Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 25, 1916, p. 1

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33 Ms A fc fcrg NEW ASSORTMENT LADIES AND to 5 t- Watsons e- IP i Paper as well as the No paper gent but of York unless paid NEWMARK Eyes by spending ayj an hour In our Optical knowledge an equipment to fit PROPER QLftSSEe If any are needed TV Graduate A Y A U G 6 i Single Copies 3c each Vol So 30 2nd so the gent Let Electricity Make Your Life Easier Electricity will bo a willing servant in your homo It will tike much of Irudgenr out or your life It will your How to do Mate It work for you electric appliances In Make i worKior you appliances la your bousevork an electric a toaster an Iron many other work and wonysaTers wide range of CANADIAN Electric Appliances UPRIGHT TOASTER BEAUTY We can thoroughly recommend any trie appliance that bears the Canadian Beauty trademark- Strong reliable and economical they make Indispensable servants We will bo glad to demon their uses The Illustrated are but a few of the Canadian Beauty of Electrically Heated Devices- A strongly- fiolsted In polished Makes tout for six In 13 The top of the toaster will facfd a coffee pot Guaranteed for years GRILL Hlltffl ccetcraDtlcP siTtln- It toutj An tit arlkU foe Ms TWOPL STOVE s of thru Very ffi- for frjlf AT inns Hardware Had by Renfrew Electric Mfg Co Ltd Renfrew Canada of church God of you What objects as a of all I pie eport basis I MethorB est of r all Ihe ether in corne IamP ago say lo am inspiralH and I move 11 I J Our Toronto Letter USE AND ABU8E porta May sv- OF Beneficial To A big movement of troops to an eastern destination was made last people Friday night when several of soldiers passed through Toronto general conference of Bernard Held got his deserts- Episcopal a visited home in Ontario j seS at Saratoga and street he found a large collection j six million communicants voiod verandah cushions is a milkman continue its ban on cards jyj similar amusiociiI BANK ESTABLISHED 1617 BOARD OP DIRECTORS J Em- LBAxnEH A- En- UriM HR t Em- Capital Paid up Rt Total 9 6 1 SAVINGS Deposits received from up on which interest is allowed and it is alleged he stole the cushions when- delivering milk The Police Magistrate has no use for this kind of thieves and salts them as they de serve When a man named Mitchell step ped from the train at the Union Sta tion last Friday he was arrested by a policeman Mitchell Is said to have been a bell boy at the Wa Hotel Lake of Bays and was arrested on a charge of stealing money and goods the property of a lady He was sent back for examination The Canadian Bag Company has re ceived a permit to erect a two storey brick factory to cost on the north side of road Robert Boyd and Edward Klein can vassed for advertising for the Trades Union and pocketed the money Secretary of the Trades Council Stev enson complained to the police that neither had any right to canvass They appeared in police Magis trate sent Boyd to Jail for days and Klein for 30 After securing a bathing suit on Sunday night from Turners baths at the Island Kaufman mysteriously disappeared and it is apprehended that he was drowned in the Lake While under the alleged Influence of liquor Home drove his auto mobile into a buggy while speeding in Queens Park The buggy was bad ly smashed and its two occupants in jured Home was arrested A deputation from the Commercial Travellers Association waited on the Provincial License Board ana asked for changes In the prohibition Act The Board has no power to change the Act While seated on the 3rd storey window sill of a billiard room on Queen Street East last Saturday ev ening Win Lyons lost his balance and fell to the ground He had to be sent to the Mr Jdhn Irwin who was in- the furniture business for thirty years on Street died last Sunday night C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch EH SOUTH END LUMBER YARD that Hi her nil fi she my baby for he should lo her her hloB Inly incc itc name iderhearj loving Fa for Iron to God I as a Antic them as wok a Can any for QUALITY FIRST Satisfied Customers and More Orders tell the Whole Story CEMENT Fresh Car Just In W PEARSON Office Phone Order from JHes John Murphy at Avenue in his sixty- INCORPORATED 1855 BANK ofTORONTO ins iristion the M lApon nor vantT through ill pass tt Reserve A General Banking Business Fund The Bank Toronto with W years ol suc cessful Experience with wnpie oircee Urge funds and with widely extended and other Men an unexcelled Banking Service Branches In Ontario Quebec and the BRANCH A LISTER Manager cause Van UILDING INTERVAL Hull OF ALL KINDS LUMBER the Farm LATH ETC ALSO 8A8H AND TRIM A Trim I fix Will THE fifth year Deceased was wellknown both In City and York County The grounds of the Canadian Na tional Exhibition arc owned by the City of Toronto but the Exhibition Is carried on by a board of directors of whom represent the City A bylaw granting the Pont Company a fixed assessment was car ried by the ratepayers of New Toronto on Saturday by ninetyOne to seven At j Centre Island on Saturday Miss Irene aged years would probably have been drowned but for the prompt notion of Mr She had gone in bathing and got beyond her depth Mr SpClllCr rushed in and caught her as she was sinking for the second lime- On Sunday last campaign I rig Con the Day got rude jolt A request for an opportunity to hold a political meeting by the Government candidate was refused A cable from received In Toronto Friday announces that Seton n former resident of tills city and onetime student of Trinity College School Port Hope has been awarded the Military Cross for valorous conduct in the recent fighting on the front The Dank of Hamilton has just com pleted for a lease