fegS fW S3 a I vvr Vv fi H AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mounts PERSONAL Mr Wilfrid A French of Calgary Is the home of his uncles Mr jrvH- French J a I- Mrs and children were at the home of her sister Mrs Albert Dike Sapper Sibbald conducted the Union Services in the Methodist and lerian Churches on Sunday forenoon and evening Mr and Mrs J Rowland took a bib tor trip to Korwich On Wednes day visit friends for a day or two Mrs of Toronto was a week end visitor at the home of her daugh ter Mrs S Robertson Miss Evelyn Cook of Is at the home of her uncle Mr Copk Mrs Dr Burns of Hamilton is visit ing at the home of her sister Mrs Eugene Rowen Mrs Scott and two children of were visiting at the home of her brother Mr Davidson Mr and Mrs John Moore spent over Sunday at Mr W H Lapp of Cedar Grove was In town last week Messrs W H Theaker and Stewart Rowland were visitors at the home of Mr Everton at Roseneath last week Mrs Dr Cody was at Orchard Beach for few days visit Miss Alice Davidson of Toronto was a visitor at the home of her brother Mr Davidson at Remember the open air concert Mr Amos Lapps on Friday A in aid of the market will be given In the old Factory Building on Friday August The well- known family will furnish the program Early potatoes are reported a very poor yield this vicinity owing to the drouth RevvMn Campbell of Pittsburg A will preach in the Methodist Church at the evening service on Sun- August 20lh All are cordially Invited to attend report Mr Robt very critical con- WILD WEST SHOW A wildwest show with atitos in stead of horses was the description given in the County Police Court on Monday by Reeve H D of the performance staged by two motors in Mount Albert on the evening of August The cars had travelled up and down the street at what was alleged to have been an excessive speed with one of the occupants perched on the hood and two others on the cover which was down On each car the exhaust was making a great deal of noise E V Powell one of the drivers paid and costs 914 In all for his share of the performance and was warned that had he been In toxicated he would have been sent to Jail ALBERT HONOR ROLL lorace A J E Harry Shields Shields Douglas Shields John Morgan Morgan Milton meg A Gordon Smith Angus Rev David Terry Dr Geo Cameron Lawrence Rosa Stanley Drapor James William Price jJrooks David Brooks Leslie Malian Rev Oscar Irwin Percy Kenneth Stokes Middlelon Roy Arthur Wain Cecil Steeple Geo- Treadway i Sansom Merle Jennings Howard Jennings Chester Donald Shields If our mistakes teach us no thing it were hardly worth while make FARM FOR Acres Choice Dairy Firm at Metropolitan on lot MOO worth of milk shipped every month New barn with brick basement silo water In barn litter carrier underdfcdped and most of farm fencto reaaon for selling and see for No agents need apply J K Sharon P Mr Mrs Rich spent Wednesday at Island Grove Miss Gladys Barker of Toronto spent Sunday under- the parental roof Mr Frank Ramsay ted dayal Weston Mrs Harry Wilson of Toronto speht a few days last week Mrs A Lundy Mr and Mrs Terry of visited at Mr Fred on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry Wright of Aurora spent Sunday at Mr Rich Mr and Mrs J M KitIey enter tained the Band on Thursday evening Mr and Mrs M Hopper of Pine Orchard visited Mr Thos Shrop shires on Sunday Miss Clara Tate spent Sunday with Mrs S R Goodwin of Holland laml- Mr Merton Shaw visited Sun day with friends in Hamilton Miss Is friends in New York for a week Miss Mercy Barker of Toronto Is spending a week with her sister Mrs Watson Mr and Mii Crawford Mackleni of at Mr J M Kiteleys on Sunday Mlsa Lee of Toronto is spending a few days with Mrs RShaw Miss Amy Is taking a weeks trip with friends on the St Lawrence Miss Watson left on Friday a two weeks outing with friends at Ottawa and Almonte Miss May Armilage of Toronto and Miss L of visited over Sunday at Mr A Oilrojs We are sorry to Weddel is sUH in a The Ladles Aid met at the home of Mrs John last Thursday after noon We are glad to see our neighbor Mrs Fred of Sharon is able to be about again Mr and Mrs Scott of Toronto and Mrs Cruthurs of visit ed Mrs M A Ramsays Miss Jean Thompson spent a few days visiting Miss Bessie Brown The Ladles Aid of Sharon held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs PindeK Mr Lawrence Soar visited Mr M A Ramsays Wonder what the attrac tion is Miss Brad