Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 25, 1916, p. 6

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Wi is F I FEE Mrs MLillle met with a pain ful and serious accident week Coming down the steps at a neighbors house it overturned and she received a nasty cut near the knee and also lore some of the veins of her ankle It will be some time before she can use the limb returned on Sunday a with In their brother Mr at Whitby RETURNED SOLDIER Mr Frank who was Their many friends are rejoic ing with and Mrs over the safe return from the front of their son Frank who went out from here over two years ago with the University Battalion to work with the Prin cess Pals He and his brother Guy who is still in the trenches somewhere in France have seen some hardships both having been in Hospital Frank is to re ceive merited recognition by a commission in a Canadian Batt probably the Irish Fusiliers He arrived here on Monday at noon and a reception was speedily ar ranged for atnd carried out at his parents that evening J of Gamp Borden is al so at the paternal home Current Man on Tuesday Bali day last for atHp iff Manitoba Mrs Davidson Mrs have begun at the end PERSONAL Rev and Mrs Leggott who were holidaying at Niagara came home to he present at the reception With the departure of the from Oxbridge and the from Burden soldiers on leave are not so much in evidence Pie Middleton of the is at his home here an operation in Hospital rendering him unfit to go with the Bait visited his mother last week when trying his persuasive powers on a pos sible recruit Signallers K Ross and Stokes left on Monday after two weeks of farm leave After suffering from intense heat and drought for many weeks there was every indication of a heavy storm on Tuesday after noon but it amounted to a sprinkle only The Heavy rains reported from so many places and so badly needed here are seem ingly not for us The iick of whom there are many Mrs Hardy who has been very seriously ill for some time is able to sit up a little Mrs J Croutch is seriously ill also Mr John Steeper does not im prove Mrs Geo Leek was called to Keswick this week owing lo the illness of her sister Mrs Mann Ie first to enlist from Mount Al bert returned home on Monday An informal reception was hasU arranged and held on the lawn of his parents residence Though the notice was short a large number of ladies and gentle men were present who extended hearty greetings to the returned soldier Resident clergyman arid other citizens delivered short ad dresses interspersed with patri otic songs- An address of wel come was read by Dr Johnson and was as follows ML Aug Mi Frank Rnmsden Ml Albert Dear Mr Your old Albert friends wish tonight to express to you in a informal way our re in seeing you back from the front and our appreciation of the splendid services you have ren dered your king and country When the war broke out the first of our number lo offer yo for active service That you were anxious to go and do your bit was proven by the fact hat you underwent a serious and painful operation in order that you might qualify and we all ad mired your courage and band of Gypsies has been camping along Lane a madej llieir usual visits Looks as if struck a new girl are sorry to report that Mrs mother of Mrs or Haines is very low lit- lie hope is entertained for her recovery Rev Lloyil spent a few days with brother this week Hit occupied roe pulpit at Mt Albert oh Sunday bad Marion was disap pointed on night Never mi rid things wilt come OUEEN3VILLE Rev Kemp spent last Sunday In A good time is promised all who attend the League Garden Party next Tuesday night on the lawn of Mr Seymour including peaches and cream served from li lo followed by a program of readings solos du etts and quartettes tiy excellent The tickets are only a You cant afford lo mis f The Womens Institute will hold their meeting in the of the Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon at 3 oclock August 30th Mrs Fletcher of Kes wick will give a paper on A Mothers Influence A program and lunch are being provided A collection will be Baldwin Toronto is spend a few days lrs Cane arid Miss of ToronlQi Mrs HyHawWns-oTo- spent the weekend her brother Mri Wright have been quite plentiful past week Mr Winter caught otfe evening Mr Jackson who returned from the after an absence of monthsV Is spending with and daughter at Three nieces