Prince Sire Violas Bright Prince Dam Merry Daisy 2509 Record of Performance Test lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Tamworth Pigs Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring 23 Newmarket NOTICE hereby given that Colin Poole of the City of Toronto In the County of York In the Province of Ontario Manager will apply lo the Parliament Of Canada at the next ses sion thereof for a BUI of Divorce from tils wife Catharine Poole on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario the day of January DUFF Bay St Toronto Solicitor for the Applicant a COAL Anthracite Coal bur- prices Orders flllod at all Telephone No 177 door South of Shop Main North Dont Fur get that WXwzatm or neglected It may rut Act upon the first your organ HO Too laic for last week Miss Myrtle Kitchen spent the week with Myrtle Lloyd of Lloyd- town Mr P Kitclicn motored lo Mallon on Sunday Mr and Mrs Black and family of fipent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Luke Lyons Mr and Mrs of Kettleby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Skinner Mrs and family ore spend ing a month with Mrs sis ter Ma Perry of Mount Forest Mr and Mrs Daniel have rituniMl home after spending a couple of months with their son In Sank Mrs daughters are spending a week with their aunt Mrs Miss Lloyd of King City Is visiting with Murphy Tin two daughters of Mrs James L ask ay ere vlsUIng at their Uncles Mr and Mrs Jos Pulton Miss Fern Clark Is spending couple of weeks In Toronto The Mrs Is vlslllng In Toronto for a few days Mrs Is visiting her brother- inlaw Mr Frank Williamson Mr Terry called On friends In town this week The A Belfry of Tottenham visited with Mourse on Thursday Mr Win Curtis and Mrs of visited at Mrs Skinners Saturday Mr and Mrs of ire visiting at their sons Mr and Mrs Mrs Coon of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Hoy Father MoOrath has returned home after upending a week In Mus- Mrs and Ron Kenneth of Port Credit spent the weekend with Mrs brother Mr Geo Skinner Miss McCutoheon Is spending her holiday at Whitby Mr ft McCutcheon I staying with her daughter Mrs Stewart of Mr and Mr Skinner and daughter Ada Master Harold motored to Bradford Sunday Mr Melville Stephens called- on friends In town Miss Bessie of pnt the weekend with Mis Alice Mrs Spring at Is visit ing with Mrs Ralph Davis Preparation ate being made for the Fair which will be held on October Fred met with- ah on Wednesday morning while carrying a of beef He Is COLLECTED AT THE SCHOOL The following statement of the re ceipts and expenditure of the money collected by Ihe teachers and pupils of the public school has been handed in for publication by Mrs Chas Davis to whom was en trusted supervision of buying the required articles and filling and de spatching the boxes that have been mailed for the boys at the front who went from and and who at one time and another were pupils of said school Total amount of money col lected Paid for Goods 4 Postage Balance 357 Names of boys to whom boxes have been sent Harold Brown Vincent Brown Russell Davis Stewart Dean Doyle George Laird Laird K Lloyd J L Rogers J Doyle T Courtney Henry Davis The following note was enclosed In each box sent away This and contents Is donated lo you by the teachers and pupils of the public school through whose exer tions the money wherewith to buy these was collected In Ihe fervent hope that each box would be accept ed and appreciated and laken as the strongest evidence that could be given that our brave boys at the front are dally remembered here for their courage and patriotism and the sacri fices they arc making In going to the war and assisting our beloved mother country in driving back the foe the enemy of our country our liberties our freedom and civilization As a change of teachers Is being made here our- present teachers are removing from this place so anything you may desire to say In the way of response lo them and the pupils will be con veyed to them with pleasure by your addressing Mrs Davis Ont in this City commencing on the- of October Miss Lavltt a Police of the City visited a sideshow I at last week where she found ft woman telling fortunes haying her told Miss ar rested the fortunetaller who was the Court A cyclist named Tirrell was knocked down seriously Injured last week when he attempted to sand wich between a street car and a pass ing rig Most of the accidents- of cyclists and motor drivers occur by such foolish acts Several lumber mills throughout sent car loads of lumber for distribution among the settlers of the fire district In Northern Ontario David Epstein was arrested on a charge of robbery and assault It is reported He knocked a man down and rbbbedhim of his money and yacji Little Fred Porter aged 3 years who sustained a fractured skull when he fell from his brothers arms last week when being carried