visited with Miss C Tate a few days last week Why dont some one in our village write to the Sharon Soldiers in Eng land We are sure they would ap preciate it Just try it Miss Kershaw spent Sunday with Tate Say Fred be careful you know bats are dangerous things to be around especially at night Say Lin two in one buggy Is quite sufficient in hot weather Miss Shanks spent Sunday with Miss Jessie Kershaw Miss Lee Is veiling Miss Nora Shaw J Say Frank when are these weekend visits going to end We hope it will be soon Miss Watson is away on a motor trip for her holidays Mr and Mrs Terry of Newmar ket visited Mr Mack rills on Sun day The Girls Mission Circle will be held at the home of Miss Emma Terry for the month of August Wonder where Stewart was Sunday night Who knows he may have been on Easy Street hard to tell Some of the farmers around this burg are suffering for want of rain Too late In most of cases We arc pleased to know that the schoolhouse Is receiving- a new floor and some painting You know an old rickety schoolhouse is as bad as an empty church Nor Johnson loaded a car of live slock on Wednesday for Toronto Some of our tourists left the Man sion last week for the city Ah I the cool weather tells It keeps our Mr J Merchant busy on his lawn these days fixing It up Be tween cuttle and pigs they keep It pretty well trimmed and give the own er mush excitement In chasing hem off duly Ah I never mind Mr Merchant the stock will keep it cut short Wonder what is so charming that two or three of the Baldwin look a pretty row up stream one fine day last week to see a couple of our lassies at the Mansion and spent the A M period on the lawn talking about their voyage to town Ah I Its safe to be sure But Its much safer to be surer Ha Ha I There Is al ways too sides to a story Shaw I not much hope for the gals In candy town come Something on now Bros have purchased an other Ford louring car Sure there Is something In Fords Who were the two accompanying young fellows that took a pleasure trip and glided by the Mansion house Two little damsllng stars oh so report was a fagged horse cunning little crew left setting Just a few A I Mansion Is too much for these fellows Especially BALDWIN Reports of the marriage of Park are uritriteso says Charlie Nearly everybody heard Dame twas sp- according Charlies vets- n Dame Rumor is a plaguing old liar and Im sorry for it good- friend Mr John and Mr Hamilton were spinning around town a for which is Much pleased to see Mrs Joel Browne hill formerly of Gum Swamp in quite feeble health She is in advanced years One day last week Mrs Anson Jones Al bert visited her mother the Mrs Thompson alluded to On her way she lost har- handbag con taining it is staled in cheques arid a considerable sum bills- On discovering her loss she at once took back track as a would say Her lost properly fell in honest hands and she rejoices in the posses sion of her valuables once more You deserve congratulations Ann fc w Some of our village cows with inquisitive nerves and tongues Ivespassed on Bons cornfield and got landed in durance vile pound Their hearty break fast on corn andsugat- beets cost SI 50 each Pretty sleep higher than summer boarding nouses at Jacksons Point- After a nig scare Mrs Ben returned dam ages friend Mrs of Sutton is recovering from her accident by stepping on a banana rind There are worse things than banana peels You will And jiGIad to seeRoy New market aboutur corners for a day His best girl didnt come along SuttoitWest Miss Dolby has returned to her duties after a few cation here Knox Church was addressed by a representative of the Dominion Alliance on Sunday gave a Patriotic ad- dress in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening Winter spent a few days in town this week Sutton Fair dales this yeaivare Sept Uth and 1 The Prize Lists are now in the hands of the printers and will lie ready in a few days Mr and Mrs Stanley of West Africa are visiting her parents here Mr and Mrs H Young Elmer Charles of button who died on July last estate valued at comprising household book dfebls cash real estate all in- Sutton and miscellaneous His father James by the will gets an annuity of for life and the widow Ellen the remainder Mr and Mrs Calhoun visited her parents here during the past several days Mr Cal- in almost every is carrying around a rural hamlet They are a i only troops which have partaken to- any advance