Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 25, 1916, p. 3

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I v r V OUR LOCAL NEWS prize Lists Nearly Ready The Secretary of the Great Prize Lists to all members week The printer will have some copies ready tomorrow for who are getting Vv THE HOTEL By Dp President New market Hotol Co j V Auto Tires 30x32 Only each at Briefed- Only one more holiday this season for the stores Toronto Exhibilion opens on Kirk has completed approach to the Huron Street bridge miking a very substantial Job Moments are slipping by in the case the merchant who stands idly by while his competitor is advertising aggressively Friends Churches Sunday morning Rev Lee Kirkland will preach at Friends Church Subject Will We Know Each Other in Another World This will be his last sermon with the Friends Church and a large crowd is expected- At night his subject at the Christian Church will be The Swarm of Flies or The Little Sins that Blight Our World The third Sunday in September has namer at Home Coming and Rally at the Christian Church Also it Will 10 the Old Folks nay The Sun- lav School will be changed on thai from A to 230 P Three hundred men women and child ren arc wanted at the opening of the Sunday School Methodist S A very interesting program was presented at the Methodist Sun day School last Sunday on Mili tary Day Letters from a num ber of the former members of the School who arc overseas were read A splendid solo was con tributed by Mr Geo Barker lied Ship increased their lead again being now about miles ahead However Blues are determined to catch up and next Sunday they hope to gain again Next Sunday will be Boys Day the boys of the School arc ar ranging a program that vimv interesting and somewhat out of the ordinary Come and see what our boys can do School Board A regular meeting of the Pub lic School Trustees took place at the Secretarys Office on Aug Present Messrs Chairman Maiming Howard and Accounts were passed amount ing to of which amount was for coal and carting 0050 for insurance and the bal ance miscellaneous The action of the Committee in engaging Miss Stewart was con firmed The Secretary was instructed see Manager of Bank of To ronto re Penny Bank Account rile resignation of Mr Mar shall as caretaker of Alex Muir School was accepted applications for the po- sltiqn were received ranging from to per annum On motion Mr Proctor was engaged as caretaker at a of Hoard adjourned New Sample Ranges Something very fine in Show Window Notice the Low Prices Copied from The Pioneer We are the stage regards he relationship of the hotel public ho tel iisedto he a men congregated to talk smoke and drink whiskey I The forwhicTiwe was left in the background so much that license commis sioners used to niake annual trips of inspection to the various ho tels in the different counUes to make sure they had so hi any beds and were prepared lb feed so many people Yet in spite of all this which should fie unneces sary precaution the great rria- of the hotels catered to the bar and neglected to- up a good table The result was that when hotelkeepers bar was in danger he claimed he could not live without it as the table pro vided for is guests was furnish ed at a loss No wondei some of them were run at a loss and if their whis key had been as poor as their board they would have lost money on it too Rut the point is here a hotelkeeper is a man supposed to furnish living accommodation to people when they are away from home in other words a ho tel is a mans home when he is away from home And the lime has come when the public has against the bibulous wine- seller as a host and demands something good in the way of ac commodation for their money So it will he that when the presen order of the ordinary hotels is done away with a- new order Of hotels will Spring up in answer to the demands of the public Did you ever notice that where a demand for anything you will always see some persons corning lo satisfy that public de mand for trie sake of the money in it and when wo get this new order of hotels they will not be so thick as they used to be but you will find them right- where they ought to bo They will ac commodate themselves quality of accommodation It used to be that when the farmer left Holland Landing with a load of hogs for the market in Toronto he had to stop at a hotel for accommodation once every mile down Street The conditions are different to day In Holland Landing you will find not a hotel and there is only one licensed hotel all the way from the northern of Street to city limits The farmer sells his pork at home and puts his money in his pocket and has not the same need for such a string of licensed sa loons for stopping places The Hon Mr Hearst in making his reply to the deputation that vaitcd on him in the House in March last spoke of the necessity of temperance people fur nishing places of rest amusement and accommodation when hotels close because Government will not let them sell any more whiskey Owing to the rapid increase in the so briety of the great majority of is if When temperance people in isourduly