of the Traders bunk offices in the building at the corner of Yonge and streets The offices arc now being redecorated and and present office of the Hank of Hamilton at Street will shortly he transferred to the new site Major Mason of this City who has been twice wounded at the front has been awarded the I The iiorallon in recognition of distin guished service On Friday Inst Manager Fleming af ter a final Inspection of thenew east ern entrance to the Exhibition grounds declared that the Old Forte route would finally solve the trans portation problem for Die Exhibition crowds Frank a Toronto man who re cently had been travelling with- the Fall Fair In the Middle West and whose parents live at cott was murdered In the town of North McGregor town on Saturday the Inst On Friday Inst Mayor Church In formed his colleagues that the city is still providing the greatest number of positions for returned soldiers and the Soldiers Aid Commission was pot doing full Share In caring for returned heroes Five trainloads of harvesters left the Union Station on Friday night las for the Prairie Provinces The Department will hold the annual conference of representatives In Toronto Opening 20th On Friday last was taken to the General Hospital with chest seriously crushed a cattle North Toronto ppe day last week members of the Temple Myrtle Shrine took children from the Convalescent Home on a motor trip to Richmond Hill The Ontario has eas ed site on the River to Refining for their I new nickel refining plant With the policy of the Methodist Church this paper has nothing what ever to do but proposes to call attention of lis readers to the fno that amusements of all kinds or detrimental according to use or abuse or them The philos ophy Of living long ago adducted the adage All work and no play makes lack a dull boy and the reverse of this Is true All play and no work I makes Jack good for nothing play Both ancient and modern history record the recreations of the people of the world Some of these recrea tions like the Olympic games of the Greeks were made a means to an end beside supplying amusement others carried to extremes like Die combats of the Romans and the bullfights of Spaniards simply ministered to the baser and more brutal nature of those who witnessed and participated The Olympic games developed courage strength endurance skill and moral fortitude The brutal combats of the Romans and bullfights of the Span iards debased and gendered a thirst for blood satiated only when the last victim had been sacrificed In the one was use in the other abuse The sports and pastimes of the peo ple of today are useful as healths preserving and mindinvigorating re creation as they are participated In moderately So long as men and wo men boys girls remain masters of their amusements they de rive benefit rather than injury But when they mastery of themselves and give Ihcrriselves entirely to of pleasure making games and pastimes the end of all pleasure they in abuse of recreation to such extent as necessarily to receive injury rather than benefit Too many people today are slaves of pleasure contributing little or nothing to hu man advancement In any direction In and of themselves cards arc neither beneficial or harmful A game of whist at the proper moment and for a projter- period gives mental exercise that frequently relieves the mind from the- drudgery of thought in business anA profession Yet let the game come to an Improper lime and lust for an unreasonably long period and It will fall to bring any rest to Die mind whatever Moreover let man or a woman become so MM ROWELLG MOVEMENTS For Eras Mr return from Europe gives prornise of revivifying of lerest in the outstanding Issue which confronts each component pait of our Empire during the stupendous trouble in which we are engaged winning of the war The Liberal Leaders unmatched qualities in quickly and decisively seiz ing on the essentials of an intricate situation and applying the principles of such methods as have been else where employed to meet the peculiar conditions existing in his own country and province are now devoted to the service of his country In the same unstinted manner as he used his eloquence and mastery of fact in the matter of recruiting up to the moment of leaving for the old country Mr- reached London on July and drove straight to the House of Commons where he was n a in The Distinguished Strangers Gallery Mr was in the course of a delivery on the Home Rule question and Ontario Liberal Leader was much impressed by what he was privileged to hear oc casion mmm YEARS AGO Aug Died in East oii Mrs Jane Mather of Hon Alex noil of rose Scotland aged years The excitement of the week was Circus last Wednesday Market Prices Fall Wheat 125 Spring Wheal The object of Mr Rowclls visit as CAPTAIN A DAVIS Quartermaster O 8 Batt R thoroughly fiisclnated by cards as to devote time which ought to be given to their business or profession to storing the mind with useful information lo the discharge of obligations and of various kinds and cards become mischievous because incapacitating them for their vocations and duties and an Influence on that is detrimental to them also In the days of our grandfathers and grandmothers dancing wm a wholesome amusement conducting to grace of carriage and excellence of deportment Even In the lays our parents dancing was on accomplish ment classed with music and painting Today Is a craze loo many young people being unsatisfied until they ape the of the cabaret and Imitate so far as hey dare llift dis graceful exhibitions of the cheap music liill SO lose its or grace- Is hiring hull Today Is prostituted sensuality a art and rob It of all giving qualities Dancing abused more than cauls are So