Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 25, 1916, p. 4

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3 iws 55 fc BBS i SEE K55 V j I V FOPS i i rv HEW I Work iX I frTS Our See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS A SONS NEXT TO8WiT48 Editorial I Speaking of- ue formed about reel big j plant neat Sudbury Hon Ferguson announced that the Government will invest four orft five million dollars in smelling but he was not ready 11gc I ExceUcntBusiness High School College Departments NEWBUILDINGS with LATEST HYGIENIC EQUIPMENTS The largest gymnasium in CAoad Running track baths theatre- Special atten tion given preparing for Matriculation moderate Ft3Tcni0rti fttWttt announce the terms drouth of this part of has lessened fall Is a source much satisfaction to learn that the crop in the Western Provinces is unusually large After weeks of travel in Alberta Mr Vice- President of the Farmers Elevator Co reports that in that virice will- reach bushels GRAND TRUNK Harvest Help EXCURSIONS It Is a source of much satisfaction to learn from the various sections of forest fire districts of New Ontario that everything is moving along as well as could be reasonably expected and that the settlers are anxious to get to work on their farms They are being outfitted as rapidly as pos sible and sent to their re specif vf homes The character of the whole situatiohis one of eagerness and optimism shovying a strong desire on the part of settlers toreturn lo homes from whence they were driven According to Government statistics the number of municipalities in Ontario now having licensed hotels is 215 They support licensed hotels and licensed shops On the next month these places where liquor is now sold will cease to sell the ardent Mr Flavelle Chairman of the License Commission Board how ever is credited with having observed that proboble that the number of Licensed Standard Hotels throughout the Province will exceed the number of liquor license hotels existing This is explained by the fact that Standard Hotels will be permitted in municipalities now without licens ed hotels under the Temperance Act iip a nervous generally bo that I awoke lathe mare tired than when I retired heart and treated me for I got no I heard of reme dies through a mm y And good will the cabinet council passed the order depriving John military nff the poke signed Uiacorder with great passed out The incident recalls the poem on the burial Mopreit to your Invalids different According to Sir Johns poet they buried him- darkly attlead Hotel for an opera tion which proved entirely success ul and I at once got the Favorite Prescrip tion I took three bottles altogether and at the end of wee I felt en tirely cured and have been well and strong without a bad I- stopped taking it about three months ago ana am glad to tell any one how splene didly your medicine has healed MRS John Lewi S3 Niagara St St Catharines Ont restorative power of Dr Favorite Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to disappear and brings back health and strength to irritable and exhausted women It la wonderful prescription prepared only from natures roots and herbs with no alcohol to falsely stimulate and no to wreck the nerves It ban ishes pain backache low spirits hot flashes worry and surely and without loss of time Get it All druggists A Great Book Erer Woman Should Over a million copies of the The Peo ples Common Sense Medical Adviser are now in the hands of the people It is a book that everyone should have and read in case of accident or sickness Send fifty cents or stamps to Dr Pierce Invalids Hotel Buffalo and en close this notice and you will receive by return mail ail charges and duty prepaid this valuable book 1200 TO WINNIPEG Aug and 29th From all stations in Canada Scotia Jet and east also north of Scotia Jet Aug 17th and 31st From all stations Ont and west to and including Toron to Weston Meaford Palgrave and north to and including Aug and Sept 2nd From all stations Toronto East Owen Sound and west and south thereof in Canada Full particulars from any Agent J GALBRAITH Depot Agent Phone J Phone UpTown Agent OXIDIZED WELDING On 8hort Notice Machinery for Sale DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto Newmarket A NEWMARKET FLOWERS OF All Kinds 1 Floral Designs of every de scription made on short notice W PHONE 135 A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED In every good town and district In Ontario where we are not represented Territory reserved for the right man Highest corwnlgfjlons paid Attractive advertising matter THE KEEPING OF BEES The saying The resources of Canada are inexhaustible is true of no food products more than of honey An abundance of honey- yielding flowers with a high average of favorable weather or the production and ingathering of honey makes Canada a good country for the beekeeper Moreover the bulk of Canadian honey is of unsurpassed quality and honey has become as it de serves to be a staple article of food in many places selling read ily satisfactory prices when properly distributed So states the Dominion Apiarist Mr in Bulletin No Sec ond Series just issued by the Department of Agriculture Otta wa that can be had free on appli cation to the Publications Branch of the Department Mr furnishes the further information that in Ontario