our guests and shpuldVhe filling those who can to put Our hands buy and equip and- runTfl hotel Where had our great fight in Newmarket fotlLpcalOption wo to see in the- strops opposition hotel put up that many business people Were the hotels and Option going to he swaVnped sure if we were not prepared to when the hotels Were for every one of them promised to shut up So we formed a guarantee com mittee of the enterprising people in town prornising that in the advent of Option carrying and- the hotels closing the mem bers of the guarantee committee would buy and first- class hotel suitable for the needs of the public On the strength of this we carried Local Option by sixtyseven per cent of the votes cast and the repeal Vote came about a year ago the vote was still solid because our hotel good Again I think Pauls Church Services for 10th Sunday after Trinity Aug Matins and Sermon at oclock School at Class at and Sermon at o clock by Pratt Priest in charge Mr Sept 3rd Tin Annual Flower Service for the scholars of the Sunday School Will be held in the Church three oclock Hie annual Sunday School Pic nic will be held in the fields of Mr on Street on Saturday Aug A Field Day of sports and games has been ar- and prizes will be given lo ie ones the various There will be a booth for ofl inks and icecream Iilc candy will lie gratefully from all who desire Provide The children will Wet the School House at one and from thence pro ceed lo the grounds Parents are oidy invited but are to be present to help make the a social success and the Member of the congregation are Cartlly invited lo be present please bring a good banket for the arc My to develop a pretty good ap- for the good things that provided Should the weather he tea be provided In the School Room Dont the Saturday Aug 26 arid everybody cbrne and make the Picnic a gigantic Bale Summer Goods at Screen Doors Win- Refrigerators the people the need of hotels not what it used to be People I ravel more and travel faster Therefore their increased activi ty gives them less lime to stop and they prefer to gel back homo Instead or staying away over night When my grandparents carne country in lliey emi grated from York Stale in wag gons If they had postponed their trip for another century lliey would probably have taken the Diamond express When my father wept to get mar ried he went on horseback for want of a better way If he had been getting married today he would have availed himself of modern way of travelling and taken a Hudson car So it is that with the improvement in the means of travel people have less use each year for hotels f This is our experience in the Ling George Hotel in Newmarket Our manager Mr Geo Brown ells me that he a smaller motor trade last summer than in year simply because SO many motorists take their lunch with them eat on the way and save time Hut when hotels close whore will people go in town to spend an pur postoffices should have more accommodation for the public Tiis is a place where nearly every person has to come and it is ho unusual thing for people to stand crowded to gether in a small hallway waiting for their mail How much nicer and belter it would be if our post- offices had large waitingrooms and any amount of seats for the people to rest and talk while waiting for their mail Then again many of our crowded towns and cities are away behind in public parks gardens and athletic fields where people can spend their spare lime No man with a healthy mind will want to stay in the dark smoky dingy atmos phere of a publichouse when he can find more salubrious sur roundings somewhere else Our towns are making a mis take in building so thickly and in not making provision for the health of the people in parks and gardens If I wctq a wealthy philanthropist I would much pre fer to present every town in Can ada with a park than with a li brary Visit the city of old Lon don today and you see thous ands of acres in parks and squares and gardens ranging in size all the way from Oxford Cir cus and Leicester Square to large commons of These are the things that we should be shoving into town to supplant the barrooms When you have the price you can usually buy what you wan There will always be another fel low who wants your money and he will contrive some way to get it He will get it by giving you what you want for it So it will be that there shall bo hotels and meals and beds for everybody in Ibis beautiful Canada of ours It was a wise stroke of business in our Local Option campaign of when we formed that guar antee committee and promised the ratepayers and business men in case Local Option carried and the licensed hotels closed their doors that we would run a first- class hotel sufficient for the need of the town and surrounding country The noise and excite ment of victory had scarcely died away when one of our local pa pers and many of the people lo call on the guarantee com mittee to carry out their promise If one of our licenseholders had kept open and Carried on his hotel ft would have been a paying proposition and would have re lieved the people of the guaran tee committee from a great deal