work At the Canadians saved thj day- but their lines were bent bad seriously during attack During the most recent fight ing round ZiUebeke and Sanctuary Woods the Canadians were driven back a considerable nlstance but In the counterattack they all the ground lost The nature of the salient precluded possibility of real offensive Work They placed there to hold lije grbuhd and they held it Now more attractive work Is ahead of them There Is little doubt that the Canadians will be heard from In the near future Id with the push toward Baubaume and There are now approximately Canadians at the battle front in France with close on to the same number England and as many more at home Troops are going over at the rate of ten thousand a month and the transfer of the Fourth Division will stimulate the movement from Canada overseas log I am a Nov farmers this Is the fall you will want the very best plows The John Deere riding has no equal neither the plow and the Outer walking dandy have everything In stock for the fall trade now For a Aapanwall no Call on tat or phone there anything you want Sunday night drives Mrs P of Toronto has been spending a few days on the farm here Mr purchased a new buggy last week Tiroes must be looking better this burg- We are pleased to see Mrs P Jones able- to be around again after under going her operation Well I could say more but I guess I have said enough Sleeping Beauty- PKOO r STRAY l Bay Blood Mare AgedWhJ stripe on face Saddle falls on sides notify Thompson Hol land Landing and receive reward menace lives and properly especially after dark Keep cat tle off public roads says the Owl Abundance of visitors to our burg these A pretty pair of birds The Misses Woodcock of Toronto Mount Albert are spending some holidays here their aunt Mrs Donald They are quite chatty Such as Rob Burns sings of Oh my love shes but a lassie yet Our Tidy Tommy was taken down a peg by some demo- He was one day employ ed using the horse hoe amongst his berry plants adjoining the public highway As he came out to the end of the row he spoke to his horse Whoa Just at that very moment the Misses Maude and Evelyn Somebody came dashing by The power an at tenuated structure- of skin and bones hearing Tidys cherrup stopped at theeommand Whoa No doubt it was delighted to have an excuse to rest Oh shut your mouth exclaimed her ladyship Miss Evelyn in tones Tommy was somewhat taken back not being used to such a style of refinement and culture but he modestly assured them he was talking to his horse The ladies once more got under headway and Tommy started up with Back I Whoa I How Oh wish youd shut your mouth came floating on the breeze to Tommy again It staggered him for a moment but he collected his wits enough to murmur was talking to my horse not yours The ladies sailed away in high dudgeon and Tommy thankfully blessed his lucky stars they were none of his household W P Fletcher has re sumed his services in the church pud Mr Echo no longer holds forth in barnyard with kino and swine for hearers Those were amiable pets to be sure Mr and Mrs Charlie Joliffe Toronto were visiting friends in our neighborhood Inst week is an old Baldwin lassie Ada They are well fixed and enjoy life roaming about In car Wonders never cense above mentioned couple made their headquarters at Mill View Farm and in Ihe course of events a drive Sutton was due Mrs Ben was asked to go along acquiesced Ah I What a re versal of opinion Those cars are no longer but au tocars Maybe Mrs ft will along to Lennox wilh hubby next year I shall look for it How has the Great Grit fal len Into the trap Mr Wm Marrltt Keswick vis ited town on business last week We much pleased to see him He and John are much esteemed friends the Owl They have brought up some young folks I sincerely re spected their father Isaac a man I greatly on- joyed young Marrltts from overseas It was well composed and full of Interest as a hug Is full of meal It was in Era some weeks ago Was there a Flower Show In Sutton last can anyone say I thought it possible Our Crittenden was noticed driving In that direction with a handsome Pearl Hose on the seat beside him a Threshing has begun first Little potatoes and few in ft so they ankle Pies Brown F McLaughlin York D Ashquab Vernon Bur rows Taylor Johnston Latimer M Tremayne and Lieut Tremayne were home over the weekend They expect to go overseas at once Rev Matthews and wife of St