upstairs died at the Hospital for Sick Children on Thursday Booth who recently passed bis test at Long Branch for Royal Naval Air Service left for Montreal the middle of week on his way to England Hon McGarry last week an nounced that the Government will guarantee Coehranes bonds to the extent of the result of a request for old made by Mayor Roths child and a deputation of citizens the Duke of Connaught GovernorGeneral has requested that his reception on the of Septem ber by the corporation be no elaborate affair on account of the expenses dur ing the war His Highness is considerate Hon Lucas said that he had a lot to do with framing the Hydro Legislation last session and that It was always his Intention that the com mission should have full authority He thought the commission had authority purchase rightsofway for the 1 r 1- lit Salesmanship -Vi- A J- We have thought about the young man who sees ho prospects ahead Would you like to be In a business that will give you A Good Living Wage A Profitable Future A ProvisionFor Old Age We teaoh a man the Insurance Business which offers permanent success does not fluctuate Is a professional occupation and has been truly named The best paid hard work in the world Thiols done by a correspondence course and personal assistance free of charge When he Is fully prepared for the work we place him In a position and to make good The first two lessons of the Companys corres pondence course anyone Inter ested It will pay youn4 men who desire to get on In the world to look into this All correspondence strictly confidential CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO Office Toronto 1 to WAR NEWS spent week- Mr Will end at the beach MISS Watt Of Toronto the guest of Mrs Glass Miss A Meek of Newmarket visited her friend Miss Merlft York Man Are you to be at evening New York Girl Why ft to Mi home with ft MQglSlrate on Fri day last fined an Aurora butcher for In that Town Ho told where lie got the liquor and other may fol low Two men In town were up before Police Magistrate during the week for being drunk In a local option One was fined and the other and costs and- placed on the Indian List On Thursday of last week Mr John W Hartnun passed at his borne In from the of Injuries received In a runaway Mr and Mrs wore out driving when- In some way Mri dropped one of the In reaching for this he lost his balance and sustained Injuries whldh resulted In his death Mrs Jumped from the sustained Injuries The funeral took place on Saturday Deceased was a brother of Mr I J and an uncle of this place The Aurora Club by their fine playing have qualified for the semi finals Manitoba public schools opened with teaching la French man and from thecurrlcuia Aug Damage to the extent of by Are the factory of the Woollen Mills Company -em- period engaged on orders whole or part of the radial system and to arrange the necessary finance there fore Most of the fall wheat crop of York County is now harvested Owing to the drouth of July the yield will be below the average On Thursday of last week Aus trian and Turks were transferred from Stanley Barracks to the Intern ment camp at Spirit Lake One result of the recent big fire in New Ontario so It Is said Will be the reorganization of Fire Rangers in the North Country On account of the scarcity of labor a number of the brickyards between the City and Mount Dennis have been closed till later In the fall Regulations respecting the safe of native have been Issued Premier Hearst will get busy Quite a rupture between Hon Ferguson and Hon Adam Beck has become very apparent Heading to ah article In Saturdays Globe reads Nickel coming back In bodies of our men of Minister of Militia blames Hearst Government for lhl8y It Is reported that enlistment has caused a decrease of 3000 in Ward of this City On Friday last Mr auto but In doing so saved a childs life on the near According to an Intimation received by the Mayor Inst week If It II the Duke mid Dutchess of ac companied by Princess Patricia will arrive here on November They will then proceed to Camp Borden and return next day for the Exhibition A reception will be held by Duke the Hall Sept at one p in While on her way to Toronto from her home In Seattle last Friday Mrs Samuel who Is thought to have relatives In this CJty died on Ihe train at from an attack of heart failure Kino sisters and a brother will share equally in the file Insurance left by Pie Angus a Toron to Carpet Salesman who fell In action while serving with the British expedi tionary forces In France April 1 16 Two men were up before Magistrate lost Thursday on a charge of trespassing on the T tracks They Bald they were on their way back from Montreal where they had been working on a lake steamer and left behind As they had no money they were trying lo beat their W the west when arrested So convinced was his Worship by the mens