from Toronto spent the wh Mrs Thomson Mr Harry Gain and family who have been at Yates for the past two weeks left for home In Toronto on Wednesday The lady planning for a cornronst at the Indian camp some evening this week So far green corn has been scarce and- Mrs Vern Cane who spent two week with Mr and Mrs Ken left for home on Tues- day a KESWICK Mr and Mrs Robert Glover- of Kes wick and also Mr arid Mrs of motored down to Victoria Square to plovers on Sunday Mr Ed Traviss Mr las Mr Willie Johnsdn and friend motored to Victoria Square to Mr lo serve and from the very taken- Proceeds to buy field comforts The members are requested to pay 1 i CONCERT The members of the Bible Class of the Presbyterian Church held a very successful open air at the residence of Mr Amos Lapps last Friday evening Mr Duncan Cowan the popular entertainer of Toronto and Mr Hardy pianist gave a splendid program The proceeds amounted to about and go to help a Mission Church at Mount Dennis PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Johnston Crydor- and Mrs Joel Thompson whose were from HO to were visitors at the home of Mrs Anson Jones Both ladies are daughters the late Edward Sir 1 was in town for a few this week Messrs Kenneth Ross and Lyle who were home on harvest ilctivt returned to Ottawa this week Mr livcrflt Hayes is spending his ft at his home in town Mrs spent last week with friends at Hope Miss Florence was visiting at the home of Mr Rolling last week Mrs Herbert Crittenden is vis iting friends in Newmarket and Aurora Miss of Toronto is vfeiMng at Miss Dunns Mr Tims OBrien has returned from a visit with relatives in King Mr Lloyd of London occu pied the pulpit of the Presbyteri an Church on Sunday morning Owing to the Intense heat there was no service in the evening Miss Summer old of and the Misses- Wilkin son of Cheltenham are visiting Miss Cook beginning of the war we felt that we were represented by a man of whom we had every reason to be proud We followed your every with interest from the lime you enlisted until we heard were in the trench es When your name appeared on the casually list you had our deepest sympathy and we very anxiously waited further news ai d were delighted to hear of your and that you were back on active service All the time you were in the trenches you were much in our thoughts and in all your hardships you had our sympathy We were constantly deli gated with the reports of the splendid work done by the famous regiment to which you belonged and you are surely to he again on the fact that out of that- number you were selected and offered a commission We welcome you back to the village and we hope your brief slay will be a pleasant one We believe lhaj your ability to deal with men and the experience in training camps and trenches will make you an efficient and trustworthy officer and we will continue lo watch your career You will have our sympathy in all your hardships and our congrat ulations in all your successes and when you lead your men home when victory has been won you il have no more enthusiastic than the citizens of your native village We again offer to you our best wishes for the Inre Signed on behalf of the citi zens of Mount Albert JOHN MOORE JOHNSON Glovers from Sunday last Oriole East York on JACKSONS POINT fees meeting as only those paying before Sept 1st get Literature for the year Mrs Kemp has returned from a weeks visit at Alliston Rev with Miss Jean and Master Frank were in the on Wednesday re newing old acquaintances The funeral service of the Mrs David was held In the Presbyterian Church here on Tuesday interment being made in Queensville Cemetery Mrs had been living with her daughter Mrs Attrill of and had been in poor health for some months Mr Laws has the sympathy of community in death of his wife Mrs Laws funeral took place in the Presbyterian Church Newmarket on Tuesday Mrs Roy Taylor and son of Prince Albert visited her aunt Mrs James Wright last week Mr Will Huntley and family motored lo Orillia this week making the complete circuit of Lake The most enjoyable week- Of the season was brought to a delightful close on Saturday evening August a large dance held at Jacksons Point During the week various en tertainments were held a hayrack party after were served and an dance held at Villa Marie the beauti ful summer home of Mr loran of Toronto On Friday evening a corn roast was given