Catharines were guests here during the last- few Mrs W Pugsley fthe city over the weekend attend ing the funeral of the late Henderson Mr Jas Bailey and Mr Harry Bailey spent Sunday at their old home here Mr P A who is working in Toronto spent over Sunday hero The School Board have secured the following teachers for the en suing term Miss J Principal Miss Young Miss Miss Miss Ego Mr Hoy Cody spent over the weekend in Sutton with friends Mr and Mrs Rutherford of Bolton spent over Sunday here guests of Mr and Mrs News Depot are get ting in a full line of High and Public School Books etc No need to send to Toronto for these goods Mrs A L Wyant is visiting her parents here Mr and Mrs Osborne Miss Laura has closed up her business here and we arc in formed she has taken a position in Toronto OTONABEE DESTROYED BY FIRE Barrio Aug- 15 P Molean Campbell and Purser Harold Hughes both of barely escaped with their lives when the steamer was burned to the waters edge at Big Bay Point wharf at six oclock morning The fire was noticed by of the steam er Just a few yards away and by the time he could arouse Campbell and Hughes the flames were licking up the upper dock and they had to scramble through flames and smoke and Jumped over the side Ab soon as Captain climbed out ho set to work getting the towed to a place of aafety About onethird of the wharf was burned and with It the lighthouse When flro was In progress considerable alarm was caus ed In the vlclnityby several explosions of gas tanks stored in lighthouse the being felt for miles Tho cause of tho fire Is unknown By the fire the Navigation Company which Is mainly owned by King East To ronto loses In the neighborhood of partly covered by Insurance For the last six years the Olonabeo had been plying on these waters and be fore that was sailing In tho Lake CANADIANS AT THE FRONT Ottawa Aug After holding it for upwards of a year and repelling all attack the Canadian forces have been transferred from the now salient and taken their places with British and Australians front General Watsons divi sion has now Joined three other Canadian divisions and there will ho four divisions from the Dominion the push on the Hllhertoo the of the Canadians except at has been largely defensive the Australiana being the Eut Gwiliimbury Council meeting of the Mun icipal of the Township of East held on Aug ii in Hall Sharon all members present Minutes of meeting were read and confirmed Communications read from J re grant lo school- fair H E re damages Dr Gra ham also deputation re damages of Proctor that a grant of ten dollars be made to the school fair of this township Colethat the request of A for damages sus tained on highway be deferred for further consideration Carried Haines Colethat the treasurer be instructed to duplicate cheques for and Geo Scrivener the originals having been lost in the mails Moved by seconded by Cole and resolved that the issue his order on the Treasurer for payment follows David Stouffles work on bridge J Work on bridge work on bridge A Drawing storing grader Contract Record Advertising bridge t WmGreig Repairing culvert 375 Newmarket Era Advertising court revision 125 Stevenson Repairing bridge Con 6 500 Win Easier 3 days work Div 5 Con 1 300 J- J Taylor Co Opening safe 580 Wm Cane and Son Co Posts Div Con On printing account 2500 Ed Joyce Gravel Joel Sedore Grant E 5175 Reuben Harmani Gravel TLE 1080 L Bonus wire fence rods Campbell Bonus wire fence rods Work TLS Miles Repairing vert TLN Joseph Cou5 not 25 Commission Gravel Thos Smith Gravel Con Peter Morrison Gravel Con Ed Watts Gravel Con Gravel Con Hunt Gravel Con Gravel Con J school fair grant Geo Gravel Con 4 and that the corporate seal be here to attached Council adjourned to meet on September Iho 8th ati30 pm at the Municipal Hall Sharon A MacKonzic Clerk 2980 780 tf A The following excerpts from an editorial in Hamilton Specta tor should help lo convince those who are honestly in doubt as to wisdom of a prohibitory lava Adjoining British Columbia is the stale of Washington where prohibition wont into effect at the beginning of present How it works was lolddt a mass mooting of citizens in Viqldrja about a wock ago a distinguish ed visitor and the chief speaker was former Mayor of Se attle The of Washington ho said had not gon hurriedly into the extinction of liquor traf fic had been a matter of ed ucation and experience through two or three