Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 18, 1916, p. 3

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I At Newmarket The Good Roads Commission were Newmarket Monday sizing- up It was decided to stone the Town Line East of Crossing and arrapge- the TiR number of care of broken situation position of the peats were rind in ship a here for that purpose i Honors for Newmarket Clare Henderson who with the 1st went Us Contingent was wounded on the of June in the battle of and now at a Hospital in Essex Co has been received this has been awarded a Conduct Medal for the first of such- recogniUon to come a Newmarket boy land week Lots of Willi Honey prices of all other foods scaring housewives will be pleased to that there Is plenty of honey and prices will not be advanced 7SNev market green- on Wednesday- evening between Aurora and Newmarket the latter on three rinks This puts on the of list Union Service Serylcerin Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning Rev A P Addison in charge Subject Man Shall Not Live By Bread Evening service in Church of Faith the Methodist Brief leto7 Water pipes oh Park Avenue sprang a leak on Wednesday The ladies of Newmarket have been collecting clothing and bedding to send to sufferers in New Ontario They have a large quantity which they will ship this week Circle Sooiil on the Meth odist Church lawn last evening stackAVheh the mill intended to take stock ready for Reasons be fore starting again Is expressed for Mr Robinson who Is an energetic bring the mill to a slate or perfec tion LETTER FROM KELLY Howling finds August no P ha hrvwiln fop he report recently the Beekeepers Association shows that a large crop of light honey has en extracted this season The quality unsurpassed being light in color flavor heavy body and a very good The habit of children- playing on the street should be avoided Motor cars come up so silently that when so engaged they- do not hear them On Tuesday evening two little girls and years of age children of Mr and Mrs Sutton were knocked down by a motor in front of their residence on Main Street North but fortunately the car was justcoming to a standstill and no damage resulted Keep the children off the streets Men Back From Camp Borden One of our Town men who joined the and has been wearing for the past six months was looking for a Job last Monday When asted What is the matter he said he was one of the men who were rejected at Camp Borden last week There Is an awful waste in our mili tary system that will keep men the roll for to fit them for pay military them service and then dismiss Christian A Friends Churches Next Sunday morning a full atten dance at the Sunday Schools of the Friends and Christian Church is urg ed At eleven oclock Rev Lee Kirkland will take for his subject at the Friends Church Planted by Rivers of Living Waters At night he will preach at the Christian Church on The Plague of Frogs Notwith standing many people are out of town we are having great crowds at both churches Corn institute Picnic The annual picnic of the North York Womens Institute took place at Bond Lake on Wednesday afternoon The branches represented were Mount Al bert Pine Orchard Keswick Aurora Newmarket King East and About two dozen ladies went from Newmarket and altogether there- were nearly 200 present A very enjoyable time was spent a Huron Improvements Mr is building cement wall under his home on St New porch on the old Grammar School building on Lot Street which is now a double tenement A new cement approach is now being built for the bridge on West Huron Street Mr Bolt Hewitt has the contract to two coats of paint to the ex terior of Pickering College besides in terior work to be done during the holidays Field Day Statement of funds received and paid out for the 220th Field Day Receipts Colonial Hide Co 2500 John Hallam Ltd 2500 John B Payne Co A Weil A Bros 2500 Son Watson Jack Co A Klelpsteln A Co W Tiideh A Co Grand Stand and Gate Concert Sale of Cones at Concert Boxing Bout 3670 Subscription Lists Keith A W A 2500 Lister A Pearson Office Specialty Co Wm Cane A Sons Davis Leather Co Field Comforts Com Division France My Dear Friend Once more write you to me I received parcel quite safely to night and thank you sincerely It is great to be remembered in this way and I appreciate it very We are having good weather in France now and on this front plans are Digressing favorably as regards fighting I wrote you a week or two ago informing you of pur loss in the death of Jack McDonald I have since made enquiries as to how he was killed and where buried and so far I have only learned that he was killed while making a charge on German trenches have not been able to out where he is buried It seems that Jack had joined the bombthrowers a week or so before and was one of the first to get over the lop to attack the Germans He was a fine soldier I was speaking to him about a month aga and he per fectly happy and looked the pic ture of health I havent met a single Newmar ket hoy yet but I wrote a card to Warren yesterday ask ing him to look me UP as I think his is near here My eldest brother who was wounded at Mons is now in France again having recovered He is with the A and is very busy so I gather from his letters