on the lake shore by the young people of the Point after which music was render ed by several of the guests GROVE LAKE Everybody is going to the Garden Parly on Snake Island Saturday the The ball game between the Island Indians and Island Grove people will commence at o clock Supper will be served from to pm A good program will be given by Toronto and Island Talent Chief of Is land will be in Indian costume Mr Ferguson of Toronto has consented to act as Chairman A good time is in store and everybody is invited fern 1 SUTTON Greenwood of Ganjp visiting parents hers Mfss Grose of Coopersville Mich is the Ethel this week Rev F spent over the weekend here He spoke In Knox Church on Sunday Miss of Toronto is a guest at the home ofMrs Rev Stanley of Af rica is to preach in Meth odist Church next Sunday even ing Mrs H Leoson is giving up her store in Sutton and putting on a special sale commencing Aug Mrs Brown of Aurora is visit ing her daughter Mrs C Thayor Mr and Mrs A Burrows Miss Burrows Mrs McLaughlin and John McLaughlin motored up for huckleberries on Saturday Mr Harvey of the Newmarket wag in Sut ton on Monday Mrs Smith and children are guests at the home of her sister Mrs Winters was called his regiment on Monday He expects leave for overseas shortly Mrs Kerr and family have re turned home to after several days visit at the home of Dr Mr and Mrs Wm Keith of Newmarket spent iverthe week end with Mr and Mrs A Pugs ley at the Leo farm How to Fed Well During Middle life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience ft 1 woman The Change of Life is a most critical period of a existence- and neglect of health at this time invites FARM FOR 8ALE I Acres Choice Dairy farm at Sharon Metropolitan By station on lot 100 worth of shipped every month New barn with brick cement alio watr In Utter carrier underdrained and moat of farm well fenced for selling Call and see for yourself No agents need apply J PARR P r J Now fanners this la the fall you tyrant the best plows John has no equal neither the plow and the Oliver walking fang la dandy I have everything In tok for the fall trade now a sott6tldger the has no Call me or phone ft there Miss returned to the city after spending a few weeks with Iter mother Miss Palton of Mount Forest Is spending her with her grandmother Mrs Gilbert Mrs ITrquhart is visiting her sister Mrs Mitchell is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs Williamson Point Miss is visiting Zephyr friends MiBS Davenport of Toronto is visiting Mrs Thus Mayers Myrtle visited Mr and Mrs Osborne for a few dny In Toronto Madeline visiting her ulster at Niagara Vails Mr and Mrs las Horner spent over Sunday with bis mother HOPE Well harvest Is nearly over and threshing Is the order of day now Crops were fairly good around here except potatoes They seem very scarce What vas the matter with the choir Sunday We sure missed them Guess It was too hot to sing Not much of a turnout Sunday owing to tho heat Hope Isnt looking up Another brand new buggy on the line Mr Wrlghtcnan I getting along fine with his new abuse Wm was here a week ago Sunday bidding friends goodbye prior to leaving for overseas We wish him Master Noble Morris has been spending a few days visiting relatives around here It seems a long time since wo had a Ladles Aid isnt It about time for another Mrs John Rogers presented her husband with a daughter on Tuesday On Sunday Aug quite a pleasant surprise took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo when their nephew Mr A doubling and lady friend Miss Gertrude Suther land of Toronto come up on an early car Sunday morning Later in the day they called at other points visiting IS laud and Jacksons Point and returning to their aunts in for supper having spent a most enjoyable time Miss who has been spending the summer here expects lo return to Toron to during Exhibition lime refresh- Miss Station has returned to i Informal city after spending a week here nursing Mrs Culver- well School reopens on Sept 5th News Depot is prepared ItflllaH wants in school Messrs J Dent and G Thayer left for the West last Saturday Miss Maud Sheppard has secnr fid a school near Lindsay We wish her every success Florence Donovan daughter of Cant Donovan of the Halt is visiting with Miss for a couple of weeks SHARON Hello there I Here wo are Mr and Mrs Munroo of Sutton Sunday with Merchant Our cattle buyers took