of responsibility for they all had business of their own lo look af ter and had no desire to start ho tel keeping especially as the ho tel men said there was no money in it without the whiskey When they found the hotel men had no intention of staying in business one of our citizens- pri vately bought the best fanners stand with thc yards and most conveniently located lo the market The next step was the formation of a joint stock com pany called the Newmarket Hotel Co Ltd We made the authorized capital so that if at any future time we wished to extend our business it would not be neces sary to go to the Government for permission to lake out a new is sue of stock shares of each of sole to a inJney bur fellows Aere just loyal enough the cpiuse to give their promissory notes six- cent for the stock The di rectors of the company Jibrrbwed bank giving the and stock holders notes as coHateraVseouriJyl Iri tins way we were able start into that dilapidated lei and tear the a greater part of it The part that contained the great old taproom that extended the depth of the building was torn down cbm- pletelyV and a fine new room erected its place A new bar and luinh was built- and at may get a wide variety of temperance drinks and lunches inoludingrhilk cider Wines beef tea cof fee lea pie and sandwiches al so a choice line of cigars- Peo ple of to go away from this bar full but never intoxicated extreme friends of tem perance say we should not give a young man a drink of any kind over a bar We maintain not only that there is no evil in the sales this bar Jtut morcMt gives a lot of satisfaction to a whole lot of people besides helping materi ally to pay the dividend- The diningropm Will compare favorably with lh best in many of our larger cities in the prov ince The room is handsomely decorated with large plateglass the Main Street beamed ceilings heavy rail and beautifully illumi nated About seventyfive peo ple can be comfortably seated at the tables and the strictly high quality of Mrs Browns service has given our King George Hotel reputation among the com mercial men from coast to coast and on every line of travel by rail or water Every part of house is heated with steam and AGENTS PATTERN ft BAKiNQ Uptobate of Houses 9 at old Prices are now carrying the Best Furnishings in the trade arge Variety of Carpet Squares Oil Cloths and yds variety Madras muslins Art arid Cretonnes S tin WINDOW SHADES 1 BRUNTON VVj FIRE ON YONGE STREET fetetfefefeftMt the beds are clean and comfort able Since taking over the property in we have enlarged the by buying more ground and torn down the old ramshackle of a barn replacing it by a large metalcovered brick stable with more sheds for farmers horses I- think I am safe in saying that the King is the largest most commodious bestkept ho tel property in the County of York outside of Toronto The rates are a day Our manager has had Very lit- tie bother with lh trouble lhal licensed hotelkeepers pretend they are in mortal fear of after their licenses are gone that is of someone bringing in a flask If the manager of the hotel is right himself ho will not have much trouble to keep that kind of busi ness out- There have been but very few isolated cases in the six years Mr Geo Brown has been manager of the King George lei in Newmarket That undesir able class soon finds out our man ager will not stand for such work and lliey are becoming scarcer every year Out of over eighty applications for the position of manager for our hotel in we were singu larly fortunate in getting a very worthy couple in the persons of Mr and Mrs much all the management in left in their hands such as engaging and managing all of the help the purchase of supplies in fact all the directors do is to meet once a month pass the accounts for supplies for the last month and give the secretary power to issue checks for payment of the same We generally have a banquet at our annual meeting and always pay the annual six per cent divi dend at that lime The amount of this dividend has always been the same since lhe opening of the hotel in and has not been affected by the war This hotel is one of the new order of hotels that it is a treat to Inspect and we shall have many more of them in the near future I think it is duly de volving on the public spirited of every municipality where here is need for public accommodation to furnish it and that the muni cipal councils should give such assistance as- may bo necessary in each parlfcular case One thing that is lhe present time com pensation to the present license- holders will never bo tolerated for one moment Rather let the licenseholders compensate the Government for the extra expense entailed in the upkeep of public Institutions by reason of the pro duct of their bars At 3 oclock last Sunday morn- Mr and Frank Sullivan- were awakened in their house on Street near whero Hie Toil Gate stood by smoke coining the room They went down stairs at once and found the kit chen full of smoke and in a few moments the whole North side was in a blaze Hastily putting on clothing they succeeded in contents of the par lor spare bedroom and