Well dear friend I must get to work if you will excuse this very short letter Trusting this will find you and yours quite well and happy as it leaves me Yours sincerely Herbert Kelly Lou Expenditures Marsh IMPORTANT TO WHEAT GROWERS It Donald McGregor Metropolitan Railway Cartage Newton King George Hotel J A 3720 00 35 Fall Fair The last week in September is the date of the Great North York County Fair at Newmarket this year The Officers and Directors are planning for the best Fair ever held in the old Town Arrangements are pretty well oh the way The Prize List Is now In the printers hands and if anybody make use of advertising medium they should sec the Secretary Mr Win Keith at once Many special priift are being offered for competi tion- Special directions will also he provided Make up your mind not to ttfis Newmarket Fair this year The Atkinson Ik A Bra Boyd 2590 Total Receipts Expenditures Cash Bill 19791 202437 r MILL BURNED are Sept 27 and Sunday School Interesting missionary program last Miss Marjory Taylor read a paper on Our Japan Mrs Mason and Mr Bang a beautiful duett and Miss Sidle read a loiter from Norman the League in Japan The attendance was rather small the Ship got 70 miles ahead the time since commencing the As the weather Is getting cooler a attendance Is expected Sunday when a special feature be Messages from our he Front next will Two Old Tim Lacrosse Playera Copied from Col I logwood On Monday morning last a motor through Town containing ireofis two ladles and tvo Tin car was put up at the for oil etc and the leisurely strolled up Huron The men of the parly were than Bob Manning and Boh two well known famous payers of the nineties Winning was one of the de- and cleanest lacrosse ptay- of his day and then some A on or off the field At that Boh was- no parlor lacrosse from It for when he the enemy there was something doing Bob was one Of the famous who the measure of the of Brampton in the early nineties and won JW championship of the Town of t yf memory serves us rightly was goal Campbell WW Dr Campbell of Bradford Wr Boh Manning Bell defence a Vansrckie J MeCarty 3rd hi CI cenlre Newmarket Shorty Hunter Billy Moore Lennox on the home side goal In less U not having aha rriesuck but aflr that scored the The Old Grist Mill which has been erected about 40 years and has just been put In firstclass shape with both slam and water power by the present owner Mr F Robinson was burned to the ground on Tuesday evening Mr Robinson shut down the mill about five oclock and went over to the barn to help put In a load of hay A swarm of bees engaged his atten tion first and they hail hardly got the load off till someone called that the mill was on fire A small quantity of smoke was Issuing from the top storey There were nearly barrels of flour and seven or eight Ions of feed on hand and all efforts were spent in saving what they could realizing at the same line that Ihe mill was doom ed The fire spread way rapldlyf and the heat was so Intense that Mr Rogers bush rods away caught on fire However It was soon extin guished Only barrels of flour were saved The loss on contents Is about ihe mill was worUi between and and had insur ance thereon Fortunately the wind was in a good quarter to save the house and barn The fire Is supposed to have start- from from a hot Journal in the top Agriculture Toronto This fs Important to you because means dollars to you In a short time you will be prepar ing for the seeding of your fall wheat and It is necessary to keep In mind the danger of loss from Smut Especially last year Smut was very general in Ontario Grain dealers advise me that it has meant a difference of as much as per bushel for the grain deliver ed at elevators aside altogether from making some of the wheal unmarket able This means a loss of to per acre while the cost of treating to prevent Smut and prevent this loss is only a few cents per acre Be sure this year and Treat Your for The method usually adopted Is as follows Mix one pint of FORMALIN with gallons of water or two lablespoonfuls to one pall of water Place Ihe grain to be treated in a heap on clean can vass of floor Sprinkle the- formalin solution over the grain then shovel Repeal this UNTIL EVERY GRAIN IS MOISTENED by the solution then COVER THE PILE WITH SACKING and leave for three or four hours At Ihe end of this time spread the grain out thinly to dry shovelling it over three or four times will hasten the drying Forty gallons of the formalin solution is sufficient to thirty or bushels of grain smaller amounts In proportion Bags ma chinery or anything with which grain comes in contact before being put In the ground should he thoroughly treated Immersing the grain In a bag Is sometimes practised and Is equally ef fective Of course Smut Is not as prevalent some years as others being to some extent by weather conditions Treatment however Is a form of In surance You do not expect to have your barn burned down every year he- cause you pay the Insurance every year and It Is equally Important to keep up Insurance on your wheat crop This Is Important at the present time not only on your own account but on account of the Empire which requires the maximum supply of high quality foodstuffs The shipping of smutty wheat not only gives