teg BE AUGUST 8 SEVEN A Plums Department I window you can a Whit and Gold W Piece Dinner Set of priced to sell All Lines of A lose to reduce stock English China Tea patterns 3 colore from up to reduce stock To the scholars of the Friends Sun day Schooiplease nolo that Sunday School will be held Sunday morn ing at Firemen A meeUng of A Ladder Co will be held at the Hall at 8 oclock sharp on Thursday evening August Make a note of the date J 1 Garden Party Under auspices of Womens In stitute at MeeUng House Lawn a Garden Party will be held next Tuesday evening for patriotic purposes Band in attendance and other attractions Big crowd expect ed BrlefleU The petunias and golden glow are making a great show Just now Mr Ed Boyd took a bunch of soldiers for a spin to Jacksons Point last Sunday in his new seven passenger car Labor Day will soon be here two weeks from Monday icy and that here to buy at the to in the Ice d prices off or oyer Is Give me and Shoes Eto Prices paid Importer of Staple Fancy China Honor Junior Matriculation The two boys from the New market High School who wrote on this examination both obtained honor standing They are Leslie who obtained second- class honors and Basil Cross vhopasacd with thirdclass hon ors in the four subjects wrote on SI In PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER fee It would delight your how it would please friends lUs Make Them For You I ZURBRIQQ Photographer mo One Door West of IL few Post Office At on Wednesday afternoon an alarm of fire was sounded at the Smoke was issuing from the residence of Mr Frank on Court Street and the firemen did good work Mr was away from home and the fire is supposed to have been started by mice with matches The whole interior was ablaze when the firemen arrived but the framework of the building was saved will cover the loss rrr auDlcylreck Line TO o p OF THE YORK lelivered to Sections Lists Act said sections or delivered to said Act by the last loll to vote a Elections Elections was first an- my or found proceed to of Owl I Urn- day SINGLE tiding and returning Sept 2nd 3rd and Sept be issued from in east and to Huron Buffalo Black Falls bridge fl particulars on to Agents National Exhibition at reduced fares to all stations Obtain particulars train service and from il Trunk Junior Matriculation Results The following High students passed the receni Junior Matriculation Examina tion Viola Barker Marjory Hea- Harry Keith Augusta Marsh In addition to these the follow ing obtained partial pass ing in eight or mojc subjects Carrie Wesley Beryl Georgia Hewitt and Feme Horner A Generous Grant At a meeting of the Town Council on Tuesday evening of last week both communications and tele grams received by Mayor Cane assistance from the fin ruined districts of Northern Ontario were read by lie Clerk Bather than appeal to our Individual citizenship who have already responded liberally for patrio tic purposes and considering the nec essity of immediate action the Council thought It advisable to make a grant of which no doubt meet with the approval of the ratepayers FOR lb Buggy T Carriage Home Buggy Apply to Newmarket Child Nearly Killed On Thursday evening of last week ibo it six oclock Mr Kirks little girl not three years old who was running across the street in front of bis residence run over by a team of horses attached to Millers and the wonder is that she was not killed The driver did not the little MM horses were Upon her whereupon he turned them to one side The little tot was knocked down but escaped with a bruised back Messrs Will and Manning sprang to her rescue Mr and Mrs Kirk are Very thankful that she koI off so very luckily Committee of Management Messrs Blizzard and Shawl Section Judged- Sept 1st 2nd Pace and Trot mil heats best in Purse minute class Pacers or Trotters for horses that have never won a race over turf prior to Aug mile heats best in 5 Purse v Entries for the above events must be made with the Secretary on or before Saturday Sept 23rd Entrance Fee Purse for each entry with 5 additional retained from winners Four to enter and three to start in each race Ca nadian National Trotting and Pacing Harness Horse Associa tion rules to govern Lady Driver 1st given by The Office Specialty Mfg Co Newmarket Book Case Value 2nd- by the Simpson Co Toron- to one Tea Pot Value- 525 Roadster in harness three years fold by John Miller Sons Ltd Toronto Goods Value j 2nd by F Moore Merchant Tailor Newmarket Goods Value 5 Team of Ponies in Harness 14 hands and under 500 Single Delivery Horse mare or gelding in harness not under hands or over 151 hands given by Duncan Gents Goods Value 7 Single Pony in Harness mare or gelding hands or under 1st given by D Hawthorne Toronto Pair Boots Value V 200 8 Combination Horse in Harness and Saddle mare or gelding Motor Cycle Race miles Value 10 Motor Cycle Race 5 miles Value 500 Class 2 Speeding In the Ring Section Judged Sept 1st 2nd 3rd Free For All mile heats best in 5 Purse divided 6500 3000 Pace or Trdt mile heats best in Purse divided N B Entries for the above must be made with the Secretary on or before Saturday Sept Entrance fee 5 per cent of purse for each entry and 5 per cent additional re tained from winners Four to enter and three to start in each racer Canadian National Trotting- and Pacing Harness Horse Association rules to govern Motor Cycle Race miles 1000 300 Class 3 Roadster Horses Section Judged Sepl 1st 2nd 1 Stallion in Harness Standard Bred 500 200 2 Span in Harness 1000 2nd given by J A Co Newmarket