Una Department see a Idle our window you can While and Gold iJLliln Piece Quality Priced to sell quick AH Lines of of a it will od as from of Life have ion and ir won fori Grabs- i I was I and I lid and AT OUR LOCAL For Fir fluffer The ladles who were for the sufferers in Northern Ontario succeeded nobly in purpose and last week shipped three large cases and a small box to Cochrane weighing 880 me Public Library The Library will close Aug r and will reopen on Sept Readers having books Will return them onor Aug the vacant Brief lets- Cut the weeds on lots now Indications point to a shortage of the anthracite coal supply dur ing the winter months Get your winter supply in now and save worry and extra expense All Motorists Should have a road Map a com plete guide to roads in Ontario at There are 30 men WkhsklTfelongrog the Another built j last week Into Canes mill yards 1 Cross the Treasurer Miss Forsyth sent a cheque last week for being the annual cost of endow ing five cots in Connaught Hos pital at Cliveden England which the Society has undertaken to maintain while the war continues Family Wiped Out The sad news came to the home of Mr Joseph Saunders of this Town from Mr A Byam Mayor New stating that his brother Mr John Saunders to gether with his wife and two children- 5- years old were all killed iftlhe recent disastrous fire while residing on their home stead near Junction The interred in the New Cemetery Mr Saunders accompanied by his sister from will take the train for Northern On tario at an early date Fred Webster wftsVin Town yesterday making arrangements with Isaac Hose tb build at once to Chopper instal led for of- farm ers in the vicinity within he next month or six weeks Accidents Wednesday Mr Gilford Mann had the tip of his finger taken off by a saw at Canes A lad named Frank Evans was riding his bicycle one day last week and got into a rut He thrown off his wheel and broke his arm Price to reduce stock English China Tea Sets neat patterns 3 colors from up to stock quick Importer of Staple China and romans a pound received not PHOTOGRAPHS PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER it would delight your hew It would please friends Make Them For You I Anxiety Removed The public will be pleased to know that Mr little child months old that was at tacked with Infantile Paralysis a month ago is improving nicely getting the use of its prospects favorable for Hi recovery The case caused a great deal of anxiety at the lime especially for fear of con- ligion as the child was wheeled round Town in a baby carriage every day prior to the of tho infectious dis ease However the quarantine was strict and the Town is to- be congratulated in having no more than an isolated case All fear is now removed and f every thing will go on as usual New Ford Cars Photographer One Door West Pout Office of Town Taxes ByLaw levying the rate of Taxation for was finally passed by the Town Council last Monday ev ening rate being on the assessment The rate last year was 260 The laxpayers of the Town have reason to thank a capable Council for keeping the rate so low in view of the fact that the County requisition and Provincial War Tax Is nearly three limes greater than last year In the Town paid the County including War Tax S3 this year the Town of Newmarket has to pay 10110 for the same purpose The Public School Board asked for the High School Board which is less than last year and the Separate School about Hie game as last yean The new ByLaw increases the Poll Tax for young men from to Mr Ken Robertson sold three new Ford cars this week to Mr John exReeve of Whitchurch The arc dandies and have several im provements on the 1915 car It is a common thing when travel I through the country to meet fanners driving automobiles When you see a bright clean car turning out of a farmers gate with son or daugh ter at the wheel the guess that they must have some town or City visitors at that place is out of dale The farmers arc using cars and are going to use more of them Car production peached its highest point this year and big makers are figuring a larger Output next year at low er prices in the face high and high prices for als Only in a big output can companies hope lo keepup earn ings Presbyterian Church The funeral service of the late Mrs Laws of Queens- was held in the church here on Tuesday afternoon Tiev Thomas came down from Is land Grove specially to conduct the service and was assisted by Rev A The remains were interred at Newmarket Genu League Championship Last Wednesday Barrie bowlers came down to Bradford and were de feated by the local team This makes Bradford a tie with for the Championship in the Northern Bowling League 30 points each The tie will be played off on New market green next Wednesday after noon Open to the No charge So over and see the sport and icro to at the I prices off or over Give me and Eto Prices paid Double Line DAY SINGLE FARE fiingand reluming Sept