and Quebec and in regions in the other provinces of the Dominion there are an in creasing number of people who make beekeeping their principle business some of the specialists in Ontario reaping an income in excess of per year while there are thousands who find it a profitable and healthful auxili ary to their annual revenue In Ontario alone it is estimated that there are 10000 beekeepers Mr after dealing with the advantages of beekeeping and extending instructions advice to beginners proceed to deal with Ihq different elements involved in beekeeping and honey productions In a plain concise way he tells of the location- the apiary should he given the most desirable races the development flirt handling of the bees the dis eases and enemies to which they subject and the attention they need at different seasons of the year gives a list with descriptive illustrations of the principal honeyproducing plants with their approximate yielding periods In fact it would seem that pretty well everything worth knowing about the cultivation and management of the honeybee is detailed In this handy sixty- page official Bulletin or pamphlet published for gratuitous circula tion FARM LABORERS WANTED The Western Provinces of Cana da are not experiencing an acute of of Farm Laborers for Spring and Summer work which makers steady work and good wages a certainty has call- for- Laborers and an equal number is required in Manitoba and Alberta After a thorough canvass of the Territory served by the Canadian Northern Railway it was found that an average of men Is required at the points which returns were received An average wage Is per month Including board is being paid the highest being per For further particulars as to the men required and the wages being paid at the various points apply to F Butcher Agent or write General Passenger Agent King Street Toronto of night with lanterns dimly As for i Honorary Colonel John Wesley Allison however they burled him neatly fa broad daylight for fearof Sam returning is to say that all these csting events appointing a Seor retary Militia department and putting the boots to Sams guide philosopher and friend Colonel John Wesley Allison are pulled off during Sams- absence 0ut of sight but of that seems to be the of Samls colleagues But In sight on our backs Their courage wills in the Lords presence JVKat they aim to do Is to tie back la turned because they the heart to do It when he conies home the Borden Government buffaloed He has cast over them some spell which when he Is on the spot When he makes a trip to England the spell Iobcs its power it doesnt seem to be able to cross water and Sam has no way of giving the situation absent treatment What Is Sams spell Some say it Is fear some say It is a at his colossal nerve Nobody mentions Whatever it is Sam puts it over To this day there subsists an- affection between Premier Borden and Sir Sam which vies with thefamous attachments between Mary I Clean to handle by all Drug- Grocer and General Storea gave the whole game He was way so told save fiftynpUion dollars for the Em pire but he his mind and saved a lot himself JOHNNY i i ELECTRIC HEATING APPLIANCES I have at present a complete stock of Electric and Appliances as follows seating sec- A girl likes to impress upon every young man she meets that she has rich relatives All of the weekly papers In Al leghany county have advanced their subscription price to per year During the last few months news stock has advanced nearly double and is still going up At the same time fine papers have also more than doubled The Acton Free Press receiv ed notice from the paper mills last week of another increase of per cent in the price of the paper used in the Weekly is sue This about seventy cent increase since the first January Borden Aug Three battalions haw left for the two of them recruited it the Toronto military district and the third from London The three are the York com manded by Clarke the with ft the commander and the Middlesex of which LieutCol s the Their com bined strengths niade total of just under men and estab lished a record for the number of men to leave in one day and her little lamb What makes love Borden so Oh Bordens kind to Sam you know And there the matter stands No body has any better explanation Of coarse the is not on all fours because Premier does not appear to be as firm a character as Mary and Sam is certainly no lamb Its the kind of lamb one might raise In Pittsburg but Its the only com parison we can think of that gets any where near the tender relations be tween the Premier and his most con spicuous colleague Sir Robert is true to the last He stands by Sir Sam as long as Sir Sani is here to stand by Its only when Sam Is three thousand miles of blue water away from his job of keeping a close eye on them that Sir Robert lets Sir Sams rivals get their- work It And even then theyre allowed to slaughter Sir Sams friends Sir Sam himself must not be molested There Is reason to believe Indeed that the late Colonel John Wesley Al lison Is not dead in fact that the re ports of death have been much exaggerated and that he has simply gone on a Journey to the United States where he Is still scratching gravel but not In connection with the Muni tions Board at Ottawa He scratched once too often and far- too hard even for that complacent