Goods Value Single Marc or Gelding in Harness under hands Single Mare or Gelding in Harness hands and over 5 Brood Mare with evidence of having had a foal this year Colt or Filly 1st given by Geo Newmarket Goods Value 7 Gelding or Filly years old Yearling Gelding or Filly 2nd given by Chester Brown New market Cigars Value Gentlemans Turnout rubbertired ve hicle blanket 1st 2nd given by Fergus Photo grapher Newmarket Photos Value Gentlemans Turnout rubbertired ve hicles barred horse buggy har ness rug and blanket 1st 2nd given by Lever Bros Toronto Box Soap Value Spring Colt or Filly Sired by Boy Special given by Dr Walker V Newmarket Service Fee of Horse 2nd Half Service Fee Gelding or Filly old Sired by Boy Special given Dr Walker VS Newmarket Service Fee of Horse 1917 1000 2nd Half Service Fee 13 Spring Colt or Filly Sired by Saxon Special given Skinner New- market N Horses competing in sections or will be per mitted to exhibit in either Roadster or Carriage Class r I mm BANKER credit to the nation because they value for they cost 1 i I i s i 2 ft I J a- 400 500 400 400 200 i 200 r i i FITTED AND SOLD BY r Go The Men Main St West SCHOOL FAIR IN PLOTS 700 500 j Plants le from Pit Troubles biliousness impure blood t unpleasant the troubles are they weaken the fed open the way for be traced back that could immediately Sieved by Pilli- This well- remedy has dependable safe CT years f- ne of having a wan any other med- proves the remedial value of Blandard keeper of Hotel hoi the prfvflege of all drinks and and tobacco crciirn or general Any other place of public selling articles Is liable to a fine of and costs Standard Hotel Is at all limes to Inspection by the Inspector of District or by any officer of the License Board Liquor can no t sold served or kept upon be premises of a Stand ard lintel Profane or language nor any game of chance gain will be allowed on the premises of a Stand ard Hotel Standard Hotel shall keep of the Regulations posted in Its office The three hotels In Aurora have made application Class Carriage and Hackney Horses Section Sept 1st Stallion years old and over Span En Harness 3 Single Mure or Gelding in Harness Brood Mare with evidence having had a foal this year Spring Colt or Filly 2nd given J Rolhwell Aurora Value Gilding or Filly 2 years old 7 Yearling Gelding or Filly 2nd Given by Mack Toronto Hat Value 2nd 400 tfrdar iS Proebyterlan The annual outing of the Presby terian Sunday School last Wednesday was the most delightful held for years Tv0 Metropolitan cars carried the pupils and their friends to Island Lake where the pastor Jf Thomas Is holidaying and be saw that all ar rangements were attended to and this together with exceptionally delight ful day added to the pleasure of the occasion A gasoline was chartered for afternoon which took everybody out for a trip the water laces of various kinds were provided and the refreshments were thoroughly enjoyed On the way home something went wrong with the electric connections and last car was half an hour In getting back At the corner of and- It re fused to go any farther It was very fortunate that into Town before 2nd y 2nd Class Imported Draught Horses Committee of Management Messrs J John Proctor Dennis Section Judged Sept 29th v 1st Stallion years old and over 1000 Stallion vcars old Brood Mare with evidence of having had a foal this year Soring Colt or Filly bred from Imported and Sire I Best Draught Marc on years old or over Imported or Canadian Bred Best Filly years Imported or Canadian 7 Yearling Filly 400 Class Horses Registered Section Judged 1st Stallion years old or over 1000 Brood Mare Spring Colt or eligible for Canadian Draught Section Judged Sept 1st 2nd- years old and over Canadian bred registered 2 Stallion years old Yearling Stallion 4 Pair of Heavy Draught Horses In ness moldings or mares 1st given by the Wilson Scales and Machinery Co Toonto Sot of Scales Value i Mare of having had a 5 Brood Mare of having foal this year 1st given by Massey- Harris Co Toronto Plow Valuer winner to pay 1000 KING TOWNSIIIP Class 2 Oats OAC No Eddie Archibald Jack Duggon 3 Raymond Dion Richard Jones 5 Keith 6 Norton Field Corn Wisconsin No I Hunt Ferguson 3 Dorothy Love David Blackburn Ernest Archibald Class Sweet Corn Golden Bantam Was Cooper 10 3 Frank Stewart Parker 5 5 Dorothy Evans 10 Class Potatoes Delaware James Harry James 4 Tom Anderson- Marion Class Turnips Carters Bobble Ball 2 Ethel Archibald Howard Wells Earl Edwards Class Yellow Leviathan Geo Edwards Jos j7 Jackson 10 4 Gordon Jones Chamberlain Ross Marchant Beets Detroit Dark Bed Win Baldwin Cecil 4 Bert Wilson 12 Grace 22 Class Onions Globe Burns 3 Lewis Howard Street IB Willie Thompson- IB Alien ii Class Carrots Dorothy tO Hugh Boss 23 Mildred Thompson 4 John Winders IB 5 Elsie Phillips Hazel U Class 11 Asters Giant Cornel 2 Tatton iil Margaret McMurchy Nell I- I Pickering College Newmarket ENTER TIME The Fall Term Opens Wednesday Sept 13th 1918 Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for Matrloulatlon and Examination COURSES IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPINO Preparatory Leading to Collegiate Department A ART I Address P FIRTH M A D 8 Principal ft JfJ 1 I A Lot of and Hangers at Each Also Belting at Half Price MERELY EXPERIMENTAL last summer a green hired man tried to iriss me Be said he bad a girl in his life and What did you toll him I told him I was no agricultural experimental station Enquire at Era Offloe Undertakers License I Ml il ARCHIVES OF TORftNTrt