long as the theater remained an Institution Willi legitimate claim to art It was nil educational factor exerting n powerful influence on the thought and ideals of the people Prom the moment that the stage became com mercialized It began to decay Step by step managers catered to the pap- slops of Die people until Just before the moving picture made Its appear ance only Die show decidedly risque could be regarded a success from the boxoffice viewpoint Art had been so completely sacrificed to dollars ami cents that the theater had little legi timate claim for support because the Influence It exerted was decidedly detrimented to society Cards dancing and Die theater have been abused as much by people who supply entertainment as by hose who employ them for this purpose when the former begin to use them right the latter will do so And this suggests Instead of placing a ban upon them It may possibly be more profitable for all concerned If proper effort be made to direct right use of them thereby to overcome abuse of them This of fort can bo begun In the home cards and dancing are con cerned Die there taught play and dance moderately In deed the church Itself can to a cer tain exercise supervision given to the Canadian Press Service is to study the general situation as between military industrial and agri cultural demands with a view as sisting in the work of the Ontario Committee for the Organization of the Resources of the province Mr Row el also expressed his intention of look ing Interests of the Canadian soldiers in the hospitals and training camps in England and if possible in France and to gather Information on recruiting labor and the organization of Industries which may be of value to Canadians in connexion with war organization here Interviewed by the representative of the Globe In London on July Mr said the general Im pression I have formed during the few days since I arrived in London is the lack of outward evidence of war ex cept for the presence of men in khaki Mr Rowell was touched by the sight of the reception given by the populace to the returned wounded and the mar vellous cheerfulness of the men He has visited most of the hospitals where Canadian soldiers are housed and brought a message of good cheer from their homes across the sea He reports that he found them in the best of spirits bearing their wounds with great cheerfulness their anima tion being most remarkable On July 22nd Mr was re ported In Paris and on July a cable despatch conveyed the news that he was hack in Paris after fouo days spent at the Canadian front Whilst in Paris he attended the trench Sen- ate and under the authorization of General the Military Gover nor Mr Rowell Inspected he aerial defences of Die city and visited Die munition factories ami workshops where lie said women are mostly em ployed The Canadian Statesman also had an interview with Die Minister of labor ami Warned much from him about social and industrial conditions In France and Die Ministers plans for the future Mr Howell also inter viewed the French Minister of Finance Louis Martin the Director General of indirect Taxation regarding legislation against alcohol and further proposed reforms On Ids return to London Mr Howell Informed the Canadian Associated Press correspondent that he was pro foundly Impressed by his visit to France ami Flanders Regarding his visit to the trenches lie said I have always had the greatest respect and admiration for our soldiers hut these feelings were never so great as after spending four days going In and about among them and seeing the conditions under which they are fighting I found them all In excellent spirits ready for any task that may be com mitted to them Do fore leaving Paris Premier sent Mr Howell a message expressing great admiration for the Canadian troops Mr states that the organiza tion Of the transport ami feeding and 38c Peas Oats 32c Butter Eggs Potatoes 30o Warner advertises spe cial bargains in furniture at hirf on Water Street J 25 YEARS AGO Captain Aubrey Davis is the second son of the E J Da vis and was born in the Town ship of King County of York Feb 2nd He lived at King Vil lage and was associatedwith his father in the leather business which had been conducted at that placo under the style of A Day is Son from the year Davis was married in 1902 to Miss Etta of Middlesex On March 1903 the entire plant of A Davis Son was destroyed by fire In the spring of Davis moved to Newmarket and associ ated with his father under the style of Davis Leather Co Ltd the initial plant was built This industry has grown until day it is the largest industry of its kind in the manufacture of Calf Leather under the British Flag He has always been active in any movement of a progressive nature in Newmarket In addi tion to being of the Davis Leather Co Ltd he is a director of the Newmarket Hotel Co which is the most suc cessful Local Option Hotel in On tario Until joining the Battalion he was President of the North York War Auxiliary an or ganization which rendered great service in assisting to recruit the 127th Ball was also O of the Newmarket Home Guard He was director of the Newmarket Manufacturing Com pany a new industry which bids fair to he one of- the best in the County Outside of the town he has been active in important measures having been a member of the Committee of One Hundred and VicePresident the Methodist Mens Association of Ontario FOUND FIEtD OF COPPER cbmpllBhed notwithstanding- parental New York Aug 18The discovery expedition head ed by of a great field of native copper In Ihe vicinity of Copper Mine Diver In the neighbor hood of Prince Albert Island will prove a great value to the business world says Dr Chester A Reeds of the American Museum of Natural