body and his name lias been removed from the list But that does not head off his activities for other War Offices although he may find It more difficult to get business now that he Isnt a colonel any more It Is stated wllh a great ileal of frankness that the only reason John Wesley Aljlson was made a colonel was to enable gel business from people who to deal with colonels Of course the fact that he was a col onel of Sir Sams making and thus had the oblique endorsement of the Government helped some too but we need not dwell on this point It came out clearly enough In the evi dence before the DuffMeredith Com mission Allison needed to be an honorary colonel In his business and an honorary colonel he was it will pro bably he found that the late Honorary CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug Empire Federation Spectacle LIST OF NEW 8PE0IALITIE8 FOR Including the NEW EVERBEARING RA8PBERRY ST REGIS and WELLINGTON The Nurseries Established TORONTO ONTARIO Autumn Session i Open on Monday Aug In etch of Seven School Toronto Free Curric ulum tent on Write W A Toronto an tor our be vent trot A VIM OLD at To keep i house in a perfect sanitary condition does not that you must he Sweeping dusting scrubbing all the time Let the air and sunshine Into every part of the house do not allow any decaying matter to accumulate In the cellar wash and dry a cleaning cloths tubs etc as soon us you have finished using It Is not so much the dust dampness and decay In the places that makes a dwelling unsani tary brooms brushes dusters etc need frequent washing and thorough drying Once In a while we arc reminded that there Is such a thing as being too thrifty Looking after the pen nies dimes and dollars has made many a man wealthy But it was not the variety of saying manifested by a man down In Pennsylvania the other dy He found after boarding a train east of that he was on the to Instead of speeding towards Wilkes Barre where he was bound Rather than lose the ticket he had purchased he Jumped from the which was going fortyfive miles hour Hs is now In with a broken shoulder q6 a broken It ex pected that he will recover When he made the Jump as he thought a costing a or two ho Jjsd In his Siliu in cash A goodly this perhaps all will required to pay his itospf- bill Bo much for thrift thaA Is extravagance 1200 Performers 10 Massed Bands Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia ment Westminster Abbey and the War Office W A ON AND UNDER WW ON LAND IN THE AIR Scenes that have thrilled the Em pire Reenacted by Overseas Troops Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp Trench Warfare Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing Da of by Midden Bayonet Flghtlno Federation Year Firework New Midway Product Acres of Many- to Sept 11 Johnny Apple-seed- what a funny nahiel It sounds the of a fairy do not mistake pleseed for a fairy He was a real man who did the work of a fairy His name and an account of what he did appear upon the record book of our In the year- when vast lions of our country were still cover ed with forests a young man passed through Pennsylvania col lecting apple seed And as he journey ed westward through what are now the States of Ohio Illinois and Michigan he planted In the open spot in the forest apple seeds and protected them with fences of brush Years later the people who went to the mid dle west In search of homes found hundreds of apple trees the forests already bearing fruit and to them the apples were a godsend Three times Johnny floated- his canoe laden with seed down the Ohio Into what Is now the Stale of Kentucky And today to this brave man whole States owe their wealth and treasure of vineyards and orchards To the boys and girls of the Middle West Johnny Appleseed is a real fairy who every spring touches the trees and vines with his magic wand and causes them to bring forth apples and grapes Like Johnny Appleseed every boy and girl can be a fairy All that you have to do is to plant a tree by the roadside or to sow a seed here and there The rain and sunshine will make them grow and long after you have finished your work on earth they will stand as sentinels to welcome the coming generations And every year the goddess of spring will touch them with her magic wand they will give of their flowers and fruit to thousands of children who are yet un born But there Is still a better way to tie a fairy and that is by sowing words and deeds of kindness Words and deeds of kindness arc the kind of seed that grow in the human heart and pro duce the fruit of the spirit love Joy peace kindness goodness faithful ness temperance Hut unkind words and deeds produce the fruit of sorrow strife evil unfaithfulness Intemperance To be a good fairy you must do all the good you can to all the people you can in all the ways you can as long as ever you can a Hotpolnt Iron 425 Canadian Iron Canadian Beauty Toaster 375 Hotpoln Grill Hughes 3heat Hughes Ranges in all sizes pays to use an Electric Iron in the summer in order to use up the 50c minimum for current T low rate of k hour for cooking now ob- Ecclric ALFRED R STARR Electrical Contractor MARKET BUILDING The IniJarket MAIN SOUTH Clearing Out Our Summer Wear TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS As our Store Is smail and our FALL GOODS are Arriving we are Selling