a trip up north this week Wo wish them every success service on Sunday largely attended at Hall Mr and Mr Allan of Holt charge of the service Some of our young sports are drifting to the city now High wages are appetizing Threshing machines are start- fug to hum and buz now It keeps Mr Clarence Wilson busy these days purchasing po tatoes There lots of pota to lops but not many potatoes Horn On Sunday Aug 20th at this berg to Mr and Mrs Vern a daughter Mr Milliard Miller of 27th has been spending a few days in town- After a long ill ness be looks like a Ash out of water Did you hear about the hubbub one evening last week that the young sports played Man- pioner8 Its fun lo sport hut sometimes too much sport brings sorrow It keeps Herb very busy these days working at the School but It takes much more attention In tho over the tracks eh I Quite a number around horn take In the Revivals on the eighth Tuesday and Thursday evenings Wo also notice It keeps Tim busy these days I wonder why I Mr J Crapper of Toronto spent over Sunday in Brown Hill with friends Bleeping Beauty Miss Edith Drown of Toronto was railing on friends hero on Friday Mrs Mi Ramsay Dorothy are spending a week with friends at Cold Master Jack Tate Is spending a few clays with his uncle Mr Win Tate of Union St Mrs Shropshire is visiting friends at Peterhoro for a couple of weeks Mr Frank Tale look a motor trip to Camp on Sunday Miss Robertson of Toronto was the of the Misses Mary and Bessie nrown over the Mrs Major Way ling and little son Kenneth of Toronto are spend ing a fewsdayslat Col Miss Clara Tate spent the weekend with friends In Toronto Mrs A Cook and daughter of Preston visited few days at Mr Win last week Mr and Mrs Allan Thaw spent Sunday with friends In Toronto Mr and Mrs A Wilson and Miss W spent Wednesday at Miss Kate of Toronto was the guest of Miss Ada ivcr the Weekend also Mr and Mrs Arthur of on Sunday Mr Grove of London visited Mr Lloyds a few days last week also Mrs Frank dowel of To ronto on Tuesday A our attended the Red Cross Garden Party at Holland Landing on Tuesday evening The Monthly Mission Circle meet at home of Mitt Emma Terry Wednesday afternoon on Farmers arc nearly through harvest The whistle of the thrashing machine Is heard again It feels as though fall Is fast advancing What attraction has Mike out East so far that he cannot return the samp day Remember Mlko It Is year I Is an expert at playing croquet He has won one golden meddle Well dono I Keep on The diamond Is good for you Our friend Norman has a new driver called Nellie He In tends taking her oh the track this fall As ho has no stable room for her Mr A J Ollroy has lo stable it for Nothing like being generous Norman What makes Leslie all smiles these days Has he found a new bird or cage rather Miss Leonard of was- spending the weekend with her cousin Miss WO regret to say that Mr Is not expected to live long Miss Terry has returned home after trip through the HOLLAND LANDING Miss K of Bradford spent one day last week with her Mrs S Marsh Mrs A and family also Miss of Toronto are spending their vacation with the form ers mother Mrs J J Thompson spent a few days last week in Bradford with her grand- mother Mrs Bennett Mr Frank Stevenson is at Mr John Proctors new barn Mr Bell spent Sunday at home Mr R Shields of Toronto spent the weekend at home Miss Bell spent tlie week end with relatives in Bradford Mrs Jos of Bradford spent Sunday with Mrs Mrs Stork of Cojllngwood Is visiting her mother Mrs Wallers Mrs Clarke of Ottawa who lias been visiting her mother Mrs for six weeks returned on Saturday Sliarpe and Miss Gladys Marsh of Toronto spent Sunday last at Marsh Manor Mr P Wilson and family and Mr Harmon West of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr Wests Mr and W Barker of Toron to who have been visiting Mrs Barker returned to the City on Wed nesday Christ Church Anniversary dedica tion will he kept on Sunday Sept 3rd A M Holy Communion and sermon Celebrate arid preacher the Rector P M and Ser mon Preacher Rev P Hartley Rector of St Matthias Toronto A ThankOffering for the blessings of the papt years will be taken Gifts of flowers etc for decoration are solicited All are welcome Come and bring your friends Miss Beatrice Chapman of Toronto and Miss Hazel Woodstock ere visiting Mrs While employed on the con struction of new Mercury Mills in Hamilton James