FARE AND ONETHIRD iiiSijd nd 3rd and Ho return Sept will lie issued from Uiois in Canada east M Arthur and to Port Huron Buffalo Black Falls Bridge full particulars on to Agents National Exhibition at reduced fares to JMW from all stations In Obtain particulars train service and rale excursions from Trunk Dont Send Your Money To the when you can got the Be Grade of Royalfte Coal Oil by the barrel at ic a gallon at MAKE APPEAL FOB MEN at BS il on or before Town yr No Deception 9 As the result of abuse which has grown up since the war in connection with tin wearing of military and naval uniforms medals an the like by those who are not entitled do ho the Gov ernment lias taken action to prevent a recurrence of In the future Reg ulations have been enacted under the authority of the War Measures Act which the unauthorized wear ing of uniforms medals etc under pain of penalities provided orderIn Council passed at Ottawa provides that If any- unauthorized per son wears any naval or military uni form or any uniform no nearly any such uniform as to be calculated deceive or if any person without lawful authority supplies a naval or military uniform to any person not being a member of his Majestys forces or of Canadian militia or if any person without authority wears a naval or military decoration or medal he is guilty of an offence under the Criminal Code and on summary conviction Is liable to a penalty not ex ceeding 50 and In default of payment is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months How to Mail Packages A misapprehension appears to exist in the minds some per sons as to the rates of postage chargeable on parcels addressed soldiers on service abroad It is thought by some that bo- cause all parcels for overseas he Care of the Army Post OfficeLondon Bag that therefore the Brit ish post necessarily apply Such is not the case as a matter of fact the Army Post Office is practically the clearing office for all mail matter intend ed troops The mail is re ported there and despatched the various units wherever locat ed and such address does not af fect the rate of postage v On all parcels addressed to members of divisions with Hie British Expeditionary Force whether in France Belgium any where on flic continent Egypt the Dardanelles the French rate applies It sometimes happens that the addressee may have returned tr Britain or a doubt may exist as to bis actual location and the PostOff ice Department being desirous of facilitating in every way the transmission of mail in tended for the troops have in structed that In such peases pat- els may be accepted at the Brit ish rate at the risk of he send ers but have strongly recom- mrnded that in case of doubt or possibility of the being with the Expeditionary Forces on the Continent or elsewhere thai the French parcelpost rale be I aid Our Toronto Letter Under the direction Mrs Dr local players arc rehearsing the comis opera Pinafore which they will present in Hall early in October The proceeds are for the work at the Base Hospital One Aiy last Week the Lake Shore for 300 yards east of he number River bridge was under ten inches of water through filling operations start ed on the Bay section of the locality In of the large number of ac cidents resulting from speeding motors the Chief Constable of Weston is mak ing a vigorous effort to compel motorists to respect the law Dr Minns of the School Medical Inspeptlon Department reports that the dealhratc among the children of the City this suinmeris the lowest record ed for many years The election of Mr K for W Toronto at the bye- election on the 21st was a political triumph of He Is the first Liberal the Riding has ever elected and what is more he had a majority at most of the polling divi sions In the constituency and a majori ty In every Ward V An Is about to he made to have the speed of the Street cars motors bicycles and very considerably reduced Lives of peo ple arc being sacrificed under existing regulations in crowded The- Commission Is spending lo Toronto a safe and adequate supply of power- The orderlneoimril changing the name of Berlin to Kitchener was passed on Wednesday A proclama tion will he Issued making the change effective from September 1st SUPER ZEPPELINS TO HAVE LENGTH OF FEET Training Depot Is the first Iff organized in Canada of Slgnal- 11 depot and I n from i eaani i inl7Sttion of lift ill- depot eye jay drivers and it the front It Is work of any Forces very day and weeks a mans of jri Wrvw UP ltd Cone There and of type have In this unit a of time I man to train Drafts and are v together depot up this A few Toronto Is In charge at the RecruIU Wxl was rA Pronto la In v t widlf anyone to Join any of algiullers n or De- Toronto i at once that Tile home of Mr and Mrs Cameron lon was the scone of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday the when their daugh ter Dora May was united in mar riage- to Mr Gordon Miller of Detroit Miub of Mr A J