All Our Summer Goods at a BIG REDUCTION Here are a few of the articles which we will mention A line of and Sateen Underskirts reg for Silk Blouse Assorted Colors and Sites reg for Boys Boots Special Sizes from 3 to reg for A Large Stock of Boots for Ladles and Gents at a Big Reduction In Price to Clear Them Out- long John Wesley Allison Is suffer ing less right now from the with drawal of his honorary colonelcy than he Is from tin falling off In business which is the direct result One does not Imagine that Colonel John Wesley Allison was In love with the uni form grand as it Is ybp cant wear Dm uniform when youre making fuse Contracts In IJnlteil Stales nor with his military duties light as were No Indeed he was colonel for the money Ihere was In It and money as Shakespeare says Is a good soldier and will inarch The episode throws a new light on honorary Broadly speaking such as arc not honorary colonels for ornament are honorary colonels as Honorary Colonel John Wesley Allison was that Is to for the- money there Is In It Let us so soy the hon orary colonels who up the In fusion of steel manufacturers alluded to by Mr Lionel let us make the shells of this country and we care not who fires them Let us fill the munition contracts of our beloved Canada and we dont who trenches In Flanders Let others do their hit we get ours Thus Honorary colonels In the manufacturing or commission business arc no great bogs for glory They are content to remain honorary colonels so long It Is made up to them- In other ways Occasionally one of them becomes ft but that usually ft filgn that he bos got all he It Is also ft sign that the Government loves for the profits he has made and the imminent dangers of Kyto en quiries which he has escaped Hon colonels of the business sort may resign or bo shorn of their rank but they never surrender the Mr Prank Bailey gave back profile the other day shows what a Idea of price the old Shell Gommltteo had but that Is no boost for the hon orary because Mr Bailey Is hot an honorary colonel and probably want to Of- course Honorary Colonel John Government to Quparb Showing Wesley Allison deserved fill he got Stock and Agricultural an honorary colonel ah much money an honorary colonel- can the Minister of Militia behind him one wastes any pity on him He nearly A motorists Rational Anthem My auto tis of then short cut to poverty of thee I chant I blew a pile of dough one year ago and now you quite refuse to go or wont or cant Through town and country side you joy and pride A happy day l I loved thy gaudy hue you rolled through the goo hut now youre out for true in every way v To thee old rattlebox came many jolts and knocks for thee I grieve Badly thy lop was torn frayed are thy seats and worn affects thy horn I do believe Thy swells the breeze while people choke wheeze as we pass by I paid for thee a price twould paint a mansion thrice noy everybodys ice wonder why Thy motor lias the grip thy spark plug has the pip and woo Is thine I too have suffered chills and kindred ills en deavoring to pay thy since thou wort mine Gone is my hank- roll now no twould choke the us once before Yet if I had the so help- me John anion Id buy ft car again and speed Homo more A The Fate of the Eliminator Two men wore in lining car ordering breakfast The list said to waiter George you may bring me two fried eggs some ham a pot of coffeo and sumo rolls The other said You may bring mo tho same second man af ter the waiter and remarked Just eliminate the eggs Yaesa- In a moment tho waiter Souse me boss but Just what did you all say alga I said eliminate Lhc eggs And ho hurried again to the tiny kitchen another moment ho back once more leaned confiden tially and penitently ta ble and said had a Jest we leave depot morn- In boss an do done got busted off right at do handle- Will you dis IF 3 8outh of King George Hotel Proprietor AUTO FOR HIRE Summer Suitin Now that the HOT DAYS are here YOU should have a COOL SUIT CALL and see them Cheaper than you will be able to secure them for years to come WILLIS WERCHANT TAILOR Phone Main Farmers Sons Attention WOODSTOCK COLLEGE WOODSTOCK ONT Offers a Specially Designed Course to Boys from the Farm November to March Comprisoa English Agriculture Physics Manual Carpentry and Forging DoofciKeoplnflTi Commercial Law Business Cor respondence Penmanship Commercial Arithmetic Bible A thoroughly practical training to meet needs of young man on the Farm Woodstock College is a Residential School for Boys and Young Men one of the Most Completely Equipped in Canada Other Courses Pass and Honor Matriculation and Business- Write for Calendar A MaoNEILL A For personal see Principal G Richmond Hill 3m26- it v If you headachy and for that a liver la out of order Your food not digesting It In the a tomach a fermented mass poisoning the ayatem Just take a dose of Stomach and Liver Tablet they make the liver do work they cleanse and the stomach and tonoUio Youll S m la the At or by mail ChamWUIa Medicine Company Toronto J Leave 130 W Leave it Allendale GRAND TIUINK TABLE Arrive NORTH am Newmarket arri am pm pm 714 pm pm 1000 pm going south am Newmarket am Toronto vao am am iv0Jg pm pm POD Arrive No early train Monday morning and JJJJ Canvp stops- at Newmarket only North at am returning at

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