closet every thine wascuivsunicd and the house burnt to the ground Mr Sullivan lias owned the house for some years but it is only lately that the place was fit ted up throughout making a neat cosy home There is no account ing for how the fire started unless it was caused by mice and match es as its origin was in the pantry The loss is said to be about with small insurance Mr Sullivan talks of rebuilding soon as plans can be procured a WITH BANANA8 New York Aug 22 Advice re ceived in the fruit trade has been litllo short of sensational damage done to the banana crop In Jamaica by tropical Reports llite far indi cate practically complete loss crop On the south of island and probably on the north also There have been three and four cargoes a week to New York and fully as many distributed among the other Atlantic poftsVand after eh route have arrived If Iheworst fears are realized will be no more bananas available until so far as is concerned The market is therefore greatly disturbed Three more munitions work- SOHOMBERG Dr of Is renewing old acquaintances around town Mr and Mrs and son Kenneth spent a couple of days In Toronto Miss Norma Sloan left on Friday evening for the Queen City Mrs P Heath of Toronto spent a week with her Mr Ceo Skinner Mr Stanley Creighton of Toronto spent a few days at his parental home here Miss Kcllcy of Newmarket called on friends in town on Thursday Miss Hazel spent last week with friends In Mrs Gertrude Pinker ton Is spending two weeks with and at Lake of Hays Muskoka Mrs Dennis and family are spending a week In Sunderland with Mrs Dennis slater Wilson of Bait Camp Borden spent a few days last week at the home of his aunt Mrs Win Den nis Mr and Mrs Win Pinkerton of are spending a few weeks with their son Mr Pinkerton Mr Alex of Toronto Is visiting his cousins Mrs Gordon Brown Mrs Caleb Brown spent Thursday with Mrs John Thompson and Mrs Thompson on lhe Tenth of King Miss Kate Porter and her uncle Mr Darker of spent Sunday with formers sister Miss Bella Porter Mr of Toronto spent a couple of days with Mr Harvey Clarke Sir J Irwin spent Sunday with his son Dr Irwin at Weston Mr and Mrs Harvey Clarke motored to Toronto on Saturday returning Sun day evening Mr anil Mrs Gain and Mr and Mrs all of Holly Park motored over on Sunday to spend the day with their sister Mrs Han- Ion Somebody around town seems to Me busy poisoning dogs again Mr I Lyons Mr and Mrs and family motored to Camp Borden on Sunday Private Wallace formerly of the Bank here visited friends around this town over the weekend Mrs A and son Cecil spent Sunday in Toronto Mr Frank has purchased lb- Davis properly vacated by Mr who used It a furniture store for over twenty years Miss Jennie McGIll of Toronto Vail ed oh friends In town Saturday Mr M Patten of Toronto the at Ids homo here Kvcrybody Is corning to the races on Saturday Sept Are you Mr Job Kitchen and family also Mr visited Camp Borden Sunday Mr and Mr Sidney Leonard motored to Mount Forest on Saturday arid are spending a few days with Mr Leonards slater Mrs Dr Perry- Mr and Mrs Coffey and Mrs J motored to Toronto Sunday Following are the top prices paid In Toronto this week Good Butcher Cattle 1 Butcher Cattle 780 Medium Butcher Cattle and Feeders 680 Milkers 0000 Choice Veal Calvea 1200 Calvea 1000 ftm We want the room for AOBrfr UOBW8I nk yiM Sheep 1 NEWMARKET AUGUST CLEARING SALE Fancy Floral Muslins Reg Price 14c Fine Quality Batiste Fancy Patterns 36 In Reg and for yd Cotton Delaines In dark shades Fancy Patterns Reg 25c Sale 14c Childrens White Night Robes Reg 39o Ladles Fine Blouses Fancy Trimmed Reg and Sale Price Ladies Princess Slips Fancy Trimmed I Reg Sale Price ARRIVEDCAR LOAD OF i Our to 10 Inch Clear Butts B Shingle at per Ml They are a Bargain fr Order by Phone 22 or by Carters Jerry Harrington Ben Man ning or Rubs Allan LET FILL YOUR COAL ORDERS NOW I 1 CAiNADA OFFICE Capital Paid Up President Reserve Fund HAY General Manager Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Crodlt Issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and 8eourltle8 Dealers In Foreign Exchange Department atnil Interest halfyearly at Rates opens an account 8MYTH Manger Newmarket FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED H I 1 FORMS 8UPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING TRAN8A0TED Newmarket Markets r Toronto Markets Aug 24th Wheal per bush Barley per busty per gutter per lb 0 yo Bran too 26 Potatoes per bag 2 000 00 Chlokbns per lb Aug 1910 New Wheat 2881 JJ Oats per bush JJ Hay per Ton 8 00 Butter per lb 0 KggB per 0 A 00 00 Shorts per ton per bag Chickens per lb 30 58 00 00 IT J fires Quebec Aug- 28 The bush are sUU raging furiously In the St region In the Seigniory Ijq- London Aug Majoralrd re- hind MiirraV Bay behind the Aerial In the between Bergeron and House of Commons replying In the Jean Capo Trinity alpns Homo last night to the air the and In the- during the recent ZeppeUntlonaiParkandunlessraln comes very- raids announced thai since the vyar soon la HIVES mm Wii wttfii mm TORONTO 5tP r v i 5M sss mm

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