formerly of ceremony vas per- by J Chapman of assisted by I uncle of bride of Detroit Mich- fe bride who was unattend ed was given by her father was charmingly gowned in a while silk crepe do dress and wore a- bridal veil caugli vilb Her go ing gown- was of blue silk poplin After the ceremony all repaired to the dining roOrn and partook if a Wedding dinner The tables were- beautifully decorated In while and green were present from lerborough MorXham Orchard Mt Albert Hill Detroit Mich and Webster The bride the recipient of many valuable and beautiful gifts groom gift was a gold Watch a few days with friends the young couple left amid beat wishes of their many Fatal Motor Chief Coroner Arthur Jukes Johnsons jury brought in a ver dict of wilful negligence against John- Nelson Henderson Charles Street cast Toronto for having struck and killed with Ills automobile Mrs On August The evidence the showed that Henderson was driv ing his car down Avenue passing Ave at a rate of miles an hour Mrs started across Avenue from the east side and reached the centre of the street railway tracks On III west side Henderson observed the woman and swerved his car onto the car hacks in an effort to pass behind Her She started quickly for the Ado walk about two steps then hesitated seemingly and Anally stepped hack in front of car At the lime she stepped back the automobile was out fifteen foot and passed over the womans body topping eight feet on the other side The Jury brought in a verdict Wednesday evoning stating that they found that John Hen derson wns driving very slowly hut should stopped his cur Chief Coroner Johnson sent the Jury hock while be wrolo the ver dict out for them The verdict n rendered poh guilty of wilful negli gence in that ho have slop ped his car and did not thus kill ing Mrs counsel for the defence protested that the verdict should lie original wordfng but the Coroner over ruled him He then the consent of tho jury to the new verdict Henderson remains In custody London Thursday Aug In a speech delivered at Bury St Edmunds last night Montagu of former ViccChalrinau of the Joint Naval and Military Hoard told of new monster superZeppelins which Ger many Is building We have obtained some details Of the superZeppelins which Germany Is now building said Montagu The principal features Of the craft are a capacity of two million feet a length of feet a of feel maximum speed of miles an hour a cruising speed miles an hour and a radius of action of 1000 miles The engines six or seven of them have a total of The airships can carry a load of bombs of five Ions They are able to ascend feet They are arm ed with machine guns at bow and stern and on top of the envelope They carry a crew of men These particulars show how large ly life Germans are relying on Mr S Vernon was fined and costs last week under the Pure Food Act for selling adulterated coffee Mr Vernon was In the habit of telling his customers It was a compound and it was so labelled on the tins but the inspector said he was not told it was anything other coffee En- J forcing the Pure Act Is some thing like enforcing a prohibitory li quor law more or less a sneaky Wb have no sympathy for a man who tries to palm off inferior food but often- the merchant may be soiling the adulterated food In good faith The wholesaler may have been the guilty one or more likely the manufacturer The law should get right after tho man who makes bogus article Merchants should realize by now that they should have a- written guarantee with every purchase so they can pass on the responsibility if any adulteration Is discovered Journal Wo have half a dozen extra fine Verandah Chairs which will be sold very reasonably to clear out before fall Theso ohalrs are finished In golden and make fine for inside also We also have a fine lino of Leather and Morris Chairs oak and elm from In and get our before purchasing elsewhere Dealer In Furniture and y FRED SKINNER Undertakers License Funeral License 310 An excellent remedy for tooth ache consists of wetting a piece of cotton In boiling vinegar and rubbing the gum around the aching tooth also filling the cavity lightly a bit of cotton saturate vinegar if the pain does Ml In not New York Aug One man was killed six are missing and cation the slop In a few minutes make another appli es The critic Is the own crookedness last to discover several are lying in hospitals as the result of the sudden collapsn of a livestorey brick len- Ihe course of fl lion in the Bronx people In Cobalt Aug Hush fires are raging In the district around Now The court In was noon so that New attendance could pcllns us a means for embarrassing Two of these new craft have aire been completed and four will available October us idy he IN PORT Geneva Aug 18 A private telegram received today from Berlin by the lung says that the German sub marine arrived safe ly yesterday al Bremen from the United States soiled from Baltimore for Germany on Aug