generations Pro hibition was forcod on somewhat against Ha will Wilh an adverse majority of fourtcon thousand In the city itself that majority had been swamped by bigger majority the other way In the whole Jit the vote in November The new regime into effect Jan uary of this year There been no complaint everyone is satisfied In February un der the license system there were arrests- in Seattle for all causes In February the arrests for all totalled 701 In February there were 5 arrests for drunkenness in Feb ruary of this year only Just as in a Canadian Province under the sale within the Ts End HERE I know you want to buy a lot for a little sum of money and question you have been pondering on for a long time where tob what to buy and how much lo buy Why I Come Buy at the est margin The pasl week in August received a shipment of to pairs of the choicest select stocks that could be bought in City of Toronto and now offer them at a very Low Price GOME AND 8EE THE cant itemize the different kinds and slaughtered prices the usual selling price Something surprising I 300 pairs ore to choose from Call in I I do not charge you for looking at my goods Give a call anyhow GENERAL 8T0RE Phone 21 BROWNHIL Dealer In Dry Goods Groceries Select of Boots and for old or young all kinds Flour Feeds Oils Etc Butter Eggs and Live Poultry taken in Exchange Top Prices to go to the Country mess call up PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service- Charges Reason A BOYD Prop Night Calls on Phone 172 Promptly Attended to bidden there is nothing to hin der the people of Stale of Washington from purchasing li quor in any other state for per sonal or family consumption What is the effect of such par tial prohibition The rosult has been under prohibition wo ore spending on liquor only about one per cent of Ihe averago for the Under the license sys tem he liquor of was not less than thirty million dol lars The liquor of Seattle alone was a million dollars a month MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE Is hereby given that have transmitted or delivered to persons mentioned in Sections 8 of the Ontario Voters Lists the copied required by said to be so transmitted or the list made pursuant to said Now the whole slate is spending persons appearing by the only about three hundred thous and a year Of course money that was worse than wasted- In drink is now spent In wearing ap parel table supplies and oilier useful articles There Is far domestic comfort than there was and legitimate Irado of nil kinds is booming What has become of the men formerly in the Liquor business Mr Cotterill says many of expensive bars of the cit been fitted up as lunch icecream and tenrooms The proprietors are taking in more money than they didwith their bars and be sides this they have a source of selfrespect that they could not have when they were in Ihe liquor litis 111 With thirty million dollars turned into legitimate channels of trade it is no wonder that Mr says There has been no complaint is satis fied A Kven a baby In the cradle finds this a rook world never hard to find an argu ment to back up an inclination Reports from the county dlstrlots between Lake Ontario- and Lake Sim- coe throughout the length and breadth or the all seem to indicate that the yield of this year will run from four to six bushels to the acre and In some dlstrlots as high seven bushels The crop is an important one through the counties of York and Peel especially the former and the success or failure of tho- crop means a great deal to the farming community The price is said to be revised Assessment Roll of the Municipality to be entitled to In the said Municipality a for Members of the Legislature sembly and at Municipal and that the said list at my office the day of August remains there for inspection Electors are called upon to wan the said list and if any any other errors are found to take immediate have the said errors corrected to law Dated August A Clerk of Township of East bury ma Plant Are harder better rooted results than hothouse Choicest varieties of Cauliflower and Flower Plant Asters CarnaUoaj Cosmos Phlox Petuneas Mignonette Salora Flowery Sage Sweet sum Snapdragon Verblnaa TIN BOX OF wee- have moved from the west side of Stop farm of W A Tory Wit south from Slop lo Tho season is late but our throughout East lw Holland Landing may delivery from the weather conditions are the market every