hard- luck story that he not only let them go but gave them a dollar to tide them over until they- could find work While working at munitions in the plant of the Universal Tool Steel Co Street Albert J LOOT bad his arm badly crushed by being drawn In to a machine Three claims for assistance present ed at the of the Soldiers Be lief Committee of York County were ordered to be Investigated before ac tion was taken With a leg and collar bone broken Wm Tyrrlll was taken last week to Grace He had been delivery wagon and a car while riding his at King and Bay Streets The Turkish losses in the recent un successful advance against the Suez Canal totalled more than accord ing to a British Official report from Egypt The number engaged on the Turkish side was Of were killed 4000 wounded and 3920 taken prisoners including forty- nine officers In addition there fell In to British hands camels horses and mules four guns nine machine guns two field hospitals and a quantity of supplies Thus ends German attempts to destroy British influence In Egypt and throughout the Mohammedan world If Germany con tinues to use up the Turks as she uses up her own soldiers the Ottoman problem Will easily be solved Amsterdam Aug In recognition of his sinking one hundred vessels of the Entente allies Walter commander of a German submarine has been given the order of Pour le Meritc by the German Emperor says a Berlin despatch received here The ships sunk by him Including war ves sels- aggregated tuns -30- pounds sterling the despatch adds Writing of the salient Mr Palmer said Yesterday afternoon the Brit ish guns were pounding away as usual at this sector which is called the redoubt when the British thanks to a new sys tem of taking care of machine guns and a quick burst of artil lery preparation covering their charge appeared at the jump at the doors of the dugouts Through glasses they wer visible to ob servers running about the maze of traverses like terriers search ing for rat holes their bayonets gleaming and puffs of smoke aris ing as they throw bombs In one capacious dugout equipped with beds and cupboards six officers and men surrendered in a body and were marched out much after the manner of a crowd caught lit gambling house that had been pulled by the police Some managed to escape from some of the dugouts the under ground galleries Others who could not- though surrounded Iried man their machineguns and were shot down Others fought to the death with bayonets andbombs In all it is estimated Ger mans caught in tills trap by less than their own numbers were counled for The loss of two small British Cruis ers Is reported- by the Admiralty The total British loss In men was only CO oUt of a told of The remainder were saved when vessels went down The regrettable incident took on Saturday In the North Sea The German High Sens Fled came out hut returned again to port when It was learned that the British were outBldo in considerable force In searching for the enemy to bring his ships to engagement two cruisers Not tingham and the Falmouth were sunk by enemy submarines Before going down the crulBors avenged their death They destroyed one of Ihe submar ines with rammed an- other which also may have been sunk British vessels- sunk were light Important Fall Fairs 1 1 Newmarket at Newmarket Sept Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto Aug to Sept Central Canada at Ottawa Sept 8 Lindsay at Lindsay Sept 2i end at Sept is and J at Sept 22 and at Beeton at Oct 5 Queensville at Queensville Ocl 5 anil Bradford at Bradford Sept and Markham at Oct a p Engine CONDITION Ml for A Lot of Pulleys and Hangers at Each Also5ln Belting at Half Price Enquire at Era Office HMWWfW J Mark- ham Village TowP signed and on election villi be The reason given by far tor is that the and other went ahead yvitK the buUUng of sidewalks without fym and he further that the side walks are being down op streets not covered by the debenture debt and on viiion traffic does warrant the ertorts hlni to reconsider rtftlpiaUbn hay ing failed new election has been ordered- 1 f- j Nawmarktii NTEIt ANY TIME The Fall Term Opens Wednesday Resident and Day School for Boys and Preparation fop and Tfcoh6P Ex COURSES IN SHORTHAND TYPEVWBITINO A Preparatory Courae Leading to Collegiate Depart MU8I0 ART I Address FIRTH A v I t I of over tons each The Nottingham was complet ed In and had nine guns as her main armament J The was In and carried 6Inch guns It the chief function of these tight to cover he advance of the big cruisers a patrol and to risks agatnst which the battle ships are guarded- sqvadroa wheo sighed by two The German report a destroyer was Job Admiralty Hate asked the of the hoiue Yea maam a didnt you bring them with you Theyre my photographs None of doe to to Country on or Business S LIVES fe fti mm TORONTO

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