MUSSULMANS LAKE Miss Eleanor Davison of was a hostess of a large party from that village and Markham at Lake yesterday afternoon or Urn motor loads were present at the held on the grounds at the lake and boating arid games were greatly enjoyed The return trip was In safety the party arriving homo shortly before midnight In Hospital with a broken leg 1st and passing out to sea on Mr CarUr some following day dropped out of lo worklo put furnl- sight y place Tables Mr t A Brown Of Pembroke was swindled out of a car last Satur day A young man asked for the loan of car to tow his auto which had broken down fell for the story and young- man drove Aug Tho fifteen- retian to protect their homes Eight monlhsvold child of Mr and Mm farms have been destroyed on the George Brooks of Adelaide village fell north road On the west road Hoovers from a this morning farm had been burned Tho big swamp IngllS head against a table In such or near Cobalt Mine Is burn- manner that Its neck was broken fiercely and there is no communl- died almost Instantly ration with mine at the lime of wiring Hush fires are also raging be tween Latch and Gillies Depot A large number of arc out fighting the fire Aug Manager of the Northern Navigation Co received a wire today that steamer Saronlc had burned to the waters edge shore of Island Georgian hay vyhcre she was beached by Capt- Montgorncry when she broke Into flames amidships on Lake Huron early Sunday morning The crew of men landed on this bleak shore in life boats and their way to where they arc being provided for Saronlo was built here In arid was feet In length On the present trip she was taking a cargo of grain to- Port Aug During a electrical storm which passed this district early this morning barn of John Smith of was struck and burned 1 ground The crops were lost Mr Smith was badly hurt while trying to get out sorno of the horses A short time after trees on the farm of Mr James Smith close by struck and a number of sheep killed The barns of H of Corwhln and Sandy of were also and burned Mr J MoLean of had tho roof lifted from his barn by accompanied the rain of- James Qullmana at was also blown off and Mr the Brook- Road a silo blown over The orop In township suffered severely rural telephone in A young man of about 20 came to town on Saturday having In his pos session fine horse and buggy He visited Vr Kecs livery and endeavored to dispose of the outfit for The price asked aroused suspicion chief took young man In charge who owned that he had served four years at Mlmlco and that horse and buggy belonged to the livery of Mr White The police of that town were notified and came down for him on Saturday evening Bramp ton Conservator There was a Jolly good dance on Aug Robinson House nig nay Point decupled by Archibald Carter but the pleasure of the occasion was sadly marred for Mr Carter by an ac cident followed and he is now were pill climbed on top to shove down In so doing he slipped anil fell break ing of his legs the knee Aug Thore were heavy storms passed over Markham township yesterday which caused very considerable damage grain levelled and trtes were torn up by the roots John Smith a farmer two mHes out of f- vUle had his barn burned as well as his hoy and crop that were stored- therein Milliken8 Corners district was visited by a heavy wind storm accompanied by rain Sheaves were up and carried forty Seven deaths have resulted front thc more recent fires Northern On tario according lo the Information of the O Commission yesterday- Mrs A Mackenzie and her six child- are reported to have been lost- The commission was given to under stand that they lived In Hartley Town ship near New Aug An unknown man was killed on the Grand Trunk Hallway tracks about evening He attempted to cross the tracks on West street when thc gates were clos ed The gatekeeper culled to him but he gave no heed There several tracks at this point and as he was crossing one on which freight cars were standing he was struck by tho tender of a shunting foil under wheels and his body was severed at waist Politicians are wondering if Department of Justice now thai the Militia Department has deprived John Wesley Allison oi his rank- as an honorary colonel will lake steps to him he acquired by questionable methods frow Mercury observes There might been no notice taken by the Department Of Militia and Defence but for the fact that Sir Sam Hughes la in England and in his absence 8ir Rogers is in charge of War Depart ment Important Little Louis was a smart- boy and very anxious to forge ahead In Wprld He got a Job In tho local bank A wealthy met him on the street one morning and- said Well Louis how are you getting on in busi ness I suppose the first thmg wo know you will be president of the bank replied the boy Tm exclaimed undo Draft Why thats very sur prising but very good replied I open and shul windows order and clone ho pie leave- them open v draft clerk already What tti k MnMi m