this Pro vince a bail name but reduces the price you receive for your wheat Further Information on the subject may be secured for the asking cither from the local office of this Depart ment In York County at Newmarket or Hon las Duff Minister of The which finish the Tournament bowling for Hie season In Importance last of the season comes the 6aimy Beach Bowling Clubs Tournament on Sep tember 2nd and This Tournament always well over one hundred rins and likely be mucb larger this year Thieves broke the store of at Long Branch- during an early on Saturday morning and got away with about firiy dollars worth of The byeelection in South-WeslTo- ronto to the Ontario House Is warm ing up lively Polling next Monday Playing some explosive caps on Monday James Clark aged and his little sister were badly Injured when the caps expIoded A driver for M drove his team on the railway track on Monday In front of an approaching train The wagon was knocked to pieces the legs of the horses were broken and the driver hurled over a road to one side and received a severe scalp wound The horses had to be killed The driver be taken to the Hospital Tuesday last a carload of pro visions and groceries were shipped to Northern Ontario for the relief of sufferers by the recent forest fires At on Monday night a re turned soldier was taken to the Con valescent Home in an unconscious condition following a slruggle with his wife during which it Is said he was struck over the head with a bottle The wife was arreslcd A large gathering at the corner Danforth and Logan Avenues on Saturday evening repeatedly applauded Miss Bessie a returned nurse as she described th splendid work of the British land French troops in Belgium and France A little boy named James Ab bott aged 6 years was fatally injured on Tuesday when he was run over by a freight train at Gait Avenue Grossing According to information re ceived by the Provincial Ontario will have plenty Hotels when prohibition comes force On Tuesday afternoon one wo man was fatally injured and two men seriously hurt when an au to which had become unmanage able dashed into a party of pick- nickers at High Park The name of the lady was Mrs Ed During- Tuesday last chil dren of poor people of this city were given an outing at the ex pense of the Ad Club They were treated to a car ride be fore being served refresh ments Although infantile paralysis is apparently on the increase in On tario its prevalence is not yet found numbers to cause alarm During the first days of this month only eight cases had been reported No deaths had occur red These eight cases were cated in Kent Grey and Middle sex Counties During July there were 1 cases in Ontario two proving fatal Over returned invalid sol diers landed at- North Toronto P- Station on Wednesday of which were Toronto men They reached here about pm and were met by a crowd of rel atives and citizens A Provincial Plowing Match to extend over three days is now be ing projected by Mr J Wilson Deputy Minister of Apri- culturc to take place on the farm of Mr J Fleming be tween Pickering and Whitby on 1st 2nd and 3rd of November Commissioner Harris reports that present there are about fewer men in the Citys Works Department than there were one year ago Contracts for the publication of new School Hooks have been closed So says Ihe Acting Min ister Education A permit has been granted for erection of a greenhouse at the Monastery Our Lady Ghar- at a cost of Services were hold in all the Roman Catholic Churches here Tuesday it being the Feast of the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Six ladies the veil Austrian prisoners of war escaped on Monday from Navigation Companys Wharf at the foot of Yonge St They were interned been working on the Wei I and Canal The Policefound the men sleeping in a shed on the dock i ALXGOO USE BAKING seises n We are Furnishings Large Variety Oil Cloths and 10x4 now the Best of House- In the trade of Squares at old prices is and 10x4 Linoleums 2 yds wide and 4 yds wide Curtain Draperies In Endless variety Madras Muslins Art 8atecnsj Damasks Art Drills and J AND EXTENSION Most Lines In this Department we are selling at old are 26 below priori w I BRUNTON MUNITIONS IN ONTARIO The deliveries of munitions from Ontario are running far behind the quantities promised arid we are seriously the exist ing conditions cannot be bettered Such is the statement of the Munitions Board to Pro- Organization of WC I v Im province for The team if It AURORA We regret to record the death dur ing the past week of Mrs Waller Wellington St and Mrs Waller Fletcher of street Also the death of Mrs Arthur Lindsay of Street North The sympathy of the public will be extended to the bereaved ones Mr and Mrs John and son returned to their borne In Now Ontario after spending a few days with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs I Stephenson of Aurora Mrs Wllmer Smith and mother with their baby girl ye- veiling Mr Smiths parents on Moseley Street Their home Is In Tarnmons New arlo and they report that several were buried by the recent fires but not all of the town Mr Fisher wife and accompanied by Mrs J and- sons of Cookstown also Dr H and Mrs Wilkinson and daughter of made a short visit at Maple Villa the home of Rev