Weed- en son of Street Commissioner J was instantly killed by a falling hoist rame Plants Are harder better rooted give bet ter results than hothouse plants Choicest varieties of peppers and Cabbage Flower Plants Asters Carnations Col- Cosmos Phlox Mignonette Nasturtiums Flowery Sage Sweet Snapdragon Verbtnaa Finos BOX OF Wee have from the east to the weal side of Stop on the north farm of A Tory Hill Walk south from Stop 75 to first lane west The season Is late but pur throughout East Owl 111 Holland Landing may rely upon the delivery from the wagon soon as weather conditions are favorable On the market every Saturday TERRY disease and pain Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying- period as Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs Read these letters Philadelphia Pa- I started the Change of life five years ago I always had a headache and back ache with bearing down pains and I would haw heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and nervous feelings After taking Vegetable Compound I feel like a new person and am in better health and no more troubled with the aches and pains I had before I took your won remedy I recommend it to my friends fori cannot praise it enough Mrs Gram man Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa Beverly Mass I took E Vegetable Compound for nervousness and dyspepsia when I was going through the Change of Life I found it very helpful and I have always spoken of it other women who suner as I did and have had them try it and they- also have received good from it Mrs George A Dunbar 17 St Beverly Mass Erie Pa I was in poor health when Change of Life started with me and I took Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compound or I think I not have got over it as easy as I did Even now if I do not feel good take the Compound and ifc restores me in a short time I will praise your remedies to every woman for it may help them as it has me Mrs East St Erie Pa No other medicine has been bo successful In womans suffering as has tydl Vegetable Compound may receive free and by writing Medicine Co Mass Such letters are received and answered by women held in strict confidence I To No End LOOK I know you want to buy a lot for a little sum of money Ihn Question you have been pondering on for a long time where to boy What to buy and how much lo buy Why I I Buy at the low est margin The past week in August I received a shipment of to pairs of the choicest select stocks that could be bought in Ihe City of Toronto and now offer them at a very Low Price COME AND SEE THE GOODS I I cant itemize the different kinds and slaughtered prices off the usual selling price Something surprising I pairs or over to choose from Call in I I do not chargo you for looking at my goods Give me a call anyhow GENERAL BR0WNHILL Phono 21r3 Dealer In Dry Goods Groceries Seleot Stook of Boots and for old or young all kinds Flour Feeds Oils Etc Butter Egga and Live Poultry taken in Exchange Top Prices paw TO WINNIPEG SPECIAL TRAIN Leave TORONTO Union 11 p m Aug and Sept 2nd Leave OTTAWA Central p m Aug 29th Through Trains With Lunch Counter Cars Attached fc ION RHTE DESTINATION TERRITORY onehalf cent per minimum 50c till 30th west of Winnipeg to any station oast of Calgary Edmon ton and RETURN FARE AND Onehalf cent per mile minimum to Winnipeg on or Nov 30th 1916 plus Winnipeg to original point Special Cars for Ladies For and leaflets showing number of quired at each point also the wages paid apply to Brum JO I Agent Sale Register WEDNESDAY Sept Mr Percy Pollock will have an Important Bale of stock Implements and household on Lot 35 Con East GwllllmburyiRavensboe Crossing on Met Credit till Nov 1st 1017 Sale at one sharp J Hester Aubt Aug Taking refuge from a storm In Old Log Cabin Clubhouse Id this afternoon Wallace Dixon of Hill was In stantly killed when the building was strubk by lightning He was standing the doorway His chum while stunned escaped uninjured SALE BY TeNDER Tenders will be received up to lucre win AWir First day of September to the undersigned chase of that House part of lot In the 3rd Cone East and w more or less late William Smith Estate good cement house and a and driveshed thereon w a small orchard and weU-vti- about miles vine Purchasers will jUWP terms wanted The WT ft tender not farther Smith to Smith WolU Vuc

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