History Reeds believed also that It will af ford scientists an opportunity for dis playing their Ingenuity In finding an outlet from a region that is still un opened In a commercial sense- IN From Era Fyle Aug 1891 Mr Job Hughes and Mr J of Sharon started for theij North West on Tuesday night The Church of England Garden at Holland Landing was aj great success Bat Band- present Proceeds to- wards stained window In the chancel Rev Jeremiah Graham died near Sharonon the in his year Some thief entered cooper shop Water St and stole- every piece of belling about the place Loss The Town Council struck the rate last Monday evening Public Public School Board asked for High School County Supporters of Public School will pay 38 on the as- and Separate Schools ratepayers are asked for more Mr H passed away on Monday For years he ran a most successful bakery and was- prominent in all public affairs He was in his year The Altar On Aug 5 by Blanchard Mr Fred Smith to Miss both of Whitchurch On Aug by McDow ell Mr Hi W Steele of Milwaukee to Miss Lottie Cook of King Died at Holland Landing on Aug Peter Spring formerly of Whitchurch in year Mr Ed McCormick represent ed Pyramid Lodge at Grand Lodge I O at Stratford this week Mr Wm Wilkin and daughter left on Tuesday for their homo in He took with him an old family relic being on anvil which ho found in the pos session of Mr Francis Starr It was brought fijom New York Slate in and many axes and other formed by its aid for the use of the pioneers Mr will give the anvil lo his son who is a blacksmith of the third generation of immense forces ore arming and tile hospital service provided a marvel of efficiency On August the Mr ad dressed the summer meeting of the Workers Association at Oxford on Canada the War arid Im migration Having been accorded a courteous reception by both British and Si A WHEN YOUR BOY BACK TO YOU I Makes Hit at Camp AURORA QIVE8 TO FIRE 8UFFERERS The Town Council of Aurora voted the fund for Northern On tario fire sufferers at their regular meeting last night A decision was ar rived at to bore a second well so as to Increase the towns water supply as during the past two months no ram whatever has fallen In the town llnills and the nearby country As a result the townspeople have used a great deal of the water supply In keeping their gardens alive and al though the artesian Is a source of supply unfailing the water has been used up as fast as It could pumped The Trunk Rail way and some of the factories have greatly Inconvenienced by sufficient wafer though the Collls Leather Company have relieved hesituation lo some extent by having Ministers being imbued with tin patriotic desire to utilize his privilege well sunk at their position In gathering data of The present to Canada In the war Mr has return In September Is looked- forward of he Inhabitants Rain has with much eagerness Parents with boys wounded In the hospitals have received cheering messages from the Liberal Leader who has paid special visits In order to relieve the anxiety of those at home Knowing his Investigation will thorough one the people will lister for words of counsel and leadership from distinguished parliamentarian auoh as they have not yet securer from the visits of those whose actual such of people Until front parted with their flesh and blood In the cause and Justice- And will not be disappointed review of life reveals that the things wo most regretted at the time fallen occasionally within A few miles of the town but has reached here this symnier market gardens are badly parched and apples and plums are dropping from the trees before are fujlgrown A quarrelsome couple were dls cassias the subject of epitaphs and tombstones and the husband said My do you me when I It is stated that five hundred women of county arc doing the farm work because their husbands and ions have enlisted the bat talion With her bow buried in a sand bar the yacht Seneca winner of the Canada cup soveral years ago has been located four miles northwest ol The sold to Commodore Jarvis aJ the Yacht Club was her moor ings in Toronto harbor Borne weeks It Id the theory of the police hat American deserters from the Canadian Contingent used the craft ii y l A feature of the big torchlight held at Camp on Wedo night was the singing of the new WHEN YOUR BOY COMES YOU The soldiers arc singing piece throughout the camp j sentiment of the song is the first line of the chorus The lowing are the words of the chort When your boy comes back to You will keep your true You will watch you wait by the old garden gate Till the regiment appears In view When your boy comes back to And the bands arc playing too Wont your heart be lust to welcome him at last When your boy comes back to you The author and composer of the song Is Mr Gordon Thompson sales of whose songs has nearly copies Great praise Is due Lieut Slat the Divisional arid various band leaders for the excellen program provided It Is the first U In Canada so many bands have been massed for one occasion I I ftfV Deaf noss Cannot Be Cured By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of Eustachian Tube When this Inflamed you have a rumbling or ImperfeVl hearing and when It Is entirely closed Deafness Is result and unless he Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition hearing will be- destroyed for ever nine cases out of ton aro caused by Catarrh whohia nothing but an Inflamed condition of the surfaces We will give One Hundred for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be curedl by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for tare free P J CHENEY ACO by 7 A v m v ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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