and Mrs Madden of Aurora the former motoring from which conduct ing a preliminary investigation into labor conditions in munition plants in Toronto Hamilton and other Ontario cities j This in production been largely due lo the- fact that- there has been a very inadequate supply of labor sufficiently skilled to make deliveries effective This has hampered factories turning out steel forgings and component parts wlnch In turn have adversely af fected operations at the machining and assembling plants But these also have been unable to make de liveries as scheduled even when they are fully supplied with and component parts largely owing the shortage of labor The Provincial Committee there fore in bringing these facts to the attention of the public desires To call the attention of all hose engaged in the munitions and allied industries to the importance of their services and the great re sponsibility resting upon them as individuals to cooperate and do all in their power to secure a steady and increased supply of munitions for our forces at the front 2 to urge upon all those not eligible for overseas service and who anxious to voluntarily do their best in this great struggle especial ly those now engaged in nonpro ductive work or in production of commodities which are luxuries more or less to consider employ ment on munitions as their next best service going overseas To urge Womens Emergency Corps to register women for muni lion or for work which will release men for the munitions industry There is no need to emphasize the importance of the highest possible production of munitions The Jives of mil boys and the success of their endeavors depend upon it State ments from the highest authorities in Great Britain and from the from ear no small tribute to the part that munition workers are playing hi bringing the war to a successful conclusion The nicer Commanding a brigade of Canadian artillery who returned from the front last week said The Germans will never break through now Before they had munitions guns equipment everything but the nerve All we had was nerve But now we have good guns and plenty of good ammunition Where as formerly we were limited to 10 to rounds a gun a day now we use lo a gun and one week lately we kept going all week night and day Its important that the supply- Of munitions be kept up and increased Efforts to use women in munition plants are meeting with good suc cess In a number of places women have registered and arc waiting to ho called work as soon as neces sary arrangements can bo made In Wetland for instance women re sponded last week o the cal of a factory there which needs to women Fifty per cent of those who answered ho call had never been in regular employment before Wages in munitions plants should he such as to attract a large number of workers Four to seven and even dollars a day is not uncommon for men employed on tho piece work basis If you cant he the man behind the gun Ho man behind the man behind the gun The L NEWMARKET I AUGUST CLEARING SALE Fanoy Floral Muslins Reg Price 14o Fine Quality Fancy Patterns 36 In Reg and for yd Cotton in dark shades Patterns Reg 26o Sale Price 14o Childrens While Night Robes Reg 30b Ladles Fine Blouses Trimmed 7 Reg and Sale Price Ladles Princess Fanoy Trimmed Reg Sale v J ARRIVED CAR LOAD 7 m m Our to 10 Inch Clear Butts B 8hlngles at 300 per They are a Bargain A ISJ TheIUIIan Dreadnought Leonardo caught fire and blew up the harbor of Italy and of her crew were Now an expert cornea forward with the theory that defective vision to crime It often dons In the respect of Ihe criminals unable to see the painful consequences Newmarket Markets Aug Wheat per bush per bush Barley per bush Eggs per doz Butter per lb Shorts per ton Bran per too Potatoes per bag Chickens per Id- 0 28 000 0 00 25 BO 30 Phone in Order by Phone or by Carters Jerry Harrington Ben Man ning or Ru8s Allan LET U8 FILL YOUR COAL NOW I AN HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital Paid Up 7000000 HOW LAND President Reserve Fund HAY -i- i Drafts Money Orders Letters of Issued available throughout the World Dealors In Government and Municipal Dealers In Domoat Foreign 8avlngs Department at all Branohes Interest halfyearly at Currant Rates opens an account Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTES DI80OUNTED FORMS SUPPLIED ON APPLIOATIOH GENERAL BANKING TRANSACTED FJ las j iK I- Markets Aug nth New Wheat per bosh Si it Oats per bush Barley per 0 LIVE STOCK MARKET Hollowing arc the top prices paid In Toronto this week Choice Steers Good Butcher Cattle Choice Cattle Medium Butcher Cattle and Feeders Milkers I 9000 Choice VealCalveB 7 1200 Medium Veal Halves Sheep 9875 Lambs 1275 Hogs off cars one for the in any cose but when a former cams along and after staring vacantly at the car walked slowly around it Several the irritation 7 found vent Well my man dont you know what this is he asked Its a motor said farmer vf J Not at all my man snapped owner Its an automobile i365 still stood string At last flay per Ton 8 Butter per Eggs per dos Potatoes per per 32 Vf FARMER HAD HIS The motorist had on a flinty And moment under the repairs The positioft Is try- Vt j j ARCHIVES Dry TOR0NTO

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